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National conservatism

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National conservatismis anationalistvariant ofconservatism[definition under discussion]that concentrates on upholdingnational,cultural identity,communitarianismand the public role ofreligion(seereligion in politics). It shares aspects oftraditionalist conservatismandsocial conservatism,while departing fromeconomic liberalismandlibertarianism,as well as taking a more pragmatic approach toregulatory economicsandprotectionism.[1][2][3][4]National conservatives usually combine conservatism with nationalist stances, emphasizingcultural conservatism,family valuesand opposition toillegal immigrationoropposition to immigrationper se.[5][6][7]National conservative parties often have roots in environments with a rural, traditionalist or peripheral basis, contrasting with the more urban support base ofliberal conservativeparties.[8]

InEurope,national conservatives usually embrace some form ofEuroscepticism.[9]Inpost-communistcentralandeastern Europespecifically, most conservative parties since 1989 have followed a national conservative ideology.[10]Most notable isViktor OrbáninHungary,who has explicitly described hisFidesz's ideology as being national conservative in character and whose government is involved in the funding and spread of national conservative institutions across Europe and theUnited States,such as theDanube Institute,theMathias Corvinus Collegium,The European Conservativemagazine and theNational Conservatism Conference.[5][6][11][12][13][14][15]In the United States,Trumpismcan be considered a variety of national conservatism,[16][17][18]which also gives its name to the National Conservatism Conference, organised by theEdmund Burke Foundation.[19]

National conservatism was recently re-launched byIsraeli-Americanpolitical philosopherandBiblical scholarYoram Hazony,with his 2022 bookConservatism: A Rediscovery.[20][21][22][23]Hazony has written that "In the political arena,conservatismrefers to a standpoint that regards the recovery, restoration, elaboration, and repair of national and religious traditions as the key to maintaining a nation and strengthening it through time. "[20]



National conservatism focuses on "threats to moral order and the loss of moral bearing due to liberalism's relativism."[24]: 1089 It opposes modernity,liberalism,andsocialism,instead valuing Europe's Christian heritage[24]: 1099 and "defending"Western civilization.[24]: 1093 National conservatism is silent on classical conservative thought expressed byMichael OakeshottandEdmund Burke.[24]: 1099 InThe Virtue of Nationalism,Yoram HazonycriticizesJean-Jacques RousseauandJohn Lockefor creating a "dream world" where the "Jewish and Christian world" have "no place to exist".[16]National conservatism rejects standard historiography overthe Enlightenment,modernization,andemancipationand key political events such as1789,1968,and1989.National conservatism distances itself from fascism, viewing it along with liberalism and socialism as aspects of modernity and thus "disconnect human designs from normative order", instead calling for the "restoration and order" of social, moral, and political structures.[24]: 1099 Patrick Deneenargues that the "current elite" should be replaced with "a better aristocracy brought about by a muscular populism" to advance the "common good", with the common good loosely defined as "integration" which includes the reuniting of church and state.[16]

Social policies


Ideologically, national conservatism is not a uniform philosophy but adherents have broadly expressed support fornationalism,patriotism,assimilationismandmonoculturalism.At the same time there is expressed opposition tointernationalism,racial politics,multiculturalismandglobalism.[25][26][27]National conservatives adhere to a form ofcultural nationalismthat emphasizes the preservation ofnational identityas well ascultural identity.As a result, many favorassimilationinto thedominant culture,restrictions on immigrationand strictlaw and orderpolicies.[6][5]

National conservative parties support traditionalfamily values,gender rolesand the public role ofreligion,[5][28]being critical of theseparation of church and state.According to the Austrian political scientistSieglinde Rosenberger,"national conservatism praises the family as a home and a center of identity, solidarity, and tradition".[28]It opposes the "1968 agenda" of gender-related emancipation.[24]: 1099 

Economic policies


National conservative parties in different countries do not necessarily share a common position on economic policy. Their views may range from support ofcorporatism[citation needed]andmixed economyto a morelaissez-faireapproach. In the first, more common case, national conservatives can be distinguished fromliberal conservatives,[29]for whomfree marketeconomic policies,deregulationand tight spending are the main priorities. Some commentators have indeed identified a growing gap between national andeconomic liberalconservatism: "Most parties of the Right [today] are run by economically liberal conservatives who, in varying degrees, have marginalisedsocial,culturaland national conservatives. "[29]

National conservatism developed its economic alternative to liberalism through political representatives in post-communist Europe, most notably Poland and Hungary, and the emergence of "pro-worker conservatism" in the United States.[24]: 1095 Throughout the 1990's, economic positions of national conservatives were largely fusionist.[24]: 1097 The works ofLeo StraussandEric Voegelinhave served as building blocks for the modern national conservative movement's socio-economic policies. Strauss' indictment of capitalism as 'economism' through the reduction of individual needs to consumption plays a role in national conservative thought, which argues forsolidarismand an increased statist role in the economy to bring about a moralizing "financial nationalism" in opposition to communism and the individualism in liberalism.[24]: 1097–1098 Depending on the country, this can include increased support ofprotectionism;increased state social spending for "pro-worker" and "pro-family" conservatism; the re-nationalization of banks and strategic enterprises; and opposing tax breaks.[24]: 1098–1099 It supports 'social nativism' in East Asian state-led development as a socio-economic policy paradigm.[24]: 1093 

Foreign policy


National conservatives usually support a foreign policy that upholds the interests of their nation. They lean towardsmilitarism,unilateralismandisolationism.They reject theinternationalismandmultilateralismthat has characterized the modern global age.[30][31]They often have a negative view of theUnited Nations,feeling that its globalist agenda erodes their unique national identity,[30][31]as well as theEuropean Unionand other international organizations.[16]

Regionalist varieties


Regional parties can be nationalist or national conservative, without aligning with the country to which the region belongs.South Tyrolis a notable example, as "national conservative" parties there represent itsGerman-speakingmajority and identify with neighbouringAustria,with which South Tyrol shares cultural and historical ties.

List of national conservative political parties


Current national conservative parties, or parties with national conservative factions


The following political parties have been characterised as being ideologically influenced by national conservativism:

Defunct or formerly national conservative parties, or parties with national conservative factions


National conservative groups in the European Parliament


See also



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