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Oskar Vogt

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Professor Vogt investigating histological sections from Lenin's brain.

Oskar Vogt(6 April 1870, inHusum– 30 July 1959, inFreiburg im Breisgau) was a German physician andneurologist.[1]He and his wifeCécile Vogt-Mugnierare known for their extensivecytoarchetectonicstudies on thebrain.[1]

Personal life


Vogt was born inHusum,Schleswig-Holstein,Germany.[1]He studied at the localHusum grammar schoolbefore entering universities. Vogt studied medicine at theUniversity of KielandUniversity of Jena,eventually obtaining hisdoctoratefrom Jena in 1894.

The Vogts met in 1897 in Paris, and eventually married in 1899.[1]The Vogts were close to theKruppfamily.Friedrich Alfred Kruppfinancially supported them, and in 1898, Oskar and Cécile founded a private research institute called theNeurologische Zentralstation(Neurological Center) in Berlin, which was formally associated with the Physiological Institute of theCharitéas the Neurobiological Laboratory of theBerlin Universityin 1902.[2][3]This institute served as the basis for the 1914 formation of theKaiser Institut für Hirnforschung(Kaiser Wilhelm Institutefor Brain Research), of which Oskar was a director.[4][5]There, he had students from many countries who went on to prominent careers includingJerzy Rose(mentor ofMichael Merzenich),Valentino Braitenberg(mentor ofChristof Koch),Korbinian Brodmann,Rafael Lorente de NóandHarald Brockhaus.This institute gave rise to theMax Planck Institute for Brain Researchin 1945.[6]

As a clinician, Vogt usedhypnotism(Stuckrade-Barre and Danek 2004) until 1903 and wrote papers on the topic. In particular, Vogt had an intense interest for localizing the origins of "genius" or traits in the brain.



Vogt married the French neurologistCécile Mugnier.They met in Paris in 1897[1]while he was there working withJoseph Jules Dejerineand his wife,Augusta Marie Dejerine-Klumke,who collaborated with him. Because of their similar scholarly interests, the Vogts collaborated for a long period, usually with Cécile as the primary author.

The Vogts had two daughters, both accomplished scientists in their own right:



Vogt was a socialist, involved with the factions led byMme Fessardwho knew him personally, and with the guesdist element of the French socialist party (Jules Guesdewas at the far left wing of this party). He was never a Communist, although he did interact with theSovietson a number of occasions. They sent him several researchers, includingN. V. Timofeev-Resovskij(whomSolzhenitsynmet in theGulag). He helped to establish the brain institute in Moscow.

Vogt was opposed to theNazi Party.[1][7]Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbachhelped fund a small hospital in Schwarzwald near Neustadt when Vogt was dismissed in 1936 from his position with theKaiser Wilhelm Brain Research Institute.[1]

Institutes and journals


Vogt was the editor of the prominentJournal für Psychologie und Neurologiepublished in German, French and English which made many of the most important contributions between the twoWorld Wars.[8]This later becameThe Journal für Hirnforschung.

Lenin's brain


Vogt had a longstanding interest in localizing functions in the brain.

In 1924, Vogt was one of the neurologists asked to consult onLenin’s illness and was given his brain for histological study after Lenin's death.[7][9][10]He found that Lenin's brain showed a great number of "giant cells", which Vogt saw as a sign of superior mental function. "The giant cells" werecorticalpyramidal cellsof unusual size. There were also particularities inlayer 3.[11]

In 1925 Vogt accepted an invitation to Moscow where he was assigned the establishment of an institute for brain research under the auspices ofthe health ministryin Moscow.[12]Vogt got one 20 micrometer slice out of the 30,953 slices of the brain, and took it home to Berlin for research purposes.[13]Therefore, contrary to claims of twoBelgianneurologists, L. Van Bogaert and A. Dewulf, theSovietsdid not have to carry out a military operation specifically to retrieve the brain before theAmericansobtained it.[citation needed]It was, for a time, put on display in theLenin Mausoleum[citation needed].The brain is still in the Institute in Moscow.


Korbinian Brodmann,Cécile Vogt-Mugnier,Oskar Vogt,Max Borcherdt,andMax Lewandowsky.

The contributions of the Vogts applies to several parts of the brain and had a considerable influence on internationalneurological sciences.



An interest in the correlation betweenanatomyandpsychologydrew the Vogts to study the cortex. The Vogts imposed the distinction betweeniso-andallocortex.Based on their cytoarchitectonic studies, they promoted a six-layer pattern,[14]rather than the five-layer pattern of Meynert or the seven of Cajal.



Vogt made several presentations of his view of thethalamusin Paris. Oskar and Cécile further referred to the work ofConstantin von Monakowin a series on the anatomy ofmammals.A paper published together in 1941 (Thalamus studien I to III), devoted to the human thalamus, represented an important step in partitioning and naming thalamic parts. The anatomy of the thalamus from Hassler (one of their students) was published in 1959, the year of Oskar's death. It is not known whether the master[clarification needed]accepted the excessive partition and unnecessary complication of this work; it was an atlas dedicated tostereotacticans.The paper of 1941 was much simpler.

Basal ganglia


The Vogts greatly contributed to the analysis of what is known today as thebasal gangliasystem. Their main interest was on thestriatum,which they named following a proposal by Foix and Nicolesco in 1941. This includes thecaudate nucleus,theputamen,and thefundus.



The Vogt-Vogt syndrome is anextrapyramidaldisturbance with double sidedathetosisoccurring in early childhood.[15][16][17]



  • 1950 — National AwardGRD


  1. ^abcdefgI. Klatzo (January 1, 2004). T. Kuroiwa; A. Baethmann; Z. Czernicki (eds.).Brain Edema XII: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium: Hakone, Japan, November 10–13, 2002.Springer. pp. 29–32.ISBN978-3-211-00919-2.Archivedfrom the original on July 7, 2014.RetrievedDecember 24,2012.
  2. ^Günter P. Wagner (October 31, 2000).The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology.Academic Press. p. 41.ISBN978-0-08-052890-8.Archivedfrom the original on July 7, 2014.RetrievedOctober 16,2016.
  3. ^Susanne Heim; Carola Sachse; Mark Walker (April 27, 2009).The Kaiser Wilhelm Society Under National Socialism.Cambridge University Press. p. 102.ISBN978-0-521-87906-4.Archivedfrom the original on July 7, 2014.RetrievedOctober 16,2016.
  4. ^Eling P (2012). "Neuroanniversary 2012".J Hist Neurosci.21(4): 429–33.doi:10.1080/0964704X.2012.720218.PMID22947384.S2CID26720830.
  5. ^"Origins".MPI Brain Research.Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. 2012.Archivedfrom the original on March 19, 2014.RetrievedMay 6,2014.
  6. ^Helga Satzinger –Femininity and Science: The Brain Researcher Cécile Vogt (1875-1962)ArchivedMarch 4, 2016, at theWayback Machine.Translation of: Weiblichkeit und Wissenschaft. In: Bleker, Johanna (ed.): Der Eintritt der Frauen in die Gelehrtenrepublik. Husum, 1998, 75-93.
  7. ^abKalyan B Bhattacharyya (2011).Eminent Neuroscientists Their Lives and Works.Academic Publishers. p. 414.ISBN978-93-80599-28-1.RetrievedDecember 24,2012.
  8. ^Jones, Edward G. (January 2003). "Two minds".Nature.421(6918): 19–20.Bibcode:2003Natur.421...19J.doi:10.1038/421019a.S2CID2918752.
  9. ^Compston, Alastair (February 2017)."The structural basis of traumatic epilepsy and results of radical operation. By O. Foerster, Breslau, and Wilder Penfield, Montreal. Brain 1930; 53: 99–119".Brain.140(2): 508–513.doi:10.1093/brain/aww354.
  10. ^Sarikcioglu, L. (June 1, 2007)."Otfrid Foerster (1873-1941): one of the distinguished neuroscientists of his time".Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.78(6): 650.doi:10.1136/jnnp.2006.112680.PMC2077957.PMID17507449.
  11. ^Kreutzberg, Georg W.; Klatzo, Igor; Kleihues, Paul (October 1992)."Oskar and Cécile Vogt, Lenin's Brain and the Bumble-Bees of the Black Forest".Brain Pathology.2(4): 363–364.doi:10.1111/j.1750-3639.1992.tb00712.x.PMID1341969.S2CID205939477.
  12. ^"Lenin's Brain".Archived fromthe originalon August 29, 2013.
  13. ^Paul Gregory,Lenin's Brain(Hoover Institution Press, 2008), hfdst 3, pp. 24-35https:// hoover.org/sites/default/files/uploads/documents/Lenins_Brain_Paul_Gregory_24.pdf
  14. ^Insausti, R.; Muñoz-López, M.; Insausti, A. M.; Artacho-Pérula, E. (October 4, 2017)."The Human Periallocortex: Layer Pattern in Presubiculum, Parasubiculum and Entorhinal Cortex. A Review".Frontiers in Neuroanatomy.11:84.doi:10.3389/fnana.2017.00084.PMC5632821.PMID29046628.
  15. ^Whonamedit? Oskar Vogt[1]ArchivedSeptember 1, 2005, at theWayback MachineWhonamedit
  16. ^Whonamedit? Cécile Vogt, (born Mugnier)[2]ArchivedMarch 3, 2016, at theWayback MachineWhonamedit
  17. ^Whonamedit? Vogt-Vogt syndrome[3]ArchivedMarch 3, 2016, at theWayback MachineWhonamedit