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Morenazi(from Spanishmoreno,meaning "having tanned or dark skin" andNazi)ormorenaryanare derogatory terms to describe non-white,[1]or more directlymixed race[1]and blackneo-Nazis,[2]who show support or sympathy forNazism,Nazi Germany,the personality cult ofAdolf Hitler[2]and more directlywhite supremacism.[3]


The term emerged afterWorld War II,after the discourse of white racial purity managed to creep in with somenationalist movementscritical of therepublicandemocratic system in Latin America and Spain.Morenazisdisplay the stereotypical ideals of theNorth Americanand European branches of neo-Nazism: racist discourses, specificallyanti-Semitic,[4]of the racial superiority of whites,[4]conspiracy theoriessuch as thepersecution of whites,and the repudiation of non-white immigrants.

Arguments in favor of Nazism among non-whites[edit]

Neo-fascists in Spain.

People labeled asmorenazisoften argue that they sympathize with Nazism because of their "defense" oftraditionalism,homeland,political historical revisionismandanti-Zionism.[3]In addition to their xenophobic discourse, it has been recorded thatmorenazigroups, also showhomophobia,transphobiaandanti-communism,so that for some they are part of theextreme right.

Relationship with white neo-Nazism[edit]

Forneo-Nazigroups in North America and Europe,morenazisare not part of neo-Nazism, since they are not consideredwhiteoutside their countries of origin. The position of the racist portalStormfrontwhen consulted was:

There is no such thing asNational Socialistblood, what exists is Caucasian blood, and only Caucasians can be National Socialists.[This quote needs a citation]


The Israeli newspaperEnlace Judío,in Spanish, made a report calledLos morenazis: con la suástica por dentro,about neo-Nazism in Mexico, where the interviewer of Jewish origin describes the morenazis as totally ignoring the issue of racism in white supremacist neo-Nazi circles:[5]

I tried to visualize that chubby, doe-eyed, dark skinned man onAryan Propagandaposters or marching in the imposing military parades of theThird Reich(...) I wondered if the guy was unaware of the fact thatMexican immigrantswere among the favorite victims of neo-Nazis in the United States.

See also[edit]


  1. ^abJóvenes panistas crean organización neonaziPublicado el 30 de junio de 2014. Consultado el 22 de julio de 2019.
  2. ^abMorenazis.Archived2019-07-22 at theWayback MachinePublicado el 12 de junio de 2013. Consultado el 22 de julio de 2019.
  3. ^abAcción Juvenil y PAN Jalisco se deslindan de jóvenes neonazis.Publicado el 30 de junio de 2014. Consultado el 22 de julio de 2019.
  4. ^abColuuumna dedicada, a los morenazis.Consultado el 22 de julio de 2019.
  5. ^Volovich, Ari (2016-06-04)."Los morenazis: con la suástica por dentro".Enlace Judío(in Mexican Spanish).Retrieved2024-06-19.