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Monarchy of Ireland

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Badge of theKingdom of Ireland.

Monarchical systems of government have existed inIrelandfrom ancient times. In most of Ireland, this continued until 1949, whenit transitionedto being theRepublic of Ireland.Northern Ireland,as part of theUnited Kingdom,remains under a monarchical system of government.

The office ofHigh King of Irelandeffectively ended with theAnglo-Norman invasion of Ireland(1169–1171) in which the island was declared afiefof theHoly Seeunder the Lordship of theKing of England.In practice, conquered territory was divided amongst various Anglo-Norman noble families who assumed title over both the land and the people with the prior Irish inhabitants being either displaced or subjugated under the previously alien system of serfdom. Though the revolutionary change in the status quo was undeniable, the Anglo-Norman invaders would fail to conquer many of theGaelic kingdoms of Ireland,which continued to exist, often expanding for centuries after, however none could make any viable claims of High Kingship. This lasted until theParliament of Irelandconferred the crown of Ireland upon KingHenry VIIIof England during theEnglish Reformation.Henry initiated theTudor conquest of Irelandwhich ended Gaelic political independence from the English monarch who now held the crowns of England and Ireland in a personal union.

TheUnion of the Crownsin 1603 expanded thepersonal unionto includeScotland.The personal union between England and Scotland became a political union with the enactments of theActs of Union 1707,which created theKingdom of Great Britain.The crowns of Great Britain and Ireland remained in personal union until it was also ended by theActs of Union 1800,which united Ireland and Great Britain into theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelandin January 1801.

In December 1922, most of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom, becoming theIrish Free State;at the same time, the newly createdNorthern Ireland,which covered most ofUlster,remained part of the United Kingdom. As adominionwithin theBritish Empire,the Free State legally retained the same person as monarch as the United Kingdom-which in 1927 changed its name to theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.In 1937, the Free State adopted anew constitutionthat removed all mention of the monarchy. In April 1949, the former Free State, which covered most of Ireland, declareditself a republic,and withdrew from theCommonwealth of Nations;this left Northern Ireland as the only part of the island that retained a monarchical system.

Gaelic kingdoms[edit]

Gaelic Ireland consisted of as few as five and as many as nine Primary kingdoms (Cúicide/Cóicide 'fifths') which were often subdivided into many minor smaller kingdoms (Tuatha, 'folkdoms'). The primary kingdoms wereAilech,Airgíalla,Connacht,Leinster,Mide,Osraige,Munster,ThomondandUlster.Until the end of Gaelic Ireland they continued to fluctuate, expand and contract in size, as well as dissolving entirely or being amalgamated into new entities. The role ofHigh King of Irelandwas primarily titular and rarely (if ever) absolute. Gaelic Ireland was not ruled as aunitary state.

Map of Ireland (900 AD)

The names of Connacht, Ulster, Leinster and Munster are still in use, now applied to the four modern provinces of Ireland. The following is a list of the main Irish kingdoms and their kings:

Ard Rí co Fresabra:High Kings with opposition[edit]

Máire Herberthas noted that "Annal evidence from the late eighth century in Ireland suggests that the larger provincial kingships were already accruing power at the expense of smaller political units. Leading kings appear in public roles at church-state proclamations... and at royal conferences with their peers." (2000, p. 62). Responding to the assumption of the titleri hErenn uile( "king of all Ireland" ) by Mael Sechlainn I in 862, she furthermore states that

the ninth-century assumption of the title of "ri Erenn" was a first step towards the definition of a national kingship and a territorially-based Irish realm. Yet change only gained ground after the stranglehold of Uí Néill power-structures was broken in the eleventh century.... The renaming of a kingship... engendered a new self-perception which shaped the future definition of a kingdom and of its subjects.

— Herbert, 2000, p. 72

Nevertheless, the achievements ofMáel Sechlainn Iand his successors were purely personal, and open to destruction upon their deaths. Between 846 and 1022, and again from 1042 to 1166, kings from the leading Irish kingdoms made greater attempts to compel the rest of the island's populace to their rule, with varying degrees of success, until the inauguration ofRuaidri Ua Conchobair(Rory O'Connor) in 1166,

High Kings of Ireland, 800–1198[edit]

Ruaidrí, King of Ireland[edit]

Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair

Upon the death ofMuirchertach Mac Lochlainnin early 1166, Ruaidrí,King of Connacht,proceeded toDublinwhere he was inauguratedKing of Irelandwithout opposition. He was arguably the first undisputed full king of Ireland. He was also the last Gaelic one, as the events of the Norman invasion of 1169–1171 brought about the destruction of the high-kingship, and the direct involvement of theKings of Englandin Irish politics.

One of Ruaidrí's first acts as king was the subduing ofLeinster,which resulted in the exile of its king,Diarmait Mac Murchada.Ruaidrí then obtained terms and hostages from all the notable kings and lords. He then celebrated theOenach Tailteann,a recognised prerogative of the High Kings, and made a number of notable charitable gifts and donations. However, hiscaputremained in his home territory in central Connacht (County Galway). Ireland's recognised capital,Dublin,was ruled byAscall mac Ragnaill,who had submitted to Ruaidri.

Only with the arrival of MacMurrough'sAnglo-Normanbenefactors in May 1169 did Ruaidrí's position begin to weaken. A series of disastrous defeats and ill-judged treaties lost him much ofLeinster,and encouraged uprisings by rebel lords. By the time of the arrival ofHenry IIin 1171, Ruaidrí's position as king of Ireland was increasingly untenable.

Ruaidrí at first remained aloof from engagement with King Henry, though many of the lesser kings and lords welcomed his arrival as they wished to see him curb the territorial gains made by his vassals. Through the intercession ofLorcán Ua Tuathail(Laurence O'Toole), theArchbishop of Dublin,Ruaidrí and Henry came to terms with theTreaty of Windsorin 1175. Ruaidrí agreed to recognise Henry as his lord; in return, Ruaidrí was allowed to keep all Ireland as his personal kingdom outside the petty kingdoms ofLaigin(Leinster) andMideas well as the city ofWaterford.

Henry was unwilling or unable to enforce the terms of the treaty on his barons in Ireland, who continued to gain territory in Ireland. A low point came in 1177 with a successful raid into the heart ofConnachtby a party ofAnglo-Normans,led by one of Ruaidrí's sons, Prince Muirchertach. They were expelled, Ruaidhrí ordering the blinding of Muirchertach, but over the next six years his rule was increasingly diminished by internal dynastic conflict and external attacks. Finally, in 1183, he abdicated.

He was twice briefly returned to power in 1185 and 1189, but even within his home kingdom of Connacht he had become politically marginalized. He lived quietly on his estates, died at themonastery of Congin 1198 and was buried atClonmacnoise.With the possible exception of the short reign ofBrian Ua Néill(Brian O'Neill) in 1258–1260, no otherGaelicking was ever again recognised as king or high king of Ireland.

Lordship of Ireland: 1171–1542[edit]

By the time of Ruaidrí's reign in 1171, KingHenry II of Englandhadinvaded Irelandand given the part of it he controlled to his sonJohnas a Lordship when John was just ten years old in 1177. When John succeeded to the English throne in 1199, he remained Lord of Ireland thereby bringing the kingdom of England and the lordship of Ireland intopersonal union.By the mid-13th century, while the island was nominally ruled by the king of England, from c.1260 the effective area of control began to recede. As variousCambro-Normannoble families died out in the male line, theGaelic nobilitybegan to reclaim lost territory. Successive English kings did little to stem the tide, instead using Ireland to draw upon men and supplies in the wars inScotlandand France.

By the 1390s the Lordship had effectively shrunk tothe Pale(a fortified area around the city of Dublin) with the rest of the island under the control of independent Gaelic-Irish or rebel Cambro-Norman noble families. KingRichard II of Englandmade two journeys to Ireland during his reign to rectify the situation; as a direct result of his second visit in 1399 he lost his throne toHenry Bolingbroke.This was the last time that a medieval king of England visited Ireland.

For the duration of the 15th century, royal power in Ireland was weak, the country being dominated by the various clans and dynasties of Gaelic (O'Neill,O'Brien,MacCarthy) or Cambro-Norman (Burke,FitzGerald,Butler) origin.

Lords of Ireland, 1177–1542[edit]

The title of Lord of Ireland was abolished by Henry VIII, who was madeKing of Irelandby theParliament of Irelandby theCrown of Ireland Act 1542.

Kingdom of Ireland, 1542–1800[edit]

Re-creation of title[edit]

Henry VIII claimed the title "King of Ireland" in 1542.

The title "King of Ireland" was created by an act of theIrish Parliamentin 1541, replacing theLordship of Ireland,which had existed since 1171, with theKingdom of Ireland.

The 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset,Henry VIII's illegitimate son andLord Lieutenant of Ireland,had been considered for elevation as the newly created King of Ireland. However, Henry VIII's counsellors feared that creating a separate Kingdom of Ireland, with a ruler other than that of England, would create another threat like theKing of Scotland,[1]and Richmond died in 1536.

TheCrown of Ireland Act 1542established apersonal unionbetween the English and Irish crowns, providing that whoever was King of England was to be King of Ireland as well, and so its first holder was KingHenry VIIIof England. Henry's sixth and last wife,Katherine Parr,was the first Queen consort of Ireland following her marriage to King Henry in 1543.[2]

The title of King of Ireland was created after Henry VIII had been excommunicated in 1538, so it was not recognised by European Catholic monarchs. Following the accession of the CatholicMary Iin 1553 and her marriage toPhilip II of Spain,in 1554,Pope Paul IVissued thepapal bull"Ilius"in 1555, recognising them as Queen and King of Ireland together with her heirs and successors.[3]

For a brief period in the 17th century, during theWars of the Three Kingdomsfrom the impeachment and execution ofCharles Iin 1649 to theIrish Restorationin May 1660, there was no 'King of Ireland'. After theIrish Rebellion of 1641,Irish Catholics,organised inConfederate Ireland,still recognised Charles I, and laterCharles II,as legitimate monarchs, in opposition to the claims of theEnglish Parliament,and signed a formal treaty with Charles I in 1648. However, in 1649, theRump Parliament,victorious in theEnglish Civil War,executed Charles I, and made England a republic, or "Commonwealth".The Parliamentarian generalOliver Cromwellcame across theIrish Seato crush the Irish royalists, temporarily uniting England, Scotland, and Ireland under one government, and styling himself "Lord Protector"of the three kingdoms (see alsoCromwellian conquest of Ireland). After Cromwell's death in 1658, his sonRichardemerged as the leader of this pan-British Islesrepublic, but he was not competent to maintain it. TheParliament of EnglandatWestminstervoted to restore the monarchy, and in 1660 King Charles II returned from exile in France to become King of England, King of Scotland and King of Ireland.

Union with Great Britain, 1707–1922[edit]

TheActs of Union 1707merged the kingdoms of England and Scotland into theKingdom of Great Britain,under the sovereignty of theBritish Crown.The effect was to create a personal union between the Crown of Ireland and the British Crown, instead of the English Crown. Later, from 1 January 1801, an additional merger took place between the two Kingdoms. By the terms of theActs of Union 1800,theKingdom of Irelandmerged with the Kingdom of Great Britain, thus creating theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.Following the separation of most of Ireland from that kingdom in 1922, the remaining constituent parts were renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1927, five years after the establishment of theIrish Free State.

Jacobite pretender,Henry Benedict Stuart.TheFrench Directorysuggested to United Irishmen making him King of the Irish in 1798 but were rebuffed. Many Irishmen were Jacobites in the early 18th century.

During the early 18th century, a significant number of Irishmen who had fled Ireland in the aftermath of theTreaty of Limerickcontinued to remain loyal to theJacobiteStuartpretenders as Kings of Ireland (particularly theWild Geesemilitary diaspora inFrance's Irish Brigade), contrary to theHouse of Hanover.However, Ireland was host to alarge military establishmentand thus, unlike Scotland, was not the ground for legitimist-royalist risings in the 18th century, turning instead, mostly torepublicanismas dissention with the ascent of theUnited Irishmen.However, despite their general anti-clericalism and republicanism, theFrench Directorydid suggest to the United Irishmen in 1798 restoring theJacobitePretender,Henry Benedict Stuart,as Henry IX, King of the Irish.[4][5]This was on account of GeneralJean Joseph Amable Humbertlanding a force inCounty Mayofor theIrish Rebellion of 1798and realising the local population were devoutly Catholic (a significant number of Irish priests supported the Rising and had met with Humbert, although Humbert's Army had been veterans of the anti-clerical campaign in Italy).[5]The French Directory hoped this option would allow the creation of a stable French client state in Ireland, however,Wolfe Tone,the Protestant republican leader, scoffed at the suggestion and it was quashed.[5]

Partition: Irish Free State and Northern Ireland, 1922–1936[edit]

Leinster House,Dublin, decorated for the visit of KingGeorge VandQueen Maryin 1911.
Within a decade it was the seat of theOireachtas of the Irish Free State.

In early December 1922, most ofIreland(twenty-six of the country's thirty-twocounties) left theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.These 'Twenty-Six Counties' now became theIrish Free State,a self-governingdominionwithin theBritish Empire.Six of Ireland's north-eastern counties, all within the nine-countyProvinceofUlster,remained within the United Kingdom asNorthern Ireland.As a Dominion, the Free State was aconstitutional monarchywith the British monarch as itshead of state.The monarch was officially represented in the new Free State by theGovernor-General of the Irish Free State.

The King's title in the Irish Free State was exactly the same as it was elsewhere in the British Empire, being from 1922 to 1927: "By the Grace of God,of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas King,Defender of the Faith,Emperor of India"and, from 1927 to 1937:" By the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India ". The change in the King's title was effected under an Act of theParliament of the United Kingdomcalled theRoyal and Parliamentary Titles Act, 1927,intended to update the name of the United Kingdom as well as the King's title to reflect the fact that most of theisland of Irelandhad left the United Kingdom. The Act therefore provided that "Parliament shall hereafter be known as and styled the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [instead of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland]" and "In every Act passed and public document issued after the passing of this Act the expression 'United Kingdom' shall, unless the context otherwise requires, mean Great Britain and Northern Ireland."[6]

According toThe Times,the "Imperial Conferenceproposed that, as a result of the establishment of the Irish Free State, the title of the king should be changed to 'George V, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland, and the British Dominions beyond the seas King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India.' "[6]The change did not mean that the king had now assumed differentstylesin the different parts of his Empire. That development did not formally occur until 1953, four years after the newRepublic of Irelandhad left theCommonwealth.

Despite a lack of change in his title, George V's position as king of that country became separated from his place as King of the United Kingdom (as occurred with all the other British Dominions at the time). TheGovernment of the Irish Free State(also known asHis Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State)[7]was confident that the relationship of these independent countries under the Crown would function as apersonal union.[8]

Abdication crisis, President of Ireland and Republic of Ireland Act, 1936–1949[edit]

The constitutional crisis resulting from theabdication of King Edward VIIIin December 1936 was used byÉamon de Valera's government as a catalyst to amend theConstitution of the Irish Free Stateby eliminating all but one of the King's official duties. This was achieved with the enactment on 11 December of theConstitution (Amendment No. 27) Act,which removed the monarch from the constitution and, on 12 December, theExternal Relations Act,[9]which provided that the monarch recognised by Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth could represent the Irish Free State "for the purposes of the appointment of diplomatic and consular representatives and the conclusion of international agreements" when authorised to do so by the Irish government. The following year, a newconstitutionwas ratified, changing the name of the Free State toÉire,or "Ireland" in the English language, and establishing the office ofPresident of Ireland.The King's role in Ireland was ambiguous. Whether theIrish head of statewasGeorge VI,or the President, was left unclear.[10][11]This ambiguity was eliminated with the enactment of theRepublic of Ireland Act 1948,which came into force in April 1949 and declared the state to be a republic.[12]The External Relations Act was repealed, removing the remaining duties of the monarch, and Ireland formally withdrew from theBritish Commonwealth.[13]The position of the king in the Irish state was finally and formally ended by theOireachtaswith the repeal of theCrown of Ireland Act 1542by theStatute Law Revision (Pre-Union Irish Statutes) Act 1962.

According to Desmond Oulton (owner ofClontarf Castle), his father John George Oulton had suggested toÉamon de Valeratowards the end of theIrish Free State,that Ireland should have its own king again, as it was in the times ofGaelic Ireland.[14]He suggested to him, a member of theO'Brien Clan,descended in the paternal line fromBrian Boru,a previousHigh King of Ireland:the most senior representative at the time wasDonough O'Brien, 16th Baron Inchiquin.[14]Oulton said that Donough's nephewConor O'Brien, 18th Baron Inchiquin,confirmed that De Valera did offer Donough O'Brien the title of Prince-President of the Irish Republic, but this was turned down and so a President of Ireland was instituted instead.[14]

TheBritish monarchy,specifically, continued and continues inNorthern Ireland,which remains a part of the sovereign state that is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. From 1921 until 1973, the British monarch was officially represented in Northern Ireland by theGovernor of Northern Ireland.

List of monarchs of Ireland[edit]

Monarchs of Ireland[edit]

British monarchs:

An Irishgroatdepicting Philip and Mary

TheWars of the Three Kingdoms(incorporating theIrish Rebellion of 1641,Confederate Ireland,theCromwellian conquest of Irelandand theIrish Confederate Wars) took place between 1639 and 1653. Charles I was executed in 1649 and his sonCharles IIwas recognised by some Irish lords as King of Ireland. TheInterregnumbegan with England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales ruled by theCouncil of State,then theLord ProtectorOliver Cromwell(1649–1658) and his sonRichard Cromwell(1658–1659). TheRestoration in Irelandwas effected in 1660 without major opposition, Charles II being declared king on 14 May 1660 by theIrish Convention.

The position of King of Ireland was contested by William III and James II between 1689 and 1691, after theGlorious Revolutionof 1688. TheCrown and Parliament Recognition Act 1689made William King of Ireland, and this was reinforced by his victory at theBattle of the Boyne(part of theWilliamite War in Ireland).

TheActs of Union 1800,whichcame into forceon 1 January 1801, was instituted in response to theIrish Rebellion of 1798and created theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

Monarchs of the Irish Free State and Ireland[edit]

The royal arms of Ireland – Badge of Ireland, used during the period of the Kingdom of Ireland on coins, etc.

Following theIreland Act 1949,only the part of Ireland known asNorthern Irelandremained part of a monarchy.

King's title, George V – George VI[edit]

The king's title in theIrish Free State,when it became a self-governingDominionof theBritish Empire,and its constitutional successor from December 1936 to April 1949, was the same as elsewhere in the British Commonwealth,[15]but it was unclear whether thePresident of IrelandwasHead of state of Ireland (1936 to 1949)or the king, George VI.

The changes in theroyal stylein the 20th century took into account the emergence of independence for the dominions from theImperial Parliament of the United Kingdom.The kings successively and their advisers and governments in the United Kingdom were fully aware that the republican intent of the representatives of the Irish Free State was in marked contrast to the intent of the governments of certain other dominions, such as Canada.[16]and such differences were manifested in this period in the design and use of flags and other national symbols for the Irish Free State and other dominions.[17]

Proposed Irish monarchy[edit]

In 1906,Patrick Pearse,writing in the newspaperAn Claidheamh Soluis,envisioned the Ireland of 2006 as an independent Irish-speaking kingdom with an "Ard Rí" or "High King" as head of state.[18][19]

During theEaster RisinginDublinin 1916, someRepublicanleaders, including Pearse andJoseph Plunkett,contemplated giving the throne of an independentIrelandtoPrince Joachim of Prussia.[20][21]While they were not in favour of a monarchy in itself, Pearse and Plunkett thought that if the uprising were successful and Germany won the First World War, they would insist on an independent Ireland being a monarchy with a German prince as king, in the same way asRomaniaandBulgaria.[22]The fact that Joachim did not speakEnglishwas also considered an advantage, as he might be more disposed to learning and promoting the use of theIrish language.[23]In his memoirs,Desmond FitzGeraldwrote:

That would have certain advantages for us. It would mean that a movement forde-anglicisationwould flow from the head of the state downwards, for what was English would be foreign to the head of the state. He would naturally turn to those who were more Irish and Gaelic, as to his friends, for the non-nationalist element in our country had shown themselves to be so bitterly anti-German... For the first generation or so it would be an advantage, in view of our natural weakness, to have a ruler who linked us with a dominant European power, and thereafter, when we were better prepared to stand alone, or when it might be undesirable that our ruler should turn by personal choice to one power rather than be guided by what was most natural and beneficial for our country, the ruler of that time would have become completely Irish.[24]

Ernest Blytherecalls that in January 1915 he heard Plunkett andThomas MacDonaghexpress support for the idea at anIrish Volunteersmeeting. No objections were made by anyone andBulmer Hobsonwas among the attendees. Blythe himself said he found the idea "immensely attractive".[25]

Sinn Féinwas established in 1905 byArthur Griffithas a monarchist party inspired by theAustro-Hungarian Compromisewhich sought to create an Anglo-Irishdual monarchy.[26]During the party's 1917 Ard Fheis, disputes between monarchists and republicans resulted in an agreement that the question of a republic versus a monarchy would be settled by public referendum after independence was achieved provided that no member of theHouse of Windsorcould become king.[27][28]As a result, theIrish Republichad no head of state during theIrish War of Independenceuntil theAnglo-Irish Treatynegotiations whenÉamon de Valeraraised his status toPresident of the Irish Republicin order to grant himself equal status to George V.[citation needed]

In the 1930s, an organisation known as theIrish Monarchist Society,whose members includedFrancis StuartandOsmonde Esmonde,plotted to overthrow the Irish Free State and establish an independent Irish Catholic monarchy under a member of theO'Neill dynasty.[29][30]

According toHugo O'Donnell, 7th Duke of Tetuan,de Valera raised the idea of an Irish monarchy with his great-grandfather Juan O'Donnell.[31]

Raymond Moulton O'Brien,the self-styled "Prince of Thomond", and theUnited Christian Nationalist Party,of which O'Brien was the leader, wanted to reestablish the monarchy with O'Brien as king.[32]



  1. ^Scarisbrick, J.J.English Monarchs: Henry VIII.University of California Press.
  2. ^Parr, Katherine(2011). "Last Will and Testament of Dowager Queen Katherine Parr". In Mueller, Janel (ed.).Katherine Parr: Complete Works and Correspondence.University of Chicago Press.p. 178.
  3. ^"The papal bull" ILIUS "of 1555 conferring the title of King of Ireland upon Philip II".
  4. ^Pittock 2006,p. 210.
  5. ^abcAston 2002,p. 222.
  6. ^abThe Times, 4 March 1927
  7. ^The Irish Law Times and Solicitor's Journal: Public general statutes,J. Falconer, 1929, p.66
  8. ^"Black v Chrétien: Suing a Minister of the Crown for Abuse of Power, Misfeasance in Public Office and Negligence".Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law.9(3). September 2002.Retrieved2 October2008.
  9. ^Executive Authority (External Relations) Act, 1936.Dublin: Irish Statute Book. 12 December 1936. 3.2.Retrieved6 May2009.
  10. ^McMahon, Deirdre (1984).Republicans and Imperialists: Anglo-Irish Relations in the 1930s.Yale University Press. p.181.ISBN0300030711.
  11. ^In the words ofMary E. Daly (January 2007)."The Irish Free State/Éire/Republic of Ireland/Ireland:" A Country by Any Other Name "?".Journal of British Studies.46(1): 72–90.doi:10.1086/508399.JSTOR10.1086/508399.:"After the enactment of the1936 External Relations Actand the1937 Constitution,Ireland's only remaining link with the crown had been the accreditation of diplomats. The president of Ireland was the head of state. When opposition deputies asked de Valera whether Ireland was a republic—a favorite pastime in the mid-1940s—he tended to resort to dictionary definitions showing that Ireland had all the attributes of a republic. "
  12. ^Section 1of theRepublic of Ireland Act 1948.
  13. ^Kondō, Atsushi (2001).Citizenship in a Global World: Comparing Citizenship Rights for Aliens.Hampshire: Palgrave. p.120.ISBN0-333-80265-9.Ireland reluctantly remained a member of the Commonwealth as Irish citizens remained British Subjects. However, Irish representatives stopped attending Commonwealth meetings in 1937 and Ireland adopted a position of neutrality in World War II. Ireland became a Republic in 1949 and formally left the Commonwealth.
  14. ^abcO'Keeffe, Jane (2013),Voices from the Great Houses of Ireland: Life in the Big House: Cork and Kerry,Mercier Press, p. 21,ISBN978-1781171936
  15. ^Proclamation altering the Style and Titles appertaining to the Crown, London, 13 May 1927.[1]
  16. ^Heads of government attending the1926 Imperial Conferenceincluded W. T. Cosgrave, then serving asPresident of the Executive Council(prime minister) from 1922 to 1932. It was recorded that the distinct characteristics and histories of each was recognised by the parties attending the Conference,
  17. ^See Alistair B. Fraser (1998)."The Flags of Canada".For the chronology of Canadian flags from 1870, at the time of the Irish republican movement, seeAppendix III.For explanation of the distinction between national flags and monarchical badges or blazons of arms see Chapter I: "... a nation needs emblems and symbols to preserve traditions and inspire love of country. Of these symbols, the coat of arms and the flag are the chief." Charles Frederick Hamilton, Assistant Comptroller, R.C.M.P (1921) "The function of a flag is to send the simple message of identity. The function of arms is to dignify an individual, or institution, or country by special identifying symbolism and by appropriate reference to ancestry." John Ross Matheson,Canada's Flag: A Search for a Country(Boston G.K. Hall, 1980), p. 7. "Canada's flag serves to identify something Canadian. More specialized in its use, Canada's arms identify national authority and jurisdiction. Leaving aside strictly decorative uses of either, the flag is used wherever one wishes to make the simple statement: Canada or Canadian; the arms only where the authority of the nation is asserted." Alistair B. Fraser, 1998, op.cit.
  18. ^In My Garden,An Claidheamh Soluis,4 August 1906
  19. ^Patrick Pearse Predicts the Future,Dublin Review of Books,Bryan Fanning, 20 May 2013
  20. ^Memoirs of Desmond FitzGerald, 1913–1916,Desmond FitzGerald;Routledge & K. Paul, 1968, p.141
  21. ^Irish nationalism: a history of its roots and ideology,Seán Cronin, Continuum, 1981, p.255
  22. ^The Irish Factor, 1899–1919: Ireland's Strategic and Diplomatic Importance for Foreign Powers,Jérôme aan De Wiel, Irish Academic Press, 2008, p.66
  23. ^Abject Loyalty: Nationalism and Monarchy in Ireland During the Reign of Queen Victoria,James H. Murphy, CUA Press, 2001, p.301
  24. ^"Inside the GPO in 1916: Desmond FitzGerald's eyewitness account".The Irish Times.21 March 2016.Retrieved2 September2018.
  25. ^An Irish Monarchy,The Irish Times,15 April 1966
  26. ^Feeney, Brian (2002).Sinn Féin: a Hundred Turbulent Years.Dublin: The O'Brien Press. pp. 32–33.
  27. ^The new nationalism, 1916–18, F S L Lyons, inA New History of Ireland: Ireland under the Union, II, 1870–1921,William Edward Vaughan, Clarendon Press, 1976, p.233
  28. ^Michael Laffan,The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Féin Party, 1916–1923,p. 241
  29. ^Francis Stuart: A life,Geoffrey Elborn, Raven Arts Press, 1990, p.101
  30. ^Kevin Kieley,Francis Stuart: Artist and Outcast,p. 98
  31. ^Ireland in the 20th Century,Tim Pat Coogan, Random House, p.175
  32. ^Aan de Wiel, Jérôme (2007)."The Principality of Thomond and His Royal Highness Raymond Moulton Seághan O'Brien, 1936–1963; Ireland's Greatest Diplomatic Farce"(PDF).North Munster Antiquarian Journal.47:95–109.Retrieved2 September2018.


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