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Molasses sugar

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Molasses sugaris a dark brown, almost black, moist granularsugar.It can be used interchangeably withmuscovado,but molasses sugar has a stronger taste as compared to muscovado. Its distinctive molasses taste is due to its high content ofmolasses.Nutritively, it has highironcontent. Molasses sugar is often used inchutneys,pickles, and marinades, as well as in Christmas cakes.

See also



  • Quelch, John Joseph (1893).Catalogue of the exhibits of British Guiana.Rand, McNally. pp.7–9.
  • Draycott, A. Philip (2008).Sugar Beet.John Wiley & Sons. pp. 410–417.ISBN978-1405173360.
  • Lock, Charles George Warnford; et al. (1888).Sugar: A Handbook for Planters and Refiners.E. & F. N. Spon. pp.320.
  • Waitrose Sugar Glossary