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Monotypic taxon

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Inbiology,amonotypic taxonis a taxonomic group (taxon) that contains only one immediately subordinate taxon.[1]A monotypicspeciesis one that does not includesubspeciesor smaller, infraspecific taxa. In the case of genera, the term "unispecific" or "monospecific" is sometimes preferred. Inbotanical nomenclature,amonotypic genusis agenusin the special case where a genus and a single species are simultaneously described.[2]In contrast, anoligotypic taxoncontains more than one but only a very few subordinate taxa.

The German lichenologistRobert Lückingsuggests that the common application of the term monotypic is frequently misleading, "since each taxon by definition contains exactly onetypeand is hence "monotypic", regardless of the total number of units ", and suggests using" monospecific "for a genus with a single species, and" monotaxonomic "for a taxon containing only one unit.[3]



Just as the termmonotypicis used to describe a taxon including only one subdivision, the contained taxon can also be referred to as monotypic within the higher-level taxon, e.g. a genus monotypic within a family. Some examples of monotypic groups are:


  • In theorderAmborellales,there is only onefamily,Amborellaceae, and there is only one genus,Amborella,and in this genus there is only one species,Amborella trichopoda.
  • The flowering plantBreonadia salicinais the only species in the monotypic genusBreonadia.
  • The family Cephalotaceae includes only one genus,Cephalotus,and only one species,Cephalotus follicularis– the Albany pitcher plant.
  • ThedivisionGinkgophytais monotypic, containing the single class Ginkgoopsida. This class is also monotypic, containing the single order Ginkgoales.[4]
  • Picomonas judraskedais the only known species in the divisionPicozoa.[5]


  • Themadrone butterflyis the only species in the monotypic genusEucheira.However, there are two subspecies of thisbutterfly,E. socialis socialisandE. socialis westwoodi,which means the speciesE. socialisis not monotypic.[6]
  • Erithacus rubecula,theEuropean robin,is the onlyextantmember of its genus.[7]
  • Delphinapterus leucasor the beluga whale is the only member of its genus and lacks subspecies.[8]
  • Dugong dugonis the only species in the monotypic genusDugong.[9]
  • Homo sapiens(humans) are monotypic, as they have too littlegenetic diversityto harbor any livingsubspecies.[10]
  • Limnognathia maerskiis a microscopic animal and the only species in the monotypic phylumMicrognathozoa.
  • Thenarwhalis a medium-sizedcetaceanthat is the only member of the monotypic genusMonodon.[11]
  • Theplatypusis the only member of the monotypic genusOrnithorhynchus.
  • Thesalamanderfishis the only member of the order Lepidogalaxiiformes, which is the sister group to the remainingeuteleosts.[12]
  • Ozichthys albimaculosus,the cream-spotted cardinalfish, found in tropical Australia and southern New Guinea, is the type species of the monotypic genusOzichthys.[13]
  • Thebearded reedlingis the only species in the monotypic genusPanurus,which is the only genus in the monotypic family Panuridae.[14]
  • Caninesform the only living subfamily of the dog family,Canidae

See also



  1. ^Mayr E, Ashlock PD. (1991).Principles of Systematic Zoology(2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill.ISBN0-07-041144-1
  2. ^McNeill, J.; Barrie, F.R.; Buck, W.R.; Demoulin, V.; Greuter, W.; Hawksworth, D.L.; Herendeen, P.S.; Knapp, S.; Marhold, K.; Prado, J.; Reine, W.F.P.h.V.; Smith, G.F.; Wiersema, J.H.; Turland, N.J. (2012)."Article 38".International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011.Vol. Regnum Vegetabile 154. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag KG.ISBN978-3-87429-425-6.
  3. ^Lücking, Robert (2019). "Stop the abuse of time! Strict temporal banding is not the future of rank-based classifications in Fungi (including lichens) and other organisms".Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.38(3): 199–253 [216].doi:10.1080/07352689.2019.1650517.
  4. ^Wu, Chung-Shien; Chaw, Shu-Miaw; Huang, Ya-Yi (2013)."Chloroplast Phylogenomics Indicates that Ginkgo biloba Is Sister to Cycads".Genome Biology and Evolution.5(1): 243–254.doi:10.1093/gbe/evt001.PMC3595029.PMID23315384.
  5. ^Seenivasan R, Sausen N, Medlin LK, Melkonian M (2013). Waller RF (ed.)."Picomonas judraskeda gen. et sp. nov.: the first identified member of the Picozoa phylum nov., a widespread group of picoeukaryotes, formerly known as 'picobiliphytes'".PLOS ONE.8(3): e59565.Bibcode:2013PLoSO...859565S.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059565.PMC3608682.PMID23555709.
  6. ^Kevan, P. G.; Bye, R. A. (1991). "The natural history, sociobiology, and ethnobiology of Eucheira socialis Westwood (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), a unique and little-known butterfly from Mexico".Entomologist.110:146–165.
  7. ^"Glossary American Museum of Natural History".
  8. ^Designatable Units for Beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Canada(PDF)(Report). Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 2016.
  9. ^Jefferson, Thomas A.; Webber, Marc A.; Pitman, Robert L. (2015). "Taxonomic Groupings Above the Species Level".Marine Mammals of the World.pp. 17–23.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409542-7.50003-2.ISBN978-0-12-409542-7.
  10. ^Premo, L. S.; Hublin, J.-J. (6 January 2009)."Culture, population structure, and low genetic diversity in Pleistocene hominins".Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.106(1): 33–37.Bibcode:2009PNAS..106...33P.doi:10.1073/pnas.0809194105.PMC2629215.PMID19104042.
  11. ^COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the narwhal Monodon monoceros in Canada(PDF)(Report). Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 2004.
  12. ^A phylogenomic approach to reconstruct interrelationships of main clupeocephalan lineages with a critical discussion of morphological apomorphies
  13. ^Fraser, Thomas H. (14 August 2014). "A new genus of cardinalfish from tropical Australia and southern New Guinea (Percomorpha: Apogonidae)".Zootaxa.3852(2): 283–293.doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3852.2.7.PMID25284398.
  14. ^"ITIS - Report: Panurus biarmicus".
  • The dictionary definition ofmonotypicat Wiktionary