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Negative conclusion from affirmative premises

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Negative conclusion from affirmative premisesis asyllogistic fallacycommitted when acategorical syllogismhas a negativeconclusionyet bothpremisesare affirmative. The inability of affirmative premises to reach a negative conclusion is usually cited as one of the basic rules of constructing avalidcategorical syllogism.

Statements in syllogisms can be identified as the following forms:

  • a:All A is B. (affirmative)
  • e:No A is B. (negative)
  • i:Some A is B. (affirmative)
  • o:Some A is not B. (negative)

The rule states that a syllogism in which both premises are of formaori(affirmative) cannot reach a conclusion of formeoro(negative). Exactly one of the premises must be negative to construct a valid syllogism with a negative conclusion. (A syllogism with two negative premises commits the relatedfallacy of exclusive premises.)

Example (invalid aae form):

Premise: All colonels are officers.
Premise: All officers are soldiers.
Conclusion: Therefore, no colonels are soldiers.

The aao-4 form is perhaps more subtle as it follows many of the rules governing valid syllogisms, except it reaches a negative conclusion from affirmative premises.

Invalid aao-4 form:

All A is B.
All B is C.
Therefore, some C is not A.

This is valid only if A is aproper subsetof B and/or B is a proper subset of C. However, this argument reaches a faulty conclusion if A, B, and C areequivalent.[1][2]In the case that A = B = C, the conclusion of the following simple aaa-1 syllogism would contradict the aao-4 argument above:

All B is A.
All C is B.
Therefore, all C is A.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Alfred Sidgwick (1901).The use of words in reasoning.A. & C. Black. pp.297–300.
  2. ^Fred Richman (July 26, 2003)."Equivalence of syllogisms"(PDF).Florida Atlantic University. p. 16. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on June 19, 2010.

External links[edit]