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Guizotia abyssinica

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Guizotia abyssinica
Guizotia abyssinicaflower
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Guizotia
G. abyssinica
Binomial name
Guizotia abyssinica
  • Anthemis mysorensisherb.madr. ex DC.
  • Bidens ramtillaWall. ex DC.
  • Buphthalmum ramtillaBuch.-Ham. ex Wall.
  • Guizotia oleifera(DC.) DC.
  • Jaegeria abyssinica(L.f.) Spreng.
  • Polymnia abyssinicaL.f. 1782
  • Ramtilla oleiferaDC.
  • Tetragonotheca abyssinicaLedeb.
  • Verbesina sativaRoxb. ex Sims

Guizotia abyssinicais an erect, stout, branchedannualherb, grown for itsedible oiland seed. Its cultivation originated in theEritreanandEthiopian highlands,and has spread to other parts ofEthiopia.Common names includenoog/nug(Ethio-SemiticandEritreanኑግnūgor ኒህዩግnihyug);ramtilorramtilla;nigerornyger seed(all pronounced/ˈnər/NY-jər);[2][3]inga seed;andblackseed.Noug has been described as semi-domesticated, self-incompatible crop with yellow flowering heads and seeds.[4]Recent studies have revealed the regional genetic diversity of some noug populations grown in Ethiopia based onRAPDandAFLPmarkers.[5][jargon]



Native toEthiopia,EritreaandMalawi,niger seeds are also grown inIndia.[6]Niger seeds resemblesunflower seedsin shape, but are smaller in size and black. It bears a fairly thick, adherent seed coat and can be stored for up to a year without deterioration. Niger seed containsproteins,oiland solublesugars.Niger seeds are used asbird feedworldwide. Commercial niger seed is grown in Africa, India and other areas of southeast Asia, and the seed is imported around the world as a popular type of birdseed. Before it is imported, however, niger seed is sterilized by intense heat to prevent germination of any additional seeds that may be part of the mix. Treated niger seed may germinate but would typically be stunted, limiting its spread and offering less of a threat to native plants.[7]

Niger Seed

Basic nutritional components of niger seeds

Component Percentage
Oil 30%–40%
Proteins 10%–25%
Soluble sugar]s 12%–18%
Crude fiber 10%–20%
Moisture 10%–11%



Requiring moderate rainfall between 1,000 to 1,250 millimetres (39 to 49 in) annually, niger seed needs moist soil to grow properly. Niger should be grown in light black soils or brownish loam with sufficient depth but it also can be grown on well drained heavy soils or rockylateritesoils. It can grow in semi-shade or full sun. The yield of seeds will average 300–400 kilograms per hectare (270–360 lb/acre) under favorable conditions but can produce up to 600 kilograms per hectare (540 lb/acre). It gives a dependable yield even under unfavorable climatic conditions.[8]

The seed, technically a fruit called anachene,is often sold as birdseed as it is a favourite of finches, especially thegoldfinchand thegreenfinch(Chloris). In the birdseed market, niger is often sold or referred to as thistle seed. This is a misnomer resulting from early marketing of the seed as "thistle" to take advantage of the finches' preference for thistle.

The Wild Bird Feeding Industry (WBFI) has trademarked the name Nyjer "... to eliminate product confusion and the offensive mispronunciation of Niger as well as to promote a positive image for the use of 'Guizotia abyssinica' as a wild bird feed."[9]

Niger seed

In 1982, the USDA ordered that imported niger seed must be heat sterilized to kill the contaminantdodderseed. This treatment, however, was insufficient to kill seeds of other Federal noxious weeds, includingAsphodelus fistulosus(onion weed),Digitariaspp. (includes African couchgrass),Oryzaspp. (red rice),Paspalum scrobiculatum(kodo millet),Prosopisspp. (includes mesquites),Solanum viarum(tropical soda apple),Strigaspp. (witchweed), andUrochloa panicoides(liver-seed grass). In 2001 a new treatment required that imported niger seed must be heat treated at 120 °C (248 °F) for 15 minutes.

In 2002, the 'EarlyBird' variety ofGuizotia abyssinicawith a crop maturity of 65 days was developed and adapted to grow in the United States. The 'EarlyBird' variety ofGuizotia abyssinicais protected by U.S.D.A. Plant Variety Protection Certificate Number9900412.A second variety ofGuizotia abyssinicasubmitted to the U.S.D.A. for Plant Variety Protection (Application Number200500140) called 'Earlybird 50' has a crop maturity of 50 days and is a shorter, more dense plant with a higher yield and is less susceptible to lodging than the 'EarlyBird' variety. Both varieties have short enough maturities to make production feasible in many U.S. growing regions.Guizotia abyssinicais not a Federal noxious weed and is now in commercial agricultural production in the United States often grown as a first or second crop before or afterwheat,maize,soybeans,andcucurbits.Niger is self-sterile and requires bees for cross pollination.


A field soon to be harvested for oil production inAraku Valley,India

Niger seed yields about 30–35% of its weight in oil which is clear, slow-drying, and edible. Niger seed oil is apolyunsaturatedsemi-drying oil.It has a pale yellow or orange color with a nutty taste and sweet odor. The raw oil has a low acidity and can be used directly for cooking. Normally, it has a poor shelf life and will become rancid when stored for a long period. Its fatty acid composition is similar tosunflower oiland has high content oflinoleic acid.It is used as a substitute forolive oiland can be mixed withlinseed oil.The presence of linoleic acid varies from 45.0 to 65.0% depending on harvested soil conditions and seed variety. The physical character of oil and its fatty acid composition is furnished in the following tables.[10]

Physical characteristics of oil[11]

Characteristic Range
Refractive index 40°C 1.4655–1.4673
Saponification value 187–195
Iodine value 112–129.0
Unsaponifiable matter 0.5–1.0%
Moisture 0.5–0.75%
Bellier turbidity temperature 24.5–27.8°C
Free fatty acid 0.2–2.0%

Fatty acid composition of niger seed oil[11]

Fatty acid Percentage
Myristic acid(C14:0) 1.7%–3.4%
Palmitic acid(C16:0) 5.8%–13.0%
Stearic acid(C18:0) 5.0%–7.5%
Oleic acid(C18:1) 13.4%–39.3%
Linoleic acid(C18:2) 45.5%–65.8%

Culinary and medicinal uses


Niger seeds are used for human consumption in the southern parts of India. InKarnataka,Andhra PradeshandMaharashtra,niger seeds (calledvalisalu/valasuluinTelugu,uchellu/gurelluinKannada,andkaraleinMarathi) are used to make a drychutney,which is used as an accompaniment with breads such aschapati.They are also used as a spice in somecurries.In Ethiopia, an infusion made from roasted and ground niger seeds, sugar and water is used in treating common colds.

Other uses


A paste or gruel made from slightly roasted and ground niger seed, mixed with roasted and groundflaxseeds(Amharic:telbah) and hot water, is traditionally used in Ethiopia in treating leather.

The seed's oil is widely used for industrial purposes such assoapmaking,paintspreparations and preparation of different types of emulsions.[12]

The seed is used asbird food.As the seeds are so small, specializedbird feedersare manufactured for niger seed. In the United Kingdom the seeds attractfinchesandsiskins.[13]

Niger oil cake, which consists of the residues obtained after processing of the seeds to make oil, is rich in protein and is used to feed livestock, particularly in Ethiopia.[14]


  1. ^The Plant List,Guizotia abyssinica(L.f.) Cass.
  2. ^Mid-michigan, Wild Birds Unlimited (10 October 2016)."How to pronounce Nyjer®".
  3. ^"When did Niger become Nyjer?".mprnews.org.30 November 2011.
  4. ^Dempewolf, Hannes; Kane, Nolan C.; Ostevik, Katherine L.; Geleta, Mulatu; Barker, Michael S.; Lai, Zhao; Stewart, Megan L.; Bekele, Endashaw; Engels, Johannes M. M.; Cronk, Quentin C. B.; Rieseberg, Loren H. (November 2010)."Establishing genomic tools and resources for Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass.-the development of a library of expressed sequence tags, microsatellite loci, and the sequencing of its chloroplast genome: PERMANENT GENETIC RESOURCES ARTICLE".Molecular Ecology Resources.10(6): 1048–1058.doi:10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02859.x.PMID21565115.S2CID28931341.
  5. ^Geleta, Mulatu; Bryngelsson, Tomas; Bekele, Endashaw; Dagne, Kifle (2007-05-03)."Genetic diversity of Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass. (Asteraceae) from Ethiopia as revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)".Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.54(3): 601–614.doi:10.1007/s10722-006-0018-0.ISSN0925-9864.S2CID29426035.
  6. ^"Nigerseed: Specialty Grain Opportunity for Midwestern US".hort.purdue.edu.
  7. ^"What Is Thistle Seed, Really? - Nyjer for Finches".The Spruce.
  8. ^SEA Hand Book-2009 by Solvent Extractors' Association Of India
  9. ^"Nyjer® Seed: A Big Name for a Small Black Seed"(PDF).RetrievedJuly 14,2018.
  10. ^"Guizotia abyssinica".hort.purdue.edu.
  11. ^abNasirullah, Dr; Mallika, T.; Rajalakshmi, S.; Pashupathi, K. S.; Ankaiah, K. N.; Vibhakar, S.; Krishnamurthy, M. N.; Nagaraja, K. V.; Kapur, O. P. (15 December 1982)."Studies on niger (Guizotia abyssinica) seed oil".Journal of Food Science and Technology.19:147–149, 12 ref. Archived fromthe originalon 25 February 2021.Retrieved28 April2016– via ir.cftri.
  12. ^welcome to THE DML Group | Exporters of Indian Cotton, Spices, Pulses, Grains & Oil SeedsArchived2013-06-05 at theWayback Machine
  13. ^"UK garden bird feeding guide".BBC Nature.Retrieved26 October2016.
  14. ^Heuzé V., Thiollet H., Tran G., Hassoun P., Bastianelli D., Lebas F., 2017. Niger (Guizotia abyssinica). Feedipedia, a programme by INRA, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO.https:// feedipedia.org/node/41