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Molecular sieve

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Typical molecular sieves are of the LTA type. They feature sodium aluminosilicates cages (sodium not shown) that have high affinity for water.
Vials ofmesoporous silica

Amolecular sieveis a material withpores(molecule-sized holes) of uniform size which link the interior of the solid to its exterior. These materials embody themolecular sieve effect:"With respect to porous solids, the surface associated with pores communicating with the outside space may be called the internal surface. Because the accessibility of pores may depend on the size of the fluid molecules, the extent of the internal surface may depend on the size of the molecules comprising the fluid, and may be different for the various components of a fluid mixture."[1]The specification for the pores is that they not only communicate from the exterior to the interior, but the pores are uniform is size. Many kinds of materials exhibit some molecular sieves, but zeolites dominate the field. Zeolites are almost always aluminosilicates, or variants where some or all of the Si or Al centers are replaced by similarly charged elements.[2]

Sieving process


The diameters of the pores that comprise molecular sieves are similar in size to small molecules. Large molecules cannot enter or beadsorbed,while smaller molecules can. As a mixture of molecules migrates through the stationary bed of porous, semi-solid substance referred to as a sieve (or matrix), the components of the highest molecular weight (which are unable to pass into the molecular pores) leave the bed first, followed by successively smaller molecules. Most of molecular sieves arealuminosilicates(zeolites) with Si/Al molar ratio less than 2, but there are also examples ofactivated charcoalandsilica gel.[2][3][4]

The pore diameter of a molecular sieve is measured inångströms(Å) ornanometres(nm). According toIUPACnotation,microporous materialshave pore diameters of less than 2 nm (20 Å) andmacroporous materialshave pore diameters of greater than 50 nm (500 Å); themesoporouscategory thus lies in the middle with pore diameters between 2 and 50 nm (20–500 Å).[5]

The sieving properties of molecular sieves are classified as



Some molecular sieves are used insize-exclusion chromatography,a separation technique that sorts molecules based on their size.

Another important use is as adesiccant.They are often utilized in thepetrochemicalindustry for drying gas streams. For example, in the liquid natural gas (LNG) industry, the water content of the gas needs to be reduced to less than 1ppmvto prevent blockages caused by ice ormethane clathrate.

Laboratory use


In the laboratory, molecular sieves are used to dry solvent. "Sieves" have proven to be superior to traditional drying techniques, which often employ aggressivedesiccants.[7]

Under the term zeolites, molecular sieves are used for a wide range of catalytic applications. They catalyzeisomerisation,alkylation,andepoxidation,and are used in large scale industrial processes, includinghydrocrackingand fluid catalyticcracking.[8]

They are also used in the filtration of air supplies for breathing apparatus, for example those used byscuba diversandfirefighters.In such applications, air is supplied by anair compressorand is passed through a cartridge filter which, depending on the application, is filled with molecular sieve and/oractivated carbon,finally being used to charge breathing air tanks.[9] Such filtration can remove particulates and compressor exhaust products from the breathing air supply.

FDA approval


The U.S. FDA has as of April 1, 2012, approvedsodium aluminosilicatefor direct contact with consumable items under 21 CFR 182.2727.[10]Prior to this approval the European Union had used molecular sieves with pharmaceuticals and independent testing suggested that molecular sieves meet all government requirements but the industry had been unwilling to fund the expensive testing required for government approval.[11]



Methods for regeneration of molecular sieves include pressure change (as in oxygen concentrators), heating and purging with a carrier gas (as when used inethanoldehydration), or heating under high vacuum. Regeneration temperatures range from 175 °C (350 °F) to 315 °C (600 °F) depending on molecular sieve type.[12]In contrast,silica gel can be regeneratedby heating it in a regular oven to 120 °C (250 °F) for two hours. However, some types of silica gel will "pop" when exposed to enough water. This is caused by breakage of the silica spheres when contacting the water.[13]

Adsorption capabilities

Name Alias Pore diameter (Ångström) Bulk density (g/mL) Adsorbed water (% w/w) Attrition or abrasion, W(% w/w) Usage[14]
3A A-3, K-A 3 0.60–0.68 19–20 0.3–0.6 Desiccationofpetroleum crackinggas and alkenes, selective adsorption of H2O ininsulated glass (IG)and polyurethane, drying ofethanol fuelfor blending with gasoline.
4A A-4, Na-A 4 0.60–0.65 20–21 0.3–0.6 Adsorption of water insodium aluminosilicatewhich is FDA approved (seebelow) used as molecular sieve in medical containers to keep contents dry and asfood additivehavingE-numberE-554 (anti-caking agent); Preferred for static dehydration in closed liquid or gas systems, e.g., in packaging of drugs, electric components and perishable chemicals; water scavenging in printing and plastics systems and drying saturated hydrocarbon streams. Adsorbed species include SO2,CO2,H2S, C2H4,C2H6,and C3H6.Generally considered a universal drying agent in polar and nonpolar media;[12]separation ofnatural gasandalkenes,adsorption of water in non-nitrogen sensitivepolyurethane
5A-DW 5 0.45–0.50 21–22 0.3–0.6 Degreasing and pour point depression ofaviationkeroseneanddiesel,and alkenes separation
5A small oxygen-enriched 5 0.4–0.8 ≥23 Specially designed for medical or healthy oxygen generator[citation needed]
5A A-5, Ca-A 5 0.60–0.65 20–21 0.3–0.5 Desiccation and purification of air;dehydrationanddesulfurizationof natural gas andliquid petroleum gas;oxygenandhydrogenproduction bypressure swing adsorptionprocess
10X F-9, Ca-X 8 0.50–0.60 23–24 0.3–0.6 High-efficient sorption, used in desiccation, decarburization, desulfurization of gas and liquids and separation ofaromatic hydrocarbon
13X F-9, Na-X 10 0.55–0.65 23–24 0.3–0.5 Desiccation, desulfurization and purification of petroleum gas and natural gas
13X-AS 10 0.55–0.65 23–24 0.3–0.5 Decarburizationand desiccation in the air separation industry, separation of nitrogen from oxygen in oxygen concentrators
Cu-13X Cu-X 10 0.50–0.60 23–24 0.3–0.5 Sweetening(removal ofthiols) ofaviation fueland correspondingliquid hydrocarbons


  • Approximate chemical formula: ((K2O)23(Na2O)13) • Al2O3• 2 SiO2• 9/2 H2O
  • Silica-alumina ratio: SiO2/ Al2O3≈2



3A molecular sieves are produced by cation exchange ofpotassiumforsodiumin 4A molecular sieves (See below)



3A molecular sieves do not adsorb molecules with diameters are larger than 3 Å. The characteristics of these molecular sieves include fast adsorption speed, frequent regeneration ability, good crushing resistance andpollution resistance.These features can improve both the efficiency and lifetime of the sieve. 3A molecular sieves are the necessary desiccant in petroleum and chemical industries for refining oil, polymerization, and chemical gas-liquid depth drying.

3A molecular sieves are used to dry a range of materials, such asethanol,air,refrigerants,natural gasandunsaturated hydrocarbons.The latter include cracking gas,acetylene,ethylene,propyleneandbutadiene. 3A molecular sieves are stored at room temperature, with a relative humidity not more than 90%. They are sealed under reduced pressure, being kept away from water, acids and alkalis.


  • Chemical formula: Na2O•Al2O3•2SiO2•9/2H2O
  • Silicon-aluminium ratio: 1:1 (SiO2/ Al2O3≈2)



For the production of 4A sieve, typically aqueous solutions ofsodium silicateandsodium aluminateare combined at 80 °C. The product is "activated" by "heating" at 400 °C[15]4A sieves serve as the precursor to 3A and 5A sieves throughcation exchangeofsodiumforpotassium(for 3A) orcalcium(for 5A)[16][17]



The main use of zeolitic molecular sieves is in laundry detergents. In 2001, an estimated 1200 kilotons of zeolite A were produced for this purpose, which entailswater softening.[2]

4A molecular sieves are widely used to dry laboratory solvents.[7]They can absorb water and other species with a critical diameter less than 4 Å such as NH3,H2S, SO2,CO2,C2H5OH, C2H6,and C2H4.

Bottle of 4A molecular sieves

Some molecular sieves are used to assist detergents as they can produce demineralized water throughcalciumion exchange, remove and prevent the deposition of dirt. They are widely used to replacephosphorus.The 4A molecular sieve plays a major role to replace sodium tripolyphosphate as detergent auxiliary in order to mitigate the environmental impact of the detergent. It also can be used as asoapforming agent and intoothpaste.

Other purposes

  1. Themetallurgical industry:separating agent, separation, extraction of brine potassium,rubidium,caesium,etc.
  2. Petrochemical industry,catalyst,desiccant,adsorbent
  3. Agriculture:soil conditioner
  4. Medicine: load silverzeoliteantibacterial agent.

Morphology of molecular sieves


Molecular sieves are available in diverse shape and sizes. Spherical beads have advantage over other shapes as they offer lower pressure drop and are mechanically robust.

See also



  1. ^"Molecular Sieve Effect".IUPAC GoldBook.
  2. ^abcKresge, Charles T.; Dhingra, Sandeep S. (2004). "Molecular Sieves".Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.doi:10.1002/0471238961.1315120511210812.a01.pub2.ISBN978-0-471-48494-3.
  3. ^Mazur, Michal; Přech, Jan; Čejka, Jiří (2019). "Zeolites and Other Micro- and Mesoporous Molecular Sieves".Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.pp. 1–36.doi:10.1002/0471238961.zeolcejk.a01.pub2.ISBN978-0-471-48494-3.
  4. ^Cohen, Alan P. (2003). "Desiccants".Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.doi:10.1002/0471238961.0405190903150805.a01.pub2.ISBN978-0-471-48494-3.
  5. ^J. Rouquerol; et al. (1994)."Recommendations for the characterization of porous solids (Technical Report)"(free download pdf).Pure Appl. Chem.66(8): 1739–1758.doi:10.1351/pac199466081739.S2CID18789898.
  6. ^"Desiccant Types".SorbentSystems.Retrieved2014-02-26.
  7. ^abWilliams, D. B. G., Lawton, M., "Drying of Organic Solvents: Quantitative Evaluation of the Efficiency of Several Desiccants", The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, vol. 75, 8351.doi:10.1021/jo101589h
  8. ^Pujadó, P. R.; Rabó, J. A.; Antos, G. J.; Gembicki, S. A. (1992-03-11). "Industrial catalytic applications of molecular sieves".Catalysis Today.13(1): 113–141.doi:10.1016/0920-5861(92)80191-O.
  9. ^[1]ArchivedApril 16, 2012, at theWayback Machine
  10. ^"Sec. 182.2727 Sodium aluminosilicate".U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1 April 2012.Retrieved10 December2012.
  11. ^"Molecular Sieve Desiccant".DesiccantPacks.net.Retrieved2014-02-26.
  12. ^ab"Molecular Sieves".Sigma-Aldrich.Retrieved2014-02-26.
  13. ^Spence Konde,"Preparation of High-Silica Zeolite Beads From Silica Gel,"retrieved 2011-09-26
  14. ^"Molecular Sieve, Yiyuan Molecular Sieves".Chemicalpackingcorp.Retrieved2014-02-26.
  15. ^US 3433588,Max Michel & Denis Papee, "Method for the preparation of 4 angstrom unit zeolites", published 1969-03-18, issued 1969-03-18
  16. ^Zeochem
  17. ^Intraglobal