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Mutu (music)

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Amutuis a type ofimprovised sung poetryfound inSardinia.These are traditionally sung mostly by women in response to the male. This type of improvisation calledbattorinas[1](inEnglish:quatrains).

Mutus consist of paired verses (inSardinian:duina), usually one slightly longer than the other (for example 3 + 4 lines). The first is known as theisterrida(opening) and the second as thetorrada(response), with thetorradarepeating at the argument of theisterrida.[2] The mutos are sung during thegara(competition) of thecantu a chiterra.



Thepluralof mutu inSardinianismutos.However, they are variously also known asmuttu, mutettu, repentinaorottada.The term mut(t)u prevails in the northern part of the island and is attested since the 8th century.[3]

See also



  • Garzia, Raffaele (1977 - 1917).Mutettus cagliaritani,Cagliari, EDES
  • Cirese, Alberto Mario (1977).Struttura e origine morfologica dei mutos e dei mutettus sardi; e Alcune questioni terminologiche in materia di poesia popolare sarda: mutu, mutettu, battorina, taja,Cagliari, Edizioni 3T
  • Perria, Giovanni (2012).Mutetus e mutos: tipologia, struttura, funzione,provided with a CD, PTM, Mogoro


  1. ^Mensching, G.Einführing in die Sardische SpracheRomanisticher Verlag (1994)ISBN3-86143-015-0
  2. ^Polyphonies de Sardaigne,byBernard Lortat-Jacob,Musée de l'Homme (1981/1992), Le Chant du Monde LDX 274 760
  3. ^Max Leopold Wagner,Dizionario Etimologico SardoCarl Winter Verlag (1960)