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OpenLeftwas apolitical blogactive from July 9, 2007 until February 2011 by Matt Stoller,Chris Bowers(originally ofMyDD) andMike Lux,a former official in theWhite HouseunderPresidentBill Clinton.[1][2]Covering political and social issues from aprogressivestandpoint, it spearheaded a number of causes, including focusing attention and criticism on theBlue Dog Democrats[3]and supportingnet neutrality.[4]The website's campaign garnered criticism from a number of Democrats, includingBrian Baird.[5]

On February 4, 2011 Bowers announced that Open Left would cease publishing new content, although previously published content would remain available. He explained, "As the people who founded the site, myself included, moved on to other projects, we have gradually run out of money to maintain operations."[6]

A Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq


Stoller endorsed and helped create the documentA Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq,a policy plan designed for progressive/liberal Democratic congressional challengers (or incumbents) to endorse and point to as their "plan" for theIraq War.The plan had several high-profile military endorsers, including retired GeneralPaul Eaton.[7][8]

Collaborative legislation writing with Dick Durbin


In July 2007, SenatorDick Durbin(D-IL) visited OpenLeft to seek input into drafting broadband legislation in the Senate.[9]The effort garnered notice for the coordination between senior lawmakers and bloggers.[10]

Public option campaign


Throughout the health care debate in 2009 and 2010, Chris Bowers worked with readers at OpenLeft to maintain a public whip count on the supporters of a health care public option.[11]His whip count was an attempt to demonstrate that there were in fact 51 Senators who would support a health care reform bill through reconciliation that included a public option. Chris also engaged in a series of posts demonstrating that reconciliation was a viable means by which to pass a public option. Upon proving 51 Senators existed for such a goal, OpenLeft, in partnership withCREDO Action,bought ad space in traditional media sources such as The Washington Post, Slate, Roll Call and The Hill, funded by its readers.[12]The ads were aimed atMajority Leader Reidand President Obama with the message of “no excuses”, pointing to the whip count, and asking Reid to put a public option in the merged Senate bill, which he later did.

Net neutrality


Since its inception, OpenLeft has done significant work and reporting on the issue of net neutrality. OpenLeft's writers worked with Congressional and Senatorial candidates to encourage their campaigns to support net neutrality. Congressman and 2010 Senate candidateJoe Sestakwrote a piece on the site voicing his support of the issue.[13]Former OpenLeft writer Matt Stoller played an instrumental role in gaining a commitment from every Democratic Senatorial candidate in 2008 in favor of net neutrality.[14]

Searching for John McCain


During the 2008 presidential campaign, Chris Bowers launched an initiative to influence search engine results forJohn McCain,and asked readers to do so as well. Readers raised the Google pageranking of links to certain articles on McCain's record so when voters searched for information on the candidate, those articles would be the first to come up. This effort helped voters become more familiar with McCain's negative history on issues such as Social Security, health care for children, and the Iraq war.[15]

Protect Maine Equality


In 2009, Adam Bink wrote heavily on the "No On 1" campaign to protect Maine's marriage equality law, discussing the importance of a win for the LGBT and broader progressive movement, and encouraging readers to contribute. Over the course of the election, his efforts helped raise nearly $1.4 million on ActBlue, included over $8,000 via OpenLeft's "Better Democrats" page on ActBlue.[16]

In October, Adam Bink raised money from OpenLeft readers to travel to Maine and report from on the ground.[17]While in Maine, he engaged on a number of issues to elevate attention to the election, including rank-and-file Catholics' response to the Bishop's involvement;[18]the emerging role of new media infrastructure in supporting the campaign;[19]and pushing back on opposition efforts. He also filmed and produced a thank-you video from the campaign to the netroots and organized several online blogosphere fundraisers.[20]Adam also co-produced the 3-2-1 Countdown for Equality designed to help online activists understand the who, what, and where needed for the three LGBT-related elections in November 2009 (Washington State, Maine, and Kalamazoo, MI).[21]When it was “swarmed” by nearly 50 other prominent blogs, it became the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars in free media in the final days of the election.[22]

The Progressive Revolution


In January 2009, OpenLeft co-founder Mike Lux released a book titledThe Progressive Revolution: How the Best in America Came to Be.In it, he discusses the history of conflicts between progressives and conservatives, disputes long-time conservative myths about progressive leaders and accomplishments, and details why the time is ripe for another “Big Change Moment.” The book was published byWiley & Sons.After its release, Lux went on a 60-event, 29-city book tour to discuss the book and the future of the progressive movement. He also wrote a series of posts from the road on what the mood is out in the states among progressive activists.[23]

Movement-oriented campaigns


OpenLeft was known for being one of the few blogs on the internet to have built its own infrastructure, including its own email list, fundraising apparatus, and legislative contact tools for e-action. It is part of a left-leaning coalition of websites that pool their web space together to sell to advertisers. OpenLeft has used these resources to create several partnerships to interest progressive media and build broad action campaigns. Such partnerships include working withCREDOto create action campaigns on the public option, including buying ad space and creating petitions to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid;[24]Service Employees International Union (SEIU) on building a coalition for health care action, and with Friends of the Earth to provide on-the-ground coverage in December 2009 of the climate change conference in Copenhagen.[25]

List of notable regular contributors



  1. ^Ari Melber.OpenLeft Aims to Open Doors in DC,The Nation,July 9, 2007
  2. ^Mike Lux.OpenLeft,Huffington Post,July 3, 2007
  3. ^Kraushaar, Josh (2007-08-24)."Liberal blogger targets 'Bush Dog' Dems".Politico.Retrieved1 June2024.
  4. ^Adario Strange.FCC Commissioner Discusses The Future Of Internet Distribution,Epicenter blog,Wired,August 20, 2007
  5. ^Liz Mair.Baird in political no-man's land,Seattle pi, August 30, 2007
  6. ^Bowers, Chris(February 4, 2011)."Open Left is closing".OpenLeft. Archived fromthe originalon February 5, 2011.RetrievedJuly 10,2019.
  7. ^Progressive Candidates, Netroots Launch Iraq Plan,The Politico,Mar 17, 2008.
  8. ^Matt Stoller.More Challengers Sign on to Responsible Plan,OpenLeft, Mar 20, 2008
  9. ^CORLEY, CHERYL (2 August 2007)."Next Big Thing: Virtual Legislation".NPR.RetrievedJune 7,2024.
  10. ^Gross, Grant (2007-07-29)."Bloggers Write Legislation".PCWorld.Archived fromthe originalon 2017-04-18.Retrieved2024-08-04.
  11. ^Senate Democrats acting in bad faith on the public option? The proof isn't there, yetOpenLeft, March 12, 2010
  12. ^Your Ad in the Washington Post,October 21, 2009
  13. ^Standing Up For Consumers, Not Corporations,OpenLeft, September 21, 2009
  14. ^Every Major Senate Democratic Challenger Announces Support for Network Neutrality,OpenLeft, July 24, 2008
  15. ^Searching For John McCain Update,OpenLeft, June 17, 2008
  16. ^"Open Left:: Thanks, and onward for marriage equality".Open Left.Retrieved2024-08-05.
  17. ^An Interconnected Movement,OpenLeft, September 24, 2009
  18. ^"Open Left:: The Bishop vs. The Grassroots".openleft.Retrieved2024-08-05.
  19. ^Plugging Infrastructure GapsOpenLeft, October 10, 2009
  20. ^No On 1/Protect Maine Equality Thanks the Netroots,OpenLeft, October 16, 2009
  21. ^3-2-1 Countdown for Equality: No Bittersweet Victories,Courage Campaign, October 28, 2009
  22. ^3-2-1 Countdown for Equality Contributed Posts,OpenLeft, October 29, 2009
  23. ^The Progressive Revolution,OpenLeft, March 31, 2010
  24. ^Harry Reid: A Public Option Will Be In Final Bill,OpenLeft, October 10, 2009
  25. ^Copenhagen Wrap Up: Climate crisis left unabated, diplomatic chasms created,OpenLeft, December 21, 2009