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Nonviolent revolution

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Anonviolent revolutionis arevolutionconducted primarily by unarmed civilians using tactics ofcivil resistance,including various forms ofnonviolent protest,to bring about the departure of governments seen as entrenched andauthoritarianwithout the use or threat of violence.[1]While many campaigns of civil resistance are intended for much more limited goals than revolution, generally a nonviolent revolution is characterized by simultaneous advocacy ofdemocracy,human rights,andnational independencein the country concerned.

An effective campaign of civil resistance, and even the achievement of a nonviolent revolution, may be possible in a particular case despite the government in power taking brutal measures againstprotesters.[2]The commonly held belief that most revolutions that have happened indictatorialregimes were bloody or violent uprisings is not borne out by historical analysis. Nonviolent Revolutions came to the international forefront in the 20th century by the independence movement of India under the leadership of Gandhi with civil disobedience being the tool of nonviolent resistance. An important non-violent revolution was in Sudan in October 1964 which overthrew a military dictatorship. Later it become more successful and more common in the 1980s asCold Warpolitical allianceswhich supportedstatus quogovernance waned.[3]

In the 1970s and 1980s, intellectuals in theSoviet Unionand otherCommunist states,and in some other countries, began to focus oncivil resistanceas the most promising means of opposing entrenched authoritarian regimes. The use of various forms of unofficial exchange of information, including bysamizdat,expanded. Two major revolutions during the 1980s strongly influencedpolitical movementsthat followed. The first was the 1986People Power Revolutionin thePhilippines,from which the term 'people power' came to be widely used, especially inHispanicandAsiannations.[4]Three years later, theRevolutions of 1989that oustedcommunistregimes in theEastern Blocreinforced the concept (with the notable exception of the notoriously bloodyRomanian Revolution), beginning with the victory ofSolidarityinthat year's Polish legislative elections.The Revolutions of 1989 provided the template for the so-calledcolor revolutionsin mainlypost-communiststates, which tended to use acolororfloweras asymbol,somewhat in the manner of theVelvet RevolutioninCzechoslovakia.

In December 1989, inspired by the anti-communist revolutions in Eastern Europe, theMongolian Democratic Union(MDU) organized popular street protests and hunger strikesagainst the communist regime.In 1990, dissidents in theAzerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republicstarted civil resistance against the government, but were initially crushed by theSoviet Armed Forcesin theBlack Januarymassacre.

Recent nonviolent revolutions include theOrange Revolutionin Ukraine, which was highlighted by a series of acts ofcivil disobedience,sit-ins,andgeneral strikesorganized by the opposition movement.


Historical examples of nonviolent resistance for significant political change go back as far as Ancient Rome.[5]The majorityplebeianclass of Rome held general strikes andabandoned the cityto force changes in the written constitution of the Republic.

Nonviolent revolution was popularized in the 20th century by thesatyagrahaphilosophy ofMahatma Gandhi,who guided the people ofIndiatoindependencefromBritain.Despite the violence of thePartition of Indiafollowing independence, and numerous revolutionary uprisings which were not under Gandhi's control, India's independence was achieved through legal processes after a period of nationalresistancerather than through a military revolution.

According to thesocialistFourth International,Karl Marxacknowledged a theoretical possibility of "peaceful" revolutions, but the Fourth International articles also say "The development and preservation of good relations with the military forces is one of the absolute priorities of preparatory revolutionary work". Some have argued that a nonviolent revolution would require fraternisation with military forces, like in the relatively nonviolent PortugueseCarnation Revolution.[6]

Peaceful revolution[edit]

Apeaceful revolutionor bloodless coup is an overthrow of a government that occurs without violence. If therevolutionistsrefuse to use violence, it is known as a nonviolent revolution. If the revolutionists are willing to use force, but theloyalists(government)negotiateorsurrenderto divert armed conflict, it is called abloodless war.

Peaceful revolutions that have occurred are theCarnation Revolutionof 1974 inPortugal,[7]thePeople Power Revolutionof 1986 in thePhilippines,and thePeaceful Revolutionof 1989 inGermany.[8][9]

As it relates to democracy[edit]

One theory of democracy is that its main purpose is to allow peaceful revolutions. The idea is that majorities voting in elections approximate the result of a coup. In 1962,John F. Kennedyfamously said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."[10][11]

George Lakey in his 1973 book[12]and in his 1976 "A Manifesto for Nonviolent Revolution",[13]laid out a five-stage strategy for nonviolent revolution:[14]

  • Stage 1 – Cultural Preparation or "Conscientization": Education, training and consciousness raising of why there is a need for a nonviolent revolution and how to conduct a nonviolent revolution.
  • Stage 2 – Building Organizations: As training, education and consciousness raising continues, the need to form organizations. Affinity groups or nonviolent revolutionary groups are organized to provide support, maintain nonviolent discipline, organize and train other people into similar affinity groups and networks.
  • Stage 3 – Confrontation: Organized and sustained campaigns of picketing, strikes, sit-ins, marches, boycotts, die-ins, blockades to disrupt business as usual in institutions and government. By putting one's body on the line nonviolently the rising movement stops the normal gears of government and business.
  • Stage 4 – Mass Non Cooperation: Similar affinity groups and networks of affinity groups around the country and world, engage in similar actions to disrupt business as usual.
  • Stage 5 – Developing Parallel Institutions to take over functions and services of government and commerce. In order to create a new society without violence, oppression, environmental destruction, discrimination and one that is environmentally sustainable, nonviolent, democratic, equitable, tolerant, and fair, alternative organizations and structures including businesses must be created to provide the needed services and goods that citizens of a society need.

Gene Sharp,who influenced many in theArab Springrevolutions, has documented and described over 198 different methods of nonviolent action that nonviolent revolutionaries might use in struggle. He argues that no government or institution can rule without theconsent of the governedor oppressed as that is the source of nonviolent power.Mahatma GandhiandMartin Luther King Jr.argued this as well.[15]

List of nonviolent revolutions by era[edit]


Dates nonviolent revolution Notes
1919 March 1st Movement Koreain an attempt to annul theJapan-Korea Treaty of 1910and declare independence.
1930 Salt SatyagrahainIndia an attempt to overthrowBritish colonialrule.
1942 Quit India movement demanding immediate independence for India from British rule.

Cold War[edit]

In nations of the Warsaw Pact[edit]

Dates nonviolent revolution Notes
1968 ThePrague Spring a period of political liberalization inCzechoslovakia.
1989 TheRevolutions of 1989 Even though many of these revolutions did not take place entirely in 1989, they are usually grouped together as such.
1980–1989 TheSolidaritymovement popular resistance to communist rule, though progress is halted by the imposition ofmartial law.
1987–1989/1991 TheSinging Revolution a cycle of singing mass demonstrations, followed by aliving chainacross theBaltic states(Estonia,Lithuania,Latvia), known as theBaltic Way.
1989 ThePeaceful Revolution in theGerman Democratic Republicleading to thefall of the Berlin Wall
1989 TheVelvet Revolution – the bloodless revolution inCzechoslovakialeading to the downfall of the communist government there.
1989 The bloodless revolution inBulgaria led to the resulted in the downfall of the communist government.
1990 TheGolaniad a protest inRomaniain April byBuchareststudents who demanded a non-communist government. The protests ended in bloodshed after an intervention of miners called in by PresidentIon Iliescu(June 1990 Mineriad).
1991 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt led to the effect of a revolution, was mostly non-violent.

Outside of the Warsaw Pact[edit]

Dates nonviolent revolution Country
1964 The October Revolution Sudan
1952 TheEgyptian Revolution Egypt
1969 Theal-Fateh Revolution Libya
1973 The1973 Afghan coup d'état Afghanistan
1974 TheCarnation Revolution Portugal
1985 The April Intifada Sudan
1986 ThePeople Power Revolution Philippines
1990 TheMongolian Revolution of 1990 Mongolia

Post–Cold War period[edit]

Colour revolutions[edit]

These are revolutions inpost-communistauthoritarianEurope and other new countries that were part of the formerSoviet UnionorWarsaw Pact.Each of these had massive street protests and/or followed disputed elections and led to the resignation or overthrow of leaders considered by their opponents to beauthoritarian.Almost all of them used a particular colour or a flower to be their symbol of unity.

List of nonviolent revolutions by region[edit]

Middle East[edit]

The media attention given to thecolor revolutionshas inspired movements in theMiddle East,and their supporters, to adopt similar symbology.

  • TheCedar RevolutioninLebanonfollowed the assassination of opposition leaderRafik Haririin 2005. Chiefly, the movement demanded the withdrawal ofSyriantroops from Lebanon, ending ade factooccupation.Unlike the revolutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, this movement did not seek to overturn disputed election results, but did cause the pro-Syrian government of Lebanon to fall.

Latin America[edit]

Drawing inspiration from thePeople Power Revolutionof 1986 in thePhilippines,as well as other succeedingcolor revolutionmovements, severalSouth Americancountries experienced what were effectively non-violent revolutions.

  • Dominican Republic– "The Butterflies" or "Las Mariposas". TheMirabal sistersfought to change their government, by underground movements. Also, by rejecting sexual advances from the president himself. Three sisters were ordered to be killed by the president at the time, Rafael Trujillo, and only one survived to tell the story. There is also a movie made about their ordeal.
  • Ecuador– The impeachment of PresidentLucio Gutiérrez,by the Congress of that country after days of increasing demonstrations and protests by citizens led by the citizens ofQuito,the capital. Thousands of demonstrators were present in the Plaza of Independence. Flags were waved in celebration shortly after Congress voted out Gutierrez 62–0. Airport runways were blocked by demonstrators to prevent Gutierrez from leaving the country. The former president was later given asylum byBraziland was transported out of the country on April 24. Protesters also intended to depose the Congress after accusing the body of alleged corruption as well.



  • Sudan - TheSudanese Revolutionin 2018 was a major shift of political power in Sudan that started with protests throughout the streets on 19 December 2018 and continued with sustained civil disobedience for about eight months, during which the 11 April 2019 Sudanese coup d'état deposed President Omar al-Bashir after thirty years in power and ultimately leading to a "Political Agreement and a Draft Constitutional Declaration" legally transitioning to a civilian democracy.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Nepstad, Sharon Erickson. (2011).Nonviolent revolutions: civil resistance in the late 20th century.Oxford: Oxford University Press.ISBN978-0-19-977820-1.OCLC707267312.
  2. ^Summy, Ralph (1994)."Nonviolence and the Case of the Extremely Ruthless Opponent".Global Change, Peace & Security.6:1–29.doi:10.1080/14781159408412772.
  3. ^Chenoweth, Erica; Stephan, Maria J. (2011).Why civil resistance works: the strategic logic of nonviolent conflict.New York: Columbia University Press.ISBN978-0-231-15682-0.OCLC660804982.
  4. ^Beech, Hannah (August 17, 2009)."Corazon Aquino 1933–2009: The Saint of Democracy".Time.Archived fromthe originalon August 10, 2009.RetrievedMay 20,2010.
  5. ^Howes, Dustin (2015)."Defending Freedom in the Early Roman Republic".Civil Resistance: Comparative Perspectives on Nonviolent Struggle.Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. p. 43.ISBN9781452945118.
  6. ^Dan Jakopovich: Revolution and the Party in Gramsci's Thought: A Modern Application.
  7. ^"Your guide to the Carnation Revolution".
  8. ^"30 YEARS OF PEACEFUL REVOLUTION".October 28, 2019.
  9. ^"East Germany 1989 - the march that KO'd communism".BBC News.October 13, 2019.
  10. ^JFK's "Address on the First Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress," White House reception for diplomatic corps of the Latin American republics, March 13, 1962.Public Papers of the Presidents– John F. Kennedy (1962), p. 223.Wikisource
  11. ^JFK: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitableonYouTube
  12. ^Lakey, George.(1973) Strategy For A Living Revolution. Grossman: New York, NY.
  13. ^Lakey, George. (1976) A Manifesto For Nonviolent Revolution. Training For Change: Philadelphia, PA (http:// trainingforchange.org/manifesto_for_nv_revolutionArchivedNovember 19, 2011, at theWayback Machine)
  14. ^Lakey, George. (2002) Strategizing For A Living Revolution. retrieved on October 26, 2011 fromhttp:// historyisaweapon /defcon1/lakeylivrev.html
  15. ^Sharp, Gene. (1973)The Politics of Nonviolent Action.Porter-Sargent: Boston, MA.

External links[edit]