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Mortal wound

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"Mortal Wound" dictionary entry fromThe New World of English WordsBy Edward Phillips (1720).

Amortal woundis aninjurythat will ultimately lead to a person'sdeath.[1][2]Mortalrefers to the mortality of a human: whether they are going to live or die.[3]Woundis another term for injury. The expression can also be used figuratively.[3]



The adjectivemortalwas first used in the 14th century. The word has roots inOld FrenchmortelandLatinmortalisboth meaning "fated to die" as well asmorsmeaning "in danger of death".[2][4][5]

The nounwoundcomes fromOld Englishwundmeaning "to injure" as well as theProto-Germanic*wunthowhich also means "wound".[6][5]

Early usage

Marshal Jean Lannes,mortally wounded at thebattle of Esslingin 1809; his left leg was amputated (right in picture) and he died a few days later.

The first entry in theOxford English Dictionaryformortal woundis dated 1578[7]and the first entry formortally woundedis dated 1569.[8]Pre-1569, in the 1390MelibeusbyGeoffrey Chaucer,the author uses the term "mortal woundes" in the quote "Thre of his olde foos..betten his wif wounded his doghter with fyue mortal woundes". This is in a scene where Melibeus's daughter received five mortal wounds, after three of his foes found Melibeus's wife and daughter alone in his house.[9]



In 1569,mortally woundedwas used in the textCertaine Secrete Wonders NaturebyEdward Fentonin "aboue 400 dead bodies, beside 140 mortally wounded and almost torne in peces";[10]the quote explains that due to the extreme heat of a fire, 140 men were wounded. The account stated that they looked like they had been torn to pieces.

In 1578,mortal woundwas used in the poetic textCourtlie Controuersie of Cupids CaulelsbyJacques Yver,translated by Henry Wotton: "His mortal wound, that no long before was almost cured y a fomentation of the oyle of time, and neare skinned with hope of the recouerie of his welbeloued Iewel." The author describes how the person's old mortal wound was not yet healed and hoped he would recover completely.[7]

In 1581,mortal woundwas used in the historical non-fictionHistory of the Reformation of the Church of EnglandbyGilbert Burnetand Nicholas Sander: "He went toRome;and giving the Assault, in which received his mortal wound. "Here Vaudemont went to subdue the battle but was prevented by the Duke of Boubon receiving a mortal wound. The Duke of Boubon then proceeded with the battle in Rome, causing many deaths as well as leading the Pope with a few Cardinals to flee for safety.[11]

In 1593,mortal woundwas used in the sonnetFidessa, More Chaste than Kind: Sonnet XXVIIin "Yet every foot gives thee thy mortal wound." The quote is from a sonnet that describes a man stumbling in the street at night as he metaphorically compares his existence to that of a worm. Due to the habitat of worms, every step a person takes could be a mortal wound inflicted on a worm ultimately leading to its death. In the sonnet, the man believes that his existence is worse than that of a worm.[12]



In 1661mortal woundis used in the religious textThe Unsearchable Riches of Christ:"The Lord Jesus hath given such a mortal wound by his death and Spirit." The text explains how Jesus sacrificed himself and received a mortal wound; however, he did not die straight away but died "little by little", which allowed him to rid the whole world of sin.[13]

In 1667mortal woundis used inJohn Milton'sParadise Lost VI.In his epic biblical poem based on the retelling ofGenesis,he uses the term in the passage "cannot but by annihilating die; Nor in their liquid texture mortal wound Receive, no more than can the fluid air." Milton explains spirits cannot receive mortal wounds due to the nature of their intangible form.[14]

In 1672 the termmortal woundis used in the medical textThe Chirurgical and Anatomical Works of Paul Barbette.The text defines the term as "that, which in the Space of few hours, or dayes, of necessity causes Death, and cannot by any Artt be Cured." The text goes on to explain that if a wound is curable but has been neglected by the patient and results in death, it is not considered a mortal wound even though it resulted in the patient's death. This also applies to wounds that are incurable and allow the patient to live for weeks to years. Therefore, the author explains that if the wound does not result in a "sudden" death, it is not considered a "mortal wound."[15]



TheLondon Gazetteis one of the British government's official journals. In the 1714The London Gazette:Issue 5228,under theAdvertisementssection,mortal woundis used to describe an injury a man named Edward Hurley received from aTwo-Bill."Whereas one Henry Bray, Weaver, now or late of Culmstock, in the County of Devon, did on Tuesday the 18th Instant, give one Edward Hurley… a mortal Wound on the Head with a Two-Bill, that he dy’d." The journal goes on to describe Henry Bray's appearance, mannerisms and the clothes he usually wears as well as stating that anyone that helps bring him to justice will receive a monetary reward.[16]

The first dictionary with an entry for the term is Edward Phillips'The New World of Words:or, Universal English Dictionary,16th edition,published in 1720. The entry says "Mortal Wound. SeeWound"[17]At the entry for wound, the definition for mortal wound states "Mortal Wound, is that which must unavoidably be follow'd by Death, when it is situate deep in a principal Part, necessary for the Preservation of Life: Such are wounds in the Heart, Lungs, Midriff, Liver, Spleen Etc. and generally in all the great Vessels".[18]

PoetAllan RamsaywroteHealth:a poem 1st editionin 1724, stating "When th’ uvula has got its mortal wound, and tongue and lips form words without a sound." He states that the uvula had received a mortal wound, using the term metaphorically to describe an uvula infection possibly due to influenza which often led to death in the 1700s.[19][20]

In 1760mortal woundis used in the Trial ofLawrence Earl Ferrers, for the Murder of John Johnson.John Johnson received "One mortal Wound of the ‘Breadth of One Inch and Depth of Four Inches; of which said moral Wound the saidJohn Johnsondid... live, until the Nineteenth Day of the same Month of January,... on which Day,... he the said John Johnson, of the mortal Wound aforesaid, died. "During the trial, the jurors found Lawrence Earl Ferrers guilty of murder as he purposefully and without remorse injured John Johnson which led to his death.[21]

Other examples of "mortal wound" are found in:



In the 1817 love poemLaon and CythnabyPercy Bysshe Shelley,he usedmortal woundto describe "Upon his enemies heart a mortal wound to wreck," where a metaphorical eagle wished to give his enemy, a serpent, a mortal wound.[24]

The 1838 romance novelLeilaII. ii. byEdward Bulwer-Lyttonusesmortal woundto depict a scene "while the blood oozes slow and gurgling from a mortal wound." This line occurs when a soldier wearing armour did not appear to have been wounded but blood was leaking from a serious wound he had sustained.[25]

The 1865 textCamps and Prisons. Twenty Months in the Department of the GulfbyAugustine Joseph Hickey Duganneis a collection of personal accounts of theAmerican Civil War.The term is used by the author when he exclaims "And the wide land with mortal wound outbleeds!" Duganne is describing the mass of men that are found seriously injured throughout the land he stands on.[26]



In the 1982 non-fictionTortious Liability for Unintentional Harm in the Common Law and the Civil Law,the author discusses problems associated with liability in European Law. He uses the termmortal woundto discuss the issue of accountability regarding mortally wounding a slave. The author states "In the first, Celsus, Marcellus and Ulpian agree that if one man gives a slave a moral wound and another afterwards kills him, only the latter is liable under the first chapter for killing the former only under the third for wounding," while contrastingly he also explains "Julian… says... if one man gives a slave a mortal wound and after an interval another strikes him in a way as to hasten his death, both are liable for killing." The author explains that the juxtaposition is due to Julian focusing on the original wound being intentionally mortal, leading to the slave's death, while Celsus contradicts Julian and mainly focuses on the importance of the resulting death of the slave.[27]

The religious textThe Apocalypse: A Reading of the Revelation of John,published in 1994, uses the termmortal woundin reference toRevelation 13:3.The text describes a beast where "one of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its wound was healed," The author explains that this section ofRevelation 13refers to the legend ofNero,Roman Emperor, ‘coming back to life’ or still being alive after receiving a mortal wound and his vengeful goal of leading the Parthian army to destroy Rome.[28][29]

In the 1997 textVirgil'sAeneid:Semantic Relations and Proper Namesthe author reflects on Virgil's epic poem usingmortal woundin "The mortal wound that Turnus inflicted on the youth made this wound an unhealable one." This describes a scene where Turnus and Aeneas are battling in Italy. Even though Aeneas is injured he returns to battle and "Aeneas inflicts the mortal wound on Turnus in the name of ‘Pallas’," where Aeneas takes vengeance for Turnus killing his friend Pallas.[30]

Other examples of "mortal wound" are found in:

Modern usage


The number ofGooglesearch hits on 12 August 2006 for "mortally wounded" was 989,000.[33]The number of Google hits on 12 October 2018 for "mortal wound" had 346,000 results and "mortally wounded" had 1,660,000 results.

More modern usage of the term is often more figurative than literal, which can be seen in the 1998 articlePaternal Style Leaves Mortal Woundsby Stephen Deutsch. The article talks about the demise of a hospital without a director present and a proper mission statement which would lead to its implied 'eventual' death.[34]

Usage in law


The Law Dictionary (2013)defines the term mortal wound as "the term that is applied to a wound that is fatal".[35]

In the 2007Republic of Philippines Supreme Court Petition for Reviewof Lazaro (petitioner) versus Crisaldo Alberto (prosecutor) the decision report uses the term "mortal wound", it discusses the importance of being able to discern whether the petitioner had inflicted a mortal or non-mortal wound on the prosecutor Crisaldo in determining the sentence for Lazaro. If the Jury believed that Crisaldo had been inflicted with a mortal wound, which would have led to death if untreated, then Lazaro would be accused of attempted murder, rather than frustrated murder.[36]

According toCausation in Criminal Lawfrom the Pennsylvania Law Review the term "mortal wound" is used to denote that an injury is serious.[37]InCausation in the Lawfrom Oxford University Press, the term "mortal wound" is given three meanings: (i) an injury that is likely to cause death to an average person under normal circumstances (ii) an injury that has a high likelihood of causing the victim death if left untreated medically; (iii) an injury that is likely to cause death even though it does not apply to the first two circumstances (e.g. a minor injury neglected by the victim).[37]

Usage in the media


The 2018 Australian news articleDutton delivers mortal wound to Turnbulluses the term metaphorically as the death of Prime minister Turnbull's party's support. Member of parliament Petter Dutton challenged Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull for leadership of the Australian Liberal Party. The article describes it as when fewer than 60% of a prime minister's colleagues support him, he is a "dead leader walking."[38]


  1. ^Easier English intermediate dictionary(2nd ed.). London: Bloomsbury. 2004.ISBN9781408101995.OCLC191801970.
  2. ^ab"Fatal or mortal?".Grammarphobia.22 February 2017.Retrieved12 October2018.
  3. ^ab"mortal_adjective."Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.2018.Oxford University Press.Accessed 14 September 2018. https:// oxfordlearnersdictionaries /definition/english/mortal_1?q=mortal
  4. ^"mortal"Online Etymology Dictionary.2018. Douglas Harper.etymonline.Accessed 12 September 2018.https:// etymonline /word/mortal#etymonline_v_18381
  5. ^abKlein, Ernest (1971).A comprehensive etymological dictionary of the English language: dealing with the origin of words and their sense development thus illustrating the history of civilization and culture(Unabridged, one vol. ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier Pub. Co.ISBN978-0585483337.OCLC53964772.
  6. ^"wound"Online Etymology Dictionary.2018. Douglas Harper.etymonline.Accessed 12 September 2018.https:// etymonline /word/wound#etymonline_v_10862
  7. ^ab"skin. v"OED Online.Draft Revision, September 2009.Oxford University Press.OEDAccessed 12 October 2018.https://public.oed /updates/new-words-list-september-2009/
  8. ^"mortally, adv".OED Online, Oxford University Press.Retrieved12 October2018.
  9. ^Chaucer, Geoffrey (1387).The Canterbury Tales: The Tale of Melibeus.England. p. 2.
  10. ^Boaistuau, Pierre (1569).Certaine secrete wonders of nature, containing a descriptiõ of sundry strange things, seming monstrous in our eyes and iudgement, bicause we are not priuie to the reasons of them. Gathered out of diuers learned authors as well Greeke as Latine, sacred as prophane.Translated by Fenton, Edward. London: Imprinted by H. Bynnemann. pp.20.
  11. ^Burnet, Gilbert; Sander, Nicholas (1581).History of the Reformation of the Church of England: In two parts, Volume 1.Rose and Crown in St. Paul’s Church-yard: Thomas Hodgkin. p. 6.
  12. ^Griffin, Bartholomew (1596).Fidessa, More Chaste than Kind.London: Widow Orwin. pp. 261–296: 285.{{cite book}}:|work=ignored (help)
  13. ^Brooks, Thomas (1661).The Unsearchable Riches of Christ: The third edition corrected and amended.London: Thomas Ward and Co. p. 43.
  14. ^Milton, John (1667).Paradise Lost IV.England: Samuel Simmons. p. 348.
  15. ^Barbette, Paul (1672).The Chirurgical and Anatomical Works of Paul Barbette, M.D. Practitioner at Amsterdam.London: J. Darby. p. 148.
  16. ^"The London Gazette".The London Gazette(5228) (published 25 May 1714): 2. 12 October 2018 – via The Gazette Official Public Record.
  17. ^Phillips, Edward (1720).The New World of Words: or, Universal English Dictionary, 16th edition.John Kersey. p. 443.
  18. ^Phillips, Edward (1720).The New World of Words: or, Universal English Dictionary, 16th edition.John Kersey. p. 711.
  19. ^Gold, Eli (15 May 1987). "Pandemic Influenza 1700-1900: A Study in Historical Epidemiology".JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association.257(19): 2656.doi:10.1001/jama.1987.03390190134045.ISSN0098-7484.
  20. ^Ramsay, Allan (1800).The Poems of Allan Ramsay, Volume 1.London: A. Strahan. p. 92.
  21. ^The Trial of Lawrence Earl Ferrers, for the Murder of John Johnson, Before the Right Honourable: The House of Peers, in Westminster-Hall, in Full Parliament.London: Chancery lane: Order of the house of PEERS. 1760. pp. 205: 4.{{cite book}}:|work=ignored (help)
  22. ^Gow, John (1725).A True and Genuine Account of the Last Confession and Dying Words of John Gow, alias Smith, Captain of the Pirates, as likewise of the Eight Others, who were executed with him.London. pp. 10, 15.
  23. ^Gooch, Benjamin (1767).A Practical Treatise on Wounds and Other Chirurgical Subjects.Norwich: W. Chase. pp.116,218.mortal wound.
  24. ^Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1817).Laon and Cythna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City: A Vision of the Nineteenth Century.London. p. 10.
  25. ^Lytton, Edward Bulwer (1838).Leila or, The Siege of Granada II.Berlin: A. Asher. pp. Chapter 2: 44.
  26. ^Duganne, Augustine Joseph Hickey (1865).Camps and prisons: twenty months in the Department of the Gulf.New York: J. P. Robens. p. 344.
  27. ^Lawson, F. H.; Markesinis, B. S. (1982).Tortious Liability for Unintentional Harm in the Common Law and the Civil Law: Volume 1, Text.Great Britain: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 31.ISBN9780521272094.
  28. ^Talbert, Charles H. (1994).The Apocalypse: A Reading of the Revelation of John.Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox Press. p. 52.ISBN9780664253639.
  29. ^Professor Walter J. Veith, PhD (26 May 2009)."The First Beast's Wound".amazingdiscoveries.org.Retrieved9 November2018.
  30. ^Paschalis, Michael (1997).Virgil's Aeneid: Semantic Relations and Proper Names.New York: Clarendon Press: Oxford. p. 12.ISBN9780198146889.
  31. ^La Capria, Raffaele (1964).The Mortal Wound.New York: Farrar & Straus.
  32. ^Nabokov, Vladimir (1968).King, Queen, Knave.Translated by Nabokov, Dmitri. US: McGraw-Hill. p. 177.
  33. ^Cognitive linguistic approaches to teaching vocabulary and phraseology.Boers, Frank., Lindstromberg, Seth, 1949-. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2008. p. 337.ISBN9783110199161.OCLC560639481.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: others (link)
  34. ^Deutsch, S. I. (1998). "Paternal style leaves mortal wounds".Government Executive.30(3): 33.ProQuest204309892.
  35. ^"What is MORTAL WOUND? definition of MORTAL WOUND (Black's Law Dictionary)".The Law Dictionary.28 March 2013.Retrieved12 October2018.
  36. ^"Lazaro v. Alberto, Petition for Review 2007".Republic of Philippines, Supreme Court.Retrieved12 October2018.
  37. ^abMidson, Brenda (2010)."Teaching Causation in Criminal Law: Learning to Think Like Policy Analysts".Legal Education Review.20(1–2): 109.doi:10.53300/001c.6234.
  38. ^"Dutton delivers mortal wound to Turnbull".msn.Retrieved14 September2018.

Further reading
