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Nones (liturgy)

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Nones(/ˈnnz/), also known asNone(Latin:Nona,"Ninth" ), theNinth Hour,or theMidafternoon Prayer,is a fixed time of prayer of theDivine Officeof almost all the traditional Christian liturgies. It consists mainly ofpsalmsand is said around 3 pm, about the ninth hour after dawn.[1]

In theRoman Ritethe Nones is one of the so-called "little hours".

In theOriental Orthodox Churches,such as the Coptic Orthodox Church, Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Indian Orthodox Church, it is one of the seven fixed prayer times to be recited by all Christians.[2][3]



According to anAncient GreekandRomancustom, the day was, like the night, divided into four parts, each consisting of three hours. Among the ancients the hour of Nones was regarded as the close of the day's business and the time for the baths and supper. This division of the day was in vogue also among theJews,from whom the Church borrowed it.[4]In addition to Morning and Evening Prayer to accompany the sacrifices, there was prayer at the Third, Sixth and Ninth Hours of the day.[5]

Early Church[edit]

TheApostlescontinued to frequent theTempleat the customary hours of prayer (Acts 3:1): "NowPeterandJohnwent up into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer. "[5]

At an early date, mystical reasons for the division of the day were sought.St. Cypriansees in the hours of Terce, Sext and Nones, which come after a lapse of three hours, an allusion to theTrinity.He adds that these hours already consecrated to prayer under theOld Dispensationhave been sanctified in theNew Testamentby great mysteries: Terce by the descent of theHoly Spiriton the Apostles; Sext by the prayers of St. Peter, the reception of theGentilesinto the Church, or yet again by thecrucifixionofChrist;Nones by the death of Christ.St. Basilmerely recalls that it was at the ninth hour that the Apostles Peter and John were wont to go to the Temple to pray. St.John Cassian,who adopts theCyprianinterpretation for Terce and Sext, sees in the Hour of Nones the descent of Christ intohell.But, as a rule, it is the death of Christ that is commemorated at the Hour of Nones.[4]

The most ancient testimony refers to this custom ofTerce,Sext,and Nones, for instanceTertullian,Clement of Alexandria,theCanons of Hippolytus,and even theDidache( "Teaching of the Apostles" ). TheDidacheprescribed prayer thrice each day, without, however, fi xing the hours. Clement of Alexandria and likewise Tertullian, as early as the end of the 2nd century, expressly mention theCanonical Hoursof Terce, Sext, and Nones, as specially set apart for prayer. Tertullian argues for constant prayer with no prescribed time, but adds: "As regards the time, there should be no lax observation of certain hours—I mean of those common hours which have long marked the divisions of the day, the third, the sixth, and the ninth, and which we may observe in Scripture to be more solemn than the rest."[6][4]

Clement and Tertullian in these passages refer only to private prayer at these hours. TheCanons of Hippolytusalso speak of Terce, Sext, and Nones, as suitable hours for private prayer; however, on the twostation days,Wednesday and Friday, when the faithful assembled in the church, and perhaps on Sundays, these hours were recited successively in public. In the 4th century there is evidence to show that the practice had become obligatory, at least for themonks.[4]

The eighteenth canon of theCouncil of Laodicea(between 343 and 381) orders that the same prayers be always said at Nones andVespers.It is likely that reference is made to famouslitanies,in which prayer was offered for thecatechumens,sinners, the faithful, and generally for all the wants of the Church.John Cassianstates that the most common practice was to recite three psalms at each of the Hours ofTerce,Sext,and None.[4]

Since the 7th century[edit]

Practices varied from monastery to monastery. At first some tried to do the entire Psalter (150 Psalms) each day, but eventually that was abandoned for a weekly cycle built around certain hours of the day. In theRule of St. Benedictthe fourLittle Hoursof the day (Prime, Terce, Sext and Nones) were conceived on the same plan, the formulae alone varying. TheDivine Officebegan with theInvitatory,like all theCanonical Hours;then follows ahymn,special to Nones; threepsalms,which do not change (Psalm 125, 126, 127), except on Sundays and Mondays when they are replaced by three groups of eight verses from Psalm 118; then the capitulum, aversicle,theKyrie,theLord's Prayer,theoratio,and the concluding prayers.[4]

The writers of theMiddle Ageshave sought othermysticalexplanations of the Hour of Nones.Amalarius of Metz(III, vi) explains at length how, like the sun which sinks on the horizon at the hour of Nones, man's spirit tends to lower itself also, he is more open to temptation, and it is the time the demon selects to try him. For the texts of theFatherson this subject it will suffice to refer the reader to the above-mentioned work ofCardinal Bona(c. ix). The same writers do not fail to remark that the number nine was considered by the ancients an imperfect number, an incomplete number, ten being considered perfection and the complete number. Nine was also the number of mourning. Among the ancients the ninth day was a day ofexpiationand funeral service—novemdiale sacrum,the origin doubtless of thenovenafor the dead. As for the ninth hour, some persons believe that it is the hour at which our first parents were driven from theGarden of Paradise.In conclusion, it is necessary to call attention to a practice which emphasized the Hour of Nones—it was the hour offasting.At first, the hour of fasting was prolonged toVespers,that is to say, food was taken only in the evening or at the end of the day. Mitigation of this rigorous practice was soon introduced. Tertullian's famous pamphletDe jejuniorails at length against thePsychics(i.e. the orthodox Christians) who end their fast on station days at the Hour of Nones, while he, Tertullian, claims that he is faithful to the ancient custom. The practice of breaking the fast at Nones caused that hour to be selected forMassandCommunion,which were the signs of the close of the day. The distinction between the rigorous fast, which was prolonged to Vespers, and the mitigated fast, ending at Nones, is met with in a large number of ancient documents (seeFasting).[4]

In theRoman Liturgythe office of Nones is likewise constructed after the model of the Little Hours of the day; it is composed of the same elements as in the Rule of St. Benedict, with this difference: that instead of the three psalms (125-127), the three groups of eight verses from Psalm 118 are always recited. There is nothing else characteristic of this office in this liturgy. The hymn, which was added later, is the one already in use in theBenedictineOffice—Rerum Deus tenax vigor.In the monastic rules prior to the 10th century certain variations are found. Thus in theRule of Lerins,as in that ofSt. Caesarius,six psalms are recited at Nones, as at Terce and Sext, withantiphon,hymn and capitulum.[4]

St. Aurelian follows the same tradition in his RuleAd virgines,but he imposes twelve psalms at each hour on the monks.St. Columbanus,St. Fructuosus,andSt. Isidoreadopt the system of three psalms. Like St. Benedict, most of these authors include hymns, the capitulum or short lesson, a versicle, and anoratio.In the 9th and 10th centuries we find some additions made to the Office of Nones, in particular litanies,collects,etc.[4]

Current practice[edit]

Roman Rite[edit]

With the reforms of the Second Vatican Council the traditional one-week Psalter cycle became a four-week cycle.[5]Furthermore, it is only mandatory to pray one of the so-called "little hours" (Terce,Sext,and None). In the liturgy of the hours of some religious orders Sext and None are combined to form a "midday hour". However, bishops, priests and others, "who have received from the Church the mandate to celebrate the liturgy of the hours" are still expected to recite the full sequence of hours, as closely as possible to the traditional time of day.[7]

Antiochene Rites[edit]

West Syriac Rite[edit]

In theMaronite Church,Syriac Orthodox Church,Syriac Catholic Church,Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church,Malankara Marthoma Syrian Church,and theSyro-Malankara Catholic Church,the office of None is also known asTsha' sho`inand is prayed at 3 pm using theShehimobreviary.[2][8]

Byzantine Rite[edit]

In theEastern OrthodoxandGreek CatholicChurches the office of the Ninth Hour is normally read by a singleReaderand has very little variation in it. Three fixed psalms are read at the Third Hour: Psalms 83, 84, and 85 (LXX). The only variable portions for most of the year are theTroparia(either one or two) andKontakionof the Day. The service ends with thePrayer of the Ninth Hourby SaintBasil the Great.

DuringGreat Lenta number of changes in the office take place. On Monday through Thursday, after the three fixed psalms, the Reader says akathismafrom thePsalter.The Troparion of the Day is replaced by special Lenten hymns that are chanted with prostrations. Then a portion of theLadder of Divine Ascentmay be read. The Kontakion of the Day is replaced by special Lenten troparia. Near the end of the Hour, thePrayer of St. Ephraimis said, with prostrations.

DuringHoly Week,on Great Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the services are similar to those during Great Lent, except that there is nokathisma,and instead of the normal Lenten hymns which replace the Kontakion, the Kontakion of the day (i.e., that day of Holy Week) is chanted. On Great Thursday and Saturday, the Little Hours are more like normal. On Great Friday, theRoyal Hoursare chanted.

During the Lesser Lenten seasons (Nativity Fast,Apostles' FastandDormition Fast) the Little Hours undergo changes similar to those during Great Lent, except the Lenten hymns are usually read instead of chanted, and there are nokathismata.In addition, on weekdays of the Lesser Fasts, anInter-Hour(Greek:Mesorion) may be read immediately after each Hour (at least on the first day of the fast). The Inter-Hours may also be read during Great Lent if there is to be no reading from theLadder of Divine Ascentat the Little Hours. The Inter-Hours follow the same general outline as the Little Hours, except they are shorter.

Armenian Rite[edit]

In the Armenian Liturgy, the Ninth Hour (Old Armenian:Իններորդ Ժամ,innerord zham) commemorates both the Son of God and the death and surrender of [his] rational spirit.

In the Armenian Book of Hours and in many liturgical manuscripts, the Ninth Hour concludes with a service of hymns, psalms, readings, and prayers which would normally be recited during thePatarag(Divine Liturgy or Mass).

In the Armenian Book of Hours and in many liturgical manuscripts, the ninth hour includes the service of prayers, hymns, and Bible readings which would normally take place at thePatarag(Divine Liturgy or Mass), without the prayers of the eucharistic canon (preparation, consecration, post-communion prayers) and many of the litanies. There is no separate heading for this service as there is for the other services in the Book of Hours. Still, this is a distinct service because the concluding “Our Father” which ends every Armenian liturgy, including all of the liturgies of the hours, also occurs at the end of the Ninth Hour proper in analogy to the First, Third, and Sixth hours, and before this additional service.

This service may be called theChashService (Old Armenian:Ճաշու Պաշտաւնchashou pashtawn), the service of mealtime, which was taken at the end of the day at the conclusion of work, which would have been after the ninth hour. Since fasting before communion was the rule in the ancient church, the ninth hour suggested itself as the appropriate time to offer thePatarag.Thus, a service which contained the readings and much of the prayers from thePataragwas added after the Ninth Hour for those days when noPataragwould be celebrated.

One can compare thisChashservice to the Typica service celebrated in churches belonging to the Slavic tradition within the Byzantine liturgical rite. Not all ancient manuscripts of the Armenian hours have this service, therefore it is unclear whether this service is a later importation from the Byzantine liturgy, with the words and sequence of the ArmenianPataragsubstituted for those of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy.

Outline of the Service[edit]

Introduction: “Blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our Father...”; “Blessed is the Holy Father, true God. Amen.”

Psalm 51: “Have mercy on me...”; “Glory...Now and always...Amen.”; Hymn of the Ninth Hour: “The light of day suffered with you... (Ch`arch`areal k`ez tiw lousoy...)”; Exhortation: “At every hour this is my prayer...(Amenayn zhamou...)”; Proclamation: “Again and again in peace...”; Prayer: “Blessing and Glory to the Father...Now and always...Amen.”

During the Great Fast:The Prayer of John Mandakouni “With a holy heart... (Sourb srtiw...)”; Proclamation: “That we may pass this hour...(Zzhams ev zarajakay...)”

Otherwise continue here:

Prayer: “Lord of hosts...(Tēr zawrout`eants`...)”

Psalm (Daniel 3:33-34): “Lord, do not forsake us...(Tēr mi matner zmez...)”; Hymn of St. Nerses (Tone 3): “Accept, Lord, the request of the patriarch Abraham...(Nahapetin...)”; Proclamation: “Let us beseech our lifegiving savior, Christ,...(Aghach`ests`ouk` zkensatou...)”; Prayer, “Having fallen down before you...(Ankeal araji k`o...)”; Prayer of Sarkawag Vardapet: “Remember, Lord your servants... (Hishea...)”; Prayer: “God, beneficent and full of mercy...(Barerar ev bazoumoghorm Astouats...)”

Psalm 116 “I loved, because the Lord heard...(Sirets'i zi lowits`ē Tēr ztzayn...)”; Psalm 117 “Bless the Lord all nations...(Awrhnets`ēk` zTēr amenayn azink`...)”; “Glory to the Father...Now and always...Amen.”

On dominical feasts and the commemorations of martyrs:Hymn (varies according to the tone of the day)

Otherwise continue here:

Exhortation: “For the souls at rest...(Hogwots`n hangouts`elots`...)”; Proclamation: “Again and again in peace...For the souls...(Vasn hangsteal hogwots`n...)”; “Lord, have mercy” (thrice); Prayer: “Christ, Son of God,...(K`ristos, Ordi Astoutsoy...)” (on fasting days, said thrice); “Blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Our Father...”


Exhortation: “Our psalmody and our supplications...(Zsaghmosergout`iwns ev zaghach`ans mer...)”; “Amen.”

“Blessed is the kingdom of the Father...Now and always...Amen.”

Hymn of the Time of Entrance (Ժամամուտzhamamout;varies for the tone, commemoration, and liturgical season)

Song of the Time of Entrance (Ժամերգութիւնzhamergout`iwn;varies)

Proclamation: “Again and again in peace...accept, vivify, and have mercy.”; “Blessing and glory to the Father...Now and ever...Amen.”

ChashouAntiphon (varies)

ChashouHymn (varies)

Holy God (varies)

Proclamation: “Again and again...For the peace of the whole world...(Vasn khaghaghoutean...)”; Prayer: “For you are the merciful and philanthropic God...(Zi oghormats ev mardasēr...)”

ChashouPsalm (varies)

Reading from the Apostles (varies)

ChashouCanticle (varies)

Reading from the Prophets (varies)

Chasou Alleluia (varies)

Pre-Gospel sequence

Gospel (varies)

“Glory to you, Lord, our God.”

Nicean Symbol: “We believe in one God...”; “As for those who say...(Isk ork` asen...)”; “As for us, let us glorify...(Isk mek` p`araworests`ouk`...)

Proclamation: “Again and again...And again with faith...(Ev evs havatov...); Prayer: “Our Lord and savior...(Tēr mer ev p'rkich'...)”; “Peace be with all.”; “Let us bow down before God.”; Prayer: “By your peace...(Khaghaghout`eamb k`ov...)”; “Blessed is our Lord Jesus Christ.”; “May the Lord God bless everyone. Amen.”; “Our Father...”

“One is Holy. One is Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.”; “Blessed is the Holy Father, true God. Amen.”; “Blessed is the Holy Son, true God. Amen.”; “Blessed is the Holy Spirit, true God. Amen.”; “Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit.”

“Blessing and glory to the Father...Now and always...Amen.”; “Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever.” (thrice); “Blessed is God. You are the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets...”

“I shall bless the Lord at all times, at every hour his blessing upon my lips.”

“Be blessed by the grace of the Holy Spirit. Go in peace, and may the Lord be with you and with everyone. Amen.”

Alexandrian Rite[edit]

In theCoptic Orthodox Church,andCoptic Catholic Church,the Compline isprayedat 3 pm using theAgpeyabreviary before retiring.[9]

East Syriac Rite[edit]

The equivalent of the Nones in theEast Syriac Rite,employed by theChaldean Catholic Church,Syro-Malabar Church,Assyrian Church of the EastandAncient Church of the EastisD-Bathsha Shayin.[10]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Jean Villanove, Histoire populaire des Catalans: des origines au XVe siècle, t. 1, J. Villanove, 1978, XII-339 p.
  2. ^ab"My Life in Heaven & on Earth"(PDF).St. Thomas Malankara Orthodox Church. p. 31.Retrieved2 August2020.
  3. ^"Prayers of the Church".Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.Retrieved25 July2020.
  4. ^abcdefghiOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Cabrol, Fernand (1911)."None".In Herbermann, Charles (ed.).Catholic Encyclopedia.Vol. 11. New York: Robert Appleton Company.Retrieved15 April2015.
  5. ^abcDonovan, C.,Breviary / Divine Office / Liturgy of the Hours,EWTN, accessed 30 March 2024
  6. ^Tertullian,De Oratione,xxiii, xxv, inPatrologia Latina(P.L.), I, 1191-3. Quoted inCabrol 1911.
  7. ^General Instruction No. 29.
  8. ^Richards, William Joseph (1908).The Indian Christians of St. Thomas: Otherwise Called the Syrian Christians of Malabar: a Sketch of Their History and an Account of Their Present Condition as Well as a Discussion of the Legend of St. Thomas.Bemrose. p. 98.
  9. ^The Agpeya.St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church. pp. 5, 33, 49, 65, 80, 91, 130.
  10. ^"Archived copy"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2020-03-31.Retrieved2021-01-26.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

Further reading[edit]

External links[edit]