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November 1965

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November 11, 1965: Rhodesia declared independent from the UK...
... by colonial Prime Minister Ian Smith and cabinet
November 9, 1965: Ferdinand Marcos elected Philippine President
November 15, 1965: Walt Disney announces new theme park for Florida
November 30, 1965: Ralph Nader publishesUnsafe at Any Speed

The following events occurred inNovember 1965:

November 1,1965 (Monday)

  • The subpanel forGemini 6of the Agena Flight Safety Review Board met atLockheed.The subpanel reviewed Lockheed's flight safety analysis of the failure ofGemini Agena target vehicle(GATV) 5002 on October 25. The subpanel approved the conclusions reached by Lockheed's analysts, that the catastrophic anomaly was apparently caused by a "hard start" of the Agena's main engine, most probably resulting from a fuel rather than oxidizer lead into thethrust chamberbefore ignition. Unlike all previous standard Agenas, the GATV had been intentionally sequenced for a fuel lead to conserve oxidizer for the many programmed restarts. The subpanel reported its findings to the parent board on November 3.[1]
  • KingMohammed Zahir ShahappointedMohammad Hashim Maiwandwalas the newPrime Minister of Afghanistan,replacingMohammad Yusuf,who had been dismissed the previous Friday. Maindawal, who had served as the Afghan ambassador to the United States as well as the United Kingdom and Pakistan, would serve until November 1, 1967. After Afghanistan's declaration of a republic in 1973, Maindawal would be arrested on charges of attempting to overthrow PresidentMohammed Daoud Khanand would die in prison.[2]
  • In Egypt, atrolleybusplunged into theNileRiver atDokki,a suburb ofCairo,drowning 74 people. Most of the dead were high school students who were on their way home from school. Only 19 passengers survived, breaking windows or escaping from open doors to free themselves.[3]
  • The charter ofAsian Development Bankwas drafted in Manila.[4]

November 2,1965 (Tuesday)

  • Banks and newspapers in theDominican Republicreopened for business for the first time in more than five months. All banks in the downtown district ofSanto Domingohad been closed since April 24 during the outbreak of violence following a coup, and the independent newspapersEl CaribeandListin Diariohad been shut down since April 28.[5]
  • TheHouston Methodist Hospitalin Texas reported that it was the first to begin regular use of the new technology of "an instrument which makes possible the continuous monitoring of the vital signs of both mother and child", now commonly known as thefetal heart monitor.Initially, the instrument was used only when the mother was in labor.[6]
  • Israel's Prime MinisterLevi Eshkolretained his office asparliamentary elections were heldfor theKnesset.Eshkol'sMapaiparty and its alignment with theAhdut HaAvodalost five seats but retained 45 of the 120 available.[7][8][9]
  • TheUnited States Treasury Departmentannounced anembargo,effective November 10, banning "imports of wigs made with human hair from Red China".[10]
  • RepublicanJohn Lindsaywas electedMayor of New York City,narrowly defeating Democrat challenger (and future mayor)Abe Beame.[11]
  • Born:Shah Rukh Khan,Indian film actor, producer and TV host; inNew Delhi
  • Died:
    • Norman Morrison,31, AmericanQuakerand pacifist, died of burns suffered when he set himself on fire in front ofThe Pentagon,in protest against theVietnam War.Morrison was holding his one-year-old daughter as he doused himself inkerosene,and was reportedly still holding her as he began to burn, letting the child go after horrified onlookers yelled 'Drop the baby! "The child was rescued, unharmed, and Mr. Morrison was dead on arrival at theFort Myerdispensary.[12]Morrison had set himself ablaze 50 yards (46 m) from, and within sight of, the office of U.S. Defense SecretaryRobert S. McNamara,who would write 30 years later, "Morrison's death was a tragedy not only for his family, but also for me and the country."North Vietnamwould memorialize him with a postage stamp and named a street after him.[13][14]
    • José Ramón Guizado,66, 17thPresident of Panamafor 57 days in 1955 after the assassination of PresidentJosé Antonio Remón Cantera,died of a heart attack.[15]Guizado served two years in prison after being convicted of complicity in the murder of President Remón, then exonerated and released.

November 3,1965 (Wednesday)

  • Edward Bond's playSavedwas performed for the first time, presented in its entirety in a private session by players and an audience made up of members of theEnglish Stage Society,after Britain'sLord Chamberlain's Officehad allowed only a heavily censored version for public audiences. Under theTheatres Act 1843,all scripts for British plays had to be sent to the Lord Chamberlain for approval, and even a "sanitized" version ofSavedhad been sent back with directions to make more than 30 cuts from the script, including entire scenes. The protest by the drama community would eventually lead to theTheatres Act 1968,abolishing censorship of plays.[16]
  • An Argentine Air Force transport plane crashed into the sea while flying from Balboa-Howard Air Force Base in Panama, toward San Salvador, El Salvador, killing all 60 passengers and the crew of nine. The passengers were 55 Air Force cadets and five officers who were one of two groups who were en route to a tour of the United States. The C-54G, the military version of the DC-4, was last heard from at 7:35 in the morning when the pilot sent a distress call, saying that one of the plane's engines had caught fire and that he was about 75 miles (121 km) from Puerto Limon, Costa Rica.[17]More than 50 years later, no trace of the airplane had ever been found.
  • The Agena Flight Safety Review Board met at Lockheed to continue its investigation of the failure of Gemini Agena target vehicle 5002 on October 25. The board, chaired byGeorge E. Mueller,reviewed the findings of the subpanel for Gemini 6 and reached the same conclusion: the failure resulted from a hard start probably caused by the fuel lead.[1]
  • Only six people survived the sinking of theJose Marti,a fishing boat that was carrying 25 men, nine women and 11 children who were refugees fromCuba.According to a spokesman from the Mexican Navy, the overcrowded boat "just came to pieces" while 30 miles (48 km) short of its destination in Mexico, breaking up nearIsla Contoy.[18]
  • Born:Ann Scott,French novelist; inParis

November 4,1965 (Thursday)

  • Harvard Universitybotany professorElso Barghoornannounced the discovery of the earliest evidence of life on Earth, with the finding of fossil evidence from three billion years in the past. Dr. Barhoorn, who was presenting his findings to theGeological Society of Americaat its annual convention in Kansas City, said "It proves that life must have existed much further back than any previous evidence has shown", and that the fossil had been found in February 1965, at a location in the Kingdom ofSwaziland,20 miles (32 km) southeast ofBarbertoninSouth Africa.The organisms, bacteria only one half of a micron long, were detected by electron microscope evaluation in October.[19]
  • Lee Breedlove, wife ofCraig Breedlove,set a new women's land speed record of 308.56 miles per hour (496.58 km/h), based on the average between one run of 332.26 miles per hour (534.72 km/h) and another of 288.02 miles per hour (463.52 km/h). She was driving her husband's jet-powered race car, theSpirit of America,on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.[20]
  • Pavshie i zhivye(The Fallen and Living), by Soviet playwrightYuri Lyubimov,premiered at theTaganka TheatreinMoscowafter the Ministry of Culture had ordered 19 changes in its script. By 1968, hardliners within the Communist Party would condemn even the censored version of the play as a departure from the official Party policy.[21]
  • Charles de Gaulle(just short of his 75th birthday) announced that he would stand for re-election on December 5 in pursuit of another seven-year term asPresident of the French Republic.[22]
  • TheFood and Agriculture Act of 1965was signed into law by U.S. President Lyndon Johnson.[23]
  • TheNed RoremoperaMiss Juliewas premiered by theNew York City Opera.[24]
  • Born:
  • Died:Dickey Chapelle,46, American photojournalist, became the first war correspondent to be killed in theVietnam War,and the first female American reporter to die in combat. Chapelle was mortally wounded when a land mine exploded in front of her while she was accompanying a platoon of U.S. Marines nearChu Lai.[26][27]

November 5,1965 (Friday)


November 6,1965 (Saturday)

The Chinook
  • The prototype of the newChinook ACH-47A helicopter gunshipwas given its first test flight byBoeing Vertol.Delivery was made to theU.S. Armythe following month, and a trio of the ACH-47As would enter combat in May.[32]
  • Representatives of theUnited StatesandCubasigned a Memorandum of Understanding brokered through the government ofSwitzerland,agreeing to begin "Freedom Flights"from Cuba to the U.S. for families whose names were on both nations' lists of Cuban applicants who had family in the states. Under the pact, the United States would pay for the air transport and use its own aircraft, and Cuba would allow officials of theU.S. Public Health Serviceand the U.S.Immigration and Naturalization Serviceto maintain offices at theVaraderoairport to screen passengers before their embarkation. By the time of the service's end in 1971, more than 250,000 Cubans would take advantage of the program.[33][34]
  • The United States launched GEOS-1 (GeodeticEarthOrbitingSatellite), the first cartographicsatellite,at 1:39 in the afternoon fromCape Kennedy.GEOS Project Director Jerome Rosenberg told reporters, "We've got a satellite that's just peachy-dandy", and said that it was equipped with four high-powered flashing lights, laser beam reflectors and three sets of radio gear that would provide the data to produce the most accurate maps in history, precisely locate long-range missile targets, and measure the Earth's dips and bulges with unprecedented accuracy.[35]It was the first payload to be launched by aDelta Erocket.[36]
  • The Italian luxury ocean linerRaffaelloarrived inGenoawith 56 injured passengers, six days after a fire had crippled the ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.[37]
  • Troops fromChileandArgentinafought at their border in theLaguna del Desierto incident.[38]
  • Died:

November 7,1965 (Sunday)

  • Parliamentary elections were held inPortugal,at the time under the dictatorship of Antonio Salazar, although the only candidates remaining on the ballot were those of Salazar's National Union Party. All candidates from opposition parties had withdrawn the previous month, charging that the elections were not democratic. Interior Minister Alfred dos Santos commented that the 70 percent turnout of the electorate was proof "that the opposition would have received only an insignificant number of votes" and that "none of their candidates would have been elected."[39]
  • ThePillsbury Company's famous mascot, thePillsbury Doughboy(officially known as "Poppin' Fresh" ), made his debut, appearing for the first time in a television commercial for dough for crescent rolls.[40]Created by advertising executive Rudolph Perz, the TV ads used stop-motion animation that required 720 separate photographs for a 30-second film.[41]
  • The government ofIsraelappointed boards of trustees to administer thewaqflands released to Muslim ownership, with the first towns (Haifa,Acre,LodandRamla) having boards of between five and seven Muslim residents to control the lands within the restrictions of the Tel Aviv government.[42]
  • Félix Houphouët-Boigny,the firstPresident of the Republic of Ivory Coast,was re-elected to another five-year term without opposition. He would win elections in 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1990 and continue to preside over the West African nation until his death on December 7, 1993.[43]
  • Born:
  • Died:
    • Henry Solomons,63, British member of the House of Commons; in a hospital on his birthday. With the death of a second Labour Party member in three months, Labour held only a 313 seats to the opposition's total of 312 in the House of Commons (Conservative 303 and Liberal 9), making the November 11 by-election even more important.[45]
    • Herbert C. Bonner,74, U.S. Representative for North Carolina since 1940

November 8,1965 (Monday)


November 9,1965 (Tuesday)

States and provinces affected by the blackout (in red)
  • A massive electrical outageswept across nearly 80,000 square miles (207,000 square kilometers) of the northeast United States and Canada, leaving almost 30 million people in the dark or trapped inside elevators and subway trains. At 5:16 in the afternoon, one of the five electrical lines of theAdam Beck stationinQueenston, Ontario,was shut down by an improperly set circuit breaker. It was determined later that engineers had set the safety shutdown of one relay at a level so close "that it would be triggered by the slightest overload"[62]without informing the station's operators of the adjustment. A minor power surge in the surrounding area caused the breaker to trip, shifting the power of five lines to the four remaining lines, which overloaded,[63]shifting their load to neighboring utilities and creating a cascading effect. By 5:28, power had failed in Ontario and Quebec, and the U.S. states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont, including most of New York City, for as long as 1312hours.[64][65]

November 10,1965 (Wednesday)

  • InShanghai,Chinese historian and playwrightWu Hancame under sharp criticism from literary criticYao Wenyuan,who attacked Wu's popular opera,Hai Rui Dismissed from Officeas having a subversive meaning. Although the opera was a historical drama based on the life of a Chinese minister who courageously criticizedEmperor Jiajing400 years earlier, Yao wrote in the cultural newspaperWenhui baothat Wu's opera was anallegoryabout criticizing Communist Party leaderMao Zedong,and that "Its influence is great and its poison widespread. If we do not clean it up, it will be harmful to the affairs of the people."[69]Yao's article initially was ignored, but would then be reprinted nationwide on November 29, making the article "the 'first bugle call' of theCultural Revolution."[70]Wu would become one of the first of thousands of people to be denounced and imprisoned in the years to follow.
  • Died:Roger Allen LaPorte,22, AmericanCatholic Worker Movementmember; of burns suffered when he set himself on fire in front of theDag Hammarskjöld Libraryin New York City on the previous day, in protest against the Vietnam War.[71]

November 11,1965 (Thursday)

  • Prime MinisterIan SmithofRhodesia,and the other 12 members of his white minority government cabinet, carried through with their threat to sign theUnilateral Declaration of Independence(UDI), separating the African British colony from the United Kingdom.[72]On the first day of the secession, Smith proclaimed that the government would continue to fly theUnion Jack,Britain's flag, thatGod Save the Queenwould continue to be the national anthem, and that Queen Elizabeth would remain the monarch, but would be referred to as "Queen of Rhodesia".[73]Hours later, the UN General Assembly voted 102–2 to condemn the UDI.[74]For the next 14 years, Rhodesia would remain unrecognized by any other nation in the world except for the white-minority ruled nation ofSouth Africa;finally, on December 12, 1979, a British Governor would resume administration of the state as a transition to being granted independence with a black majority governing it asZimbabwe.[75]
  • In aby-electionto fill the vacancy in Commons caused by the August death of sitting MPNorman Dodds,James Wellbelovedof the ruling Labour Party easily defeated Conservative challenger David Madel and Liberal Stanley Vince, winning 21,835 votes to their 11,763 and 2,823 in the traditionally Labour constituency ofErith and Crayford.If Madel had won, the Labour's 313 seats would have faced 304 from the Conservative and 9 from the Liberals.[76][77][78]
  • United Airlines Flight 227,aBoeing 727,crashed more than 300 feet (91 m) short of the runway atSalt Lake City International Airportand caught fire, killing 43 of the 91 people on board.[79][80]The flight from New York City to San Francisco ended when the jet's pilot brought the craft in for a hard touchdown, breaking a fuel line and igniting a fire in the fuselage, before lifting up to come around for a second landing.[81]
  • Hours later on the same day,Aeroflot Flight 99,aTupolev Tu-124operating a scheduled domestic passenger flight en-route fromPulkovo AirportinLeningradtoMurmansk AirportinMurmansk,both in theSoviet Union,crashed while attempting to land. Of the 64 passengers and crew on board, 32 were killed in the accident, and many of the survivors sustained injuries.[82]
  • Previously named "Falling Spikes", Lou Reed, John Cale, Sterling Morrison and Angus Maclise played their first rock concert under their new name,The Velvet Underground.[83]
  • The government of Turkey's new Prime Minister,Süleyman Demirel,survived its first vote of confidence in theGrand National Assembly,winning approval by a 252 to 172 margin.[84]
  • Died:Bill Linderman,45, American rodeo cowboy; in crash of United Airlines Flight 227[80]

November 12,1965 (Friday)

  • Venera 2,the Soviet Union's second attempt to gather data on the planetVenus,was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. AlthoughVenera 2made a flight "so accurate that no mid-course correction was needed" in order to allow a flyby of Venus, all communications were lost after ground control had given the command for photography to begin.[85]
  • The day after declaring Rhodesia's independence from the United Kingdom, Prime MinisterIan Smithissued an order removing all executive powers from the British colonial governor, SirHumphrey Gibbs,and asked Gibbs to leave the Government House, the governor's residence.[86]
  • TheUnited Nations Security Councilvoted 10–0 (with France abstaining) to adopt Resolution 217, condemning Rhodesia's declaration and calling upon all member nations not to recognize Ian Smith's regime, which the Resolution referred to as "illegal" and "racist".[87][88]
  • Died:SyednaTaher Saifuddin,77, Indian Shi'ite Muslim leader and theDa'i al-Mutlaqof theDawoodi Bohrasect since 1915

November 13,1965 (Saturday)

  • British theatre criticKenneth Tynanbroke a taboo by saying "fuck"on a live television broadcast, touching off a debate in the British press about morality, censorship andsocial mores.Tynan was a guest on the late night (10:25) showBBC-3when moderatorRobert Robinsonasked him whether, if theatrical censorship were abolished, he would allow a play depicting sexual intercourse. Tynan replied, "Oh, I think so, certainly. I doubt if there are very many rational people in this world to whom the word 'fuck' is particularly diabolical or revolting or totally forbidden."[89]Telephone calls to BBC tied up its switchboards,[90]four resolutions were introduced in the House of Commons condemning Tynan and the BBC,[91]and most of the British press responded with outrage.[92]Tynan had not been the first person to say the word on TV, in thatBrendan Behanhad mumbled it in 1956 on the BBC showPanorama,and a man told an Ulster TV interviewer in 1959 that his job was "fucking boring",[93]but it was the first prominent use of that word. The BBC did not apologize, but did say that "The B.B.C. regrets the use of a word that caused offence in an unscripted part of the television programme", while Tynan responded "I used an old English word in a completely neutral way to illustrate a serious point... To have censored myself would, in my view, have been an insult to the viewers' intelligence."[94]
  • Ninety people on the cruise shipSSYarmouth Castlewere killed when it caught fire, then sank, 60 miles (97 km) offNassau, Bahamas.[95]The ship was making its semi-weekly run between Miami and Nassau when the fire broke out at around 2:00 in the morning, and at 6:03, the burning liner capsized and plunged to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Other ships in the area, the cruiserBahama Starand the Finnish freighterFinnpulprescued another 459 of the 549 people on board. The blaze would later be traced to the center of the ship in "stateroom 610" which was unoccupied and being used for storage, and had started when mattresses fell over onto a lighting system. The blaze then spread in all directions through the dry wooden panels of the aging cruiser.[96]
  • A fleet of ships from thePeople's Liberation Army Navyof Communist China fought a battle with twoRepublic of China Navyships from Taiwan. The Taiwanese gunshipYongchangand the submarine chaserYongtaihad been dispatched towardWuqiu, Kinmen,Fu gian, Republic of China (Taiwan), near the coast of China'sFu gianProvince, with the purpose of trying "to draw the PLA Navy into another battle"[97]after an August 6 clash. The PLA Navy responded with six torpedo boats and ten fast-attack gunboats and, at 11:00 at night, engaged theYongtaiand damaged it. TheYongchangreturned fire and damaged several PLA boats, but was finally sunk by torpedoes, while theYongtaidisengaged after thirty minutes.
  • The American freighterSkipper Karrived at Key West, Florida, bringing the first 108 Cuban refugees to the United States under the agreement signed between the two nations. Earlier in the month, refugees had been departing in small boats.[98]

November 14,1965 (Sunday)

  • TheBattle of the Ia Drang,the first major engagement of the war between regular United States andNorth Vietnamforces in theVietnam War,began in theIa Drang Valleyof theCentral HighlandsinVietnam.Over the next seven days, until the battle was concluded on November 20, there were 305 American soldiers killed in the battle, and 3,561 from the numerically superior North Vietnamese Army.[99]The battle marked the first time that U.S. forces used B-52 bombers (and their 36,000 pounds of explosives) in a tactical role. It has been written that the battle "was of critical importance, as it set the precedent for the conduct of the war in Vietnam. The air mobility concept had proved its worth. In addition, [General William] Westmoreland believed that the Ia Drang validated his strategy of attrition... that it would not take many more such victories to push the Communists to the brink of defeat." On the other hand, the General Vo Nguyen Giap of the NVA felt that the battle was "something of a victory because they learned that they could in fact fight the Americans."[100]The North Vietnamese also concluded "that direct, prolonged exposure in firefights was not a sound strategy" and that guerrilla warfare would be more effective than large scale battles.[101][102][103]In 2002, the battle would be dramatized in the filmWe Were Soldiers.[104]
  • The recently formed coalition government ofCongolese Prime MinisterÉvariste Kimbafailed a vote of confidence in the Congo Parliament, losing 72–76 in the lower house and 49–58 in the upper house, despite the inclusion of 16 political parties in the cabinet.[105]Interior MinisterVictor Nendaka Bikawas asked to form a new government, but before he could do so, Major GeneralJoseph Mobutuoverthrew the government on November 24.

November 15,1965 (Monday)

  • Walt Disneyand Florida GovernorHaydon Burnsappeared at apress conferenceinOrlando, Florida,where the master showman unveiled his plans for a $100,000,000 family attraction on 27,000 acres of land adjacent to Bay Lake inOrange County, Florida.Disney's initial vision for his planned "Disney World"was to build two communities which would be called" City of Tomorrow "and" City of Yesterday "and that would exclude motor vehicles other than the parking area for park patrons.[106]Governor Burns told reporters that it was "the most significant day in the history of Florida".[107]The "City of Yesterday" would open in 1971 as the "Magic Kingdom"section of Disney World, while the City of Tomorrow would open in 1982 as the" Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow ", orEpcot.[108]
  • TheUnited States Supreme Courtruled, 8–0, that the 1950 Subversive Activities Control Act was unconstitutional, and struck down a requirement that members of the Communist Party must register with theU.S. Department of Justice.With JusticeByron Whiteabstaining, the Court held unanimously that the law violated the protections within the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination.[109]
  • TheSprint(Solidpropellantrocketinterceptor), a short-rangeanti-ballistic missileintended to intercept an incoming enemy missile that might get past theNike Zeusdefense, was launched for the first time, in a test firing from theWhite Sands Missile Rangein New Mexico.[110]
  • American auto racerCraig Breedlovebecame the first person to drive an automobile faster than 600 miles per hour (970 km/h), setting a newland speed recordof 600.601 mph (966.574 km/h) in hisSpirit of Americavehicle at theBonneville Salt FlatsinUtah.[111]

November 16,1965 (Tuesday)

  • An arrest inMerced, California,revealed the lax security at theCastle Air Force Base,part of the U.S. Air Force'sStrategic Air Command.TheMerced CountySheriff's office would reveal on December 1 what it called "The Case of the Crying Colonel", and the perpetrators of the breach were three junior high school students, two of whom were 13 years old, and their 14-year-old companion. The eldest boy, who "was wearing the complete flying uniform of a lieutenant colonel" when he led police on a high-speed chase in a truck stolen from the base, told police that he and his friends had pedaled their bicycles to Castle AFB, driven a base vehicle to the officers club and stole uniforms and insignia, then returned a few days later dressed as officers, even being saluted as they drove two trucks off of the base. When they were stopped after their third visit, they were found with documents (including flight orders), radio-equipped pilot helmets, and "pieces of nine air force uniforms." The federal government would decline to press charges because of the boys' ages.[112]
  • Following MSC's receipt of the technical proposal for phase C of theApollo Applications Program(AAP) fromNorth American Aviation, Inc.,covering final definition of the AAPcommand and service module(CSM), William A. Lee, Assistant Manager of the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office, asked several of his staff members to assist in evaluation of the proposal. Such help, he said, would be invaluable in bringing to bear on AAP the experience that theApollooffice had obtained during the effort to develop theblock IIlunar version of the spacecraft.[113]
  • Britain's House of Commons and House of Lords passed a bill giving Prime MinisterHarold Wilsonauthority to rule the African colony ofRhodesiaby decree, and Queen Elizabeth II gave formal assent on the same day so that the emergency measure would become law.[114]Hours later, as Governor Humphrey Gibbs was awaiting an urgent phone call from Prime Minister Wilson, the phone lines to his residence were cut off by order of Ian Smith.[115]
  • Four days after launchingVenera 2toward Venus, theSoviet Unionlaunched theVenera 3space probe toward the same planet, marking the first time that the Soviets had sent two interplanetary probes at roughly the same time. On March 1, 1966,Venera 3would become the first Earthspacecraftto reach the surface of anotherplanet.[85]
  • Died:

November 17,1965 (Wednesday)

  • TheUnited Nations General Assemblyvoted on a resolution to admit thePeople's Republic of Chinaas a member. Prior to the vote on admission, the United States and ten other nations offered a resolution, which passed 56–49, to declare Chinese representation "an important question". Because of the designation as important, the admission of Communist China would require a two-thirds majority, and the result was 47 in favor, 47 opposed, and 20 abstentions. The 47–47 tie, still short of the 64 that would have been required, was more favorable to the PRC than the last vote on October 21, 1963, which had failed, 41–57.[116]As one historian would note later, "The UN vote was a sobering reminder that many countries no longer tolerated Washington's unbending hostility toward Beijing."[117]
  • The 27 passengers and 11 crewmen of theBoeing 707nicknamed "Polecat" landed inHonoluluat 10:21 in the morning, almost 62 1/2 hours after departing from the same airport on the first flight around the world to pass over both theNorth Poleand theSouth Pole.[118]Led by pilot Jack Martin, the circumpolar expedition had started from Honolulu at 7:15 on a Sunday evening.[119]One of the reporters on board,Lowell Thomas Jr.(who broadcast to radio listeners along the way), would recount later that "In all, we traveled 26,230 miles", with a total time of 62:27:35 and actual time in the air at 51 hours, 27 minutes. The jet had gone from Honolulu toLondonby way of the North Pole, with more refueling stops atLisbon,Buenos Aires,andAucklandbefore arriving at Hawaii.[120]
  • The economic term "stagflation"was used for the first time, by British MPIain Macleod,as aportmanteauof the words "stagnation" and "inflation". Macleod was speaking to the House of Commons about the British economy, noting that "We now have the worst of both worlds— not just inflation on the one side or stagnation on the other side, but both of them together. We have a sort of 'stagflation' problem."[121][122]

November 18,1965 (Thursday)

  • John H. Disher,Saturn/Apollo Applications Deputy Director, requested the Manned Space Flight Management Operations Director to officially change the designation of the Saturn IB/Centaur Office to Saturn Applications. This change, Disher said, reflected the change in status of the office and provided for necessary management of potential Saturn Applications such as theSaturn V/Voyagerby the Office of Manned Space Flight. However, on the same day, Disher ordered E. F. O'Connor at MSFC to halt allSaturn IB/Centaurefforts (except those already underway that could not be recalled) and disapproved the request for an additional $1.1 million for the program. (Any funds required for definition of a Saturn V/Voyager mission, he said, would be authorized separately.)[113]
  • TheSecond Vatican Councilvoted to approve two significant changes in Roman Catholic Church doctrine, approvingDei verbum(the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation) by a vote of 2,344 to 6,[123]andApostolicam Actuositatem(the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity) by a margin of 2,340 to 6.[124]
  • A barge containing 602 tonnes (592 long tons; 664 short tons) ofchlorinegas in cylinders, sunk two months earlier nearBaton Rouge, Louisiana,byHurricane Betsy,was recovered without any harmful effects.[125]
  • Died:Henry A. Wallace,77, Vice President of the United States (1941–1945) and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (1933–1941)

November 19,1965 (Friday)

  • Anthony Greenwood,the BritishSecretary of State for the Colonies,announced that the colony ofBritish Guianawould be granted independence onMay 26, 1966.[126]Greenwood added that although Prime MinisterForbes Burnhamwould become head of government for the new nation (which would rename itselfGuyana), Queen Elizabeth II would continue to be represented by a Governor-General until the end of 1968, at which time all parties agreed that the South American nation could opt to become a presidential republic.
  • The Vatican Ecumenical Council voted 1,954 to 249 to give final approval for the Declaration on Religious Liberty issued by the Roman Catholic Church, with a statement recognizing that no person should be forced to act against conscience in matters of faith, nor be prevented from practicing a personal religious belief. The declaration, which would be promulgated by Pope Paul VI on December 7, ended any official objection by the Catholic church to Protestant Christian denominations.[127]
  • Born:

November 20,1965 (Saturday)

  • Michigan State University,ranked #1 in both the Associated Press and United Press International polls, won a share of the unofficial college football championship, defeating #4Notre Dame,12–3, to complete its regular season with an unbeaten 10–0–0 record.[128]At season's end, the final UPI poll of coaches would declare the Michigan State Spartans the nation's top college football team. The final AP poll of sportswriters, however, would not be taken until after the postseasonbowl games,and Michigan State's 14–12 loss in the Rose Bowl, #2 Arkansas' 14–7 loss in the Cotton Bowl, and #4 Alabama's 39–28 win over #3 Nebraska would result in Alabama being declared the national champion by the Associated Press.
  • The first national college football championship game in Canada, theCanadian College Bowlfor the Vanier Cup, was played atVarsity StadiuminToronto,with theVarsity Bluesof theUniversity of Torontodefeating theGolden Bearsof theUniversity of Alberta,14–7.[129]The Vanier Cup had been inaugurated as an invitational bowl game to raise money for the Save the Children Fund to pit the champions of the Western Canadian conference (theHardy Trophywinner) against theYates Cupwinner from the Ontario Universities conference.
  • Simon Pierre Tchounguibecame the third and final Prime Minister of East Cameroon during the 11-year period when theFederal Republic of Cameroonhad separate cabinets for the East and West portions of the African nation. Tchoungui, who replaced Vincent de Paul Ahanda, would serve until the separate premierships were abolished on June 2, 1972, with the creation of theUnited Republic of Cameroon.[130]
  • Born:

November 21,1965 (Sunday)

  • Radio broadcasterFrancis "Chick" Hearndid his first play-by-play reporting of aLos Angeles Lakerbasketball game (a 110–104 loss to the Philadelphia Warriors), the first of 3,338 consecutive game calls. Hearn's streak would last past his 85th birthday, until December 16, 2001, three days before scheduled open-heart surgery. He would return in April 2002, calling the play by play at the Lakers' June 12 NBA championship winning game over the New Jersey Nets, but would pass away on August 5, before the start of the next NBA season.[131]Hearn is credited by historians with introducing the terms "slam dunk"and"air ball"(for a missed free throw), and the phrase"no harm, no foul".[132]
  • After 84 days of preparation, the sixF-100-Fcrews who were designated as the "Wild Weasels"strike force were deployed in Vietnam to locate and destroy enemy radar sites.[133][134]
  • Che Guevaraand the last six survivors of his column of Cuban guerrillas withdrew from theRepublic of the Congoafter an unsuccessful attempt to aid the revolution there.[135]
  • Pope Paul VIclosed the deliberations of theSecond Vatican Council,and more than 2,300 Roman Catholic archbishops and clergy from all over the world.[136]
  • Mireille Mathieuperformed on France'sTélé-Dimancheand began her successful singing career.
  • Born:
  • Died:Cecil Brower,50, American country music fiddler and pioneer of the "Western swing"genre; of a perforated ulcer following a Carnegie Hall concert with Jimmy Dean's band.

November 22,1965 (Monday)

  • David M. Jones,Acting Saturn/Apollo Applications Director, solicited from the chief executives of the various companies participating in Apollo their views on proposed goals for the Apollo Applications Program. Alternative goals postulated for AAP were (1) to explore and utilize world resources for the benefit of humanity; (2) to define and develop the operational capabilities for the next generation ofspace vehiclesbeyond Apollo; (3) to broaden knowledge of near-Earth and lunar environments; (4) to enhance thenational security of the United Statesthrough space operations; and (5) to develop the capability for crewed flights of up to one year. Jones asked the executives to weigh the pros and cons of these alternative goals and to make a qualitative assessment of the benefits which might accrue to the American taxpayer. NASA would include these assessments in congressional hearings early in 1966.[113]
  • TheUnited States Supreme Courtselected four similar petitions for awrit of certiorarito review the issue of the right of an indigent criminal defendant to have an attorney appointed for him at government expense, including that ofErnesto Miranda.What would become known as the "Miranda warning"could have easily been the" Westover warning "or the" Vignera warning ", but Miranda's arguments were heard first and the Court's landmark decision of June 13, 1966, would be styledMiranda v. Arizona.[137]
  • Muhammad Alisuccessfully defended his world heavyweight bo xing championship against a former world champion,Floyd Patterson,who had held the title from 1956 to 1959 and again from 1960 to 1962. Patterson, who had promoted theLas Vegasfight as a war over the values of Christianity vs. Islam, lost in the 12th round on a technical knockout.[138]
  • The musicalMan of La Manchaopened off-Broadway at theANTA Washington Square Theatrein New York City'sGreenwich Villageand would become a major hit, running for 2,328 performances and winning aTony Awardfor its star,Richard Kiley.[139][140]
  • TheUnited Nations Development Programme(UNDP) was established as a specialized agency of theUnited Nations.Paul G. Hoffmanwould be its first administrator.[141]
  • Born:Mads Mikkelsen,Denmark-born film and television actor; inCopenhagen
  • Died:

November 23,1965 (Tuesday)

  • Died:Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium,89, queen consort during the reign of her husband, King Albert I, from 1909 to 1934, mother of King Leopold III and grandmother of King Baudoin I. During World War I, when her native land of Germany invaded Belgium, she established surgical centers for the Belgian soldiers at the front lines, and during World War II, she helped numerous Belgians, particularly Belgian Jews, escape from Nazi occupiers; the city ofElisabethvillein theBelgian Congowas named in her honor,[146]and would be renamedLubumbashia year after her death.

November 24,1965 (Wednesday)

  • At the age of 35,Lieutenant GeneralJoseph-Desiré Mobutumet with 14 fellow members of theArmée Nationale Congolaisehigh command inLéopoldvillein an emergency session and decided to break the deadlock between the Congolese Parliament and President Kasavubu by staging a bloodless coup d'état. By dawn the next morning, the Army had seized Radio Leopoldville and it was announced that Mobutu declared himself to be the newPresident of the Democratic Republic of Congoand had removed Kasuvubu and Prime Minister Kimba from office.[147][148]During his 31-year rule, Mobutu would dismiss the parliament, suspend the constitution, ban all political parties in favor of theMouvement Populaire de la Révolution,promote himself with apersonality cult,inaugurate his ownauthenticitécampaign, rename the nation toZaireand require his citizens to adopt "African" names (including calling himselfMobutu Sese Seko), and amass a large personal fortune while bankrupting his country.[149]Mobutu's rule would end on May 16, 1997; he would flee into exile in the face of an invasion by rebel forces, and die ofprostate cancerless than four months later.
  • A United States military spokesman reported that 240 American servicemen had been killed in the Vietnam War during the week of November 14 to November 20, in the deadliest week of the war for Americans up to that time. During the four years of 1961, 1962, 1963 and 1964, there had been 244 U.S. deaths, only slightly more than the casualties for the week. The newest casualties raised the toll to 1,335 dead and 6,131 wounded.[150]
  • Twenty-one people were killed, and 33 injured, in an explosion and fire at a crowded national guard armory inKeokuk, Iowa,where they were attending a square dance.[151][152]The cause of the accident was later traced to natural gas that had leaked into the building through porous rock beneath the tile in the armory, and that had been ignited when a space heater had been turned on.[153]
  • Died:Abdullah III Al-Salim Al-Sabah,70, Emir of Kuwait since 1950. He was succeeded as King by his brother, Prime MinisterSabah Al-Salim Al-Sabah,[154]who took the constitutional oath of office on November 27.[155]

November 25,1965 (Thursday)


November 26,1965 (Friday)

  • Francebecame the third nation to place a spacecraft into orbit around the Earth, as it launched a 40 kilograms (88 lb) satellite,Astérix,from theCIEESlaunch facility inHammaguir,Algeria.[160]The primary mission of the Asterix probe, which carried radio and radar transmitters, was to test the effectiveness of theDiamant-A rocket.[161]Although France was the third nation to launch its own satellite, the United Kingdom, Canada and Italy had each contracted with the United States to send spacecraft into orbit fromCape Canaveral,Florida. "Unfortunately," an author would note later, "the satellite only operated for two days. A-1 is still in orbit and will be for centuries to come, since an antenna malfunction does not allow any commands to the satellite."[162][163]
  • McDonnellproposed building a backup target vehicle forGeminirendezvous missions. Theaugmented target docking adapter(ATDA) would serve as an alternative to the Gemini Agena target vehicle (GATV) if efforts to remedy the GATV problem responsible for the October 25 mission abort did not meet the date scheduled for launching Gemini 8. Using Gemini-qualified equipment, the ATDA was essentially a target docking adapter (TDA) with such additions as were needed to stabilize it and allow the spacecraft to acquire and dock with it. In addition to the shroud and TDA, these included a communications system, instrumentation, a guidance and control system, electrical system, and areaction control systemidentical to the Gemini spacecraft's.Robert C. Seamans, Jr.,NASA Associate Administrator, approved the procurement of the ATDA on December 9, and McDonnell began assembling it December 14.[1]
  • Webster Bivens was arrested by a team ofFBIagents who entered his Brooklyn apartment and searched the premises without a search warrant, giving rise to a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1971 in the case ofBivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents.The Court would rule that, although there was no specific federal law that permitted Bivens to file suit against the government for a violation of hisFourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures,the constitutional amendment itself provided an implied right of action. The Court precedent would extend to similar interpretations of other Bill of Rights guarantees.[164]
  • Born:Scott Adsit,American actor, comedian, and writer; inNorthbrook, Illinois[165]
  • Died:William C. Marland,47, formerGovernor of West Virginia(1953–1957) who had suffered from alcoholism, and who later worked as a taxicab driver inChicago(1962–1965) during his recovery.[166]

November 27,1965 (Saturday)

  • In an act which it said was being done as a "response to the friendly sentiments of the American people against the war in South Vietnam", theViet Congreleased U.S. Army Sergeant George E. Smith and Specialist E-5 Claude E. McClure, who had both been captured on November 24, 1963. Vietnam Communist Party officialLe Duc Thoescorted Smith and McClure across the border from North Vietnam into Cambodia, freeing both men after two years as prisoners of war.[167]Smith and McClure would travel across neutral Cambodia on their own and would address a press conference in Phnom Penh on November 30, praising their captors and American antiwar protesters, and criticizing the war effort.[168]On December 27, the U.S. military command announced that Smith and McClure would face court martial for aiding the enemy.[169][170]
  • The "March on Washington for Peace in Vietnam", organized by the "Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy" (SANE), attracted a crowd of almost 35,000 demonstrators who picketed theWhite House,then moved on toward theWashington Monument.[171]It was the largest public protest against U.S. involvement in Vietnam up to that time.[172]The leaders of SANE were concerned about the public perception of the antiwar movement, so they asked that protesters only carry signs with "authorized slogans", and not to demand immediate withdrawal, nor to burn the American flag.[173][174][175][176]
  • The entire7th ARVN Regimentof the South Vietnamese Army was killed in a battle with Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army troops who surrounded the 1,000-man unit at the Michelin rubber plantation in theDau Tiengdistrict of South Vietnam. Associated Press photographerHorst Faaswould begin his report the next day with the words, "South Viet Nam's 7th regiment died at 8 a.m. yesterday," and note that "Most of the Vietnamese troopers, with their American advisers, fought to the last bullet." People taken prisoner were gathered together and machine-gunned.[177]
  • Officials fromthe Pentagontold U.S. PresidentLyndon B. Johnsonthat if planned major sweep operations to neutralizeViet Congforces during the next year were to succeed, the number of American troops inVietnamwould have to be increased from 120,000 to 400,000.
  • Died:Marion Probert,32,American footballplayer and surgeon; in a plane crash[178]

November 28,1965 (Sunday)

  • What was described as "an unprecedented mass meeting of racial unity in the South" took place inCharlotte, North Carolina,as an evenly split crowd of 2,000 white and African-American community leaders, church officials, businessmen, and professionals gathered in an auditorium to condemn the bombing of four black leaders' homes the previous Monday, belonging to a city councilman, a U.S. commissioner, a physician, and the state NAACP chapter president. During the televised event, NAACP Executive SecretaryRoy Wilkins,and Charlotte MayorStan Brookshiretold the crowd that "We will intensify our efforts to provide equal rights for all." After the group, "about evenly split between whites and Negroes" sang and prayed, one black leader noted, "I've never seen anything like it in the South."[179]
  • Léonard Mulamba(later Mulamba Nyunyi wa Kadima) was appointed the newPrime Minister of the Congoby President Mobutu, but would serve less than a year. Mobutu would later send Mulamba as an ambassador to India, then Japan, and Brazil.[180]
  • In response to U.S. PresidentLyndon B. Johnson's call for "more flags" inVietnam,PhilippinesPresident-electFerdinand Marcosannounced that he would send troops to help fight inSouth Vietnam.[181]
  • Born:Matt Williams,American baseball player; inBishop, California

November 29,1965 (Monday)

  • DirectorRobert R. Gilruth,Manned Spacecraft Center, requested the concurrence ofNASA Headquartersin plans for doffing theG5C pressure suitsduringorbital flightinGemini 7.Bothastronautswanted to remove their suits after the second sleep period and don them only for transient dynamic conditions, specifically rendezvous andreentry.The primary concern was preventing the degradation of crew performance by maintaining crew comfort during the long-duration mission. Gemini Program Office had participated in the G5C suit program and certified the suit for intravehicular crewed flight in the Gemini spacecraft on November 19. When Gemini 7 was launched on December 4, the mission plan required one astronaut to be suited at all times, but on December 12 NASA Headquarters authorized both crew members to have their suits off at the same time.[1]
  • TheUnited Statesand all but five members of theUnited Nations General Assemblyvoted in favor of a UN resolution calling for a world disarmament conference that would include an invitation to thePeople's Republic of China,whose admission to the UN had been opposed by the U.S. and other western nations. The vote of participants was a unanimous 112–0. France abstained, Taiwan's delegation announced that it would not participate, and the delegations of Cambodia, The Gambia, and Paraguay were absent.[182]
  • What had started on November 10 as a criticism of Chinese playwrightWu Hanin an obscure Shanghai newspaper was published across the People's Republic by order of Chairman Mao Zedong, in Peking's daily newspaper,Beijing Ribaoand thePeople's Liberation Army Daily(Jiefangjun Bao). The next day, the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper,People's Daily(Renmin Ribao), published the criticism as well.[69][183]
  • GeneralChristophe SogloremovedSourou-Migan Apithyfrom his job asPresident of Dahomey(nowBenin) and temporarily replaced him with National Assembly SpeakerTahirou Congacou,whom he would remove on December 22.[184][185]
  • The Canadian satelliteAlouette 2was launched fromVandenberg Air Force Basein California.[186]
  • Born:Lauren Child,English children's author and illustrator, known for herCharlie and LolaandClarice Beanbook series; inBerkshire

November 30,1965 (Tuesday)



  1. ^abcdePublic DomainThis article incorporates text from this source, which is in thepublic domain.Grimwood, James M.; Hacker, Barton C.; Vorzimmer, Peter J."PART III (A) Flight Tests January 1965 through December 1965".Project Gemini Technology and Operations - A Chronology.NASA Special Publication-4002.NASA.Retrieved7 March2023.
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  3. ^"Crowded Bus Plunges into Nile; 62 Die".Chicago Tribune.November 2, 1965. p. 3.
  4. ^Hammond, Mary Katharine (January 1966). "Month in Review".Nov. 1—Officials from 31 nations, including the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., reach agreement in Bangkok on a charter for $1 billion Asian Development Bank. The proposed charter will be submitted for final approval to the U.N. Economic Commission for Asia and the Near East.
  5. ^"Commercial Wheels Turning in Domingo".Chicago Tribune.November 3, 1965. p. 22.
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  22. ^"De Gaulle to Seek New 7-Year Term— Asserts It's Best for France".Chicago Tribune.November 5, 1965. p. 1.
  23. ^Ahlberg, Kristin L. (2008).Transplanting the Great Society: Lyndon Johnson and Food for Peace.University of Missouri Press.p. 75.
  24. ^Butterworth, Neil (2005). "Rorem, Ned".Dictionary of American Classical Composers.Routledge. p. 380.
  25. ^"Interview: PATA of X JAPAN".JRock Revolution. Archived fromthe originalon 2008-04-12.
  26. ^Hoffmann, Joyce (2008).On Their Own: Women Journalists and the American Experience in Vietnam.Da Capo Press.
  27. ^Pierpaoli, Paul G. Jr. (2011). "Chapelle, Dickey". In Tucker, Spencer C. (ed.).The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History.ABC-CLIO. p. 189.
  28. ^Geoffrey Wilson,Cases and Materials on Constitutional and Administrative Law(Cambridge University Press Archive, 1976) p254
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  36. ^Launius, Roger D.;Jenkins, Dennis R. (2015).To Reach the High Frontier: A History of U.S. Launch Vehicles.University Press of Kentucky.p. 121.
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  38. ^"A diez años de una pérdida total: Laguna del Desierto"[Ten years after a total loss: Laguna del Desierto].El Mercurio(in Spanish).Santiago,Chile.
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  47. ^Haine, Edgar A. (2000).Disaster in the Air.Cornwall Books.p. 152.
  48. ^Full Civil Aeronautics Board report
  49. ^Schrage, Robert (2005).Then & Now: Boone County.Arcadia Publishing.
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  67. ^Nohlen, Dieter;et al. (2001).Elections in Asia and the Pacific: A Data Handbook.Vol. II. Oxford University Press. p. 227.
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  69. ^abJiaqi Yan and Gao Gao,Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution(University of Hawaii Press, 1996) pp23-28
  70. ^Alan Lawrance,China Under Communism(Routledge, 1998) p68
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  72. ^Mlambo, Alois S. (2014).A History of Zimbabwe.Cambridge University Press.p. 151.
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  84. ^Goktepe, Cihat (2013).British Foreign Policy Towards Turkey, 1959-1965.Routledge.p. 180.
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  95. ^"90 LOST FROM FIERY SHIP— Save 459 Before Cruise Liner Goes Down 'In a Ball of Flame' ",Chicago Tribune,November 14, 1965, p1
  96. ^Kit Bonner and Carolyn Bonner,Great Ship Disasters(MBI Publishing, 2003) p93
  97. ^"The PLA Navy at War, 1949-1999", by Alexander C. Huang, inChinese Warfighting: The PLA Experience Since 1949(Routledge, 2016) p261
  98. ^"First Cubans Reach U.S. in Official Lift",Chicago Tribune,November 14, 1965, p1
  99. ^Fred L. Edwards, Jr.,The Bridges of Vietnam: From the Journals of a U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer(University of North Texas Press, 2001) p xv
  100. ^Andrew A. Wiest,The Vietnam War, 1956-1975(Rosen Publishing Group, 2009) p29
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  104. ^Robert Niemi,History in the Media: Film and Television(ABC-CLIO, 2006) p167
  105. ^Crawford Young and Thomas Turner,The Rise and Decline of the Zairian State(University of Wisconsin Press, 2013) p51
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  107. ^"Florida Gets 'Disney World'".San Bernardino County Sun.San Bernardino County, California.November 16, 1965. p. 9.
  108. ^Homan, Lynn M.; Reilly, Thomas (2001).Orlando in Vintage Postcards.Arcadia Publishing.
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  110. ^Hamilton, John A. (2010).Blazing skies: Air Defense Artillery on Fort Bliss, 1940-2009.Government Printing Office.pp. 165–166.
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  112. ^"Pupils Rifle U.S. Air Base — Pose as Brass, Take Trucks, Documents".Chicago Tribune.December 2, 1965. p. 1.
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  117. ^Bevin Alexander,The Strange Connection: U.S. Intervention in China, 1944-1972(Greenwood Publishing, 1992) p209
  118. ^"Circle Globe Over Both Poles— 'The Last Great Plane Flight'?",Hagerstown (MD) Morning Herald,November 18, 1965, p1
  119. ^"Jetliner Starts Polar Flight Around World",Fresno (CA) Bee,November 15, 1965, p9
  120. ^Lowell Thomas, Jr. and Lew Freedman,Lowell Thomas Jr.: Flight to Adventure, Alaska and Beyond(Graphic Arts Books, 2013)
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