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Head of Odysseus from aRoman period Hellenistic marble grouprepresenting Odysseus blindingPolyphemus,found at the villa ofTiberiusatSperlonga,Italy
In-universe information
TitleKing of Ithaca

InGreekandRoman mythology,Odysseus(/əˈdɪsiəs/ə-DISS-ee-əs;[1]Greek:Ὀδυσσεύς, Ὀδυσεύς,translit.Odysseús,Odyseús,IPA:[o.dy(s).sěu̯s]), also known by theLatinvariantUlysses(/juːˈlɪsz/yoo-LISS-eez,UKalso/ˈjuːlɪsz/YOO-liss-eez;Latin:Ulysses,Ulixes), is a legendaryGreekking ofIthacaand the hero ofHomer'sepic poemtheOdyssey.Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer'sIliadand other works in that sameepic cycle.[2]

As the son ofLaërtesandAnticlea,husband ofPenelope,and father ofTelemachus,Acusilaus, andTelegonus,[3]Odysseus is renowned for his intellectual brilliance, guile, and versatility (polytropos), and he is thus known by theepithetOdysseus the Cunning (Greek:μῆτις,translit.mêtis,lit."cunning intelligence"[4]). He is most famous for hisnostos,or "homecoming", which took him ten eventful years after the decade-longTrojan War.[5]

Name, etymology, and epithets


The formὈδυσ(σ)εύςOdys(s)eusis used starting in the epic period and through the classical period, but various other forms are also found. In vase inscriptions, we find the variantsOliseus(Ὀλισεύς),Olyseus(Ὀλυσεύς),Olysseus(Ὀλυσσεύς),Olyteus(Ὀλυτεύς),Olytteus(Ὀλυττεύς) andŌlysseus(Ὠλυσσεύς). The formOulixēs(Οὐλίξης) is attested in an early source inMagna Graecia(Ibycus,according toDiomedes Grammaticus), while the Greek grammarianAelius HerodianushasOulixeus(Οὐλιξεύς).[6]InLatin,he was known asUlixēsor (considered less correct)Ulyssēs.Some have supposed that "there may originally have been two separate figures, one called something like Odysseus, the other something like Ulixes, who were combined into one complex personality."[7]However, the change betweendandlis common also in some Indo-European and Greek names,[8]and the Latin form is supposed to be derived from theEtruscanUthuze(see below), which perhaps accounts for some of the phonetic innovations.

The etymology of the name is unknown. Ancient authors linked the name to the Greek verbsodussomai(ὀδύσσομαι) "to be wroth against, to hate",[9]tooduromai(ὀδύρομαι) "to lament, bewail",[10][11]or even toollumi(ὄλλυμι) "to perish, to be lost".[12][13]Homerrelates it to various forms of this verb in references and puns. In Book 19 of theOdyssey,where Odysseus' early childhood is recounted,Eurycleaasks the boy's grandfatherAutolycusto name him. Euryclea seems to suggest a name likePolyaretos,"for he hasmuchbeenprayed for"(πολυάρητος) but Autolycus "apparently in a sardonic mood" decided to give the child another name commemorative of "his own experience in life":[14]"Since I have been angered (ὀδυσσάμενοςodyssamenos) with many, both men and women, let the name of the child be Odysseus ".[15]Odysseus often receives thepatronymicepithetLaertiades(Λαερτιάδης), "son ofLaërtes".

It has also been suggested that the name is of non-Greek origin, possibly not evenIndo-European,with an unknown etymology.[16]Robert S. P. Beekeshas suggested aPre-Greekorigin.[17]InEtruscan religionthe name (and stories) of Odysseus were adopted under the nameUthuze(Uθuze), which has been interpreted as a parallel borrowing from a precedingMinoanform of the name (possibly*Oduze,pronounced /'ot͡θut͡se/); this theory is supposed to explain also the insecurity of the phonologies (dorl), since theaffricate/t͡θ/, unknown to the Greek of that time, gave rise to different counterparts (i. e.δorλin Greek,θin Etruscan).[18]

In theIliadandOdysseyHomer uses severalepithetsto describe Odysseus, starting with the opening, where he is described as "the man of many devices" (in the 1919 Murray translation). The Greek word used ispolytropos,literally the man of many turns, and other translators have suggested alternate English translations, including "man of twists and turns" (Fagles 1996) and "a complicated man" (Wilson 2018).



In the account ofDares the Phrygian,Odysseus was illustrated as "tough, crafty, cheerful, of medium height, eloquent, and wise."[19]



Relatively little is given of Odysseus' fictional background other than that according to Pseudo-Apollodorus, his paternal grandfather or step-grandfather isArcesius,son ofCephalusand grandson ofAeolus,while his maternal grandfather is the thiefAutolycus,son ofHermes[20]andChione.Hence, Odysseus was the great-grandson of theOlympian godHermes.

According to theIliadandOdyssey,his father isLaertes[21]and his motherAnticlea,although there was a non-Homeric tradition[22][23]thatSisyphuswas his true father.[24]The rumour went that Laërtes bought Odysseus from the conniving king.[25]Odysseus is said to have a younger sister,Ctimene,who went toSameto be married and is mentioned by the swineherd Eumaeus, whom she grew up alongside, in book 15 of theOdyssey.[26] Odysseus himself, under the guise of an old beggar, gives the swineherd in Ithaca a fictitious genealogy: "From broad Crete I declare that I am come by lineage, the son of a wealthy man. And many other sons too were born and bred in his halls, true sons of a lawful wife; but the mother that bore me was bought, a concubine. YetCastor,son ofHylax,of whom I declare that I am sprung, honored me even as his true-born sons. "[27]



Before the Trojan War


The majority of sources for Odysseus' supposed pre-war exploits—principally the mythographersPseudo-ApollodorusandHyginus—postdate Homer by many centuries. Two stories in particular are well known:

WhenHelen of Troyis abducted,Menelauscalls upon the othersuitorsto honour their oaths and help him to retrieve her, an attempt that leads to theTrojan War.Odysseus tries to avoid it by feigning lunacy, as an oracle had prophesied a long-delayed return home for him if he went. He hooks a donkey and an ox to his plow (as they have different stride lengths, hindering the efficiency of the plow) and (some modern sources add) startssowing his fields with salt.Palamedes,at the behest of Menelaus' brotherAgamemnon,seeks to disprove Odysseus' madness and placesTelemachus,Odysseus' infant son, in front of the plow. Odysseus veers the plow away from his son, thus exposing his stratagem.[28]Odysseus holds a grudge against Palamedes during the war for dragging him away from his home.

Odysseus and other envoys of Agamemnon travel toScyrosto recruitAchillesbecause of a prophecy that Troy could not be taken without him. By most accounts,Thetis,Achilles' mother, disguises the youth as a woman to hide him from the recruiters because anoraclehad predicted that Achilles would either live a long uneventful life or achieve everlasting glory while dying young. Odysseus cleverly discovers which among the women before him is Achilles when the youth is the only one of them to show interest in examining the weapons hidden among an array of adornment gifts for the daughters of their host. Odysseus arranges further for the sounding of a battle horn, which prompts Achilles to clutch a weapon and show his trained disposition. With his disguise foiled, he is exposed and joins Agamemnon's call to arms among theHellenes.[29]

During the Trojan War



MenelausandMerionesliftingPatroclus' corpse on a cart while Odysseus looks on,Etruscanalabasterurn fromVolterra,Italy, 2nd century BC

Odysseus is represented as one of the most influential Greek champions during the Trojan War in Homer's account. Along withNestorandIdomeneushe is one of the most trusted counsellors and advisors. He always champions the Achaean cause, especially when others question Agamemnon's command, as in one instance whenThersitesspeaks against him. When Agamemnon, to test the morale of the Achaeans, announces his intentions to depart Troy, Odysseus restores order to the Greek camp.[30]Later on, after many of the heroes leave the battlefield due to injuries (including Odysseus and Agamemnon), Odysseus once again persuades Agamemnon not to withdraw. Along with two other envoys, he is chosen in the failed embassy to try to persuade Achilles to return to combat.[31]

Odysseus andDiomedesstealing the horses of Thracian kingRhesusthey have just killed. Apulian red-figure situla, from Ruvo

WhenHectorproposes a single combat duel, Odysseus is one of theDanaanswho reluctantly volunteered to battle him.Telamonian Ajax( "The Greater" ), however, is the volunteer who eventually fights Hector.[32]Odysseus aidsDiomedesduring the night operations to killRhesus,because it had been foretold that if his horses drank from theScamander River,Troy could not be taken.[33]

AfterPatroclusis slain, it is Odysseus who counsels Achilles to let theAchaeanmen eat and rest rather than follow his rage-driven desire to go back on the offensive—and kill Trojans—immediately. Eventually (and reluctantly), he consents.[34]During the funeral games for Patroclus, Odysseus becomes involved in a wrestling match with Ajax "The Greater" and foot race with Ajax "The Lesser", son of Oileus and Nestor's sonAntilochus.He draws the wrestling match, and with the help of the goddessAthena,he wins the race.[35]

Odysseus has traditionally been viewed as Achilles' antithesis in theIliad:[36]while Achilles' anger is all-consuming and of a self-destructive nature, Odysseus is frequently viewed as a man of the mean, a voice of reason, renowned for his self-restraint and diplomatic skills. He is also in some respects antithetical to Telamonian Ajax (Shakespeare's "beef-witted" Ajax): while the latter has only brawn to recommend him, Odysseus is not only ingenious (as evidenced by his idea for the Trojan Horse), but an eloquent speaker, a skill perhaps best demonstrated in the embassy to Achilles in book 9 of theIliad.The two are not only foils in the abstract but often opposed in practice since they have many duels and run-ins.

Roman mosaicdepicting Odysseus at Skyros unveiling the disguisedAchilles;[37]fromLa Olmeda,Pedrosa de la Vega,Spain, 5th century AD

Since a prophecy suggested that the Trojan War would not be won withoutAchilles,Odysseus and several otherAchaeanleaders are described in theAchilleidas having gone toSkyrosto find him. Odysseus discovered Achilles by offering gifts, adornments and musical instruments as well as weapons, to the king's daughters, and then having his companions imitate the noises of an enemy's attack on the island (most notably, making a blast of a trumpet heard), which prompted Achilles to reveal himself by picking a weapon to fight back, and together they departed for the Trojan War.[38]

The story of the death ofPalamedeshas many versions. According to some, Odysseus never forgives Palamedes for unmasking hisfeigned madnessand plays a part in his downfall. One tradition says Odysseus convinces a Trojan captive to write a letter pretending to be from Palamedes. A sum of gold is mentioned to have been sent as a reward for Palamedes' treachery. Odysseus then kills the prisoner and hides the gold in Palamedes' tent. He ensures that the letter is found and acquired by Agamemnon, and also gives hints directing the Argives to the gold. This is evidence enough for the Greeks, and they have Palamedes stoned to death. Other sources say that Odysseus and Diomedes goad Palamedes into descending a well with the prospect of treasure being at the bottom. When Palamedes reaches the bottom, the two proceed to bury him with stones, killing him.[39]

Oinochoe,ca520 BC, Odysseus andAjaxfighting over the armour of Achilles

When Achilles is slain in battle byParis,it is Odysseus andAjaxwho retrieve the fallen warrior's body and armour in the thick of heavy fighting. During the funeral games for Achilles, Odysseus competes once again with Ajax. Thetis says that the arms of Achilles will go to the bravest of the Greeks, but only these two warriors dare lay claim to that title. The two Argives became embroiled in a heavy dispute about one another's merits to receive the reward. The Greeks dither out of fear in deciding a winner, because they did not want to insult one and have him abandon the war effort.Nestorsuggests that they allow the captive Trojans to decide the winner.[40]The accounts of theOdysseydisagree, suggesting that the Greeks themselves hold a secret vote.[41]In any case, Odysseus is the winner. Enraged and humiliated, Ajax is driven mad by Athena. When he returns to his senses, in shame at how he has slaughtered livestock in his madness, Ajax kills himself by the sword that Hector had given him after their duel.[42]

Together with Diomedes, Odysseus fetches Achilles' son,Pyrrhus,to come to the aid of the Achaeans, because an oracle had stated that Troy could not be taken without him. A great warrior, Pyrrhus is also called Neoptolemus (Greek for "new warrior" ). Upon the success of the mission, Odysseus gives Achilles' armour to him.

It is learned that the war can not be won without the poisonous arrows ofHeracles,which are owned by the abandonedPhiloctetes.Odysseus and Diomedes (or, according to some accounts, Odysseus andNeoptolemus) leave to retrieve them. Upon their arrival, Philoctetes (still suffering from the wound) is seen still to be enraged at theDanaans,especially at Odysseus, for abandoning him. Although his first instinct is to shoot Odysseus, his anger is eventually diffused by Odysseus' persuasive powers and the influence of the gods. Odysseus returns to the Argive camp with Philoctetes and his arrows.[43]

Perhaps Odysseus' most famous contribution to the Greek war effort is devising the strategy of theTrojan Horse,which allows the Greek army to sneak into Troy under cover of darkness. It is built byEpeiusand filled with Greek warriors, led by Odysseus.[44]Odysseus and Diomedes steal thePalladiumthat lay within Troy's walls, for the Greeks were told they could not sack the city without it. Some late Roman sources indicate that Odysseus schemed to kill his partner on the way back, but Diomedes thwarts this attempt.

Odysseus (pileus hat) carrying off thepalladionfromTroy,with the help ofDiomedes,against the resistance ofCassandraand other Trojans. Antique fresco from Pompeii.

"Cruel, deceitful Ulixes" of the Romans


Homer'sIliadandOdysseyportray Odysseus as aculture hero,but the Romans, who believed themselves the heirs of PrinceAeneasof Troy, considered him a villainous falsifier. InVirgil'sAeneid,written between 29 and 19 BC, he is constantly referred to as "cruel Odysseus" (Latindirus Ulixes) or "deceitful Odysseus" (pellacis,fandi fictor). Turnus, inAeneid,book 9, reproaches the Trojan Ascanius with images of rugged, forthright Latin virtues, declaring (inJohn Dryden's translation), "You shall not find the sons of Atreus here, nor need the frauds of sly Ulysses fear." While the Greeks admired his cunning and deceit, these qualities did not recommend themselves to the Romans, who possessed a rigid sense of honour. In Euripides' tragedyIphigenia at Aulis,having convinced Agamemnon to consent to the sacrifice of his daughter, Iphigenia, to appease the goddessArtemis,Odysseus facilitates the immolation by telling Iphigenia's mother,Clytemnestra,that the girl is to be wed toAchilles.Odysseus' attempts to avoid his sacred oath to defendMenelausandHelenoffended Roman notions of duty, and the many stratagems and tricks that he employed to get his way offended Roman notions of honour.

Journey home to Ithaca


Odysseus is probably best known as the eponymous hero of theOdyssey.This epic describes his travails, which lasted for 10 years, as he tries to return home after the Trojan War and reassert his place as rightful king of Ithaca.

Odysseus and Polyphemus(1896) byArnold Böcklin:Odysseus and his crew escape the CyclopsPolyphemus.

Homebound from Troy, after a raid onIsmarusin the land of theCicones,he and his twelve ships are driven off course by storms. They visit the lethargicLotus-Eatersand are captured by theCyclopsPolyphemuswhile visiting his island. After Polyphemus eats several of his men, he and Odysseus have a discussion and Odysseus tells Polyphemus his name isOutis( "Nobody" ). Odysseus takes a barrel of wine and the Cyclops drinks it, falling asleep. Odysseus and his men take a wooden stake, ignite it with the remaining wine, and blind him. While they escape, Polyphemus cries in pain, and the other Cyclopes ask him what is wrong. Polyphemus cries, "Nobody has blinded me!" and the other Cyclopes think he has gone mad. Odysseus and his crew escape, but Odysseus rashly reveals his real name, and Polyphemus prays to Poseidon, his father, to take revenge. They stay withAeolus,the master of the winds, who gives Odysseus a leather bag containing all the winds, except the west wind, a gift that should have ensured a safe return home. However, the sailors foolishly open the bag while Odysseus sleeps, thinking that it contains gold. All of the winds fly out, and the resulting storm drives the ships back the way they had come, just as Ithaca comes into sight.

After pleading in vain with Aeolus to help them again, they re-embark and encounter the cannibalisticLaestrygonians.Odysseus' ship is the only one to escape. He sails on and visits the witch-goddessCirce.She turns half of his men into swine after feeding them cheese and wine. Hermes warns Odysseus about Circe and gives him a drug calledmoly,which resists Circe's magic. Circe, being attracted to Odysseus' resistance, falls in love with him and releases his men. Odysseus and his crew remain with her on the island for one year, while they feast and drink. Finally, Odysseus' men convince him to leave for Ithaca.

Guided by Circe's instructions, Odysseus and his crew cross the ocean and reach a harbor at the western edge of the world, where Odysseus sacrifices to the dead andsummons the spiritof the old prophetTiresiasfor advice. Next Odysseus meets the spirit of his own mother, who had died of grief during his long absence. From her, he learns for the first time news of his own household, threatened by the greed ofPenelope'ssuitors.Odysseus also talks to his fallen war comrades and the mortal shade ofHeracles.

Odysseus and theSirens,Ulixesmosaicat theBardo National MuseuminTunis,Tunisia, 2nd century AD

Odysseus and his men return to Circe's island, and she advises them on the remaining stages of the journey. They skirt the land of theSirens,pass between the six-headed monsterScyllaand the whirlpoolCharybdis,where they row directly between the two. However,Scylladrags the boat towards her by grabbing the oars and eats six men.

They land on the island ofThrinacia.There, Odysseus' men ignore the warnings of Tiresias and Circe and hunt down the sacred cattle of the sun godHelios.Helios tellsZeuswhat happened and demands Odysseus' men be punished or else he will take the sun and shine it in the Underworld. Zeus fulfills Helios' demands by causing a shipwreck during a thunderstorm in which all but Odysseus drown. He washes ashore on the island ofOgygia,whereCalypsocompels him to remain as her lover for seven years. He finally escapes whenHermestells Calypso to release Odysseus.

Odysseus is shipwrecked and befriended by thePhaeacians.After he tells them his story, the Phaeacians, led by KingAlcinous,agree to help Odysseus get home. They deliver him at night, while he is fast asleep, to a hidden harbor on Ithaca. He finds his way to the hut of one of his own former slaves, the swineherdEumaeus,and also meets up withTelemachusreturning from Sparta. Athena disguises Odysseus as a wandering beggar to learn how things stand in his household.

The return of Ulysses, illustration by E. M. Synge from the 1909Story of the Worldchildren's book series (book 1:On the shores of Great Sea)

When the disguised Odysseus returns after 20 years, he is recognized only by his faithful dog,Argos.Penelope announces in her long interview with the disguised hero that whoever can string Odysseus' rigid bow and shoot an arrow through twelve axe shafts may have her hand. According toBernard Knox,"For the plot of theOdyssey,of course, her decision is the turning point, the move that makes possible the long-predicted triumph of the returning hero ".[45]Odysseus' identity is discovered by the housekeeper,Eurycleia,as she is washing his feet and discovers an old scar Odysseus received during a boar hunt. Odysseus swears her to secrecy, threatening to kill her if she tells anyone.

When the contest of the bow begins, none of the suitors are able to string the bow. After all the suitors have given up, the disguised Odysseus asks to participate. Though the suitors refuse at first, Penelope intervenes and allows the "stranger" (the disguised Odysseus) to participate. Odysseus easily strings his bow and wins the contest. Having done so, he proceeds to slaughter the suitors (beginning with Antinous whom he finds drinking from Odysseus' cup) with help from Telemachus and two of Odysseus' servants, Eumaeus the swineherd andPhiloetiusthe cowherd. Odysseus tells the serving women who slept with the suitors to clean up the mess of corpses and then has those women hanged in terror. He tells Telemachus that he will replenish his stocks by raiding nearby islands. Odysseus has now revealed himself in all his glory (with a little makeover by Athena); yet Penelope cannot believe that her husband has really returned—she fears that it is perhaps some god in disguise, as in the story ofAlcmene(mother of Heracles)—and tests him by ordering her servant Euryclea to move the bed in their wedding-chamber. Odysseus protests that this cannot be done since he made the bed himself and knows that one of its legs is a livingolive tree.Penelope finally accepts that he truly is her husband, a moment that highlights theirhomophrosýnē( "like-mindedness" ).

The next day Odysseus and Telemachus visit the country farm of his old fatherLaërtes.The citizens of Ithaca follow Odysseus on the road, planning to avenge the killing of the Suitors, their sons. The goddess Athena and the god Zeus intervene and persuade both sides to make peace.

Other tales


According to some late sources, most of them purely genealogical, Odysseus had many other children besidesTelemachus.Most such genealogies aimed to link Odysseus with the foundation of manyItaliccities. The most famous being:

He figures in the end of the story of KingTelephusofMysia.

The last poem in theEpic Cycleis called theTelegony,and is now lost. According to remaining fragments, it told the story of Odysseus' last voyage to the land of the Thesprotians. There he married the queenCallidice.Then he led the Thesprotians in a war with their neighbors the Brygoi (Brygi, Brygians) and defeated in battle the neighboring peoples who attacked him. When Callidice died, Odysseus returned home to Ithaca, leaving their son,Polypoetes,to rule Thesprotia. In the island he met his death at the hands ofTelegonus,his son with Circe, after a misunderstanding. Telegonus attacked his father with a poisoned spear, given to him by Circe. Before dying, Odysseus recognized his son. Telegonus then brought back his father's corpse to Aeaea, together with Penelope and Odysseus' son by her, Telemachus. After burying Odysseus, Circe made the other three immortal. Circe married Telemachus, and Telegonus married Penelope[48]by the advice of Athena.[49]

According to what seems to be later tradition, Odysseus was resurrected by Circe after his death at the hands of Telegonus. Afterward, he marries Telemachus withCassiphone,the daughter whom Odysseus had with Circe.[50][51]

In 5th century BCAthens,tales of the Trojan War were popular subjects fortragedies.Odysseus figures centrally or indirectly in a number of the extant plays byAeschylus,Sophocles(Ajax,Philoctetes) andEuripides(Hecuba,Rhesus,Cyclops) and figured in still more that have not survived. In hisAjax,Sophocles portrays Odysseus as a modern voice of reasoning compared to the title character's rigid antiquity.

Platoin his dialogueHippias Minorexamines a literary question about whom Homer intended to portray as the better man, Achilles or Odysseus.

Head of Odysseus wearing apileusdepicted on a 3rd-century BC coin fromIthaca

Pausaniasat theDescription of Greecewrites that atPheneusthere was a bronze statue of Poseidon, surnamed Hippios (Ancient Greek:Ἵππιος), meaningof horse,which according to the legends was dedicated by Odysseus and also a sanctuary ofArtemiswhich was called Heurippa (Ancient Greek:Εὑρίππα), meaninghorse finder,and was founded by Odysseus.[52]According to the legends Odysseus lost his mares and traversed Greece in search of them. He found them on that site in Pheneus.[52]Pausanias adds that according to the people of Pheneus, when Odysseus found his mares he decided to keep horses in the land of Pheneus, just as he reared his cows. The people of Pheneus also pointed out to him writing, purporting to be instructions of Odysseus to those tending his mares.[53]

As Ulysses, he is mentioned regularly inVirgil'sAeneidwritten between 29 and 19 BC, and the poem's hero,Aeneas,rescues one of Ulysses' crew members who was left behind on the island of the Cyclopes. He in turn offers a first-person account of some of the same events Homer relates, in which Ulysses appears directly. Virgil's Ulysses typifies his view of the Greeks: he is cunning but impious, and ultimately malicious and hedonistic.

Ovidretells parts of Ulysses' journeys, focusing on his romantic involvements with Circe and Calypso, and recasts him as, inHarold Bloom's phrase, "one of the great wandering womanizers". Ovid also gives a detailed account of the contest between Ulysses andAjaxfor the armour of Achilles.

Greek legend tells of Ulysses as the founder ofLisbon,Portugal,calling itUlisipoorUlisseya,during his twenty-year errand on the Mediterranean and Atlantic seas.Olisipowas Lisbon's name in the Roman Empire. Thisfolk etymologyis recounted byStrabobased onAsclepiades of Myrlea's words, byPomponius Mela,byGaius Julius Solinus(3rd century AD), and would later be reiterated byCamõesin his epic poemOs Lusíadas(first printed in 1572).[citation needed]

In one version of Odysseus's end, he is eventually turned into a horse by Athena.[54]

In post-classical tradition


Odysseus is one of the most recurrent characters inWestern culture.

Middle Ages and Renaissance


Dante Alighieri,in theCantoXXVI of theInfernosegment of hisDivine Comedy(1308–1320), encounters Odysseus ( "Ulisse" in Italian) near the very bottom of Hell: withDiomedes,he walks wrapped in flame in the eighth ring (Counselors of Fraud) of theEighth Circle(Sins of Malice), as punishment for his schemes and conspiracies that won the Trojan War. In a famous passage, Dante has Odysseus relate a different version of his voyage and death from the one told by Homer. He tells how he set out with his men from Circe's island for a journey of exploration to sail beyond thePillars of Herculesand into the Western sea to find what adventures awaited them. Men, says Ulisse, are not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.[55]

After travelling west and south for five months, they see in the distance a great mountain rising from the sea (this isPurgatory,in Dante's cosmology) before a storm sinks them. Dante did not have access to the original Greek texts of the Homeric epics, so his knowledge of their subject-matter was based only on information from later sources, chieflyVirgil'sAeneidbut alsoOvid;hence the discrepancy between Dante and Homer.[56]

He appears inShakespeare'sTroilus and Cressida(1602), set during the Trojan War.

Modern literature




In her poemSite of the Castle of Ulysses.(published in 1836),Letitia Elizabeth Landongives her version ofThe Song of the Sirenswith an explanation of its purpose, structure and meaning. This illustrates a painting byCharles Bentleyengraved by R. Sands, and showing The Black Mountains ofCephaloniain the background.[57]A further poetical illustration, also in Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap Book, 1837, is to an engraving of a painting byCharles Bentley,Town and Harbour of Ithaca.and harks back to the island 'where Ulysses was king'.[58]

Alfred, Lord Tennyson's poem "Ulysses"(published in 1842) presents an aging king who has seen too much of the world to be happy sitting on a throne idling his days away. Leaving the task of civilizing his people to his son, he gathers together a band of old comrades" to sail beyond the sunset ".

Nikos Kazantzakis'sThe Odyssey: A Modern Sequel(1938), a 33,333-line epic poem, begins with Odysseus cleansing his body of the blood ofPenelope's suitors. Odysseus soon leaves Ithaca in search of new adventures. Before his death he abducts Helen, incites revolutions inCreteandEgypt,communes with God, and meets representatives of such famous historical and literary figures asVladimir Lenin,Don Quixoteand Jesus.

In 1986, Irish poetEilean Ni Chuilleanainpublished "The Second Voyage", a poem in which she makes use of the story of Odysseus.


The bay ofPalaiokastritsainCorfuas seen from Bella vista of Lakones, considered to be the place where Odysseus disembarked and metNausicaafor the first time. The rock in the sea near the horizon at the top centre-left is held by the locals to be the mythical petrified ship of Odysseus.

Frederick Rolfe'sThe Weird of the Wanderer(1912) has the hero Nicholas Crabbe (based on the author) travelling back in time, discovering that he is the reincarnation of Odysseus, marrying Helen, being deified and ending up as one of the threeMagi.

James Joyce's novelUlysses(first published 1918–1920) uses modern literary devices to narrate a single day in the life of a Dublin businessman namedLeopold Bloom.Bloom's day turns out to bear many elaborate parallels to Odysseus' ten years of wandering.

Return to Ithaca(1946) byEyvind Johnsonis a more realistic retelling of the events that adds a deeper psychological study of the characters of Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus. Thematically, it uses Odysseus' backstory and struggle as a metaphor for dealing with the aftermath of war (the novel being written immediately after the end of the Second World War).[59]

In the eleventh chapter ofPrimo Levi's 1947 memoirIf This Is a Man,"The Canto of Ulysses", the author describes the last voyage of Ulysses as told byDanteinThe Infernoto a fellow-prisoner during forced labour in the Nazi concentration campAuschwitz.

Odysseus is the hero ofThe Luck of Troy(1961) byRoger Lancelyn Green,whose title refers to the theft of thePalladium.

InS. M. Stirling'sIsland in the Sea of Time(1998), first part to hisNantucket seriesofalternate historynovels, Odikweos ( "Odysseus" inMycenaean Greek) is a "historical" figure who is every bit as cunning as his legendary self and is one of the fewBronze Ageinhabitants who discerns the time-travellers' real background. Odikweos first aids William Walker's rise to power inAchaeaand later helps bring Walker down after seeing his homeland turn into apolice state.

The Penelopiad(2005) byMargaret Atwoodretells his story from the point of view of his wifePenelope.

Rick Riordan'snovel seriesPercy Jackson & the Olympians,which centres on the presence of Greek mythology in the 21st century, incorporates several elements from Odysseus's story. The second novel in particular,The Sea of Monsters(2006), is a loose adaptation ofThe Odyssey,with protagonists Percy and Annabeth seeking to save their satyr friend Grover from Polyphemus, and facing many of the same obstacles Odysseus faced over the course of the journey.

Volodymyr Yermolenko,Ukrainian philosopher and essayist, wroteOcean Catcher: The Story of Odysseus,Stary Lev, 2017, which is loose adaptation of The Odyssey, where after coming back home to Ithaca, where he cannot find either Penelope orTelemachus,he decides to have a reverse trip to Troy.[60][61]

Literary criticism


The literary theoristNúria Perpinyàconceived twenty different interpretations of theOdysseyin a 2008 study.[62]

Television and film


The actors who have portrayed Odysseus in feature films includeKirk Douglasin the ItalianUlysses(1955),John Drew BarrymoreinThe Trojan Horse(1961),Piero LulliinThe Fury of Achilles(1962), andSean BeaninTroy(2004).

In TV miniseries he has been played byBekim FehmiuinL'Odissea(1968),Armand AssanteinThe Odyssey(1997), and byJoseph MawleinTroy: Fall of a City(2018).

Ulysses 31is a French-Japanese animated television series (1981) that updates the Greek mythology of Odysseus to the 31st century.[63]



The British groupCreamrecorded the song "Tales of Brave Ulysses"in 1967.

Suzanne Vega's song "Calypso" from 1987 albumSolitude Standingshows Odysseus fromCalypso's point of view, and tells the tale of him coming to the island and his leaving.

The American progressive metal bandSymphony Xreleased a 24-minute adaption of the tale on their 2002 albumThe Odyssey.

Odysseus is featured in a verse of the song "Journey of the Magi" onFrank Turner's 2009 albumPoetry of the Deed.[64]

Rolf Riehmcomposed an opera based on the myth,Sirenen – Bilder des Begehrens und des Vernichtens(Sirens – Images of Desire and Destruction) which premiered at theOper Frankfurtin 2014.

Comparative mythology and folkloristics


Over time, comparisons between Odysseus and other heroes of different mythologies and religions have been made. A similar story exists inHindu mythologywithNalaandDamayantiwhere Nala separates from Damayanti and is reunited with her.[65]The story of stringing a bow is similar to the description in theRamayanaofRamastringing the bow to winSita's hand in marriage.[66]

TheOdysseyhasevident similarities to Virgil'sAeneid.Virgiltells the story ofAeneasand his travels to what would become Rome. On his journey he endures strife comparable to that of Odysseus. However, the motives for both of their journeys differ as Aeneas was driven by this sense of duty granted to him by the gods that he must abide by. He keeps in mind the future of his people, fitting for the futureFather of Rome.

Infolkloristics,the story of Odysseus's journey back to his native Ithaca and wife Penelope corresponds to the tale type ATU 974,"The Homecoming Husband"[de],of the internationalAarne–Thompson–Uther Indexfor folktale classification.[67][68][69][70]

Altars – islands – cities


Strabowrites that onMeninx(Ancient Greek:Μῆνιγξ) island, modernDjerbaatTunisia,there was an altar to Odysseus.[71]

Pliny the Elderwrites that in Italy there were some small islands (modern Torricella, Praca, Brace and other rocks)[72]which were called Ithacesiae because of a watchtower that Odysseus built there.[73]

According to ancient Greek tradition, Odysseus founded a city inIberiawhich was called Odysseia (Ὀδύσσεια)[74][75]or Odysseis (Ὀδυσσεῖς)[76]which had a sanctuary of goddessAthena.[74][75][77]Ancient authors identified it withOlisipo(modernLisbon), but modern researchers believe that even its existence is uncertain.[77]

Hellanicus of Lesboswrote thatRomewas founded by Aeneas and Odysseus who came together there. Other ancient historians, includingDamastes of Sigeum,agreed with him.[78][79]



See also



  1. ^"Odysseus".LexicoUK English Dictionary.Oxford University Press.Archived fromthe originalon 25 June 2021.
  2. ^"Odysseus".Archivedfrom the original on 24 April 2021.Retrieved24 April2021.
  3. ^Epic Cycle.Fragments onTelegony,2Archived29 August 2020 at theWayback Machineas cited inEustathias,1796.35.
  4. ^"μῆτις – Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon".Perseus Project.Archived fromthe originalon 4 September 2018.Retrieved18 April2018.
  5. ^"Greek & Roman Mythology - Homer".www2.classics.upenn.edu.Retrieved30 July2024.
  6. ^Entry"Ὀδυσσεύς"Archived5 March 2008 at theWayback Machine,in: Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott:A Greek–English Lexicon,1940.
  7. ^Stanford, William Bedell (1968).The Ulysses theme. A Study in the Adaptability of a Traditional Hero.New York: Spring Publications. p. 8.
  8. ^See the entry"Ἀχιλλεύς"in Wiktionary;cfr.Greekδάκρυ,dákru,vs. Latinlacrima"tear".
  9. ^Entry"ὀδύσσομαι"Archived6 January 2021 at theWayback Machinein Liddell and Scott,A Greek–English Lexicon.
  10. ^Entry"ὀδύρομαι"Archived6 August 2020 at theWayback Machinein Liddell and Scott,A Greek–English Lexicon.
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  12. ^Entry"ὄλλυμι"Archived6 August 2020 at theWayback Machinein Liddell and Scott,A Greek–English Lexicon.
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  14. ^Stanford, William Bedell (1968).The Ulysses theme.p.11.
  15. ^Odyssey19.400–405Archived17 June 2021 at theWayback Machine.
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  17. ^Robert S. P. Beekes,Etymological Dictionary of Greek,Brill, Leiden 2009, p. 1048.
  18. ^Glen Gordon,A Pre-Greek name for Odysseus,published atPaleoglot. Ancient languages. Ancient civilizations.Retrieved 4 May 2017.
  19. ^Dares Phrygius,History of the Fall of Troy13Archived7 April 2023 at theWayback Machine
  20. ^Apollodorus,BibliothecaLibrary 1.9.16Archived31 December 2020 at theWayback Machine
  21. ^Homer does not list Laërtes as one of theArgonauts.
  22. ^ScholiumonSophocles'Aiax190, noted inKarl Kerényi,The Heroes of the Greeks,1959:77.
  23. ^"Spread by the powerful kings, // And by the child of the infamous Sisyphid line" (κλέπτουσι μύθους οἱ μεγάλοι βασιλῆς // ἢ τᾶς ἀσώτου Σισυφιδᾶν γενεᾶς): Chorus inAjax189–190,translatedArchived18 April 2005 at theWayback MachinebyR. C. Trevelyan.
  24. ^"A so-called 'Homeric' drinking-cup shows pretty undisguisedly Sisyphos in the bed-chamber of his host's daughter, the arch-rogue sitting on the bed and the girl with her spindle."The Heroes of the Greeks1959:77.
  25. ^"Sold by his father Sisyphus" (οὐδ᾽ οὑμπολητὸς Σισύφου Λαερτίῳ): Philoctetes inPhiloctetes417,translatedArchived6 January 2011 at theWayback MachinebyThomas Francklin.
  26. ^"Women in Homer's Odyssey".Records.viu.ca. 16 September 1997. Archived fromthe originalon 4 October 2011.Retrieved25 September2011.
  27. ^Hom. Od. 14.199–200. Quoted from Homer. The Odyssey with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, PH.D. in two volumes. Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann, Ltd. 1919.
  28. ^Hyginus,Fabulae95Archived12 February 2017 at theWayback Machine.Cf. Apollodorus,Epitome3.7Archived3 July 2007 at theWayback Machine.
  29. ^Hyginus,Fabulae96Archived12 February 2017 at theWayback Machine.
  30. ^Iliad2.
  31. ^Iliad9.
  32. ^Iliad7.
  33. ^Iliad10.
  34. ^Iliad19.
  35. ^Iliad23.
  36. ^D. Gary Miller (2014 ),Ancient Greek Dialects and Early Authors,De GruyterISBN978-1-61451-493-0.pp. 120–121
  37. ^Documentation on the "Villa romana de Olmeda"Archived4 December 2016 at theWayback Machine,displaying a photograph of the whole mosaic, entitled "Aquiles en el gineceo de Licomedes" (Achilles inLycomedes' 'seraglio').
  38. ^Achilleid,book 1.
  39. ^Apollodorus,Epitome3.8; Hyginus 105.
  40. ^Scholium toOdyssey11.547.
  41. ^Odyssey11.543–47.
  42. ^Sophocles,Ajax662, 865.
  43. ^Apollodorus,Epitome5.8.
  44. ^See, e.g.,Odyssey8.493; Apollodorus,Epitome5.14–15.
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  66. ^Harry Fokkens; et al. (2008). "Bracers or bracelets? About the functionality and meaning of Bell Beaker wrist-guards".Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society.74.University of Leiden.p. 122.
  67. ^Clark, Raymond J. "The Returning Husband and the Waiting Wife: Folktale Adaptations in Homer, Tennyson and Pratt". In:Folklore91, no. 1 (1980): 46–62.http:// jstor.org/stable/1259818Archived15 March 2022 at theWayback Machine.
  68. ^Ready, Jonathan L. "ATU 974The Homecoming Husband,The Returns of Odysseus, and the End of Odyssey 21. ". In:Arethusa47, no. 3 (2014): 265–85.https:// jstor.org/stable/26314683Archived15 March 2022 at theWayback Machine.
  69. ^Shaw, John. "Mythological Aspects of the 'Return Song' Theme and their Counterparts in North-western Europe". In:Nouvelle Mythologie ComparéeArchived8 December 2021 at theWayback Machinenº. 6 (2021).
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  71. ^"Strabo, Geography, §17.3.17".Archivedfrom the original on 6 August 2020.Retrieved20 February2021.
  72. ^"Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 3.13, note 21".Archivedfrom the original on 13 January 2022.Retrieved13 January2022.
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  74. ^ab"Strabo, Geography, 3.2.13".Archivedfrom the original on 24 October 2021.Retrieved12 February2022.
  75. ^ab"Strabo, Geography, 3.4.3".Archivedfrom the original on 24 October 2021.Retrieved12 February2022.
  76. ^"Stephanus of Byzantium, Ethnica, O484.7".Archivedfrom the original on 10 April 2021.Retrieved12 February2022.
  77. ^ab"Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), Odysseia".Archivedfrom the original on 12 February 2022.Retrieved12 February2022.
  78. ^"Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities, Book I, 72".Archivedfrom the original on 24 March 2021.Retrieved10 April2022.
  79. ^Solmsen, Friedrich (1986)."Aeneas Founded Rome with Odysseus".Harvard Studies in Classical Philology.90:93–110.doi:10.2307/311463.JSTOR311463.Archivedfrom the original on 10 April 2022.Retrieved10 April2022.

Further reading
