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New Ireland (Maine)

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Britain defendingNew Irelandfrom thePenobscot Expeditionduring theAmerican RevolutionbyDominic Serres

New Irelandwas aCrown colonyof theKingdom of Great Britaintwice established in modern-dayMaineafter British forces captured the area during theAmerican Revolutionary Warand again during theWar of 1812.The colony lasted four years during the Revolution, and eight months during the War of 1812. At the end of each war the British ceded the land to the United States under the terms of theTreaty of Parisand theTreaty of Ghent,respectively.

American Revolution[edit]

Francis McLeanPlaque,St. Paul's Church,Halifax, Nova Scotia
Fort GeorgeinCastine, Maine,a British fort built to protect New Ireland

In 1779 the British adopted a strategy to capture parts of Maine, especially around Penobscot Bay, and transform it into a new colony to be called "New Ireland". The scheme was promoted by exiled LoyalistsJohn Caleff(1725–1812),[1][2]John Nutting(fl. 1775–1785)[3][4][5]and Anglo-IrishmanWilliam Knox(1732–1810).[6][7][8]It was intended to be a permanent colony for Loyalists and a base for military action during the war.[9]

On 30 May 1779, eight British ships of war left from Halifax with 640 troops.[10]Under the command of GeneralFrancis McLean,the ships entered Castine's harbor, landed troops, and captured the village. They began erectingFort Georgeon one of the highest points of the peninsula. Alarmed by this incursion, theCommonwealth of Massachusettssent thePenobscot Expeditionled by Massachusetts generalSolomon Lovelland Continental Navy captainDudley Saltonstall,seconded by GeneralPeleg Wadsworth.ColonelPaul Reverewas given charge of the ordnance. The military expedition consisted of a fleet of 19 warships and 25 support ships, carrying 344 guns in total.

Although badly outnumbered, McLean and his British forces (the74th Regimentand the82nd Regiment) withstood the 21-day siege and the Americans were routed by the arrival of British reinforcements under the command of Collier. The Patriots, having been blocked from escaping by sea by the Royal Navy, burned their ships near present-day Bangor and walked home.[11]New England was unable to dislodge the British despite a reorganized defense and the imposition of martial law in parts of Maine. Some of the most easterly towns declared themselves neutral and remained uninvolved in the war.[12]The battle was one of the greatest British victories of the war. The failedPenobscot Expedition,which cost the revolutionaries eight million dollars and 43 ships, proved to be the greatestAmerican navaldefeat untilPearl Harborin 1941. The British 74th Regiment heldMajabagaduceuntil the end of the war.

The British established a fort, under the command of Campbell, protecting about 30 houses occupied by Loyalists attracted to the area. The fort housed captured American privateers and received trade fromHalifaxandNew York.The guide who led the loyalists to the fort was discovered, tried by a court-martial under Major Burton, condemned and executed under the direction of Major GeneralJames Wadsworth.A party of 25 Loyalists subsequently went to Wadsworth's quarters and took him prisoner. He eventually escaped on 15 June 1781.[13][14]New Ireland was ceded to the Americans as part of the Paris peace settlement. Saltonstall and Revere were latercourt-martialed,charged with cowardice and insubordination; the boards found Saltonsall guilty, but acquitted Revere.

At the end of theRevolutionary War,many American Loyalists in the area migrated eastward to the CanadianMaritimes,some towing their houses behind their boats. Subsequently known asUnited Empire Loyalists,they crossed the newly establishedinternational boundary lineof theSt. Croix Riverand establishedSt. Andrews,one of the oldest towns inNew Brunswick.In addition, manysoldiers of the 74thchose to be disbanded in St. Andrews (last muster May 24, 1784), and took up land grants there along with the Loyalists, rather than return to Britain.[15]After the peace was signed in 1783, the New Ireland proposal was abandoned. In 1784 the decision was made to split New Brunswick off from Nova Scotia and made it into the desired Loyalist colony. It was planned to be named "New Ireland", but these plans fell through and it was instead named New Brunswick.[16]TheTreaty of Paristhat ended the war was ambiguous in defining the boundary between Maine and the neighbouring British provinces of New Brunswick (Sunbury County, Nova Scotia) and Quebec.

The New Ireland colony and the Penobscot expedition was fictionalised in the 2010 novelThe Fortby British author Bernard Cornwell.

War of 1812[edit]

Lieutenant GovernorJohn Coape Sherbrookeof Nova Scotia conquered Maine and re-established New Ireland

During theWar of 1812,from his base inHalifax, Nova Scotia,in August and September 1814, Lieutanant GovernorJohn Coape Sherbrookeof Nova Scotia sent a naval force and 500 British troops under the command of Vice AdmiralColpoysto conquer Maine and re-establish the colony of New Ireland. In 26 days, they succeeded in taking possession ofHampden,Bangor,andMachias,destroying or capturing 17 American ships. They won theBattle of Hampdenand occupied the village of Castine for the rest of the war, rebuilding Fort George, occupying a former American fort, and building three new forts there.[17]Like the Revolutionary War, the goal was to incorporate Maine into Canada; George F.W. Young, a retired Saint Mary’s University history professor, said that the British “wanted to extend the border back down to what they thought was the historic frontier.”[18]

TheTreaty of Ghentreturned this territory to the United States. The British left in April 1815, at which time they collected £10,750 obtained from tariff duties at Castine. The brief life of the colony yielded customs revenues, called the "Castine Fund", which were subsequently used to financea military library in Halifaxand foundDalhousie College.[19]Dalhousie University has a street named "Castine Way".[20]

See also[edit]


  1. ^"Collections of the New Brunswick Historical Society".1894.
  2. ^"Biography – CALEFF, JOHN – Volume V (1801-1820) – Dictionary of Canadian Biography".
  3. ^Yankee Colonies across America: Cities upon the Hills By Chaim M. Rosenberg
  4. ^The Life and Surprising Adventures of John Nutting, Cambridge Loyalist: And His Strange Connection with the Penobscot Expedition of 1779 by Samuel Francis Batchelder
  5. ^"Provincial Archives of New Brunswick".
  6. ^"William Knox on American taxation, 1769".Boston, Old South Association. 1917.
  7. ^"Knox, William (1732-1810)".
  8. ^William Knox: The Life and Thought of an Eighteenth-Century Imperialist By Leland J. Bellot
  9. ^Robert W. Sloan, "New Ireland: Men in Pursuit of a Forlorn Hope, 1779-1784,"Maine Historical Society Quarterly,1979, Vol. 19 Issue 2, pp 73-90
  10. ^Yankee Colonies across America: Cities upon the Hills By Chaim M. Rosenberg, p. 7
  11. ^Woodard, Colin.The Lobster CoastArchived2012-02-19 at theWayback Machine.New York. Viking/Penguin,ISBN0-670-03324-3,2004, pp. 139-140
  12. ^James S. Leamon, "The Search for Security: Maine after Penobscot,"Maine Historical Society Quarterly,1982, Vol. 21 Issue 3, pp 119-153
  13. ^p. 613
  14. ^p. 184
  15. ^Coolidge, Austin J.; Mansfield, John B. (1859).A History and Description of New England.Boston, Massachusetts: A.J. Coolidge. pp.50,87–90.
  16. ^Ann Gorman Condon,The Envy of the American States: The Loyalist Dream for New Brunswick(1984)
  17. ^Roberts, Robert B. (1988).Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States.New York: Macmillan. pp. 363–364, 373–374.ISBN0-02-926880-X.
  18. ^"New Ireland: How Maine almost became part of Canada at the end of the War of 1812".National Post.September 3, 2014.
  19. ^"Sir John Coape Sherbrooke".Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online.University of Toronto.Retrieved22 December2012.
  20. ^D.C. Harvey,"The Halifax–Castine expedition,"Dalhousie Review,18 (1938–39): 207–13.


External links[edit]