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The Moon'scosmic rayshadow, as seen in secondary muons generated by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, and detected 700 meters below ground, at theSoudan 2detector
CompositionElementary particle
AntiparticleAntimuon (
DiscoveredCarl D. Anderson,Seth Neddermeyer(1936)
0.1134289257(22) Da[2]
Mean lifetime2.1969811(22)×10−6s[4][5]
Decays into
[5](most common)
Electric charge−1e
Color chargeNone
Weak isospinLH:−1/2,RH:0
Weak hyperchargeLH:−1,RH:−2

Amuon(/ˈm(j)ɑːn/M(Y)OO-on;from theGreeklettermu(μ) used to represent it) is anelementary particlesimilar to theelectron,with anelectric chargeof −1eandspin-1/2,but with a much greater mass. It is classified as alepton.As with other leptons, the muon is not thought to be composed of any simpler particles.

The muon is an unstablesubatomic particlewith amean lifetimeof2.2μs,much longer than many other subatomic particles. As with the decay of the freeneutron(with a lifetime around 15 minutes), muon decay is slow (by subatomic standards) because the decay is mediated only by theweak interaction(rather than the more powerfulstrong interactionorelectromagnetic interaction), and because the mass difference between the muon and the set of its decay products is small, providing few kineticdegrees of freedomfor decay. Muon decay almost always produces at least three particles, which must include an electron of the same charge as the muon and two types ofneutrinos.

Like all elementary particles, the muon has a correspondingantiparticleof opposite charge (+1e) but equalmassand spin: theantimuon(also called apositive muon). Muons are denoted by
and antimuons by
.Formerly, muons were calledmu mesons,but are not classified asmesonsby modern particle physicists(see§ History),and that name is no longer used by the physics community.

Muons have amassof105.66MeV/c2,which is approximately206.7682827(46)[6]times that of the electron,me.There is also a third lepton, thetau,approximately 17 times heavier than the muon.

Due to their greater mass, muons accelerate slower than electrons in electromagnetic fields, and emit lessbremsstrahlung(deceleration radiation). This allows muons of a given energy topenetrate far deeperinto matter because the deceleration of electrons and muons is primarily due to energy loss by the bremsstrahlung mechanism. For example, so-called secondary muons, created bycosmic rayshitting the atmosphere, can penetrate the atmosphere and reach Earth's land surface and even into deep mines.

Because muons have a greater mass and energy than thedecay energyof radioactivity, they are not produced byradioactive decay.Nonetheless, they are produced in great amounts in high-energy interactions in normal matter, in certainparticle acceleratorexperiments withhadrons,and in cosmic ray interactions with matter. These interactions usually producepi mesonsinitially, which almost always decay to muons.

As with the other charged leptons, the muon has an associatedmuon neutrino,denoted by
,which differs from theelectron neutrinoand participates in different nuclear reactions.


Muons were discovered byCarl D. AndersonandSeth NeddermeyeratCaltechin 1936 while studyingcosmic radiation.Anderson noticed particles that curved differently from electrons and other known particles when passed through amagnetic field.They were negatively charged but curved less sharply than electrons, but more sharply thanprotons,for particles of the same velocity. It was assumed that the magnitude of their negative electric charge was equal to that of the electron, and so to account for the difference in curvature, it was supposed that their mass was greater than an electron's but smaller than a proton's. Thus Anderson initially called the new particle amesotron,adopting the prefixmeso-from the Greek word for "mid-". The existence of the muon was confirmed in 1937 byJ. C. Streetand E. C. Stevenson'scloud chamberexperiment.[7]

A particle with a mass in themesonrange had been predicted before the discovery of any mesons, by theoristHideki Yukawa:[8]

It seems natural to modify the theory of Heisenberg and Fermi in the following way. The transition of a heavy particle from neutron state to proton state is not always accompanied by the emission of light particles. The transition is sometimes taken up by another heavy particle.

Because of its mass, the mu meson was initially thought to be Yukawa's particle and some scientists, includingNiels Bohr,originally named it theyukon. The fact that the mesotron (i.e. the muon) was not Yukawa's particle was established in 1946 by an experiment conducted byMarcello Conversi,Oreste Piccioni,and Ettore Pancini in Rome. In this experiment, whichLuis Walter Alvarezcalled the "start of modern particle physics" in his 1968 Nobel lecture,[9]they showed that the muons from cosmic rays were decaying without being captured by atomic nuclei, contrary to what expected by the mediator of thenuclear forcepostulated by Yukawa. Yukawa's predicted particle, thepi meson,was finally identified in 1947 (again from cosmic ray interactions).

With two particles now known with the intermediate mass, the more general termmesonwas adopted to refer to any such particle within the correct mass range between electrons and nucleons. Further, in order to differentiate between the two different types of mesons after the second meson was discovered, the initial mesotron particle was renamed themu meson(the Greek letterμ[mu] corresponds tom), and the new 1947 meson (Yukawa's particle) was named thepi meson.

As more types of mesons were discovered in accelerator experiments later, it was eventually found that the mu meson significantly differed not only from the pi meson (of about the same mass), but also from all other types of mesons. The difference, in part, was that mu mesons did not interact with the nuclear force, as pi mesons did (and were required to do, in Yukawa's theory). Newer mesons also showed evidence of behaving like the pi meson in nuclear interactions, but not like the mu meson. Also, the mu meson's decay products included both aneutrinoand anantineutrino,rather than just one or the other, as was observed in the decay of other charged mesons.

In the eventualStandard Modelofparticle physicscodified in the 1970s, all mesons other than the mu meson were understood to behadrons– that is, particles made ofquarks– and thus subject to the nuclear force. In the quark model, amesonwas no longer defined by mass (for some had been discovered that were very massive – more thannucleons), but instead were particles composed of exactly two quarks (a quark and antiquark), unlike thebaryons,which are defined as particles composed of three quarks (protons and neutrons were the lightest baryons). Mu mesons, however, had shown themselves to be fundamental particles (leptons) like electrons, with no quark structure. Thus, mu "mesons" were not mesons at all, in the new sense and use of the termmesonused with the quark model of particle structure.

With this change in definition, the termmu mesonwas abandoned, and replaced whenever possible with the modern termmuon,making the term "mu meson" only a historical footnote. In the new quark model, other types of mesons sometimes continued to be referred to in shorter terminology (e.g.,pionfor pi meson), but in the case of the muon, it retained the shorter name and was never again properly referred to by older "mu meson" terminology.

The eventual recognition of the muon as a simple "heavy electron", with no role at all in the nuclear interaction, seemed so incongruous and surprising at the time, that Nobel laureateI. I. Rabifamously quipped, "Who ordered that?"[10]

In theRossi–Hall experiment(1941), muons were used to observe thetime dilation(or, alternatively,length contraction) predicted byspecial relativity,for the first time.[11]

Muon sources[edit]

Cosmic ray muon passing through lead in cloud chamber

Muons arriving on the Earth's surface are created indirectly as decay products of collisions of cosmic rays with particles of the Earth's atmosphere.[12]

About 10,000 muons reach every square meter of the earth's surface a minute; these charged particles form as by-products of cosmic rays colliding with molecules in the upper atmosphere. Traveling at relativistic speeds, muons can penetrate tens of meters into rocks and other matter before attenuating as a result of absorption or deflection by other atoms.[13]

When a cosmic ray proton impacts atomic nuclei in the upper atmosphere,pionsare created. These decay within a relatively short distance (meters) into muons (their preferred decay product), andmuon neutrinos.The muons from these high-energy cosmic rays generally continue in about the same direction as the original proton, at a velocity near thespeed of light.Although their lifetimewithoutrelativistic effects would allow a half-survival distance of only about 456 meters( 2.197 μs × ln(2) × 0.9997 ×c)at most (as seen from Earth), thetime dilationeffect ofspecial relativity(from the viewpoint of the Earth) allows cosmic ray secondary muons to survive the flight to the Earth's surface, since in the Earth frame the muons have a longerhalf-lifedue to their velocity. From the viewpoint (inertial frame) of the muon, on the other hand, it is thelength contractioneffect of special relativity that allows this penetration, since in the muon frame its lifetime is unaffected, but the length contraction causes distances through the atmosphere and Earth to be far shorter than these distances in the Earth rest-frame. Both effects are equally valid ways of explaining the fast muon's unusual survival over distances.

Since muons are unusually penetrative of ordinary matter, like neutrinos, they are also detectable deep underground (700 meters at theSoudan 2detector) and underwater, where they form a major part of the natural background ionizing radiation. Like cosmic rays, as noted, this secondary muon radiation is also directional.

The same nuclear reaction described above (i.e. hadron–hadron impacts to produce pion beams, which then quickly decay to muon beams over short distances) is used by particle physicists to produce muon beams, such as the beam used for the muong−2 experiment.[14]

Muon decay[edit]

The most common decay of the muon

Muons are unstable elementary particles and are heavier than electrons and neutrinos but lighter than all other matter particles. They decay via theweak interaction.Becauseleptonic family numbersare conserved in the absence of an extremely unlikely immediateneutrino oscillation,one of the product neutrinos of muon decay must be a muon-type neutrino and the other an electron-type antineutrino (antimuon decay produces the corresponding antiparticles, as detailed below).

Because charge must be conserved, one of the products of muon decay is always an electron of the same charge as the muon (a positron if it is a positive muon). Thus all muons decay to at least an electron, and two neutrinos. Sometimes, besides these necessary products, additional other particles that have no net charge and spin of zero (e.g., a pair of photons, or an electron-positron pair), are produced.

The dominant muon decay mode (sometimes called the Michel decay afterLouis Michel) is the simplest possible: the muon decays to an electron, an electron antineutrino, and a muon neutrino. Antimuons, in mirror fashion, most often decay to the corresponding antiparticles: apositron,an electron neutrino, and a muon antineutrino. In formulaic terms, these two decays are:





The mean lifetime,τ=ħ/Γ,of the (positive) muon is2.1969811±0.0000022μs.[4]The equality of the muon and antimuon lifetimes has been established to better than one part in 104.[15]

Prohibited decays[edit]

Certain neutrino-less decay modes are kinematically allowed but are, for all practical purposes, forbidden in theStandard Model,even given that neutrinos have mass and oscillate. Examples forbidden by lepton flavour conservation are:






Taking into account neutrino mass, a decay like

is technically possible in the Standard Model (for example byneutrino oscillationof a virtual muon neutrino into an electron neutrino), but such a decay is hugely unlikely and therefore should be experimentally unobservable. Fewer than one in 1050muon decays should produce such a decay.

Observation of such decay modes would constitute clear evidence for theoriesbeyond the Standard Model.Upper limits for the branching fractions of such decay modes were measured in many experiments starting more than 60 years ago. The current upper limit for the

branching fraction was measured 2009–2013 in theMEGexperiment and is4.2×10−13.[16]

Theoretical decay rate[edit]

The muondecay widththat follows fromFermi's golden rulehas dimension of energy, and must be proportional to the square of the amplitude, and thus the square ofFermi's coupling constant(), with over-all dimension of inverse fourth power of energy. By dimensional analysis, this leads toSargent's ruleof fifth-power dependence onmμ,[17][18]


is the fraction of the maximum energy transmitted to the electron.

The decay distributions of the electron in muon decays have been parameterised using the so-called Michel parameters. The values of these four parameters are predicted unambiguously in the Standard Model of particle physics, thus muon decays represent a good test of the spacetime structure of theweak interaction.No deviation from the Standard Model predictions has yet been found.

For the decay of the muon, the expected decay distribution for the Standard Model values of Michel parameters is

whereis the angle between the muon's polarization vectorand the decay-electron momentum vector, andis the fraction of muons that are forward-polarized. Integrating this expression over electron energy gives the angular distribution of the daughter electrons:

The electron energy distribution integrated over the polar angle (valid for) is

Because the direction the electron is emitted in (a polar vector) is preferentially aligned opposite the muon spin (anaxial vector), the decay is an example of non-conservation ofparityby the weak interaction. This is essentially the same experimental signature as used by theoriginal demonstration.More generally in the Standard Model, all chargedleptonsdecay via the weak interaction and likewise violate parity symmetry.

Muonic atoms[edit]

The muon was the firstelementary particlediscovered that does not appear in ordinaryatoms.

Negative muon atoms[edit]

Negativemuons can formmuonic atoms(previously called mu-mesic atoms), by replacing an electron in ordinary atoms. Muonic hydrogen atoms are much smaller than typical hydrogen atoms because the much larger mass of the muon gives it a much more localizedground-statewavefunctionthan is observed for the electron. In multi-electron atoms, when only one of the electrons is replaced by a muon, the size of the atom continues to be determined by the other electrons, and the atomic size is nearly unchanged. Nonetheless, in such cases, the orbital of the muon continues to be smaller and far closer to the nucleus than theatomic orbitalsof the electrons.

Spectroscopic measurements inmuonic hydrogenhave been used to produce a precise estimate of theproton radius.[19]The results of these measurements diverged from the then accepted value giving rise to the so calledproton radius puzzle.Later this puzzle found its resolution when new improved measurements of the proton radius in the electronic hydrogen became available.[20]

Muonicheliumis created by substituting a muon for one of the electrons in helium-4. The muon orbits much closer to the nucleus, so muonic helium can therefore be regarded like an isotope of helium whose nucleus consists of two neutrons, two protons and a muon, with a single electron outside. Chemically, muonic helium, possessing an unpairedvalence electron,canbondwith other atoms, and behaves more like a hydrogen atom than an inert helium atom.[21][22][23]

Muonic heavy hydrogen atoms with a negative muon may undergo nuclear fusion in the process ofmuon-catalyzed fusion,after the muon may leave the new atom to induce fusion in another hydrogen molecule. This process continues until the negative muon is captured by a helium nucleus, where it remains until it decays.

Negative muons bound to conventional atoms can be captured (muon capture) through theweak forceby protons in nuclei, in a sort of electron-capture-like process. When this happens,nuclear transmutationresults: The proton becomes a neutron and a muon neutrino is emitted.

Positive muon atoms[edit]

Apositivemuon, when stopped in ordinary matter, cannot be captured by a proton since the two positive charges can only repel. The positive muon is also not attracted to the nucleus of atoms. Instead, it binds a random electron and with this electron forms an exotic atom known asmuonium(mu) atom. In this atom, the muon acts as the nucleus. The positive muon, in this context, can be considered a pseudo-isotope of hydrogen with one ninth of the mass of the proton. Because the mass of the electron is much smaller than the mass of both the proton and the muon, thereduced massof muonium, and hence itsBohr radius,is very close to that ofhydrogen.Therefore this bound muon-electron pair can be treated to a first approximation as a short-lived "atom" that behaves chemically like the isotopes of hydrogen (protium,deuteriumandtritium).

Both positive and negative muons can be part of a short-lived pi-mu atom consisting of a muon and an oppositely charged pion. These atoms were observed in the 1970s in experiments atBrookhaven National LaboratoryandFermilab.[24][25]

Anomalous magnetic dipole moment[edit]

Theanomalous magnetic dipole momentis the difference between the experimentally observed value of the magnetic dipole moment and the theoretical value predicted by theDirac equation.The measurement and prediction of this value is very important in theprecision tests of QED.The E821 experiment[26]at Brookhaven and theMuon g-2experiment at Fermilab studied the precession of the muon spin in a constant external magnetic field as the muons circulated in a confining storage ring. The Muon g-2 collaboration reported[27]in 2021:

The prediction for the value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment includes three parts:


The difference between theg-factorsof the muon and the electron is due to their difference in mass. Because of the muon's larger mass, contributions to the theoretical calculation of its anomalous magnetic dipole moment fromStandard Modelweak interactionsand from contributions involvinghadronsare important at the current level of precision, whereas these effects are not important for the electron. The muon's anomalous magnetic dipole moment is also sensitive to contributions from new physicsbeyond the Standard Model,such assupersymmetry.For this reason, the muon's anomalous magnetic moment is normally used as a probe for new physics beyond the Standard Model rather than as a test ofQED.[28]Muong−2,a new experiment at Fermilab using the E821 magnet improved the precision of this measurement.[29]

In 2020 an international team of 170 physicists calculated the most accurate prediction for the theoretical value of the muon's anomalous magnetic moment.[30][31]

Muon g−2[edit]

Muon g-2is a particle physics experiment at Fermilab to measure the anomalous magnetic dipole moment of a muon to a precision of 0.14 ppm,[32][33]which is a sensitive test of the Standard Model.[34]It might also provide evidence of the existence of entirely new particles.[35]

In 2021, the Muon g−2 Experiment presented their first results of a new experimental average that increased the difference between experiment and theory to 4.2 standard deviations.[36]

Electric dipole moment[edit]

The current experimental limit on the muonelectric dipole moment,|dμ| < 1.9 × 10−19e·cm set by the E821 experiment at the Brookhaven, is orders of magnitude above the Standard Model prediction. The observation of a non-zero muon electric dipole moment would provide an additional source ofCP violation.An improvement in sensitivity by two orders of magnitude over the Brookhaven limit is expected from the experiments at Fermilab.

Muon radiography and tomography[edit]

Since muons are much more deeply penetrating thanX-raysorgamma rays,muon imaging can be used with much thicker material or, with cosmic ray sources, larger objects. One example is commercial muon tomography used to image entire cargo containers to detect shieldednuclear material,as well as explosives or other contraband.[37]

The technique of muon transmission radiography based on cosmic ray sources was first used in the 1950s to measure the depth of theoverburdenof a tunnel in Australia[38]and in the 1960s to search for possible hidden chambers in thePyramid of ChephreninGiza.[39]In 2017, the discovery of a large void (with a length of 30 metres minimum) by observation of cosmic-ray muons was reported.[40]

In 2003, the scientists atLos Alamos National Laboratorydeveloped a new imaging technique:muon scattering tomography.With muon scattering tomography, both incoming and outgoing trajectories for each particle are reconstructed, such as with sealed aluminumdrift tubes.[41]Since the development of this technique, several companies have started to use it.

In August 2014, Decision Sciences International Corporation announced it had been awarded a contract byToshibafor use of its muon tracking detectors in reclaiming theFukushima nuclear complex.[42]The Fukushima Daiichi Tracker was proposed to make a few months of muon measurements to show the distribution of the reactor cores. In December 2014,Tepcoreported that they would be using two different muon imaging techniques at Fukushima, "muon scanning method" on Unit 1 (the most badly damaged, where the fuel may have left the reactor vessel) and "muon scattering method" on Unit 2.[43]The International Research Institute for Nuclear DecommissioningIRIDin Japan and the High Energy Accelerator Research OrganizationKEKcall the method they developed for Unit 1 the "muon permeation method"; 1,200 optical fibers for wavelength conversion light up when muons come into contact with them.[44]After a month of data collection, it is hoped to reveal the location and amount of fuel debris still inside the reactor. The measurements began in February 2015.[45]

See also[edit]


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  43. ^"Tepco to start" scanning "inside of Reactor 1 in early February by using muons".Fukushima Diary.January 2015.
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  45. ^"Muon scans begin at Fukushima Daiichi".SimplyInfo.3 February 2015. Archived fromthe originalon 7 February 2015.Retrieved7 February2015.

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]