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Neferkaminmay have been anEighth Dynastypharaohofancient Egyptduring theFirst Intermediate Period.

His throne name "Sneferka"is only attested on theAbydos King List(n. 47) although it is possible that here the name is mistyped, and the O34 hieroglyph ( "s" ) in fact is a R22 ( "min" ), hence "Neferkamin".[1]The correct reading of this king's name is provided, along with the name ofNikare,on agoldplaque now in theBritish Museum;however, it has been suggested that this object could be aforgery.[2]

Neferkamin is absent from theTurin canonas a large lacuna in this document affects most kings of the 7th/8th Dynasty.[3]No contemporary document or building with his name has been found.[4][5]


  1. ^Darrell D. Baker:The Encyclopedia of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Volume I: Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty (3300-1069 BC).Bannerstone Press, Oakville 2008,ISBN978-0977409440,p. 262–263.
  2. ^Gold plaque EA 8444 in the British Museum.
  3. ^Kim Ryholt:The Late Old Kingdom in the Turin King-list and the Identity of Nitocris,Zeitschrift für ägyptische, 127, 2000, p. 91
  4. ^Thomas Schneider:Lexikon der Pharaonen.Albatros, Düsseldorf 2002,ISBN3-491-96053-3,p. 114.
  5. ^Jürgen von Beckerath:Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen.Deutscher Kunstverlag,München/ Berlin 1984,ISBN3-422-00832-2,p. 48, 186.

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