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OccupationVase painter
Years activec.525 BC to c. 500 BC
StyleInitially bilingual, later red-figure

Oltoswas a LateArchaicGreekvase painter, active inAthensfrom 525 BC to 500 BC. About 150 works by him are known. Two pieces, a cup inBerlin(AntikensammlungF 2264) and a cup inTarquinia(Museo Nazionale Tarquiniese RC 6848), are signed by him as painter.[1]


AthenaandEnceladusin combat, red-figure plate, Louvre CA 3662.

Oltos is thought to have begun his career in the workshop of the potterNikosthenes.Initially, he mainly paintedbilingual vases or bowlswith interiorblack-figureand exteriorred-figuredecoration.[2]His black-figure style was influenced byPsiaxand theAntimenes Painter.[1]No pure black-figure works by Oltos are yet known. Histondosusually depict a single figure. They are often full of tension, frequently with differential directions of gaze and movement. Later, he exclusively painted red-figure, influenced especially by theAndokides Painteras well as several members of thePioneer Group,especially his former pupilEuphronios.

His drawing style was spacious and elegant, but never reached the depth of detail of his most important contemporary masters. He had a distinctive tendency towards luxurious ornamentation and symmetric compositions. In the middle of his career he concentrated especially on the depiction of mythological scenes. Over time, he worked with several different potters. We know of at least six:Hischylos,most importantlyPamphaios,with whom he created the earliest knownstamnos,Tleson,Chelis, and finallyKachrylion,for whom he worked together with Euphronios, as well asEuxitheos.

An innovation introduced by Oltos is found on anamphoraatLondon(British MuseumE 258). Here, he depicts a single figure, with no frame or floor line.[3]

Selected works

Dionysos,interior image from abilingualcup (A),Munich,Staatliche Antikensammlungen(Inv. 2593).
Eurystheushiding in a jar asHeraklesbrings him theErymanthian boar.Side A from ared-figurekylixby Oltos,ca.510 BC,Paris,Louvre(G17).


  • Joachim Harnecker:Oltos. Untersuchungen zu Themenwahl und Stil eines früh-rotfigurigen Schalenmalers,Lang, Frankfurt a. M. u. a. 1992,ISBN3-631-43755-2


  1. ^ab"Collections Online | British Museum".britishmuseum.org.Retrieved2024-02-01.
  2. ^Finkenstaedt, Elizabeth (1968-10-01)."A Red-Figure Kylix by Oltos at Mount Holyoke College".American Journal of Archaeology.72(4): 383.doi:10.2307/503832.ISSN0002-9114.JSTOR503832.S2CID192990255.
  3. ^"London E 258 (Vase)".Perseus Hopper.Retrieved2024-02-01.