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Nimr al-Nimr

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Nimr Baqir al-Nimr
نمر باقر النمر
Born(1959-06-21)21 June 1959
Died2 January 2016(2016-01-02)(aged 56)
Riyadh,Saudi Arabia
Cause of deathExecutionbybeheading[1]
NationalitySaudi Arabian
Criminal statusExecuted
Criminal chargeFiring at security forces
Seeking 'foreign meddling
Disobeying the ruler
Inciting sectarian strife
Encouraging, leading and participating in demonstrations
ReligionShia Islam[citation needed]
Twelver Shia
SchoolJa'fari jurisprudence
EducationIran, Syria[citation needed]
Senior posting
PredecessorPost created
PostFriday Prayers leader,al-Awamiyah[2]

AyatollahSheikhNimr Baqir al-Nimr[a](21 June 1959 – 2 January 2016), commonly referred to asSheikh Nimr,was aShiasheikhfromAl-Awamiyahin Saudi Arabia'sEastern Provincewhose arrest andexecutionwas widely condemned, including by governments and human rights organizations.[6]

He was popular among youth[7]and critical of theSaudi Arabian government,calling for freeelections in Saudi Arabia.[8]He was arrested by Saudi authorities in 2006, at which time al-Nimr said he was beaten by theMabahith.[citation needed]In 2009, he criticised Saudi authorities and suggested that ifSaudi Shiarights were not respected, the Eastern Province shouldsecede.[2][6][9]Saudi authorities responded by arresting al-Nimr and 35 others.[2][5]During the2011–12 Saudi Arabian protests,al-Nimr called for protestors to resist police bullets using "the roar of the word" rather than violence.[4][10]The Guardiandescribed al-Nimr as having "taken the lead in [the] uprising."[7]

On July 8, 2012, Saudi police shot al-Nimr in the leg and arrested him in what police described as an "exchange of gunfire."[11][12]Saudi police fired into a crowd of thousands who protested al-Nimr's arrest, killing two men, Akbar al-Shakhouri and Mohamed al-Felfel.[12][13][14]Al-Nimr started ahunger strikeand allegedly wastortured.[14][15]The Asharq Center for Human Rights expressed concern for al-Nimr's health during his hunger strike on August 21, calling for international support to allow access by family, lawyer and human rights activists.[16]

On October 15, 2014 al-Nimr was sentenced to death by theSpecialized Criminal Courtfor "seeking 'foreign meddling' in Saudi Arabia, 'disobeying' its rulers and taking up arms against the security forces."[17]His brother, Mohammad al-Nimr, was arrested on the same day fortweetinginformation about the death sentence.[17][18]Al-Nimr was executed on or shortly before January 2, 2016, along with 46 others.[19]His execution was condemned by Iran and Shiites throughout the Middle East, as well as by Western figures and Sunnis opposed tosectarianism.The Saudi government said the body would not be handed over to the family.[20]In March 2017, after a long campaign of harassment, the Saudi security forces killed two cousins of Nimr family during a raid on a farm in eastern Saudi Arabia. Miqdad and Mohammad Al-Nimr were killed at a farm in Awamiyah, the Nimr family hometown.[21]

Early life, family and education[edit]

Al-Nimr began his religious studies inal-Awamiyah,and then moved to Iran in 1980, to complete his studies. He studied in al-Qaim seminary inTehran,under AyatollahAli-Akbar al-Modarresi[22]mainly, the younger brother of Grand AyatollahMuhammad-Taqi al-Modarresi,as well as other senior scholars.[23]

Religious career[edit]

After al-Qaim was closed down by theIranian government,he moved toDamascus,Syria.He initially followed Grand AyatollahMuhammad al-Shiraziand later followed Grand Ayatollah al-Modarresi.

As of 2008,he was independent of the two main political groups in theEastern ProvinceShia community,Islahiyyah(the Shirazis) andHezbollah Al-Hejaz(Saudi Hezbollah).

Al-Nimr had been the Friday prayers leader in al-Awamiyah since 2008.[2]

Points of view[edit]

Al-Nimr supported "something between" individual and council forms ofguardianship of the Islamic Juristsas a form of government. He supported Kurdish majority control ofIraqi Kurdistan.Al-Nimr believed that Shia ayatollahs would not promote violence and "murder in the name of God". He supported "the idea of elections".[citation needed]

Al-Nimr criticizedBahrain'smonarchy,which suppressed anti-governmentdemonstrations in Bahrainin 2011.[24]Al-Nimr also criticizedSyria's Bashar Assad,[25]saying "(Bahrain's ruling family) Al Khalifa are oppressors, and the Sunnis are innocent of them. They're not Sunnis, they're tyrants. The Assads in Syria are oppressors... We do not defend oppressors and those oppressed shouldn't defend the oppressor."[26]

In August 2008, he said that he saw US citizens as a natural ally of Shia as the thinking of both US citizens and Shia is "based on justice and liberty". He told a diplomat that he believed in these "American ideals".[27]

He believed that the Saudi state is "particularly reactionary" and that "agitation" is needed to influence the state in general and the Saudi state in particular. According to John Kincannon, Counselor for Public Affairs at the U.S. embassy inRiyadh,Al-Nimr made statements "perceived as supporting Iran". In August 2008, he stated that he believed that Iran and other states outside of Saudi Arabia act mainly out of self-interest, not out of religious solidarity.[citation needed]He distanced himself from Iran.[26]

Al-Nimr criticisedNayef bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,who was crown prince of Saudi Arabia, following Nayef's death in June 2012. He stated that "people must rejoice at [Nayef's] death" and that "he will be eaten by worms and will suffer the torments of Hell in his grave".[28][29][30]


Al-Nimr was described byThe Guardianas "[seeming] to have become the most popular Saudi Shia cleric among local youth" in October 2011.[7]He retained his popularity in 2012, with thousands of people participating in Qatif street demonstrations in his support following his July 2012 arrest.[12]

Early arrests and activity[edit]

2004 and 2006 arrests[edit]

The Saudi authorities reportedly detained him for the first time in 2003, for leading public prayers in the village of Al-Awamiyah.[31]Al-Nimr was detained for several days in 2004.[14]He was arrested byMabahithin 2006 and beaten during his detention. Residents ofal-Awamiyahcampaigned to support him and he was released after several days.[14]

2009 sermon and arrest order[edit]

In February 2009, an incident occurred inMedinainvolving differences in Shia andSunnicustoms at the tomb ofMuhammad,filming of Shia women by thereligious police,protests by Shia in Medina and arrests. Six children were arrested during March 4-8 for taking part in a February 27 protest inSafwa.[5]

Al-Nimr criticised the authorities' February actions in Medina and theMinister of Interiorin particular for discrimination againstSaudi Arabian Shia.[3][5]In a sermon, he threatenedsecession,[6][9]stating "Our dignity has been pawned away, and if it is not... restored, we will call for secession. Our dignity is more precious than the unity of this land."[2]

A warrant for his arrest was issued in response. Protests took place in al-Awamiyah starting March 19. Four people were arrested, including al-Nimr's nephew, 'Ali Ahmad al-Faraj, aged 16, who was arrested on March 22.[5]The police started tracking al-Nimr in order to arrest him and tried to take his children hostage.[3]By April 1, a total of 35 people had been arrested and security forces installed checkpoints on roads to al-Awamiyah, but al-Nimr was not arrested during this time.[2]

TheArabic Network for Human Rights Informationsaid that the authorities were "persecuting Shia reformist Nimr Bakir al-Nimr for his criticism of policies of sectarian discrimination against the Shia in Saudi Arabia and for his call for reform and equality."[3]

Protests, arrest and death sentence[edit]

2011–2012 Saudi Arabian protests[edit]

In October 2011, during the2011–2012 Saudi Arabian protests,al-Nimr said that young people protesting in response to the arrests of two al-Awamiyahseptuagenarianswere provoked by police firing at them with live ammunition. On October 4,[4]he called for calm, stating, "The [Saudi] authorities depend on bullets... and killing and imprisonment. We must depend on the roar of the word, on the words of justice".[10]He explained further, "We do not accept [the use of firearms]. This is not our practice. We will lose it. It is not in our favour. This is our approach [use of words]. We welcome those who follow such [an] attitude. Nonetheless, we cannot enforce our methodology on those who want to pursue different approaches [and] do not commit to ours. The weapon of the word is stronger than the power of bullets."[4]

In January 2012, he criticised a list of 23 alleged protestors published by the Ministry of Interior.The Guardiandescribed him as having "taken the lead in [the] uprising".[7]

July 2012 arrest and hunger strike[edit]

On July 8, 2012, al-Nimr was shot by police in the leg and arrested. According toMinistry of Interiorspokesperson Mansour al-Turki, policemen tried to arrest al-Nimr and colleagues who were in a car. Saudi authorities alleged that Al-Nimr and his colleagues fired live bullets at the policemen, police shot their guns in response, and that al-Nimr and his colleagues attempted to escape and crashed into a police car.[11]According to al-Nimr's brother Mohammed al-Nimr, Nimr al-Nimr was arrested "while driving from a farm to his house in al-Qatif".[12]

TheSaudi Press Agencystated that al-Nimr was charged with "instigating unrest".[14]Mohammed al-Nimr said that his brother "had been wanted by the Interior Ministry for a couple of months because of his political views".[12]

Thousands of people protested in response.[12]Two men, Akbar al-Shakhouri and Mohamed al-Felfel, were killed in the protest.[14]Pictures of al-Nimr "covered with what appeared to be a blood-stained white blanket" were published online by Eastern Province activists.[14]On July 16, activist Hamza al-Hassan stated that al-Nimr had received a brief visit by his family during which officials stated that the purpose of the visit was to request al-Nimr's family to "calm the angry protestors". According to al-Hassan[15]"al-Nimr had been tortured, had bruises on his face and had broken teeth".

On July 19, al-Nimr's family said that al-Nimr had started ahunger strike.[citation needed]Al-Nimr's family visited him again on July 22. They stated that he had been badly tortured, with signs of torture on his head, that he was continuing his hunger strike, and that he had weakened.[citation needed]

Al-Nimr's wife, Muna Jabir al-Shariyavi, died in aNew York Cityhospital while he was imprisoned. Two thousand people attended the funeral inSafwaon the evening of August 30/31, called for al-Nimr to be unconditionally freed, for all Shia and Sunni detainees to be freed, and chanted "Down withHamad","Bahrain Free Free,Peninsula Shieldout ".[13]

On August 21, theAsharq Center for Human Rightsexpressed concern that al-Nimr was on the 45th day of his hunger strike while in prison and said that he had not been charged. The Asharq Center appealed for international support for allowing access to al-Nimr by his family, lawyer and human rights activists.[16]


Amnesty Internationalstated that apart from the charge of firing at security forces on July 8, 2012, the other charges, of "disobeying the ruler", "inciting sectarian strife" and "encouraging, leading and participating in demonstrations" were based on documentary evidence of al-Nimr's sermons and interviews. Amnesty viewed these as representing the right tofree speechand that al-Nimr did not incite violence in these. Amnesty stated that witnesses whose testimonies were used during the trial did not testify in court and that al-Nimr's lawyer was not given a fair possibility to defend him.[18]

TheEuropean Saudi Society for Human Rights(ESSHR) reported details of five of al-Nimr's court appearances following the July 8, 2012, arrest. According to the ESSHR, 33 charges were laid in the first appearance, on March 25, 2013. On April 28, 2013, court appearance, the defense was unable to respond to the charges because it did not have the details of the list of charges. On December 23, 2013, al-Nimr's lawyer said that al-Nimr was unable to respond to the charges because he did not have a pen and paper. Al-Nimr's lawyer was informed one day before the fourth appearance, on April 15, 2014. The ESSHR stated that neither al-Nimr's lawyer nor his family were informed prior to the fifth court session, on April 22, 2014.[32]

October 2014 death sentence[edit]

On October 15, 2014, al-Nimr was sentenced to death by theSpecialized Criminal Courtfor "seeking 'foreign meddling' in [Saudi Arabia], 'disobeying' its rulers and taking up arms against the security forces".[17]Said Boumedouha ofAmnesty Internationalstated that the death sentence was "part of a campaign by the authorities in Saudi Arabia to crush all dissent, including those defending the rights of the Kingdom's Shi'a Muslim community."[18]

Nimr al-Nimr's brother, Mohammad al-Nimr,tweetedinformation about the death sentence[17]and was arrested on the same day.[18]

The head of Iran's armed forces warned Saudi Arabia that it would "pay dearly" if it carried out the execution.[33]

2015 appeal and imminent execution[edit]

In March 2015, the Saudi Arabian appellate court upheld the death sentence against al-Nimr.[34]

On October 25, 2015, the Supreme Religious Court of Saudi Arabia rejected al-Nimr's appeal against his death sentence. During an interview forReuters,al-Nimr's brother claimed that the decision was a result of a hearing which occurred without the presence or notification of al-Nimr's lawyers and family. This being said, he still remained hopeful thatKing Salmanwould grant a pardon.[35][36][37]

Reactions against death sentence[edit]

  • Reportedly, on November 13, 2014, Muslims of different nationalities includingAfghan,Iranian,Indian,Pakistani,IraqiandLebanesegathered in an organized protest in front of theUnited Nationsagainst the death sentence of Sheikh Nimr and raised their voice for the freedom of allpolitical prisonersin Saudi Arabia.[38]
  • In March 2015Nigerianpeople staged a protest in the city ofKanoagainst the detention and death sentence of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, according toTasnim News Agency.[39]
  • On May 13, 2015, ShiamarjasJa'far Sobhani,Naser Makarem Shirazi,andHossein Noori Hamedanicondemned the death sentence.[40]
  • Aware of the imminence of the execution of Sheikh Nimr in May 2015, Shia Muslims all over the world staged peaceful rallies and forwarded their petition toUNOto prevent the death sentence. Protests intensified, and people took to the streets in Saudi Arabia,Bahrain,India and Iraq. In Iran, clerics and scholars staged a mass sit-in on May 13 inQomandMashhad,to show their solidarity with Sheikh Nimr and record their agitation.[41]
  • On May 17, 2015,Ahlul Bayt News Agencyreported a peaceful protest rally in solidarity with Sheikh al-Nimr staged inBerlin,Germany. Demonstrators demanded that the Saudi Government immediately release Sheikh Nimr and drop all illegal charges against the Shia Saudi cleric. The protesters also condemned the systematic and widespread violations ofhuman rights in Saudi Arabia.[42]
  • On December 31, 2015, a group of prominentSunni clerics of Irancalled theUnited Nationsand other international organizations in a letter for heightened efforts to free al-Nimr.[43]

Petitions from NGOs[edit]

In November 2015, besides two volunteers working for human rights and international religious freedom, 15 organisations from different religions and communities functioning for rule of humanity and justice collectively requested theUS Secretary of Stateapproach and press the King of Saudi Arabia to waive the sentence of death given to Sheikh Nimr, Ali al-Nimr, Dawood al-Marhoon and Abdullah al-Zaher.

The signatories of the petition were: Americans for Democracy &Human rights in Bahrain(ADHRB);Amnesty International;Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy;Center for Inquiry(CFI); European Center for Democracy & Human Rights (ECDHR); European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR); Freedom House Human Rights Foundation;Human Rights Watch;Hindu American Foundation(HAF), International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF); Monitor of Human Rights in Saudi Arabia (MHRSA); Muslim Public Affairs Council;PEN American Center;Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED);Shia Rights Watch(SRW); Dr. Toby Matthiesen, senior research fellow in International Relations of the Middle East at theUniversity of Oxford;William C. Walsh, lawyer.[44]

Execution and reaction against[edit]

In October 2014, Saudi Arabia's Supreme Court approved the death sentence of Nimr for disobeying the ruler, inciting sectarian strife, and encouraging, leading and participating in demonstrations.[18]According to sources, the main charge was criticism against Saudi officials.[19][35][45]On January 2, 2016, Saudi Arabia's government executed 47 prisoners and declared that Nimr had been among them.[1][19][46]

Protests were held in various countries such asIran,Iraq,Bahrain,Lebanon,Afghanistan,Pakistan,India,United Kingdom,Turkey,Australia,andUnited Statesfollowing the execution.[47][48][49][50]People in theQatifregion of Saudi Arabia'sEastern Provincehave taken to the streets with protesters marching from Nimr's hometown ofal-Awamiyahto Qatif, chanting: "Down with theAl Saud".[citation needed]Also, many religious and political figures declared their opinions and reactions about execution of Sheikh Nimr.

Personal life[edit]

Nimr al-Nimr's nephew,Ali Mohammed Baqir al-Nimr,who participated in the2011–12 Saudi Arabian protests,[51][52]was arrested in 2012 at the age of 17, sentenced to death in 2014, and expected ratification of his sentence by King Salman, to be carried out bybeheadingandcrucifixion.[51][52]His death sentence was later commuted and he was released from prison in 2021.

Muna Jabir al-Shariyavi, Nimr al-Nimr's wife, died in a hospital inNew York Citywhen he was imprisoned.[53]

Mohammed al-Nimr, the cleric's brother, blamed US PresidentBarack Obamafor failing to use his influence with the Saudi government to prevent his brother's execution. He said: "We asked very clearly for the American president to intervene as a friend of Saudi Arabia — and the Americans did not intervene".[54]

In 2017, during the2017–19 Qatif unrest,Saudi security forces killed two of his cousins.[55]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Arabic:نمر باقر النمر,romanized:Nimr Bāqir an-Nimr, Bakir al-Nimr,[3]al-Nemr,[4]al-Namr,[5]al-Nimer, al-Nemer, al-Namer


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External links[edit]

Media related toNimr al-Nimrat Wikimedia Commons