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Owlet moths
Amphipoea oculea
Panthea coenobita
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Noctuidae
Type species
Noctua pronuba
AcontiinaeGuenée, 1841
AcronictinaeHarris, 1841
AgaristinaeBoisduval, 1833
AmphipyrinaeGuenée, 1837
BagisarinaeCrumb, 1956
BalsinaeGrote, 1896
BryophilinaeGuenée, 1852
CobubathinaeWagner & Keegan, 2021
CondicinaePoole, 1995
CropiinaeKeegan & Wagner, 2021
CuculliinaeHerrich-Schäffer, 1850
EriopinaeHerrich-Schäffer, 1851
EustrotiinaeGrote, 1882
HeliothinaeBoisduval, 1828
MetoponiinaeHerrich-Schäffer, 1851
NoctuinaeLatreille, 1809
OncocnemidinaeForbes & Franclemont, 1954
PantheinaeSmith, 1898
PlusiinaeBoisduval, 1828
About 11,772 species

TheNoctuidae,commonly known asowlet moths,cutwormsor armyworms, are afamilyofmoths.They are considered the most controversial family in the superfamilyNoctuoideabecause many of thecladesare constantly changing, along with the other families of the Noctuoidea.[1][2][3]It was considered the largest family in Lepidoptera for a long time, but after regroupingLymantriinae,CatocalinaeandCalpinaewithin the familyErebidae,the latter holds this title now.[4]Currently, Noctuidae is the second largest family in Noctuoidea, with about 1,089generaand 11,772 species.[5]This classification is still contingent, as more changes continue to appear between Noctuidae and Erebidae.


Noctuidae wings venation
Noctuidae wings venation

Adult:Most noctuid adults have wings with a variety of shades of browns, grays, and other varied shades and colourations but some subfamilies, such asAcronictinaeandAgaristinae,are very colorful, especially those from tropical regions (e.g.Baorisa hieroglyphica). They are characterized by a structure in themetathoraxcalled the nodular sclerite or epaulette, which separates the tympanum and the conjunctiva in thetympanal organ.It functions to keepparasites(Acari) out of the tympanal cavity. Another characteristic in this group is trifine hindwing venation, by reduction or absence of the second medial vein (M2).[6]

Markings present on the wings of noctuid adults can be helpful in distinguishing species. From the basal location to the outer edge (proximal to distal) on the forewing, there is a claviform (club-shaped) stigma, horizontally oriented with the thicker end closer to the wing's outer edge, located posterior to a discal (round) stigma.[7]These are followed distally by a reniform (kidney-shaped) stigma,[8]which is typically oriented with its concave side facing the wing's outer edge. It is often not possible to discern all of the stigmata on all specimens or species.[7]Crossbands or crosslines may be present, oriented longitudinally from the leading to the trailing edge of the wing.[8]

Larva:Commonly green or brown; some species present bright colors, such as the camphorweed cucullia moth (Cucullia alfarata). Most are pudgy and smooth with rounded short heads and few setae, but there are some exceptions in some subfamilies (e.g.AcronictinaeandPantheinae).[9]

Pupa:The pupae most often range from shiny brown to dark brown. When they newly pupate they are bright brownish orange, but after a few days start to get darker.

Eggs:Vary in colors, but all have a spherical shape.


The word Noctuidae is derived from the name of the type genusNoctua,which is the Latin name for thelittle owl,and the patronymic suffix -idae used typically to form taxonomic family names in animals.[10]

The common name "owlet"originally means a small or young owl. The names" armyworms "and" cutworms "are based on the behavior of the larvae of this group, which can occur in destructive swarms and cut the stems of plants.[11]


Distribution and diversity[edit]

Setaceous Hebrew character

This family is cosmopolitan and can be found worldwide except in theAntarctic region.Some species, such as the setaceous Hebrew character (Xestia c-nigrum), can be found in theArctic Circle,specifically in theYukonterritory of westernCanada,with an elevation 1,702 m above sea level, where the temperature fluctuates between 23/-25 °C (73/-13 °F).[12]Many species of dart moths have been recorded in elevations as high as 4,000 m above sea level (e.g.Xestia elisabetha).[13] Among the places where the number of species has been counted are North America and northernMexico,with about 2,522 species. 1,576 species are found in Europe, while the other species are distributed worldwide.[3][14][15][16][17]


ALychnismoth caterpillar feeding on the seeds of red campion (Silene dioica).

Members of Noctuidae, like other butterflies and moths, perform an important role in plantpollination.Some species have developed a stronger connection with their host plants. For example, the lychnis moth (Hadena bicruris) has a strange mutualistic relationship with pink plants or carnation plants (Caryophyllaceae), in that larvae feed on the plant while the adults pollinate the flowers.[18]

The eight-spotted forester moth (Alypia octomaculata) puddling on water from a leaf of firebush (Croton lucidus).

Food guilds[edit]

Herbivory:Caterpillars of most Noctuidae feed on plants; some feed on poisonous plants and are unaffected by their chemical defences; for example, the splendid brocade moth (Lacanobia splendens) feeds on cowbane (Cicuta virosa), a plant that is notoriously toxic to vertebrates.[19]

Predationandcannibalism:During the larval stage, some cutworms readily feed on other insects. One such species is the shivering pinion (Lithophane querquera), whose larvae commonly feed on other lepidopteran larvae.[20]Moreover, many noctuid larvae, such as those of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and of genera such asHeliothisandHelicoverpa,aggressively eat their siblings and often other species of caterpillar.[21]

Nectarivoryandpuddling:Like manyLepidoptera,many species of adult Noctuidae visit flowers for their nectar. They also seek other liquid food resources such as plant juices,honeydew,dung, urea and mud, among others.[22]

As is common in members of the order Lepidoptera, courtship in many Noctuidae includes a set of movements in which the female evaluates the male's reproductive fitness.[22]

Most noctuid moths producepheromonesthat attract the opposite sex. Female pheromones that attract males occur widely and have long been studied, but the study of male pheromones has further to go.[22][23][24]


Lesser yellow underwing

Noctuid moths commonly begin the reproductive season from spring to fall, and mostly aremultivoltine,such as the eastern panthea moth (Panthea furcilla), which reproduces over the year.[25]Nevertheless, some species have just one brood of offspring (univoltine); among the best known is the lesser yellow underwing (Noctua comes).[25]


Xanthopastis timais (Cramer), feeding on amaryllis
The Spanish moth feeding onAmaryllissp.

This group has a wide range of both chemical and physical defenses. Among the chemical defenses three types stand out. First, thepyrrolizidine alkaloid sequestrationusually present inArctiinaeis also found in a few species of noctuids, including the Spanish moth (Xanthopastis timais).[26]Another chemical defense isformic acidproduction, which was thought to be present only inNotodontidae,but later was found in caterpillars ofTrachosea champa.[27]Finally, the last type of chemical defense is regurgitation of plant compounds, often used by many insects, but the cabbage palm caterpillar (Litoprosopus futilis) produces a toxin called toluquinone that deters predators.[28]

On the other hand, the main physical defense in caterpillars and adults alike ismimicry.Most owlet moths have drab colors with a variety of patterns suitable to camouflage their bodies.[25]The second physical defense consists in thousands of secondary setae that surround the body. The subfamilies that present this mechanism arePantheinaeandAcronictinae.The third isaposematism,represented by species ofCucullinae.[25]Finally, all adults have another mechanism for defense: atympanal organavailable to hear the echolocation spread out by bats, so the moths can avoid them.[29]

Human importance[edit]

The Old World bollworm caterpillar feeding on a strawberry.


Many species of owlet moths are considered an agricultural problem around the world. Their larvae are typically known as "cutworms" or "armyworms" due to enormous swarms that destroy crops, orchards and gardens every year. The Old World bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) produces losses in agriculture every year that exceed US$2 billion.[30]Additionally, the variegated cutworm (Peridroma saucia) is described by many as one of the most damaging pests to vegetables.[31]

In West Africa, species includingBusseola fusca,Heliocheilus albipunctella,Sesamia calamistis,Helicoverpa armigera,andSpodoptera exemptaare major pests of staple crops such aspearl millet,sorghum,andmaize.[32]


Since molecular analysis began to play a larger role insystematics,the structure of many Lepidoptera groups has been changing and Noctuidae is not an exception. Most recent studies have shown that Noctuidaesensu strictois amonophyleticgroup, mainly based on trifine venation. Some clades within Noctuidaesensu latohave yet to be studied. This taxonomic division represents the subfamilies, tribes and subtribes considered so far.[1][14][33][34]

Family NoctuidaeLatreille, 1809
SubfamilyAcontiinaeGuenée, 1841
TribeAcontiiniGuenée, 1841
SubfamilyAcronictinaeHarris, 1841
SubfamilyAgaristinaeBoisduval, 1833
SubfamilyAmphipyrinaeGuenée, 1837
TribeAmphipyriniGuenée, 1837
TribePsaphidiniGrote, 1896
SubtribeFeraliinaPoole, 1995
SubtribeNocloinaPoole, 1995
SubtribePsaphidinaGrote, 1896
SubtribeTriocnemidinaPoole, 1995
SubfamilyBagisarinaeCrumb, 1956
SubfamilyBalsinaeGrote, 1896
SubfamilyBryophilinaeGuenée, 1852
SubfamilyCobubathinaeWagner & Keegan, 2021
SubfamilyCondicinaePoole, 1995
TribeCondiciniPoole, 1995
TribeLeuconyctiniPoole, 1995
SubfamilyCropiinaeKeegan & Wagner, 2021
SubfamilyCuculliinaeHerrich-Schäffer, 1850
SubfamilyEriopinaeHerrich-Schäffer, 1851
SubfamilyEustrotiinaeGrote, 1882
SubfamilyHeliothinaeBoisduval, 1828
SubfamilyMetoponiinaeHerrich-Schäffer, 1851
TribeCydosiiniKitching & Rawlins, 1998
SubfamilyNoctuinaeLatreille, 1809
TribeActinotiiniBeck, 1996
TribeApameiniGuenée, 1841
TribeArzaminiGrote, 1883
TribeCaradrininiBoisduval, 1840
SubtribeAthetiinaFibiger & Lafontaine, 2005
SubtribeCaradrininaBoisduval, 1840
TribeDypterygiiniForbes, 1954
TribeElaphriiniBeck, 1996
TribeEriopyginiFibiger & Lafontaine, 2005
TribeGlottuliniGuenée, 1852
TribeHadeniniGuenée, 1837
TribeLeucaniiniGuenée, 1837
TribeNoctuiniLatreille, 1809
SubtribeAgrotinaHarris, 1841
SubtribeNoctuinaLatreille, 1809
TribeOrthosiiniGuenée, 1837
TribePhlogophoriniHampson, 1918
TribePhosphiliniPoole, 1995
TribeProdeniiniForbes, 1954
TribePseudeustrotiiniBeck, 1996
TribeTholeriniBeck, 1996
TribeXyleniniGuenée, 1837
SubtribeAntitypinaForbes & Franclemont, 1954
SubtribeCosmiinaGuenée, 1852
SubtribeUfeinaCrumb, 1956
SubtribeXyleninaGuenée, 1837
SubfamilyOncocnemidinaeForbes & Franclemont, 1954
SubfamilyPantheinaeSmith, 1898
SubfamilyPlusiinaeBoisduval, 1828
TribeAbrostoliniEichlin & Cunningham, 1978
TribeArgyrogrammatiniEichlin & Cunningham, 1978
TribePlusiiniBoisduval, 1828
SubtribeAutoplusiinaKitching, 1987
SubtribeEuchalciinaChou & Lu, 1979
SubtribePlusiinaBoisduval, 1828
TribeStiriiniGrote, 1882
SubtribeAnnaphilinaMustelin, 2006
SubtribeAzeniinaPoole, 1995
SubtribeGrotellinaPoole, 1995
SubtribeStiriinaGrote, 1882

Genera with intervening taxonomy not available include:


  1. ^abRegier, Jerome C.; Mitter, Charles; Mitter, Kim; Cummings, Michael P.; Bazinet, Adam L.; Hallwachs, Winifred; Janzen, Daniel H.; Zwick, Andreas (1 January 2017)."Further progress on the phylogeny of Noctuoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) using an expanded gene sample".Systematic Entomology.42(1): 82–93.Bibcode:2017SysEn..42...82R.doi:10.1111/syen.12199.ISSN1365-3113.
  2. ^Lafontaine, J. Donald; Fibiger, Michael (1 October 2006). "Revised higher classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera)".The Canadian Entomologist.138(5): 610–635.doi:10.4039/n06-012.ISSN1918-3240.S2CID86122393.
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  14. ^abSchmidt, B. Christian; Lafontaine, J. Donald (19 March 2010).Annotated Check List of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of North America North of Mexico.PenSoft Publishers LTD.ISBN9789546425355.Archivedfrom the original on 17 May 2024.Retrieved8 October2020.
  15. ^Schmidt, Bjorn Christian; Lafontaine, J. Donald (24 November 2011).Contributions to the Systematics of New World Macro-moths III.PenSoft Publishers LTD. pp. 1–4.doi:10.3897/zookeys.149.2383.ISBN9789546426185.PMC3234404.PMID22207789.Archivedfrom the original on 17 May 2024.Retrieved8 October2020.{{cite book}}:|journal=ignored (help)
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  30. ^Narayanamma, V. Lakshmi; Sharma, H. C.; Gowda, C. L. L.; Sriramulu, M. (1 December 2007)."Incorporation of lyophilized leaves and pods into artificial diets to assess the antibiosis component of resistance to pod borerHelicoverpa armigera(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in chickpea "(PDF).International Journal of Tropical Insect Science.27(3–4): 191–198.doi:10.1017/S1742758407878374.ISSN1742-7592.S2CID86757646.
  31. ^Capinera, John L. (2008). "Variegated Cutworm, Peridroma saucia (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)". In Capinera, John L. (ed.).Encyclopedia of Entomology.Springer Netherlands. pp. 4038–4041.doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6359-6_3936.ISBN9781402062421.
  32. ^Heath, Jeffrey."Guide to insects, arthropods, and molluscs of northern Dogon country".Archivedfrom the original on 2021-03-07.Retrieved2021-02-23.
  33. ^Keegan, Kevin; Rota, Jadranka; Zahiri, Reza; Zilli, Alberto; et al. (2021)."Toward a Stable Global Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) Taxonomy".Insect Systematics and Diversity.5(3).doi:10.1093/isd/ixab005.Archivedfrom the original on 2024-05-17.Retrieved2021-11-19.
  34. ^Wagner, David L.; Keegan, Kevin; Bugh, Valerie G. (2019)."A Tale of Two Caterpillars and Reclassification of Cerathosia Smith and Cydosia Duncan [& Westwood] (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)".Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.73(1): 1.doi:10.18473/lepi.73i1.a1.Archivedfrom the original on 2024-05-17.Retrieved2021-11-19.

External links[edit]