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National day

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Independence-related national day
Unification/revolution-related national day
Other reasons for national day
No official national day

Anational dayis a day on which celebrations mark thestatehoodor nationhood of a state or itspeople.It may be the date ofindependence,of becoming arepublic,of becoming afederation,or a significant date for apatron saintor a ruler (such as a birthday,accession,or removal).

The national day is often an officialpublic holiday.Many countries have more than one national day. Denmark and the United Kingdom are the only countries without a national day. Britain abandonedEmpire Day,while Denmark has what is not a public holiday but an unofficial celebration calledConstitution Day.[1]National days emerged with the age ofnationalism,with most appearing during the 19th and 20th centuries.[2]

National day may also be known asIndependence Day,Liberation Day,orRepublic Day,depending on the nation and its history.

List of national days


Nations that are not broadly recognizedsovereign statesare shown in pink. Defunct states are highlighted in light grey. For nations that are dependent on, or part of, a sovereign state (such as federal states,autonomous regions,or colonies), the name of the sovereign state is shown in parentheses.

Days that are not fixed to the Gregorian calendar are sorted by their occurrences.

Nation Date Significance Description
Acadia(Canada) 15 August National Acadian Day Assumption Daywas preferred over 24 June to remember that Acadians are descendants of France and a separate nation from theFrench Canadians.
Afghanistan 19 August Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom and its control over Afghan foreign affairs in 1919.
African Union 25 May Africa Day Anniversary of the foundation of theOrganisation of African Unityin 1963.
Åland(Finland) 9 June Autonomy Day It commemorates the first meeting ofÅland County Councilin 1922.
Albania 28 November Independence Day It commemorates the raising of the Albanian flag inVlorëto announce theAlbanian Declaration of Independencein 1912.
Alderney(British Islands) 15 December Homecoming Day It commemorates the return of the Islanders after the end of theGerman occupation of the Channel IslandsduringWorld War IIin 1945.
Algeria 5 July Independence Day Independence from France in 1962.
1 November Revolution Day Beginning of theAlgerian Warin 1954.
American Samoa(United States) 17 April Flag Day .It commemorates the date American Samoa became a US territory and first flew the US flag in 1900. As well is the date of adoption of the American Samoan flag in 1960.
Andalusia(Spain) 28 February Andalusia Day It commemorates the date of thereferendumon theStatute of Autonomythat established Andalusia as anautonomous communityin 1980.
Andorra 8 September Our Lady of Meritxell Day Feast dayofOur Lady of Meritxell,patron saint of Andorra. As well is the date of the signing of the firstParéage of Andorrain 1278.
Angola 11 November Independence Day Independence from Portugal in 1975.
Anguilla(United Kingdom) 30 May Anguilla Day It commemorates the beginning of theAnguillian Revolutionin 1967.
Antigua and Barbuda 1 November Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981.
Aragon(Spain) 23 April Saint George's Day Feast dayofSaint George,patron saint of Aragon and hisCrown.An old legend holds that during thebattle of Alcorazin 1096, Saint George appeared in support of Aragonese army force.
Argentina 25 May May Revolution Day It commemorates theMay Revolutionand creation of the First National Government in 1810.
9 July Independence Day Anniversary of theDeclaration of Independencefrom Spain in 1816.
Armenia 28 May Republic Day Independence from theTranscaucasian Democratic Federative Republicand establishment of theFirst Republic of Armeniain 1918.
21 September Independence Day Independence from theSoviet Unionrecognised in 1991.
Aruba(Kingdom of the Netherlands) 18 March National Anthem and Flag Day It commemorates the adoption of the nationalflag of Arubaand the official anthem in 1976.
Ascension(United Kingdom) 3rd Saturday in June King's Official Birthday
Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN) 8 August ASEAN Day Commemorates the signing of the ASEAN Declaration in Bangkok on 8 August 1967 by five Foreign Ministers, marking the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Asturias(Spain) 8 September Our Lady of Covadonga Day Feast ofOur Lady of Covadonga,patron saint ofAsturias.
Australia 26 January Australia Day It commemorates the establishment of a British prison settlement atPort Jacksonin New Holland by CaptainArthur Phillipin 1788.
Austria 26 October Austrian National Day It commemorates the enactment of theAustrian Declaration of Neutralityin 1955.
Azerbaijan 28 May Independence Day Independence from theTranscaucasian Democratic Federative Republicin 1918.
Azores(Portugal) Pentecost Monday Azores Day It commemorates the establishment ofpolitical autonomywithin the Portuguese laws, following theCarnation Revolution,in 1976.
Bahamas 10 July Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1973.
Bahrain 16 December National Day It commemorates the coronation ofIsa bin Salman Al Khalifa,the firstEmir of Bahrain,in 1961.
Balearic Islands(Spain) 1 March Day of the Balearic Islands It commemorates the date that theStatute of Autonomyestablishing theBalearic Islandsas anautonomous communitybecame effective in 1983.
Bangladesh 26 March Independence Day Anniversary of theDeclaration of IndependencefromPakistanin 1971.
16 December Victory Day It commemorates theSurrender of Pakistan,ending theBangladesh Liberation War,in 1971.
Barbados 30 November Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1966. As well is the anniversary of the formal proclamation of Barbados as a Republic within theCommonwealthin 2021.
Basque Country(Spain) Easter Sunday (unofficial) Aberri Eguna(Fatherland Day) No official National Day. Fatherland Day is the unofficial Basque national holiday, associated withBasque nationalism.From 2011 to 2013 the official national day was on 25 October.
Belarus 3 July Independence Day It commemorates theliberationofMinskfrom German occupation bySoviettroops in 1944.
Belgium 21 July National Day It commemorates whenLeopold of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeldtakes the oath as the firstKing of the Belgiansin 1831.
Belize 21 September Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981.
Benin 1 August Independence Day Independence from France in 1960.
Bermuda(United Kingdom) 4th Friday in May Bermuda Day It commemorates the islands' heritage and culture. Previously was known asQueen Victoria's birthday and celebrated on 24 May.
Bhutan 17 December National Day It commemorates whenUgyen Wangchuckwas elected and enthroned as the first hereditaryKing of Bhutanin 1907.
Bolivia 6 August Independence Day Anniversary of theDeclaration of Independencefrom Spain in 1825.
Botswana 30 September Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1966.
Brazil 7 September Independence Day Anniversary of theDeclaration of Independencefrom Portugal in 1822.
British Empire 24 May Victoria Day Queen Victoria's birthday.
British Virgin Islands(United Kingdom) 1 July Virgin Islands Day It commemorates the day on whichBVIgained self-governing status within British control in 1967. Previously was known as Colony Day and later as Territory Day.
Brunei 23 February National Day It commemorates the independence from the United Kingdom in 1984, which actually occurred on 1 January.
Brussels-Capital Region(Belgium) 8 May Iris Day[fr;nl] It commemorates the blooming season of the iris (also calledfleur de Lys), which is the symbol of the Region. Also commemorates the victory day over the Nazis inWorld War IIand a formerfeast dayofSaint Michael,patron saint of the Region.
Bulgaria 3 March Liberation Day It commemorates the signing of theTreaty of San Stefano,that providedautonomywithin Ottoman Empire in 1878.
Burkina Faso 11 December Independence Day It commemorates the establishment of a self-governing state within theFrench Communityin 1958.
Burundi 1 July Independence Day Independence from Belgium in 1962.
Cambodia 9 November Independence Day Independence from France in 1953.
Cameroon 20 May National Day It commemorates the creation of a unitary state in 1972.
Canada 1 July Canada Day It commemorates the creation ofCanadian Confederation,the process byProvince of Canada,Nova Scotia,andNew Brunswickwere united into one federation called the Dominion of Canada in 1867.
Canary Islands(Spain) 30 May Day of the Canary Islands It commemorates the anniversary of the first session of theParliament of the Canary Islandsin 1983.
Cantabria(Spain) 28 July (unofficial) Cantabria Institutions Day No official Regional Day. Cantabria Institutions Day commemorates the establishment of the province in 1778.
Castilla–La Mancha(Spain) 31 May Castilla–La Mancha Day It commemorates the anniversary of the first session of theCortes of Castilla–La Manchain 1983.
Castilla y León(Spain) 23 April Castile and León Day It commemorates the anniversary of theBattle of Villalarand theRevolt of the Comunerosin 1521.
Catalonia(Spain) 11 September National Day It commemorates thefall of Barcelonaduring theWar of the Spanish Successionin 1714.
Cape Verde 5 July Independence Day Independence fromPortugalin 1975.
Cayman Islands(United Kingdom) 1st Monday in July Constitution Day It commemorates the adoption of theConstitutionof theWest Indies Federation[3]in 1959.
Central African Republic 1 December National Day It commemorates the anniversary of becoming an autonomous territory within theFrench Communityin 1958.
Ceuta(Spain) 2 September Ceuta Day It commemorates whenPedro de Meneses, 1st Count of Vila Realbecomes the first Governor of Ceuta after theConquest of Ceutain 1415.
Chad 11 August Independence Day Independence from France in 1960.
Chile 18 September Independence Day It commemorates when the firstGovernment Juntawas created in 1810.
China, People's Republic of 1 October National Day It commemorates the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.
Taiwan (Republic of China) 1 January Founding Day It commemorates the establishment of theProvisional Governmentin 1912.
10 October National Day It commemorates theWuchang Uprisingthat led to abolishment of the monarchy and founding of the Republic in China in 1911.
Colombia 20 July Independence Day Anniversary of theDeclaration of Independencefrom Spain in 1810.
Commonwealth of Nations 2nd Monday in March Commonwealth Day Until 1958 was known as Empire Day.
Comoros 6 July National Day Independence from France in 1975.
Democratic Republic of the Congo 30 June Independence Day Independence from Belgium in 1960.
Republic of the Congo 15 August National Day Independence from France in 1960.
Cook Islands 4 August Constitution Day It commemorates the self-government in free association withNew Zealandin 1965.
Costa Rica 15 September Independence Day Independencefrom theKingdom of Spainin 1821.
Croatia 30 May National Day It commemorates when the multi-partyParliamentwas constituted in 1990.
Cuba 1 January Liberation Day It commemorates theCuban Revolutionand the overthrow of the Batista regime in 1959.
10 October Independence Day Independence from theSpanish Empirein 1868.
Curaçao(Kingdom of the Netherlands) 2 July National Anthem and Flag Day It commemorates when the first island council was elected and instituted in 1954.
Cyprus 1 October Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1960.
Czech Republic 28 October Independent Czechoslovak State Day Independence fromAustria-HungaryandcreationofCzechoslovakiain 1918.
Côte d'Ivoire 7 August Independence Day Independence from France in 1960.
Denmark 5 June (unofficial) Constitution Day Constitution Day is the unofficial national holiday of Denmark, which has no official National Day. It commemorates the signing as both the firstConstitutionin 1849 and the current constitution in 1953.
Djibouti 27 June Independence Day Independence from France in 1977.
Dominica 3 November Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1978. As well is the date when the island was discovered byChristopher Columbusin 1493.
Dominican Republic 27 February Independence Day IndependencefromHaitiin 1844.
East Timor 20 May Independence Day Independence fromIndonesiain 2002
Ecuador 10 August Independence Day Proclamation of independencefrom Spain in 1809
Egypt 23 July Revolution Day Commemorating therevolution of 1952
El Salvador 15 September Independence Day Independencefrom theKingdom of Spainin 1821
England(United Kingdom) 23 April Saint George's Day Feast day ofSaint George,patron saint of England
Equatorial Guinea 12 October Independence Day Independence from Spain in 1968
Eritrea 24 May Independence Day Eritrean People's Liberation Front(EPLF) fighters enter Asmara in 1991 and Eritrea becomes a de facto independent state; United Nations recognizes Eritrea's independence fromEthiopiain 1993 after a UN-supervised referendum on nationhood.
Estonia 24 February Independence Day Anniversary of the Republic ofEstoniaon the date of itsdeclarationof independence from theRussianandGerman Empiresin 1918
Eswatini 6 September Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1968
Ethiopia 28 May Downfall of the Derg Day The Derg regime is defeated in 1991
European Union 9 May Europe Day Commemorating theSchuman Declarationof 1950
Extremadura(Spain) 8 September Our Lady of GuadalupeDay Feast ofOur Lady of Guadalupe,patron saint ofExtremadura
Falkland Islands(United Kingdom) 14 August Falklands Day First recorded sighting of the islands in 1592
14 June Liberation Day Liberation fromArgentinean occupationat the end of theFalklands Warin 1982
Faroe Islands(Denmark) 29 July Ólavsøka Saint Olaf's death at the Battle of Stiklestad in 1030: opening of theLøgting(parliament) session
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 1 March Independence Day Referendum on independence from Yugoslavia in 1992
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 25 November Statehood Day Formation of theState Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovinain 1943
Fiji 10 October Fiji Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1970
Finland 6 December Independence Day Declaration of independence from Russia in 1917
Flanders(Belgium) 11 July Feestdag van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap Battle of the Golden Spurs on 11 July 1302.
Florida(United States) 2 April Pascua Florida Day or week (as declared by theGovernor) celebrating the founding ofFloridabyJuan Ponce de Leónon 2 April 1513.
France 14 July Bastille Day Bastille Day (known asla Fête Nationalein France), commemorating thestorming of the Bastilleon 14 July 1789[4]
French Community(Belgium) 27 September French Community Holiday
French Guiana(France) 10 June Abolition of SlaveryDay
French Polynesia(France) 29 June Internal Autonomy Day
Gabon 17 August Independence Day Independence from France in 1960
Galicia(Spain) 25 July National Day Commemorates theFeast of Saint James,patron saint of Galicia
Gambia, The 18 February Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1965
Georgia 26 May Day of First Republic Declaration of independence from Russia in 1918
German Empire 18 January Proclamation of the German Empire on 18 January 1871 in the Palace of Versailles.
East Germany 7 October Republic Day Declaration of the German Democratic Republic in 1949
German-speaking Community(Belgium) 15 November Day of the German-speaking Community
Germany 3 October German Unity Day Unification ofWest GermanyandEast Germanyin 1990
Ghana 6 March Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1957
Gibraltar(United Kingdom) 10 September National Day People of Gibraltar vote to reject Spanish sovereignty or association in 1967
Greece 25 March Independence Day Start of theGreek Revolutionagainst theOttoman Empirein 1821
28 October Ohi Day Refusal to the surrender the country on theItalian troops,and honour at the dead during theGreco-Italian Warand theGreek Resistanceagainst theAxisin 1940–1944
Greenland(Denmark) 21 June Greenland National Day (Longest Day of the Year) Greenland National Day was introduced in 1983 as one of theHome Rule's traditions and is thus one of several expressions of national identity
Grenada 7 February Independence Day Independence from United Kingdom in 1974
Guadeloupe(France) 27 May Abolition of SlaveryDay
Guam(United States) 21 July Liberation Day American landing on Guam 1944, the beginning of theBattle of Guam
Guatemala 15 September Independence Day Independencefrom theKingdom of Spainin 1821
Guernsey(British Islands) 9 May Liberation Day The end of theGerman occupation of the Channel Islandsin 1945
Guinea 2 October Independence Day Independence from France in 1958
Guinea-Bissau 24 September Independence Day Declaration of independence from Portugal in 1973
Guyana 23 February Mashramani Declaration of the Republic in 1970
26 May Independence Day Declaration of independence from the United Kingdom in 1966
Haiti 1 January Independence Day Declaration of independencefrom France in 1804
Herm(British Islands) 9 May Liberation Day The end of theGerman occupation of the Channel Islandsin 1945
Honduras 15 September Independence Day Independencefrom theKingdom of Spainin 1821
Hong Kong(China) 1 July Establishment Day Transfer of sovereignty to the PRCin 1997
1 October National Day of the PRC Proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949
Hungary 15 March 1848 Revolution Memorial Day Commemorating the1848 Revolution
20 August Saint Stephen's Day Feast day ofSaint Stephen,patron saint of Hungary and first King of Hungary, coronated in 1000 and canonized in 1083
23 October 1956 Revolution Memorial Day Commemorating the1956 Revolution
Iceland 17 June National Day Founding of the Republic and dissolution of the personal union withDenmarkin 1944
India 26 January Republic Day Adoption of theConstitution of India[5]in 1950
15 August Independence Day Independence from theBritish Empirein1947
2 October Gandhi Jayanti Birth anniversary ofMahatma Gandhi(Father of the Nation) in 1869
Indonesia 17 August Independence Day Proclamation of Independence(Hari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan R.I.) from thekingdom of the Netherlandsin 1945
Iran 11 February Islamic Revolution's Victory Day (Fajr decade) Victory of theIslamic Revolutionin 1979
1 April Iranian Islamic Republic Day[6]
Iraq 3 October Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1932
Ireland 17 March Saint Patrick's Day Feast day ofSaint Patrick,the patron saint of Ireland
Isle of Man(British Islands) 5 July Tynwald Day Annual festive outdoor meeting of theTynwald(parliament)
Israel 5 Iyar Independence Day Proclamation of independence from theBritish Mandate of Palestinein 1948
(date varies according to Jewish calendar on 5Iyar.)
Italy 2 June Republic Day Italy is made a republic in 1946
Jamaica 6 August Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1962
Japan 11 February National Foundation Day Jimmu,the first emperor, is crowned in 660 BC
Jersey(British Islands) 9 May Liberation Day The end of theGerman occupation of the Channel Islandsin 1945
Jordan 25 May Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1946
Kazakhstan 16 December Independence Day Independence from the Soviet Union in 1991
Kenya 12 December Jamhuri Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1963; made a republic in 1964
Kiribati 12 July Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1979[7]
Kosovo(Disputed) 17 February Independence Day Unilateraldeclaration of independencefrom Serbia in 2008
Kurdistan(Iraq) 21 March Nowruz,Persian New Year, celebrated on the spring equinox
Kuwait 25 February National Day, anniversary of the 1950 coronation ofAbdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah,who won Kuwait's independence from theBritish Empireeleven years later
Kyrgyzstan 31 August Independence Day Independence Day, declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991
Laos 2 December National Day, declaration of the People's Republic in 1975
La Rioja(Spain) 9 June Anniversary of the approval ofLa Rioja'sStatute of Autonomyestablishing it as anautonomous community
Latvia 18 November Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia,independence from theRussian Empirein 1918
Lebanon 22 November Independence Day Independence from France in 1943
Lesotho 4 October Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1966
Liberia 26 July Proclamation of the Republic: independence from theUnited Statesin 1847
Libya 24 December Independence Day Anniversary ofLibyan independencein 1951
Liechtenstein 15 August Feast of the Assumptionand birth ofPrince Franz Joseph IIin 1906
Lithuania 16 February Lithuanian State Reestablishment Day,declaration of independence from theRussianandGerman Empiresin 1918
Lombardy(Italy) 29 May Lombard Leaguedefeats the imperial army ofFrederick Barbarossain theBattle of Legnano
Luxembourg 23 June Grand Duke's Official Birthday
Macau(China) 1 October National Day of the People's Republic of China(Proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949)
20 December Transfer of sovereignty to the PRCin 1999
Madagascar 26 June Independence Day Independence from France in 1960
Madeira(Portugal) 1 July Madeira Day,day of autonomy withinPortugalin 1976
Madrid(Spain) 2 May Dos de Mayo Uprising,part of thePeninsular War,a civilian rebellion against the French occupation of the city
Malawi 6 July Independence Day Independence from the United Kingdom in 1964; declaration of the Republic in 1966
Malaysia 31 August Hari Kebangsaan,independence from the United Kingdom (as Malaya) in 1957. Also known as Hari Kebangsaan (National Day) in Malay.
16 September Malaysia Day,formation of Malaysia by uniting Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore into a single country in 1963. Proposed to be the second national day after Hari Merdeka.
Maldives 1Rabi' al-Awwal Independence Day Independence from thePortuguese Empireinc.1573 (date varies according to theIslamic Calendar)
Mali 22 September Independence Day Independence from theMali Federationin 1960
Malta 31 March Freedom Day,withdrawal of the last British troops from Malta in 1979
7 June Sette Giugno,bread riot of 1919 in which 4 Maltese men died
8 September Victory Day,celebrating the victory of the Knights of St. John over the Ottoman Empire in theGreat Siege of Maltain 1565, the end of the French occupation in 1800, and the surrender of Italy to the Allies in 1943
21 September Independence Day Independence Day,independence from the United Kingdom in 1964
13 December Republic Day,adoption of the republican constitution of 1974
Marshall Islands 1 May Constitution Day,adoption of theCompact of Free Associationin 1979
Martinique(France) 22 May Abolition of slaveryday
Mauritania 28 November Independence from France in 1960
Mauritius 12 March Independence Day Independence Day- Independence from the United Kingdom in 1968; formation of the Republic in 1992
Mayotte(France) 27 April Abolition of slaveryday
Melilla(Spain) 17 September Anniversary of the 1497Conquest of Melillaby theDuke of Medina Sidonia
Mexico 16 September Independence Day Grito de Dolores,beginning of the War of Independence from Spain in 1810
Micronesia 3 November Independence Day Independence from the US-administeredUN Trusteeshipin 1979
Minas Gerais(Brazil) 21 April Hanging ofTiradentesin 1792
16 July Elevation of the village ofMarianato the status of city.
Moldova 27 August Independence Day,declaration of independencefrom theSoviet Unionin 1991
Monaco 19 November Accession ofPrince Albert IIto the throne in 2005
Mongolia 26 November Republic Day, proclamation of theMongolian People's Republicin 1924
29 December Independence Day Independence Day,this day commemorates the independence from China in 1911.
Montenegro 21 May Independence fromSerbia and Montenegroin 2006
13 July recognised as independent at theCongress of Berlinin 1878
Montserrat(United Kingdom) 3rd Saturday in June King's Official Birthday
Morocco 18 November Accession ofMuhammad Vto the throne in 1927
Mozambique 25 June Independence Day Independence from Portugal in 1975
Murcia(Spain) 9 June Anniversary of the approval of theRegion of Murcia'sStatute of Autonomyestablishing it as anautonomous community
Myanmar 10th day ofTazaungmon Commemorates the anniversary of the first university student strike atRangoon Universityin 1920

Note: Not to be confused withIndependence Day (Myanmar)

Namibia 21 March Independence fromSouth Africain 1990
Nauru 31 January Independence from the Australia, NZ, and UK-administered UN trusteeship 1968
Navarre(Spain) 3 December Feast ofSaint Francis Xavier,patron saint ofNavarre
Nepal 19 September Constitution Day, commemorating the adoption of the Constitution in 2015
Kingdom of the Netherlands 27 April King's Day,King Willem-Alexander's birthday in 1967
5 May Liberation Day,end ofGermanoccupation in 1945
New Caledonia(France) 24 September Citizenship Day Annexation to France in 1853
New Zealand 6 February Waitangi Day Signing of theTreaty of Waitangiin 1840
Nicaragua 15 September Independence Day Independencefrom theKingdom of Spainin 1821
Niger 18 December Republic Day,made an autonomous state within theFrench Communityin 1958
Nigeria 1 October Independencefrom the United Kingdom in 1960
Niue 19 October Self-government in free association withNew Zealandin 1974
Norfolk Island(Australia) 8 June Beginning of permanent settlement of the island by migrants from thePitcairn Islandsin 1856
North Korea 15 August Liberation from Japanese rule in 1945 (Chogukhaebangŭi nal)
9 September Day of the Foundation of the Republicin 1948[8]
10 October Party Foundation Dayin 1945
North Macedonia 2 August Republic Day,proclamation of statehood in 1944 and proclamation of Kruševo Republic in 1903 during theIlinden Uprising
8 September Independence Day (Den na nezavisnosta), declaration of independence fromYugoslaviain 1991
Northern Ireland(United Kingdom) 17 March Saint Patrick's Day Feast day ofSaint Patrick,the patron saint of Ireland; a public holiday sometimes associated withIrish nationalism
12 July The Twelfth (Orangemens' Day) Commemorates theBattle of the Boynein 1690; a public holiday associated withUlster unionism
Northern Mariana Islands(United States) 8 January Commonwealth Day, the constitutional government takes office in 1978
Norway 17 May Constitution Day,the signing of theNorwegian ConstitutioninEidsvoll1814
Oman 18 November National Day of Oman,independence from Portugal in 1650 and the 1940 birthday ofSultanQaboos bin Said al Saidwho reigned 1970–2020
Pakistan 23 March Pakistan Day,thePakistan Resolutionpassed inLahorein 1940.Pakistanbecame a Republic in 1956 with the1956 Constitution of Pakistan.
14 August Independence Day,independence from theBritish Empirein1947
Palau 9 July Constitution Day,adoption of the Constitution in 1980
1 October Independence Day Independence Day,full independence in 1994
Palestine 15 November Independence Day Declaration of independencein 1988
Panama 3 November Separation Day IndependencefromColombiain 1903
28 November Independence Day Independencefrom theKingdom of Spainin 1821
Papua New Guinea 16 September Independence from Australia in 1975
Paraguay 14 May Independence Day Declaration of independencefrom Spain in 1811
Peru 28 July Independence Day Declaration of independencefrom Spain in 1821
Philippines 12 June Araw ng Kalayaan,declaration of independencefrom Spain in 1898
Pitcairn Islands(United Kingdom) 3rd Saturday in June King's Official Birthday
Poland 3 May 3 May Constitution Day,celebrates the declaration of theConstitution of 3 May 1791,first constitution of its kind in Europe
11 November Święto Niepodległości (Independence Day), restoration of independence fromAustria-Hungary,Germany,andRussiain 1918
Portugal 10 June Portugal Day Officially the Day of Portugal, Camões, and the Portuguese Communities, commemorates the death of national poetLuís de Camõesin 1580
Puerto Rico(United States) 25 July Constitution Day Commemorates the establishment of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in 1952; formerly Invasion Day, day of theAmericaninvasion in 1898
23 September Grito de Lares Grito de Lares,also known asIndependence Day,celebrates the first revolt for independence from theSpanish Empirein 1868
Qatar 18 December Qatar National Day,the assumption of power byEmirJassim bin Mohammed Al Thaniin 1878
Québec(Canada) 24 June Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day,feast day ofJohn the Baptist,the patron saint of French Canadians
Rio Grande do Sul(Brazil) 20 September Expulsion of the Brazilian Army fromPorto Alegreat theFarroupilha Revolution,followed by a Declaration of Independence on 1836.
Romania 1 December Great Union Day,unification withTransylvaniaand achievement of theGreat Unionin 1918
Russia 12 June Russia Day,Declaration of State Sovereigntyin 1990
4 November Unity Day,celebrates the end ofTime of Troubles
Rwanda 1 July Independence from Belgium in 1962
Réunion(France) 20 December Abolition of slaveryday
Saba(Kingdom of the Netherlands) 1st Friday in December Saba Day celebrates, on the first Friday in December, the adoption of the flag of Saba in December 1985
Sabah(Malaysia) 31 August Sabah Day,is celebrated to commemorate Sabah's independence from United Kingdom before joining Malaysia along with Sarawak and Singapore on 16 September 1963. It has since been celebrated since 2023.
Saint Helena(United Kingdom) 3rd Saturday in June King's Official Birthday
Saint Kitts and Nevis 19 September Independence from the United Kingdom in 1983
Saint Lucia 22 February Independence Day Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1979
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 27 October Independence Day Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1979
Samoa 1 June Independence Day Independence Day,independence fromNew Zealandin 1962
San Marino 3 September Foundation of the city byMarinusin year 301 (traditional date); also is the St. Marinus Day.
Sardinia(Italy) 28 April Sardinian revolution and expulsion of Piedmontese Viceroy and Sardinian-Piedmontese officials from Cagliari, capital and largest city of Sardinia
São Paulo(Brazil) 9 July Constitutionalist Revoltagainst Vargas Regime in 1932
Sarawak(Malaysia) 22 July Sarawak Independence Day,independence from United Kingdom before joining Malaysia along with Sabah and Singapore on 16 September.
Sark(British Islands) 10 May Liberation Day, the end of theGerman occupation of the Channel Islandsin 1945
Saudi Arabia 23 September Saudi National Day Renaming of theKingdom of Nejd and Hejazto the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932
Scotland(United Kingdom) 30 November Saint Andrew's Day Feast day ofSaint Andrew,patron saint of Scotland
Senegal 4 April Independence from France in 1960
Serbia 15 February Statehood Day,start of theSerbian RevolutionagainstOttoman Empirein 1804;Constitution Day,adoption of thefirst Constitution in 1835[9]
Seychelles 18 June Constitution Day, adoption of a multi-party democratic constitution in 1993.
29 June National Day, marks the date when Seychelles gained independence from theUnited Kingdomin 1976.
Sierra Leone 27 April Republic Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1961
Singapore 9 August National Day,independence fromMalaysiain 1965
Sint Maarten(Kingdom of the Netherlands) 11 November Sint Maarten's Day[10]
Slovakia 1 January Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic, this day commemorates when Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993
Slovenia 25 June Statehood Day,declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991
Solomon Islands 7 July Independence Day Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1978
Somalia 1 July Independence Day Independence from Italy and unification withSomalilandin 1960
Somaliland(Disputed) 18 May Declaration of independence fromSomaliain 1991
26 June Independence Day Independence of theState of Somalilandfrom theUnited Kingdomin 1960
South Africa 27 April Freedom Day,first democraticgeneral electionin 1994
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands(United Kingdom) 3rd Saturday in June Liberation from Argentinaat the end of theFalklands Warin 1982 andKing's Official Birthday
South Korea 1 March Declaration of independencefrom theEmpire of Japanin 1919
15 August Liberation fromJapanese rulein 1945 (Gwangbokjeol); declaration of the Republic in 1948
3 October Gaecheonjeol,ancient Koreafounded in 2333 BC
South Sudan 9 July Independence Day, independence from Sudan in 2011
South Vietnam 26 October 1955 South Vietnam referendumcreated First Republic of Vietnam replacingState of Vietnam
1 November 1963 South Vietnam coup d'étatcreated Second Republic of Vietnam replacing First Republic of Vietnam
Soviet Union 7 November October Revolution Day,commemorating theGreat October Socialist Revolutionin 1917
Spain 12 October National Day Commemorates Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas in 1492
Sri Lanka 4 February Independence Day,independence from the United Kingdom in 1948 under the name ofCeylon
Republika Srpska(Bosnia and Herzegovina) 9 January Proclamation of the Republic, separate from Bosnia and Herzegovina and part of Yugoslavia, in 1992
Sudan 1 January Independence from the United Kingdom in 1956
Suriname 25 November Independence Day, independence from theNetherlandsin 1975
Sweden 6 June National Day:election ofGustav Vasaas King ofSwedenin 1523; adoption of the constitutions of 1809 and 1974
Switzerland 1 August National Day,alliance between Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden against theHoly Roman Empirein 1291
Syria 17 April Evacuation Day,end of French colonial rule in 1946
São Tomé and Príncipe 12 July Independence from Portugal in 1975
Tajikistan 9 September Independence Day, declaration of independence from theSoviet Unionin 1991
Tanzania 9 December Independence Day, independence from British rule in 1961
Tatarstan(Russia) 30 August Declaration of independence from theRSFSRin 1990
Thailand 5 December Father's Day Birthday of Late KingBhumibol Adulyadejin 1927; More commonly known and celebrated as Father's Day
Togo 27 April Independence from theFrench-administeredUN trusteeshipin 1960
Tonga 4 June Emancipation Dayabolition of serfdom 1862; independence from the United Kingdom in 1970
4 November Promulgation of theconstitutionin 1875
Transnistria 2 September Independence Day, declaration of independence fromMoldovain 1990
Trinidad and Tobago 31 August Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1962
Tristan da Cunha(United Kingdom) 3rd Saturday in June King's Official Birthday
Tunisia 20 March Declaration of independence from France in 1956
Turkey 29 October Republic Day(Cumhuriyet Bayramı), adoption of a republican constitution in 1923
Turkmenistan 27 September Independence Day,declaration of independence from theSoviet Unionin 1991
Turks and Caicos Islands(United Kingdom) 30 August Constitution Day, adoption of a constitution in 1976
Tuvalu 1 October Independence Day, independence from the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) in 1975 and from the United Kingdom in 1978
Uganda 9 October Independence from the United Kingdom in 1962
Ukraine 15 July Statehood Day,commemoration of theChristianization of Kievan Rus'
24 August Independence from theSoviet Unionin 1991. SeeIndependence Day of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates 2 December National Day,formation of the federation of seven emirates on independence from the United Kingdom in 1971
United Kingdom 3rd Saturday in June (unofficial) King's Official Birthday Does not have a recognized national day (see proposedBritish national day), although theKing's Official Birthday(King Charles III's was announced as being the third Saturday in June) is sometimes considered as such, for example, in British diplomatic institutions overseas
United Nations 24 October United Nations Day An annual commemorative day, reflecting the official creation of theUnited Nationson 24 October 1945
United States 4 July Independence Day First 13 states declare independence from theKingdom of Great Britainin 1776.
United States Virgin Islands(United States) 31 March Transfer Day,transfer of the islands from Denmark to the United States in 1917
Uruguay 25 August Independence Day Declaration of independencefrom Brazil in 1825
Uzbekistan 1 September Independence Day,declaration of independence from theSoviet Unionin 1991
Valencian Community(Spain) 9 October Anniversary of the creation of theKingdom of Valenciain 1238
Vanuatu 30 July Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom and France in 1980
Vatican City 11 February Lateran Treaty Day Foundation of Vatican City, signing of theLateran Treatyin 1929
Venezuela 5 July Independence Day Declaration of independencefrom Spain in 1811
Vietnam 2 September National Day, declaration of independence from France and Japan in 1945
Wales(United Kingdom) 1 March Saint David's Day Feast day ofSaint David,patron saint of Wales
Wallonia(Belgium) 3rd Sunday of September Day of the Walloon Region
Yemen 22 May Unity Day,NorthandSouth Yemenare unified as theRepublic of Yemenin 1990
Yugoslavia 29 November Day of the Republic,celebrating the anniversary of the second session of AVNOJ, paving way for the establishment of the second Yugoslav state
Zambia 24 October Independence Day, declaration of independence from the United Kingdom in 1964
Zimbabwe 18 April Granting of independence by the United Kingdom in 1980; it had previouslydeclared independenceasRhodesiaon 11 November 1965

See also



  1. ^Fisher, Max (26 February 2013)."A surprising map of the world's national holidays (only two countries have no national day)".The Washington Post.Archivedfrom the original on 31 March 2023.Retrieved18 January2021.
  2. ^Elgenius, Gabriella (2019). "National Days in Nation Building: Similarities and differences".Symbols of nations and nationalism: celebrating nationhood.Basingstoke, Hampshire. pp. 94–132.ISBN9781349590476.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
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  4. ^"Bastille Day – 14th July".Official Website of France.Archived fromthe originalon 15 July 2014.Commemorating the storming of the Bastille on 14th July 1789, Bastille Day takes place on the same date each year. The main event is a grand military parade along the Champs-Élysées, attended by the President of the Republic and other political leaders. It is accompanied by fireworks and publics [sic] dances in towns throughout the whole of France.
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