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Novia gens

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Thegens Noviawas a minorplebeianfamily atancient Rome.Members of thisgensfirst appear during the final century of theRepublic,but the first of the Novii to obtain theconsulshipwas Decimus Junius Novius Priscus in AD 78.[1]



ThenomenNoviusis a patronymic surname, derived from the commonOscanpraenomenNovius.Since both the praenomen and nomen have the same form, it can be difficult to determine in some cases whether persons namedNoviusbore it as a praenomen or anomen gentilicium.In either case, the name itself establishes the Oscan origin of the Novii.[2]


This list includes abbreviatedpraenomina.For an explanation of this practice, seefiliation.

See also



  1. ^Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,vol. II, pp. 1211, 1212 ( "Novia Gens").
  2. ^Chase, pp. 127, 128, 138.
  3. ^Macrobius, i. 10.
  4. ^Gellius, xv. 13.
  5. ^Bothe,Poëtae Scenici Latinorum,vol. ii. p. 41ff.
  6. ^Asconius Pedianus,In Ciceronis Pro Milone,p. 47 (ed.Orelli).
  7. ^Broughton, vol. II, p. 196.
  8. ^Pliny, xxxvi. 72.
  9. ^abcdePIR,vol. II, p. 417.
  10. ^Tacitus,Annalesxv. 71.
  11. ^Martial, vii. 72.
  12. ^abPIR,vol. II, p. 416.
  13. ^Pliny the Younger,Epistulae,iv. 20, v. 5.
  14. ^Juvenal, xii. 111.
  15. ^abcdPIR,vol. II, p. 418.
  16. ^Aelius Spartianus, "The Life of Septimius Severus", 13.

