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Open set

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Example: The bluecirclerepresents the set of points (x,y) satisfyingx2+y2=r2.The reddiskrepresents the set of points (x,y) satisfyingx2+y2<r2.The red set is an open set, the blue set is itsboundaryset, and the union of the red and blue sets is aclosed set.

Inmathematics,anopen setis ageneralizationof anopen intervalin thereal line.

In ametric space(asetalong with adistancedefined between any two points), an open set is a set that, along with every pointP,contains all points that are sufficiently near toP(that is, all points whose distance toPis less than some value depending onP).

More generally, an open set is a member of a givencollectionofsubsetsof a given set, a collection that has the property of containing everyunionof its members, every finiteintersectionof its members, theempty set,and the whole set itself. A set in which such a collection is given is called atopological space,and the collection is called atopology.These conditions are very loose, and allow enormous flexibility in the choice of open sets. For example,everysubset can be open (thediscrete topology), ornosubset can be open except the space itself and the empty set (theindiscrete topology).[1]

In practice, however, open sets are usually chosen to provide a notion of nearness that is similar to that of metric spaces, without having a notion of distance defined. In particular, a topology allows defining properties such ascontinuity,connectedness,andcompactness,which were originally defined by means of a distance.

The most common case of a topology without any distance is given bymanifolds,which are topological spaces that,neareach point, resemble an open set of aEuclidean space,but on which no distance is defined in general. Less intuitive topologies are used in other branches of mathematics; for example, theZariski topology,which is fundamental inalgebraic geometryandscheme theory.


Intuitively, an open set provides a method to distinguish twopoints.For example, if about one of two points in atopological space,there exists an open set not containing the other (distinct) point, the two points are referred to astopologically distinguishable.In this manner, one may speak of whether two points, or more generally twosubsets,of a topological space are "near" without concretely defining adistance.Therefore, topological spaces may be seen as a generalization of spaces equipped with a notion of distance, which are calledmetric spaces.

In the set of allreal numbers,one has the naturalEuclidean metric;that is, a function which measures the distance between two real numbers:d(x,y) = |xy|.Therefore, given a real numberx,one can speak of the set of all points close to that real number; that is, withinεofx.In essence, points within ε ofxapproximatexto an accuracy of degreeε.Note thatε> 0 always but asεbecomes smaller and smaller, one obtains points that approximatexto a higher and higher degree of accuracy. For example, ifx= 0 andε= 1, the points withinεofxare precisely the points of theinterval(−1, 1); that is, the set of all real numbers between −1 and 1. However, withε= 0.5, the points withinεofxare precisely the points of (−0.5, 0.5). Clearly, these points approximatexto a greater degree of accuracy than whenε= 1.

The previous discussion shows, for the casex= 0, that one may approximatexto higher and higher degrees of accuracy by definingεto be smaller and smaller. In particular, sets of the form (−ε,ε) give us a lot of information about points close tox= 0. Thus, rather than speaking of a concrete Euclidean metric, one may use sets to describe points close tox.This innovative idea has far-reaching consequences; in particular, by defining different collections of sets containing 0 (distinct from the sets (−ε,ε)), one may find different results regarding the distance between 0 and other real numbers. For example, if we were to defineRas the only such set for "measuring distance", all points are close to 0 since there is only one possible degree of accuracy one may achieve in approximating 0: being a member ofR.Thus, we find that in some sense, every real number is distance 0 away from 0. It may help in this case to think of the measure as being a binary condition: all things inRare equally close to 0, while any item that is not inRis not close to 0.

In general, one refers to the family of sets containing 0, used to approximate 0, as aneighborhood basis;a member of this neighborhood basis is referred to as anopen set.In fact, one may generalize these notions to an arbitrary set (X); rather than just the real numbers. In this case, given a point (x) of that set, one may define a collection of sets "around" (that is, containing)x,used to approximatex.Of course, this collection would have to satisfy certain properties (known asaxioms) for otherwise we may not have a well-defined method to measure distance. For example, every point inXshould approximatextosomedegree of accuracy. ThusXshould be in this family. Once we begin to define "smaller" sets containingx,we tend to approximatexto a greater degree of accuracy. Bearing this in mind, one may define the remaining axioms that the family of sets aboutxis required to satisfy.


Several definitions are given here, in an increasing order of technicality. Each one is a special case of the next one.

Euclidean space[edit]

A subsetof theEuclideann-spaceRnisopenif, for every pointxin,there existsa positive real numberε(depending onx) such that any point inRnwhoseEuclidean distancefromxis smaller thanεbelongs to.[2]Equivalently, a subsetofRnis open if every point inis the center of anopen ballcontained in

An example of a subset ofRthat is not open is theclosed interval[0,1],since neither0 -εnor1 +εbelongs to[0,1]for anyε> 0,no matter how small.

Metric space[edit]

A subsetUof ametric space(M,d)is calledopenif, for any pointxinU,there exists a real numberε> 0 such that any pointsatisfyingd(x,y) <εbelongs toU.Equivalently,Uis open if every point inUhas a neighborhood contained inU.

This generalizes the Euclidean space example, since Euclidean space with the Euclidean distance is a metric space.

Topological space[edit]

Atopologyon a setXis a set of subsets ofXwith the properties below. Each member ofis called anopen set.[3]

  • and
  • Any union of sets inbelong to:ifthen
  • Any finite intersection of sets inbelong to:ifthen

Xtogether withis called atopological space.

Infinite intersections of open sets need not be open. For example, the intersection of all intervals of the formwhereis a positive integer, is the setwhich is not open in the real line.

A metric space is a topological space, whose topology consists of the collection of all subsets that are unions of open balls. There are, however, topological spaces that are not metric spaces.

Special types of open sets[edit]

Clopen sets and non-open and/or non-closed sets[edit]

A set might be open, closed, both, or neither. In particular, open and closed sets are not mutually exclusive, meaning that it is in general possible for a subset of a topological space to simultaneously be both an open subsetanda closed subset. Such subsets are known asclopen sets.Explicitly, a subsetof a topological spaceis calledclopenif bothand its complementare open subsets of;or equivalently, ifand

Inanytopological spacethe empty setand the setitself are always clopen. These two sets are the most well-known examples of clopen subsets and they show that clopen subsets exist ineverytopological space. To see, it suffices to remark that, by definition of a topology,andare both open, and that they are also closed, since each is the complement of the other.

The open sets of the usualEuclidean topologyof thereal lineare the empty set, theopen intervalsand every union of open intervals.

  • The intervalis open inby definition of the Euclidean topology. It is not closed since its complement iniswhich is not open; indeed, an open interval contained incannot contain1,and it follows thatcannot be a union of open intervals. Hence,is an example of a set that is open but not closed.
  • By a similar argument, the intervalis a closed subset but not an open subset.
  • Finally, neithernor its complementare open (because they cannot be written as a union of open intervals); this means thatis neither open nor closed.

If a topological spaceis endowed with thediscrete topology(so that by definition, every subset ofis open) then every subset ofis a clopen subset. For a more advanced example reminiscent of the discrete topology, suppose thatis anultrafilteron a non-empty setThen the unionis a topology onwith the property thateverynon-empty proper subsetofiseitheran open subset or else a closed subset, but never both; that is, if(where) thenexactly oneof the following two statements is true: either (1)or else, (2)Said differently,everysubset is open or closed but theonlysubsets that are both (i.e. that are clopen) areand

Regular open sets[edit]

A subsetof a topological spaceis called aregular open setifor equivalently, if,where,,anddenote, respectively, the topologicalboundary,interior,andclosureofin.A topological space for which there exists abaseconsisting of regular open sets is called asemiregular space. A subset ofis a regular open set if and only if its complement inis a regular closed set, where by definition a subsetofis called aregular closed setifor equivalently, if Every regular open set (resp. regular closed set) is an open subset (resp. is a closed subset) although in general,[note 1]the converses arenottrue.


Theunionof any number of open sets, or infinitely many open sets, is open.[4]Theintersectionof a finite number of open sets is open.[4]

Acomplementof an open set (relative to the space that the topology is defined on) is called aclosed set.A set may be both open and closed (aclopen set). Theempty setand the full space are examples of sets that are both open and closed.[5]


Open sets have a fundamental importance intopology.The concept is required to define and make sense oftopological spaceand other topological structures that deal with the notions of closeness and convergence for spaces such asmetric spacesanduniform spaces.

EverysubsetAof a topological spaceXcontains a (possibly empty) open set; the maximum (ordered under inclusion) such open set is called theinteriorofA. It can be constructed by taking the union of all the open sets contained inA.[6]

Afunctionbetween two topological spacesandiscontinuousif thepreimageof every open set inis open in[7] The functionis calledopenif theimageof every open set inis open in

An open set on thereal linehas the characteristic property that it is a countable union of disjoint open intervals.

Notes and cautions[edit]

"Open" is defined relative to a particular topology[edit]

Whether a set is open depends on thetopologyunder consideration. Having opted forgreater brevity over greater clarity,we refer to a setXendowed with a topologyas "the topological spaceX"rather than" the topological space",despite the fact that all the topological data is contained inIf there are two topologies on the same set, a setUthat is open in the first topology might fail to be open in the second topology. For example, ifXis any topological space andYis any subset ofX,the setYcan be given its own topology (called the 'subspace topology') defined by "a setUis open in the subspace topology onYif and only ifUis the intersection ofYwith an open set from the original topology onX."[8]This potentially introduces new open sets: ifVis open in the original topology onX,butisn't open in the original topology onX,thenis open in the subspace topology onY.

As a concrete example of this, ifUis defined as the set of rational numbers in the intervalthenUis an open subset of therational numbers,but not of thereal numbers.This is because when the surrounding space is the rational numbers, for every pointxinU,there exists a positive numberasuch that allrationalpoints within distanceaofxare also inU.On the other hand, when the surrounding space is the reals, then for every pointxinUthere isnopositiveasuch that allrealpoints within distanceaofxare inU(becauseUcontains no non-rational numbers).

Generalizations of open sets[edit]

Throughout,will be a topological space.

A subsetof a topological spaceis called:

  • α-openif,and the complement of such a set is calledα-closed.[9]
  • preopen,nearly open,orlocallydenseif it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:
    1. [10]
    2. There exists subsetssuch thatis open inis adense subsetofand[10]
    3. There exists an open (in) subsetsuch thatis a dense subset of[10]

    The complement of a preopen set is calledpreclosed.

  • b-openif.The complement of a b-open set is calledb-closed.[9]
  • β-openorsemi-preopenif it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:
    1. [9]
    2. is a regular closed subset of[10]
    3. There exists a preopen subsetofsuch that[10]

    The complement of a β-open set is calledβ-closed.

  • sequentially openif it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:
    1. Whenever a sequence inconverges to some point ofthen that sequence is eventually inExplicitly, this means that ifis a sequence inand if there exists someis such thatinthenis eventually in(that is, there exists some integersuch that ifthen).
    2. is equal to itssequential interiorinwhich by definition is the set

    The complement of a sequentially open set is calledsequentially closed.A subsetis sequentially closed inif and only ifis equal to itssequential closure,which by definition is the setconsisting of allfor which there exists a sequence inthat converges to(in).

  • almost openand is said to havethe Baire propertyif there exists an open subsetsuch thatis ameager subset,wheredenotes thesymmetric difference.[11]
    • The subsetis said to havethe Baire property in the restricted senseif for every subsetofthe intersectionhas the Baire property relative to.[12]
  • semi-openifor, equivalently,.The complement inof a semi-open set is called asemi-closedset.[13]
    • Thesemi-closure(in) of a subsetdenoted byis the intersection of all semi-closed subsets ofthat containas a subset.[13]
  • semi-θ-openif for eachthere exists some semiopen subsetofsuch that[13]
  • θ-open(resp.δ-open) if its complement inis a θ-closed (resp.δ-closed) set, where by definition, a subset ofis calledθ-closed(resp.δ-closed) if it is equal to the set of all of its θ-cluster points (resp. δ-cluster points). A pointis called aθ-cluster point(resp. aδ-cluster point) of a subsetif for every open neighborhoodofinthe intersectionis not empty (resp.is not empty).[13]

Using the fact that


whenever two subsetssatisfythe following may be deduced:

  • Every α-open subset is semi-open, semi-preopen, preopen, and b-open.
  • Every b-open set is semi-preopen (i.e. β-open).
  • Every preopen set is b-open and semi-preopen.
  • Every semi-open set is b-open and semi-preopen.

Moreover, a subset is a regular open set if and only if it is preopen and semi-closed.[10]The intersection of an α-open set and a semi-preopen (resp. semi-open, preopen, b-open) set is a semi-preopen (resp. semi-open, preopen, b-open) set.[10]Preopen sets need not be semi-open and semi-open sets need not be preopen.[10]

Arbitrary unions of preopen (resp. α-open, b-open, semi-preopen) sets are once again preopen (resp. α-open, b-open, semi-preopen).[10]However, finite intersections of preopen sets need not be preopen.[13]The set of all α-open subsets of a spaceforms a topology onthat isfinerthan[9]

A topological spaceisHausdorffif and only if everycompact subspaceofis θ-closed.[13] A spaceistotally disconnectedif and only if every regular closed subset is preopen or equivalently, if every semi-open subset is preopen. Moreover, the space is totally disconnected if and only if theclosureof every preopen subset is open.[9]

See also[edit]

  • Almost open map– Map that satisfies a condition similar to that of being an open map.
  • Base (topology)– Collection of open sets used to define a topology
  • Clopen set– Subset which is both open and closed
  • Closed set– Complement of an open subset
  • Domain (mathematical analysis)– Connected open subset of a topological space
  • Local homeomorphism– Mathematical function revertible near each point
  • Open map– A function that sends open (resp. closed) subsets to open (resp. closed) subsets
  • Subbase– Collection of subsets that generate a topology


  1. ^One exception if the ifis endowed with thediscrete topology,in which case every subset ofis both a regular open subset and a regular closed subset of


  1. ^Munkres 2000,pp. 76–77.
  2. ^Ueno, Kenji; et al. (2005)."The birth of manifolds".A Mathematical Gift: The Interplay Between Topology, Functions, Geometry, and Algebra.Vol. 3. American Mathematical Society. p. 38.ISBN9780821832844.
  3. ^Munkres 2000,pp. 76.
  4. ^abTaylor, Joseph L. (2011)."Analytic functions".Complex Variables.The Sally Series. American Mathematical Society. p. 29.ISBN9780821869017.
  5. ^Krantz, Steven G.(2009)."Fundamentals".Essentials of Topology With Applications.CRC Press. pp. 3–4.ISBN9781420089745.
  6. ^Munkres 2000,pp. 95.
  7. ^Munkres 2000,pp. 102.
  8. ^Munkres 2000,pp. 88.
  9. ^abcdeHart 2004,p. 9.
  10. ^abcdefghiHart 2004,pp. 8–9.
  11. ^Oxtoby, John C. (1980), "4. The Property of Baire",Measure and Category,Graduate Texts in Mathematics, vol. 2 (2nd ed.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 19–21,ISBN978-0-387-90508-2.
  12. ^Kuratowski, Kazimierz(1966),Topology. Vol. 1,Academic Press and Polish Scientific Publishers.
  13. ^abcdefHart 2004,p. 8.


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