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Erzya and Moksha Mordvins
Мордовский народ
Archive photo 'We thank Comrade Stalin for our Mordvin Autonomy ", 1928[1]
Total population
806,000 (2010)
Regions with significant populations
Russia 484,450(2021)[2]
Orthodox Christianity
Mordvin Native Religion
Molokans and Jumpers[3]
Related ethnic groups
Uralicpeoples (Mari,Permians,Mansi,Khanty,Finns,Samoyeds,Sámi,Estonians,Hungarians);Sovietpeoples (Russians,Ukrainians,Belarusians,Kazakhs,Azerbaijani,Armenians,Georgians,Uzbeks,Kyrgyz,Tajiks,Turkmens,Latvians,Estonians,Lithuanians)

Mordvins(alsoMordvinians,Mordovians;Russian:мордва,romanized:Mordva,lit.'Mordvins'; no equivalents inMokshaandErzya) is an official term used in theRussian Federationto refer both toErzyasandMokshassince 1928.[4]

Erzya-Moksha Autonomy


TheErzya-Moksha Autonomy[5][6]was approved in 1928 as Mordvin Okrug according to personal position ofJosef Stalin,who attended the meeting. Deputy president of Supreme Court ofMordoviaVasily Martyshkin quotes Stalin andTimofey Vasilyev.Since Mokshas and Erzyas lived sparsely in many governorates Stalin believed it was impossible to establish many autonomous districts. And that wasMikifor Surdin,ethnic Moksha who proposed to establish not Erzya-Moksha autonomy, but a Mordvin okrug. Stalin liked his variant. That is what he has been being cursed till now in spite of the fact he was executed during theGreat Purge.[1][7][8][9]That was the time when the autonomy name changed toMordvin.[10]Only the "ethnonym"Mordvinwas allowed in documents for Erzya and Moksha since then.[11][9][1][7]

Timeline of restoring Erzya and Moksha ethnonyms


Altä velä Letter


MokshasfromAltä veläwrote a collective open letter toLiteraturnaya Gazetain 1991.

The authors of a letter sent to Literaturnaia gazeta from the MokshaAltä velä,Mordovia,call this ethnonym "a very nonsensical parasite-word," "a slur," "an awkward nickname" that can be blamed for the fact that "people have come to renounce their true origin, and have rushed in droves (especially the young people) to become Russians. And perhaps history may soon witness that sorry time when the world's civilization, in an instant, will lose forever two remarkable nationalities, and Mordovia will be nothing more than the term for an administrative territory.…"[12]

Erzya and Moksha Peoples' Congress


On the First Erzya and Moksha Peoples' Congress in 1989 the first point of the Congress Declaration was renamingMordoviato Moksha and Erzya Autonomous Republic and banning the termMordva.[13]



The Erzya and Moksha intelligentsia representatives, namely ProfessorDmitry Tsygankin,admit they never believed in the Unified Mordvin people project.[14]

Mordva Autochthonal Theory


Mokshas are identified withDyakovo culturesince the 1970s;[citation needed]and also with the so-calledGorodetsk culture,which is presently considered a Sovietpseudoscienceconcocted by Prof.Aleksey Smirnov[ru]and based on Sovietautochtonal theory(that is, the theory that all Volga Uralic ethnicities are autochthonal to the region and never migrated).[15]Erzyas have a nomadic ancestry and are associated[clarification needed]with Oka-Ryazan culture.[16]



General information


TheMordvinic languages,a subgroup of theUralic family,areErzyaandMoksha,with about 500,000 native speakers each. Both are official languages ofMordoviaalongsideRussian.The medievalMeshcherian languagemay have been Mordvinic, or close to Mordvinic. Erzya is spoken in the northern and eastern and north-western parts of Mordovia, as well as in the adjacent oblasts of Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Orenburg, and Ulyanovsk, and in the republics of Chuvashia, Tatarstan, and Bashkortostan. Moksha is the majority language in the western part of Mordovia.

Due to differences inphonology,lexicon,andgrammar,Erzya and Moksha are not mutually intelligible, to the extent that the Russian language is often used for intergroup communications. The two Mordvinic languages also have separate literary forms. The Erzyaliterary languagewas created in 1922 and the Mokshan in 1923.[17]Both are currently written using the standardRussian Alpha bet.

Reconstruction ofMordvinlanguage


The Moksha and Erzya languages are closely related, therefore they are thought to share a common ancestry. As to the degree of the languages' proximity, Arnaud Fournet presumes that if Moksha and Erzya had been a single language, they started to diverge 1500 years ago—the same time as French and Italian divided.[18]Serebrenikov proves that Moksha preserves more archaic forms than those existing in Erzya.[19]



Until ca. 2010s most Finnic linguists considered Mordvinic andMarilanguages as a single subdivision of the so-called Volga-Finnic branch of the Uralic family. Currently, this approach is rejected by most scholars,[20]and Mordvinic and Mari are considered distinct from each other: Mordvinic languages are believed to have a common ancestor withBalto-Finnic languages(EstonianandFinnish), while the Mari languages are closer to thePermiclanguages.


Mordva populi(Mordva people) shown on a 1550 map byGiacomo Gastaldias residing south ofKasimovandNizhny Novgorod

WhileRobert G. Lathamhad identifiedMordvaas a self-designation, identifying it as a variant of the nameMari,[21][anachronism]Aleksey Shakhmatovin the early 20th century noted thatMordvawas not used as a self-designation by the two Mordvinictribesof the Erzya and Moksha. Nikolai Mokshin again states that the term has been used by the people as an internal self-defining term[dubiousdiscuss]to constitute their common origin.[22][anachronism]The linguistGábor Zaiczunderlines that the Mordvins do not use the name 'Mordvins' as a self-designation.[23]Feoktistov wrote "So-called Tengushev Mordvins are Erzyans who speak the Erzyan dialect with Mokshan substratum and in fact they are an ethnic group of Erzyans usually referred to asShokshas.It was the Erzyans who historically were referred to as Mordvins, and Mokshas usually were mentioned separately as "Mokshas". There is no evidence Mokshas and Erzyas were an ethnic unity in prehistory ".[24]Isabelle T. Keindler writes:

Gradually major differences developed in customs, language and even physical appearance (until their conversion to Christianity the Erzia and Moksha did not intermarry and even today intermarriage is rare.) The two subdivisions of Mordvinians share no folk heroes in common – their old folksongs sing only of local heroes. Neither language has a common term to designate either themselves or their language. When a speaker wishes to refer to Mordvinians as a whole, he must use the term "Erzia and Moksha"[25]

Early references


The ethnonymMordvais possibly attested inJordanes'Geticain the form ofMordenswho, he claims, were among the subjects of the Gothic kingErmanaric.[26]A land calledMordiaat a distance of ten days journey from thePetchenegsis mentioned inConstantine VII'sDe administrando imperio.[27]

In medieval European sources, the namesMerdas, Merdinis, Merdium, Mordani, Mordua, Morduinoshave appeared. In the RussianPrimary Chronicle,the ethnonymsMordvaandmordvichifirst appeared in the 11th century. After theMongol invasion of Rus',the name Mordvin rarely gets mentioned in Russian annals, and is only quoted after the Primary Chronicle up until the 15th–17th centuries.[28][29]



The nameMordvais thought to originate from anIranian(Scythian) word,mard,meaning "man". The Mordvin wordmirdedenoting a husband or spouse is traced to the same origin[obsolete source].This word is also probably related to the final syllable of "Udmurt",and also inKomi:mortand perhaps even inMari:marij.[30][anachronism]

The first written mention ofErzyais considered to be in a letter dated to 968 AD, byJoseph,theKhazar khagan,in the form ofarisa.More controversially, it is sometimes linked to theAorsyandAlanorsimentioned in the works ofStraboandPtolemy.(However, the consensus view is that theAlans,a nomadic Iranian tribe from east Central Asia, were also known as theAorsi/Alanorsi.)Estakhri,from the 10th century, has recorded among the three groups of theRus peopletheal-arsanija,whose king lived in the town ofArsa.The people have sometimes been identified by scholars as Erzya, sometimes as thearupeople, and also asUdmurts.It has been suggested by historians that the townArsamay refer to either the modernRyazanorArsk[27]In the 14th century, the name Erzya is considered to have been mentioned in the form ofardzhanibyRashid-al-Din Hamadani,[31]and asrzjanby Jusuf, the Nogaj khan[32]In Russian sources, the ethnonym Erza first appears in the 18th century.[33]

The earliest written mention of Moksha, in the form of Moxel, is considered to be in the works of a 13th-century Flemish traveler,William of Rubruck,and in the Persian chronicle ofRashid-al-Din,who reported theGolden Hordeto be at war with the Moksha and the Ardzhans (Erzia)[obsolete source]. In Russian sources, 'Moksha' appears from the 17th century.[34]

Ethnic structure

Flag of the Erzya people
Flag of the Moksha people

The Mordvins are divided into two ethnic subgroups[35][36][obsolete source]and three further subgroups:[21][37][obsolete source]

Mokshin concludes that the above grouping does not represent subdivisions of equal ethnotaxonomic order, and discounts Shoksha, Karatai and Teryukhan as ethnonyms, identifying two Mordvin sub-ethnicities, theErzyaand theMoksha,and two "ethnographic groups", the Shoksha and the Karatai.[38][obsolete source]

Two further formerly Mordvinic groups have assimilated to (Slavic and Turkic) superstrate influence:



Erzya practices Christianity (Eastern Orthodox and Lutheranism brought by Finnish missionaries in the 1990s) and a native religion.[citation needed]


Erzya women ofPenza Oblastdressed in traditional costumes

The1911Encyclopædia Britannica[41]noted that the Mordvins, although they had largely abandoned their language, had "maintained a good deal of theirold national dress,especially the women, whose profusely embroidered skirts, original hair-dress large ear-rings which sometimes are merely hare-tails, and numerous necklaces covering all the chest and consisting of all possible ornaments, easily distinguish them from Russian women. "

Britannicadescribed the Mordvins as having mostly dark hair and blue eyes, with a rather small and narrow build. The Moksha were described as having darker skin and darker eyes than the Erzya, while the Qaratays were described as "mixed with Tatars".

Latham described the Mordvins as taller than the Mari, with thin beards, flat faces and brown or red hair, red hair being more frequent among the Ersad than the Mokshad.[21]

James Brycedescribed "the peculiar Finnish physiognomy" of the Mordvin diaspora in Armenia, "transplanted hither from theMiddle Volgaat their own wish ", as characterised by" broad and smooth faces, long eyes, a rather flattish nose ".[42]

Cultures, folklores and mythologies

An Erzya ritual performance inPodlesnaya Tavla,Mordovia

According to Tatiana Deviatkina, although sharing some similarities, no common Mordvin mythology has emerged, and therefore the Erza and Moksha mythologies are defined separately.[43]

In the Erza mythology, the superior deities were hatched from an egg. The mother of gods is calledAnge Patiai,followed by the Sun God,Chipaz,who gave birth toNishkepaz;to the earth god,Mastoron kirdi;and to the wind god,Varmanpaz.From the union ofChipazand the Harvest Mother,Norovava,was born the god of the underworld,Mastorpaz.The thunder god,Pur’ginepaz,was born fromNiskende Teitert,(the daughter of the mother of gods,Ange Patiai). The creation of the Earth is followed by the creation of the Sun, the Moon, humankind, and the Erza. Humans were created byChipaz,the sun god, who, in one version, molded humankind from clay, while in another version, from soil.

In Moksha mythology, the Supreme God is calledViarde Skai.According to the legends, the creation of the world went through several stages: first the Devil moistened the building material in his mouth and spat it out. The piece that was spat out grew into a plain, which was modeled unevenly, creating the chasms and the mountains. The first humans created byViarde Skaicould live for 700–800 years and were giants of 99archinnes.The underworld in Mokshan mythology was ruled byMastoratia.

Latham reported strong pagan elements surviving Christianization.[21]The 1911Britannicanoted how the Mordvins:

…still preserve much of their own mythology, which they have adapted to the Christian religion. According to some authorities, they have preserved also, especially the less russified Moksha, the practice ofkidnapping brides,with the usual battles between the party of the bridegroom and that of the family of the bride. The worship oftrees,water(especially of the water-divinity which favours marriage), thesunorShkay,who is the chief divinity, themoon,thethunderand thefrost,and of thehome-divinityKardaz-scrko[dubiousdiscuss]still exists among them; and a small stone altar or flat stone covering a small pit to receive the blood ofslaughtered animalscan be found in many houses. Their burial customs seem founded onancestor-worship.On the fortieth day after the death of a kinsman the dead [one] is not only supposed to return home, but a member of his household represents him, and, coming from the grave, speaks in his name... They are also masters ofapiculture,and the commonwealth of bees often appears in their poetry and religious beliefs. They have a considerable literature of popular songs and legends, some of them recounting the doings of a kingTushtyanwho lived in the time of Ivan the Terrible[obsolete source].[41]


Eastern Europe c. 9th century



The Mordvins emerged from the commonVolgaicgroup around the 1st century AD.[44][anachronism]

Proof that the Mordvins have long been settled in the vicinity of the Volga is also found in the fact that they still call the riverRav,reflecting the nameRharecorded byPtolemy[45][46](c. AD 100 – c. 170).

The Gorodets culture dating back to around 500 BC has been associated[by whom?]with these people. The north-western neighbours were theMuromiansandMerianswho spoke relatedFinno-Ugric languages.To the north of the Mordvins lived theMaris,and to the south theKhazars.The Mordvins' eastern neighbors, possibly remnants of theHuns,became theBulgarsaround 700 AD.[citation needed]

Researchers have distinguished the ancestors of the Erzya and the Moksha from the mid-1st century AD by the different orientations of their burials and by elements of their costumes and by the variety of bronze jewellery found by archaeologists in their ancient cemeteries. The Erzya graves from this era were oriented north–south, while the Moksha graves were found to be oriented south–north.[27]

The Mordvin language began to diverge into Moksha and Erzya over the course of the 1st millennium AD.[47][48][anachronism]Erzyans lived in the northern parts of the territory, close to present-dayNizhny Novgorod.The Mokshans lived further south and west of present-dayMordovia,closer to the neighbouring Iranian, Bolgar and Turkic tribes, and fell under their cultural influence.

The social organization of Moksha and Erzya depended onpatriarchy;the tribes were headed by elderskuda-tiwho selected atekshtai,senior elders responsible for coordinating wider regions.[anachronism]

Early history

Mordovian woman, 1781

Around 800 AD two major empires[anachronism]emerged in the neighborhood:RusinNovgorod,which eventually adoptedEastern Orthodox Christianity,theBolgar kingdomlocated at the confluence of Kama and Volga rivers adoptedIslam,and some Moksha areas became tributaries to the latter until the 12th century[anachronism].

Following the foundation ofNizhny NovgorodbyRusin 1221, the Mordvin territory increasingly fell underRussiandomination[anachronism],pushing the Mordvin populations southwards and eastwards beyond theUrals,and reducing their cohesion.

The Russian advance was halted by theMongol Empire,and the Mordvins became subjects toGolden Horde[anachronism]until the beginning of the 16th century.

Christianizationof the Mordvin peoples took place during the 16th to 18th centuries, and most Mordvins today adhere to theRussian Orthodox Churchall carrying Russian Orthodox names. In the 19th century, Latham reported strong pagan elements surviving Christianization, the chief gods of the Erzyans and the Mokshas being calledPaasandShkai,respectively.

Modern history


Although the Mordvins were given an autonomous territory as atitular nationwithin theSoviet Unionin 1928,Russificationintensified during the 1930s, and knowledge of the Mordvin languages by the 1950s was in rapid decline.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Mordvins, like otherindigenous peoples of Russia,experienced a rise in national consciousness. The Erzya national epic is calledMastorava,which stands for "Mother Earth". It was compiled byA. M. Sharonovand first published in 1994 in the Erzya language (it has since been translated into Moksha and Russian).Mastoravais also the name of a movement ofethnic separatismfounded by D. Nadkin of the Mordovian State University, active in the early 1990s.[49]

Finno-Ugric peoples,whose territories were included in the former USSR as well as many others, had a very brief period of national revival in 1989–1991. Finno-Ugric peoples of Idel-Ural were able to conduct their own national conventions: Udmurts (November 1991), Erzya and Moksha (March 1992),[50]Mari (October 1992), the united convention of Finno-Ugric folks of Russia in Izhevsk (May 1992). All these conventions accepted similar resolutions with appeals to democratize political and public life in their respective republics and to support the national revival of Finno-Ugric peoples. Estonia had a strong influence on moods and opinions that dominated these conventions, (especially among national-oriented intellectuals) because many students at the University of Tartu were from Finno-Ugric republics of Russia.

At the time of the Soviet Union's disintegration, Erzya and Moksha accounted for only 32,5% in total structure of population in Mordovia. The return of many Erzyans and Mokshans to their national identities was strongly challenged by Russification, urbanization and demographic crisis. In addition, part of Moksha national elites (and Erzyan to a lesser extent) came forward with an idea, that Erzyans and Mokshans are just sub-ethnic groups within the united Mordovian nation. This concept was readily supported by Russian authorities, but most representatives of the Erzyan national movement reacted very negatively. National activists perceived the idea of “united Mordovian nation” as another tool for hard Russification.

In 1989 Veĺmema community center emerges in Mordovia. Very soon it becomes popular attracting both Erzyans and Mokshans. In some time only cultural activity becomes quite a narrow scope for part of radical activists, and Veĺmema experiences a major split. Moderate members create Vajģeĺ organization focused on revival and popularization of national traditions, and a more radical group founded Mastorava, Erzan-Mokshan civic movement, that aims not only a cultural revival of both nations but also wants the presentation of their interests in government bodies.

National representative bodies


Erzya has its own system of national representative bodies. Every time beforeRas'ken' Ozksthat takes place every three years, Aťań Eźem (lit.'Council of Elders') is convened. Aťań Eźem is a collective body that discusses the major problems of Erzyan people. Aťań Eźem elects chief elder, Inyazor, by a secret ballot. Inyazor represents all Erzyan people till next Ras'ken' Ozks.

During the period from 1999 through 2019 position of Inyazor was held by Kshumantsian'Pirguzh, who was awarded Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land by the President of Estonia in 2014. In 2019 during regular Ras'ken' Ozks Syres' Boliayen', chairman of Erźań Val Society, co-founder ofFree Idel-Uralcivic movement was elected as new Inyazor. His candidature was supported by 12 of 18 elders. Russian authorities do not recognize the legitimacy of the national representative bodies of Erzyan people. Syres' Boliayen' is now in exile in Ukraine and representatives of Aťań eźem, as well as first Inyazor Kshumantsian'Pirguzh, repeatedly reported about political pressure from Russian authorities.

According to Russian laws, the activity of national political parties (Erzya, Mari, Tatars, Chuvashs or any other) is forbidden. Consequently, the national representative agency of Erzya people is the only possible instrument to express the political aspirations of Erzya.

Due to the activity of Veĺmema, Vajģeĺ and Mastorava situation with human rights for Erzyans and Mokshans in Mordovia has changed significantly. Mordovian National theatre and faculty of national culture were founded in the republic, Language Law was adopted, productive relationships and contacts with foreign diaspores were established. The aforementioned organizations became a "talent foundry" for new associations of Erzya and Moksha, namely Od Vij, Erźava, Ĺitova, and Jurhtava; as well as for Mastorava and Erźań Mastor newspapers. Exactly due to the activity of all mentioned organizations and societies Erzyan and Mokshan national movements become able to progress from the ethnographic stage of their struggle to a political one.[51]

At the end of the 1980s, human rights defender Pirguzh Kshumantsian and poetMariz Kemalbecame leaders of the Erzyan national movement. They revived the tradition of Ras'ken' Ozks (lit.'Family Prayer'). Five days before the very first Ras'ken' Ozks Kshumantsian', as main organizer of the event, was arrested by Russian authorities. Police forced him to abandon the realization of Prayer, however, he refused to comply with the demands. In 1999 Pirguzh Kshumantsian' was elected as the first Inyazor (chief elder) in the newest history of the Erzyan people. He held this position up to 2019.

Mariz' Kemal adhered to the principle of "Kavto keĺť - kavto raśkeť" (lit.'Two languages - two nations'), that denied the existence of the single Mordovian nation as the combination of sub-ethnic groups, namely Erzya and Moksha. National life in the Republic of Mordovia began to draw down with the installation of Vladimir Putin's rule. The new president of Russia considered national republics and native peoples as "enemies inside".

On 1 May 2020 the Aťań Eźem approved new system of national representative bodies. Statute on creation and functioning of national representative bodies of Erzya people consists of six chapters, describing aims and tasks of Erzya national movement, its governing bodies, their plenary powers and structure. According to the document, national movement directed by Promks – convention of delegates from Erzya political parties and public organizations. Convention forms Aťań Eźem, that is operative between Promks sessions and elects Inyazor, who presents Erzya people and speaks on behalf of all the nation. In the event that there are any legal limitations for creation and operation of national parties (such prohibition exists in Russian Federation nowadays), then plenary powers of Promks are carried by Aťań Eźem. The main objective of Promks, Aťań Eźem and Inyazor, is to provide and defend national, political, economic and cultural rights of Erzya, including right to nationalself-determinationwithin national Erzya territories.[52]



Autosomally, Mokshas and Erzyas show homogeneity.[53]About 11% of their ancestry isNganasan-like.[54][53]This East Eurasian component is typical for Uralic-speaking populations.[53]They also have high level ofSteppe-relatedadmixture, as it can be modelled to be about half of their ancestry.[55]


Mordvins in the Volga-Urals region (2010 Russian census)

Latham (1854) quoted a total population of 480,000.[21]Mastyugina (1996) quotes 1.15 million.[56]The 2002 Russian census reports 0.84 million.

According to estimates byTartu Universitymade in the late 1970s,[citation needed]less than one third of Mordvins lived in the autonomous republic ofMordovia,in the basin of theVolga River.

Others are scattered (2002) over the RussianoblastsofSamara(116,475),Penza(86,370),Orenburg(68,880) andNizhni Novgorod(36,705),Ulyanovsk(61,100),Saratov(23,380),Moscow(22,850),Tatarstan(28,860),Chuvashia(18,686),Bashkortostan(31,932),Siberia(65,650),Russian Far East(29,265).[citation needed]

Populations in parts of theformer Soviet Unionnot now part of Russia are:Kyrgyz Republic5,390, Turkmenistan 3,490, Uzbekistan 14,175,Kazakhstan,(34,370),Azerbaijan(1,150),Estonia(985),Armenia(920).[citation needed]

Mordvins in Russia (1926–2021)
Census 1926 1939 1959 1970 1979 1989 2002 2010 2021
Population 1,306,798 1,375,558 1,211,105 1,177,492 1,111,075 1,072,939 843,350 744,237 484,450
Percentage 1.41% 1.27% 1.03% 0.91% 0.81% 0.73% 0.59% 0.54% 0.37%

List of notable Mordvins






See also


References and notes

  1. ^abcGolubchik 2022
  2. ^Ethnic groups of Russia in the 2021 census.(in Russian)
  3. ^Molokans and Jumpers are Russians, Ukrainians, Chuvashs, Mordvins, Armenians...
  4. ^Zamyatin 2022,p. 88
  5. ^Kozlov 1958,p. 47
  6. ^Grekov & Lebedev 1940,p. 47
  7. ^abAnoshkin, Nikolay (18 May 2022)."The Exoethnonym's Origin. Page of History".Erzian Mastor [Erzialand].Retrieved19 May2022.
  8. ^*"Republic Of Mordovia".vseruss.Retrieved18 May2022.
  9. ^ab"Votians, Besermyans and Other Peoples Of Russia That Seem To Be Never Existed but They Do".Kulturologia.ru.Retrieved18 May2022.
  10. ^Martyshkin 2014
  11. ^Vasilyev 2007
  12. ^Mokshin 1991
  13. ^Nadkin, Dmitry (1989)."Erzya and Moksha Spiritual Culture and Issues of" Homeland "Society. Insights from the Report of the First Moksha and Erzya Congress".Engineering Systems and Technologies(in Russian) (4): 38–41.Retrieved15 May2022.
  14. ^{{{Puresheva Volost. Moksha [Puresh’s State. Moksha]}}}
  15. ^Stavitsky 2009
  16. ^Voronia, R.F; Zelentsova, O.V; Engovatova, A.V. (2004),Nikitinsky Gravefield 1977-1978.(PDF)(in Russian), Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology,ISBN5943750304
  17. ^Wixman, Ronald (1984).The Peoples of the USSR.M.E. Sharpe. p. A137.ISBN978-0-87332-506-6.
  18. ^Fournet 2011
  19. ^Serebrennikov 1967
  20. ^Piispanen, Peter S. Statistical Dating of Finno-Mordvinic Languages through Comparative Linguistics and Sound Laws: Fenno-Ugrica Suecana Nova Series. 15 (2016). P. 1-18
  21. ^abcdeLatham, Robert Gordon(1854).The Native Races of the Russian Empire.H. Bailliere. p.91.
  22. ^Balzer, Marjorie; Nikolai Mokshin (1995).Culture Incarnate: Native Anthropology from Russia.M.E. Sharpe.ISBN978-1-56324-535-0.
  23. ^Janse, Mark; Tol, Sijmen, eds. (2003).Language Death and Language Maintenance: Theoretical, Practical and Descriptive Approaches.John Benjamins Publishing. p. 115.ISBN90-272-4752-8.
  24. ^Feoktistov A. P. K probleme mordovsko-tyurkskikh yazykovykh kontaktov // Etnogenez mordovskogo naroda. – Saransk, 1965. – pp. 331–343
  25. ^Isabelle T. Keindler (1 January 1985)."A doomed Soviet nationality?".Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique.26(1). EHESS: 43–62.doi:10.3406/cmr.1985.2030.Retrieved22 October2010.
  26. ^(Getica XIII, 116) "Among the tribes he [Ermanarich] conquered were the Golthescytha, Thiudos, Inaunxis, Vasinabroncae, Merens, Mordens, Imniscaris, Rogas, Tadzans, Athaul, Navego, Bubegenae and Coldae" —The Origin and Deeds of the Goths(116).
  27. ^abcKlima, László (1996).The Linguistic Affinity of the Volgaic Finno-Ugrians and Their Ethnogenesis(PDF).Societas Historiae Fenno-Ugricae.ISBN978-951-97040-1-2.
  28. ^(Kirjanov 1971, 148–149) Laslo
  29. ^Kappeler (1982) Taagepera
  30. ^Bryant, Edwin; Laurie L. Patton (2005).The Indo-Aryan Controversy.PA201: Routledge.ISBN978-0-7007-1463-6.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location (link)
  31. ^(Sbornik... 1941, 96) see László
  32. ^(Safargaliev 1964, 12) László
  33. ^(Mokshin 1977, 47) László
  34. ^(Mokshin 1977, 47)László
  35. ^Bromley, Julian (1982).Present-day Ethnic Processes in the USSR.Progress Publishers.ISBN9780714719061.
  36. ^"MORDVINS (Erzyas and Mokshas)".Information Center of Finno-Ugric Peoples.Retrieved14 October2008.
  37. ^Mokshin (1995), p. 43. Latham in his account of the "Native Races of the Russian Empire" (1854) divided the Mordvins into three groups, viz. theErsad,on theOka River,theMokshad,on theSura Riverand theKaratai,in the neighbourhood ofKazan.
  38. ^"the ethnic structure of the Mordva people at present reveals two subethnoses – Erzia and Moksha – and two ethnographic groups – so-called Shoksha and Karatai" Mokshin (1995), p. 43
  39. ^Tengushevo Mordvins,Karatai Mordvins,Teryukhan Mordvins,Meshcheryaks,MisharsinStuart, James (1994).An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires.Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. A491, 492, 545.ISBN978-0-313-27497-8.
  40. ^Salakhova, E. H. (2016)."The origin of Mishar Tatars and Teptyars in the work of G.N. Akhmarov".
  41. ^abEliot, Charles Norton Edgcumbe(1911)."Mordvinians".Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 18 (11th ed.). pp. 820–821.
  42. ^Bryce, James(2005) [1877].Transcaucasia and Ararat: being notes of a vacation tour in the autumn of 1876.London:Macmillan and Co.→ Adamant Media Corporation. p. 172.ISBN1-4021-6823-3.
  43. ^Deviatkina, Tatiana (2001)."Some Aspects of Mordvin Mythology"(PDF).Folk Belief and Media Group of ELM.Retrieved13 October2008.
  44. ^Mokshin, p. 32
  45. ^Pre-and Proto-historic Finns by Abercromby, pp. 8
  46. ^Taylor, Isaac (1898).Names and Their Histories.Rivingtons. pp.289Volga the Rha of Ptolemy, a Finnic name retained by the Mordvins.
  47. ^Taagepera, p. 152
  48. ^Mokshin (1995), p. 33.
  49. ^Tatiana Mastyugina, Lev Perepelkin, Vitaliĭ Vyacheslavovich Naumkin, Irina Zviagelskaia,An Ethnic History of Russia: Pre-revolutionary Times to the Present,Greenwood Publishing Group (1996),ISBN0-313-29315-5,p. 133; Timur Muzaev,Ėtnicheskiĭ separatizm v Rossii(1999), p. 166ff.
  50. ^Zamyatin, Konstantin (1 January 2013)."Finno-Ugric Republics and Their State Languages: Balancing Powers in Constitutional Order in the Early 1990s".Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja.2013(94): 337–381.doi:10.33340/susa.82605.ISSN1798-2987.
  51. ^Властей Мордовии призвали не вмешиваться в деятельность Совета старейшин эрзянского народаhttps:// idelreal.org/a/30062876.html
  52. ^Erzya approved structure of their national representative bodieshttp://idel-ural.org/en/archives/erzya-approved-structure-of-their-national-representative-bodies/
  53. ^abcTambets, Kristiina; Yunusbayev, Bayazit; Hudjashov, Georgi; Ilumäe, Anne-Mai; Rootsi, Siiri; Honkola, Terhi; Vesakoski, Outi; Atkinson, Quentin; Skoglund, Pontus; Kushniarevich, Alena; Litvinov, Sergey; Reidla, Maere; Metspalu, Ene; Saag, Lehti; Rantanen, Timo (2018)."Genes reveal traces of common recent demographic history for most of the Uralic-speaking populations".Genome Biology.19(1): 139.doi:10.1186/s13059-018-1522-1.ISSN1474-760X.PMC6151024.PMID30241495.
  54. ^Jeong, Choongwon; Balanovsky, Oleg; Lukianova, Elena; Kahbatkyzy, Nurzhibek; Flegontov, Pavel; Zaporozhchenko, Valery; Immel, Alexander; Wang, Chuan-Chao; Ixan, Olzhas; Khussainova, Elmira; Bekmanov, Bakhytzhan; Zaibert, Victor; Lavryashina, Maria; Pocheshkhova, Elvira; Yusupov, Yuldash (2019)."The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia".Nature Ecology & Evolution.3(6): 966–976.Bibcode:2019NatEE...3..966J.doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0878-2.ISSN2397-334X.PMC6542712.PMID31036896.
  55. ^Lamnidis, Thiseas C.; Majander, Kerttu; Jeong, Choongwon; Salmela, Elina; Wessman, Anna; Moiseyev, Vyacheslav; Khartanovich, Valery; Balanovsky, Oleg; Ongyerth, Matthias; Weihmann, Antje; Sajantila, Antti; Kelso, Janet; Pääbo, Svante; Onkamo, Päivi; Haak, Wolfgang (27 November 2018)."Ancient Fennoscandian genomes reveal origin and spread of Siberian ancestry in Europe".Nature Communications.9(1): 5018.Bibcode:2018NatCo...9.5018L.doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07483-5.ISSN2041-1723.PMC6258758.PMID30479341.
  56. ^Mastyugina, Tatiana; Lev Perepelkin (1996).An Ethnic History of Russia.Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. A133.ISBN978-0-313-29315-3.
  57. ^"Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, University of Washington".
  58. ^«Мы процентов на 90 - мордва...»[We are 90% Mordvin] - Vecherniy Saransk, 29 April 2016. Quote from Shukshin's daughter: «Почему Саранск? Мы мордва. Предки Василия Макаровича из Мордовии, мы знаем, что сначала они переселились в Самарскую область, а затем в Алтайский край.» [ "WhySaransk?Because we are Mordvin. The ancestors of Vasily Shukshin came from Mordovia; we know they first settled inSamara Oblastand then inAltai Krai"]

Further reading


Mordovia news

Mordvin toponymy