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Oghuz Yabgu State

Coordinates:44°00′N62°00′E/ 44.000°N 62.000°E/44.000; 62.000
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Oghuz Yabgu State
Oghuz Yabgu State, 750–1055
Oghuz Yabgu State, 750–1055
Common languagesTurkic
Ethnic groups
Oghuzes, Kumans, Kangars, Turgeshes
Historical era8th–11th centuries
• Established
• Disestablished
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Second Turkic Khaganate
Kangar union
Seljuq Empire
Kimek Khanate
Today part of

TheOghuz Yabgu StateorOghuz ili(Old Turkic:Land ofOghuz) was aTurkicstate, founded byOghuz Turksin 766, located geographically in an area between the coasts of theCaspianandAral Seas.Oghuz tribes occupied a vast territory inKazakhstanalong theIrgiz,Yaik,Emba,andUilrivers, the Aral Sea area, theSyr Daryavalley, the foothills of theKaratau MountainsinTien-Shan,and theChui Rivervalley (see map). The Oghuz political association developed in the 9th and 10th centuries in the basin of the middle and lower course of the Syr Darya and adjoining the modern western Kazakhstan steppes.


The etymology of the name "Oghuz"is unclear. It was discussed many times in historical and philological literature. The term probably means" tribes ", or the" tribal union ", and then could turn into a collective ethnic name. The original Oghuz areas were the south-eastern regions ofCentral Asia.The beginning of the early Oghuz group formation is linked to the WesternZhetysu(often known, in Russian and other European languages, as Semirechye).


Early history[edit]

The first reference of the Oghuz State is by the Arab geographerYaqubi,who mentioned the Oghuz's wars against theToquz Oghuz,Kimeks,andKarluks;another geographer, Ibn al-Faqih, reported that the Oghuzes along with the Kimeks and Toguz Oghuzes were the "kings" (malik), and were revered among the Turks.[1]In Zhetysu the old Oghuz capital was Guziya.

The Chinese sources, dated to the 7th and 8th centuries, located the Cô TôGūsū(aWestern Turkictribe not belonging to the "Ten Arrows" Union[2][3][4]) consistently in the vicinity of Issyk Kul – Talas;Yury Zuev(1960) links these Gusu to the Oghuz Turks.[5]The center of the Oghuz confederation shifted from the Issyk Kul area to the lower course of the Syr Darya under pressure of the refugees of the Sary Turgesh tribe.[6]Zuev also notes two parallel passages: one from Venus' Secret Classic (Taibo YinjingQuá bạch âm kinh ) which mentioned the tam khuất "ThreeQu"(< MC *k(h)ɨut̚)[a],[7]and the other fromal-Masʻudi'sMeadows of Gold and Mines of Gems,which mentioned the three hordes of theTurkicĠuz[8]Despite the similarity in name,Goldencontends that the Toquz Oghuz (Chinese:Chín họ Jĭu Xìng "Nine Surnames" ), from whom emerged theUyghurs,were not the same people as the Oghuz who founded the Oghuz Yabgu state inTransoxiana.[9]becauseIstakhriand Muhammad ibn Muhmad al-Tusi kept the Toquz Oghuz and Oghuz distinct[10]and Ibn al-Faqih mentioned "the infidel Turk-Oghuz, the Toquz-Oghuz, and the Qarluq"[11]Even so, Golden notes the confusion inLatter GöktürksandUyghurs,where Oghuz apparently referred to Toquz Oghuz or another tribal grouping, who were also named Oghuz without a prefixed numeral; this confusion is also reflected inal-Marwazi,who listed 12 Oghuz tribes, who were ruled by a "Toquz Khaqan" and some of whom were Toquz-Oghuz, on the border of Transoxiana and Khwarazm. At most, the Oghuz were possibly led by a core group of Toquz Oghuz clans or tribes.[12]

In 766, afterKarluksoverran theTürgesh KhaganateinZhetysu(southeastern modern Kazakhstan), Karluk tribes formed a Khanate centered there under the rule of aYabgu,and they occupied and transferred their capital toSuyab.By that time the bulk of the Uch-Karluk (Three Karluks) confederation had left theAltai,and the supremacy in Zhetysu passed to the Karluk tribes. After the Oghuz confederation lost a struggle with the Karluks for leadership in the Turgesh Kaganate, a significant part of Zhetysu Oghuzes migrated to theKaratau Mountainsfoothills and the valley of theChu Riverin theIssyk Kulbasin.

At the beginning of the 9th century the Oghuz confederation, in alliance withKarluksandKimaksdestroyed theKangar Unionand captured the lower course of the Syr Darya river and the Aral steppes, displacing the Kangars andPechenegs.The nomadic tribes of the Syr Darya Kangars were forced to join the Oghuzes, and a part of them migrated to the west to the northern Black Sea region. The Oghuzes moved their capital toYangikentand became known as Oghuz Yabgu State.

The state was founded inEni-Kentwhich was an Oghuzyayla(summer village). Oghuz il extended from "Issyk Kul andAlmalyk,in the south, toSairam,in the west, to the city ofYangikent,which stands at the mouth of the river Syr (Syr-darya), and to theKara-Kum(desert) ".[13]The capital of the Oghuz il was variously spelledEni-Kent,Yangikent,Djanikand,Yenikent,Yanikand,all meaningNew City,and also in Arabic literature al-Kariya al-Hadisa and in Persian literature Deh-i Hay; presently it is a Central Asian ghost townJankent.

The state was ruled by the leader of the Oghuz Turks with the titleYabgu,which is similar to other Turkic ruling titles such as Khan and Kagan/Hakan, but initially with a status below Khagan. The army was commanded bySubaşı,"sü" meaning "army" (possibly from LateOld ChineseThúśwò"frontier guard" )[14]and "başı" "head > ruler".

Political history[edit]

The Oghuz State played an important role in the military and political history of Eurasia.

In 965 the Oghuz State allied withKievan Rusin a war against the Khazar Kaganate.In 985 the alliance with Kievan Rus defeatedVolga Bulgaria,which increased the political power of the Oghuz State.

At the turn of the 10th–11th centuries, popular uprisings broke out against excessive taxation in the state. The revolts became especially strong in the second half of the 10th century, during the rule ofAli Yabgu.The split between the ruling Oghuzes andSeljukbranch of Oghuzes turned out to be detrimental to the state. The upheaval was used by the Seljuk branch, who led an uprising and tookJend,but soon they were forced to leave the Jend area.

During the reign of the last Oghuz YabguShahmalikthe state rebounded. In 1041 Shahmalik Yabgu conqueredKhorezmfrom theGhaznavids,but two years later he was captured by the Seljuk forces and executed. Shahmalik Yabgu was the last ruler of the Oghuz State.

Internal turmoil and conflict with the Seljuks weakened the Oghuz State. The weakened state fell under attacks by theKipchaktribes from theKimak Kaganate.Under the pressure of the Kipchaks, the two branches of the Oghuz people split, a significant part of the Oghuzes went toEastern Europe,and the Seljuk Oghuzes left towardAsia Minor.Another part of the Oghuzes fell under the rule of theKarahanidsand Seljuk rulers ofKhorasan.The remnants of those Oghuz defeated by the Kipchaks subsequently dissolved among the Turkic-speaking tribes ofDasht-e-Kipchak.The Oghuz tribes contributed to the formation of many of today'sTurkic peoples.

In the 11th century, Oghuz migration toPersiaand theNear Eastbegan. The movement was led by the head of theKınıktribeTughrilandChaghri Beg,the grandchildren of Seljuk. This migrating group became, in time, the Seljuk Empire. In 1025 a part of the Seljuks settled in the territory of the modernTurkmenistan,centered on the city ofNysa.In 1034–1035, they were joined by Togrul bek's subjects. In 1038–1040, the Seljuks fought againstGhaznavidsand capturedNishapur.Subsequently, they were able to create a huge state, which consisted ofAsia Minor,Persia, and parts of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

The Oghuz il state existed for three centuries. Another Turkic group,KipchaksandKimeksof theKimek Kaganate,ended the state by the 12th century. By that time,Selçuk Beyand hisKınık (tribe)headed to Persia to found their own Muslim state, which in the future would become theGreat Seljuq Empire,and a part of the state population moved eastward to the N.Pontic areas.

Oghuz Yabgu state on the Syr Darya[edit]

The above is mostly an account of the Oghuz as a whole. 'State' is misleading for a group loosely-organized tribes. Bregel has the following for one group.[15]When the Oghuz drove the Pechenegs out of the Syr Darya delta a leader from the Barani clan took the title of yabghu. How far his power extended is not clear. His capital or winter camp was atYangikent(=new-town) where the Syr Darya made its last split. Around 985 one of his commanders namedSeljuksplit off and moved toJendsouth of the upper delta and converted to Islam. His followers became theSeljuks.The yabghu converted a little later. In 1034-35 yabghu Shah Malik Barani defeated the Seljuks and Turkomans of Khwarezm which caused many Turkomans to move south to Khorasan and the Kopet Dagh. In 1041 Shah Malik conquered Khwarezm after a three-day battle. The Seljuks drove him out in 1043. He fled and was later killed, his 'state' perhaps disappearing.

Political system[edit]

The economic base of society was private ownership of livestock. Little is known about the old farming communities in the oases, river valleys, and wetlands. The cities continued to be populated by traders and artisans.

The title of the elected ruler wasYabgu.The power was hereditary within a ruling clan. The heir to the throne was calledInal,they were brought up by anAtabektutor. Elections of Yabgu were conducted at the tribal assemblies. The rulers were chosen by the codex of unwritten rules of customary law – "tore", from the most powerful clans. The power of the supreme ruler was limited by the council of largest military-tribal aristocracy. The wives of the rulers bore a title "Khatun" and played a significant role in the court life. Yabgu was assisted by regional rulers titledKul-Eerkins.An important place was occupied by warlords. A head of the army was calledSubashi,from su –armyandbash– head. TheSubashiwas supported by a military council, and actively interfered in political events.

The Oghuz States was subdivided intouruksandaimaks.The termurukdesignated tribal divisions,aimakwas an administrative district. The clans and tribes united into larger tribal alliances were known asil(country). By the end of the 10th century formed a formal administrative apparatus and a system of regular taxes.

The main religion was the traditionalTengrism.

Ethnic composition[edit]

The powerbase of the Oghuz State were semi-nomadic and nomadic tribes of Zhetysu and Siberia:Yughra,Charuk,Khalaj,Kimek,Karluk,Imur,Bayandur,Kai,[16]and the remaining tribes and sedentary population of the Kangar Union that submitted to the Oghuz Yabgu. The Oghuz State was heterogeneous in ethnic terms. In urban and rural areas lived Turkic and Horezmian-speaking population. The reformation of the Oghuz ethnic community was a complex and lengthy process.

According to the 11th-century treatiseDīwān Lughāt al-TurkbyKarakhanidscholarMahmud Kashgari(b. 1005 - d. 1102), Oghuz confederation had originally consisted of 24 tribes, though twoKhalajtribe left the union early, leaving 22, whom Kashgari named.[17]Sharaf al-Zaman al-Marwazi(fl. 1056/57–1124/25 CE), a near-contemporary of Kashgari, mentioned only 12 Oghuz tribes. Later sources likeRashid-al-Din,Abu al-Ghazi Bahadur,andSelçuknameomitted Charuklug from Kashgari's list, added Kizik, Karkin, and Yaparli, and divided the 24 tribes neatly into two 12-tribe group "BuzuksorBazouk(Turkic andTurkmen:Bozoklar- Grey Arrows), andUchuks(Turkic andTurkmen:Üçoklar- Three Arrows). The Buzuk wing had a privileged status. The discrepancy between the sources probably resulted from the Oghuz division into two exogamous parts, Buzuks and Uchuks belonging respectively to the right and the left wing of their army. Oghuz States also had the "Uruk" and "Aimags". The term "Uruk" designated tribal divisions. Clans and tribes, united into larger tribal alliances, were known as "il" (the country).[citation needed]


(approximately from 600 to 1042)


  1. Inal Yavi (c. 600).
  2. Duyli Kai, son.
  3. Irqi (Irqin), son.
  4. Tuman, son.
  5. Qanli Yavi, son.
  6. Mur Yavi, son.
  7. Qara khan (?), son.
  8. Bughra khan (?), son.
  9. Quzitekin, son.
  10. Arslan, son.
  11. Usman, son.
  12. Isli, son.
  13. Shaiban (Shiban), son.
  14. Buran, son.
  15. Ali khan, son (c. 980—998).
  16. Shah Malik (998—1042).

Conquest ofKhwarazmin 1042.


  1. ^distinguished from the mười mũi tênShí Jiàn"Ten Arrows" (OTrk𐰆𐰣:𐰸On Oq) andJĭu Xìng"Nine Surnames" (OTrk 𐱃𐰸𐰆𐰔:𐰆𐰍𐰔Toquz Oğuz)


  • Kusainova M.A., 2006,History of Kazakhstan,Shyn Kіtap,ISBN9965-9784-4-1(Кусаинова М.А., 2006,История Казахстана,Шың Кітап)in Russian
  1. ^"Oghuz Djabgu state (9th - early 11th centuries)",Qazaqstan Tarihy
  2. ^Jiu Tangshu215b Helutxt. "Thống chỗ nguyệt, chỗ mật,Cô Tô,Ca la lộc, nỏ thất tất năm họ chi chúng "tr." (Helu) governed the mass, [consisting] of the Chuyue, Chumi, Gusu, Geluolu, and Nushibi - five clans- "
  3. ^Tongdianvol. 199
  4. ^Jiu Tangshuvol. 194b
  5. ^Zuev Yu.A.,Horse Tamgas from Vassal Princedoms (Translation of Chinese composition "Tanghuyao" of 8th–10th centuries),Kazakh SSR Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata, I960, p. 133-134 (In Russian) quote: "In the 8th century, Oghuzes were already on Syr-darya outside of the Ten Arrows Turkic Kaganate )"
  6. ^Bartold W.W.,"Sketch of the Jeti-su history",Frunze, 1943, pp. 20–21
  7. ^Li Quan,Taibo Yinjing"Vol. 1-3", Zhe gian g University Library Copy.p. 99 of 102orShoushange congshu thủ sơn các bộ sách versionp. 51 of 222
  8. ^Al-Mas'udiMeadows of Gold and Mines of Gemsvol. 1 p. 238-239. translated by Aloys Spreger
  9. ^Golden, Peter B.The Turkic Word of Mahmud al-Kashgari,p. 511
  10. ^Golden, Peter B.The Turkic Word of Mahmud al-Kashgari,p. 507-511
  11. ^Golden, Peter B. (1992).An Introduction to the History of the Turkic People. Otto Harrassowitz,Wiesbaden. p. 198
  12. ^Golden (1992) pp. 206-207
  13. ^Kononov A.N.,Genealogy of Turkmens,Moscow-Leningrad, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958, p. 81 (Кононов А.Н.,Родословная туркмен. Сочинение Абу-л-гази, хана хивинского,Москва-Ленинград, АН СССР, 1958) (In Russian)
  14. ^Dybo, Anna (2014),“Early contacts of Turks and problems of Proto-Turkic reconstruction”,inTatarica, 2,p. 8
  15. ^Yuri Bregel, Historical Atlas of Central Asia, maps 11,13,14.
  16. ^Agajanov, S.G."The States of the Oghuz"History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Volume IV: The Age of Achievement AD 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century.Motilal Banarsidass. pp. 61–76
  17. ^Maħmūd al-Kašğari. Dīwān Luğāt al-Turk. Edited & translated byRobert Dankoffin collaboration with James Kelly. Series: Sources of Oriental Languages and Literature. (1982). "Part I". p. 101-102, 362-363
Preceded by
Oghuz Il state
8 c. – 12 c.
Succeeded by

44°00′N62°00′E/ 44.000°N 62.000°E/44.000; 62.000