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Inmathematics,specificallygroup theory,given aprime numberp,ap-groupis agroupin which theorderof every element is apowerofp.That is, for each elementgof ap-groupG,there exists anonnegative integernsuch that the product ofpncopies ofg,and not fewer, is equal to theidentity element.The orders of different elements may be different powers ofp.

Abelianp-groups are also calledp-primaryor simplyprimary.

Afinite groupis ap-group if and only if itsorder(the number of its elements) is a power ofp.Given a finite groupG,theSylow theoremsguarantee the existence of asubgroupofGof orderpnfor everyprime powerpnthat divides the order ofG.

Every finitep-group isnilpotent.

The remainder of this article deals with finitep-groups. For an example of an infinite abelianp-group, seePrüfer group,and for an example of an infinitesimplep-group, seeTarski monster group.


Everyp-group isperiodicsince by definition every element hasfinite order.

Ifpis prime andGis a group of orderpk,thenGhas a normal subgroup of orderpmfor every 1 ≤mk.This follows by induction, usingCauchy's theoremand theCorrespondence Theoremfor groups. A proof sketch is as follows: because thecenterZofGisnon-trivial(see below), according toCauchy's theoremZhas a subgroupHof orderp.Being central inG,His necessarily normal inG.We may now apply the inductive hypothesis toG/H,and the result follows from the Correspondence Theorem.

Non-trivial center[edit]

One of the first standard results using theclass equationis that thecenterof a non-trivial finitep-group cannot be the trivial subgroup.[1]

This forms the basis for many inductive methods inp-groups.

For instance, thenormalizerNof aproper subgroupHof a finitep-groupGproperly containsH,because for anycounterexamplewithH=N,the centerZis contained inN,and so also inH,but then there is a smaller exampleH/Zwhose normalizer inG/ZisN/Z=H/Z,creating an infinite descent. As a corollary, every finitep-group isnilpotent.

In another direction, everynormal subgroupNof a finitep-group intersects the center non-trivially as may be proved by considering the elements ofNwhich are fixed whenGacts onNby conjugation. Since every central subgroup is normal, it follows that every minimal normal subgroup of a finitep-group is central and has orderp.Indeed, thesocleof a finitep-group is the subgroup of the center consisting of the central elements of orderp.

IfGis ap-group, then so isG/Z,and so it too has a non-trivial center. The preimage inGof the center ofG/Zis called thesecond centerand these groups begin theupper central series.Generalizing the earlier comments about the socle, a finitep-group with orderpncontains normal subgroups of orderpiwith 0 ≤in,and any normal subgroup of orderpiis contained in theith centerZi.If a normal subgroup is not contained inZi,then its intersection withZi+1has size at leastpi+1.


Theautomorphismgroups ofp-groups are well studied. Just as every finitep-group has a non-trivial center so that theinner automorphism groupis a proper quotient of the group, every finitep-group has a non-trivialouter automorphism group.Every automorphism ofGinduces an automorphism onG/Φ(G), where Φ(G) is theFrattini subgroupofG.The quotient G/Φ(G) is anelementary abelian groupand itsautomorphism groupis ageneral linear group,so very well understood. The map from the automorphism group ofGinto this general linear group has been studied byBurnside,who showed that the kernel of this map is ap-group.


p-groups of the same order are not necessarilyisomorphic;for example, thecyclic groupC4and theKlein four-groupV4are both 2-groups of order 4, but they are not isomorphic.

Nor need ap-group beabelian;thedihedral groupDih4of order 8 is a non-abelian 2-group. However, every group of orderp2is abelian.[note 1]

The dihedral groups are both very similar to and very dissimilar from thequaternion groupsand thesemidihedral groups.Together the dihedral, semidihedral, and quaternion groups form the 2-groups ofmaximal class,that is those groups of order 2n+1and nilpotency classn.

Iterated wreath products[edit]

The iteratedwreath productsof cyclic groups of orderpare very important examples ofp-groups. Denote the cyclic group of orderpasW(1), and the wreath product ofW(n) withW(1) asW(n+ 1). ThenW(n) is the Sylowp-subgroup of thesymmetric groupSym(pn). Maximalp-subgroups of the general linear group GL(n,Q) are direct products of variousW(n). It has orderpkwherek= (pn− 1)/(p− 1). It has nilpotency classpn−1,and its lower central series, upper central series, lower exponent-pcentral series, and upper exponent-pcentral series are equal. It is generated by its elements of orderp,but its exponent ispn.The second such group,W(2), is also ap-group of maximal class, since it has orderpp+1and nilpotency classp,but is not aregularp-group.Since groups of orderppare always regular groups, it is also a minimal such example.

Generalized dihedral groups[edit]

Whenp= 2 andn= 2,W(n) is the dihedral group of order 8, so in some senseW(n) provides an analogue for the dihedral group for all primespwhenn= 2. However, for highernthe analogy becomes strained. There is a different family of examples that more closely mimics the dihedral groups of order 2n,but that requires a bit more setup. Let ζ denote a primitivepth root of unity in the complex numbers, letZ[ζ] be the ring ofcyclotomic integersgenerated by it, and letPbe theprime idealgenerated by 1−ζ. LetGbe a cyclic group of orderpgenerated by an elementz.Form thesemidirect productE(p) ofZ[ζ] andGwherezacts as multiplication by ζ. The powersPnare normal subgroups ofE(p), and the example groups areE(p,n) =E(p)/Pn.E(p,n) has orderpn+1and nilpotency classn,so is ap-group of maximal class. Whenp= 2,E(2,n) is the dihedral group of order 2n.Whenpis odd, bothW(2) andE(p,p) are irregular groups of maximal class and orderpp+1,but are not isomorphic.

Unitriangular matrix groups[edit]

The Sylow subgroups ofgeneral linear groupsare another fundamental family of examples. LetVbe a vector space of dimensionnwith basis {e1,e2,...,en} and defineVito be the vector space generated by {ei,ei+1,...,en} for 1 ≤in,and defineVi= 0 wheni>n.For each 1 ≤mn,the set of invertible linear transformations ofVwhich take eachVitoVi+mform a subgroup of Aut(V) denotedUm.IfVis a vector space overZ/pZ,thenU1is a Sylowp-subgroup of Aut(V) = GL(n,p), and the terms of itslower central seriesare just theUm.In terms of matrices,Umare those upper triangular matrices with 1s one the diagonal and 0s on the firstm−1 superdiagonals. The groupU1has orderpn·(n−1)/2,nilpotency classn,and exponentpkwherekis the least integer at least as large as the baseplogarithmofn.


The groups of orderpnfor 0 ≤n≤ 4 were classified early in the history of group theory,[2]and modern work has extended these classifications to groups whose order dividesp7,though the sheer number of families of such groups grows so quickly that further classifications along these lines are judged difficult for the human mind to comprehend.[3]For example,Marshall Hall Jr.and James K. Senior classified groups of order 2nforn≤ 6 in 1964.[4]

Rather than classify the groups by order,Philip Hallproposed using a notion ofisoclinism of groupswhich gathered finitep-groups into families based on large quotient and subgroups.[5]

An entirely different method classifies finitep-groups by theircoclass,that is, the difference between theircomposition lengthand theirnilpotency class.The so-calledcoclass conjecturesdescribed the set of all finitep-groups of fixed coclass as perturbations of finitely manypro-p groups.The coclass conjectures were proven in the 1980s using techniques related toLie algebrasandpowerful p-groups.[6]The final proofs of thecoclass theoremsare due to A. Shalev and independently to C. R. Leedham-Green, both in 1994. They admit a classification of finitep-groups indirected coclass graphsconsisting of only finitely many coclass trees whose (infinitely many) members are characterized by finitely many parametrized presentations.

Every group of orderp5ismetabelian.[7]

Up top3[edit]

The trivial group is the only group of order one, and the cyclic group Cpis the only group of orderp.There are exactly two groups of orderp2,both abelian, namely Cp2and Cp× Cp.For example, the cyclic group C4and theKlein four-groupV4which is C2× C2are both 2-groups of order 4.

There are three abelian groups of orderp3,namely Cp3,Cp2× Cp,and Cp× Cp× Cp.There are also two non-abelian groups.

Forp≠ 2, one is a semi-direct product of Cp× Cpwith Cp,and the other is a semi-direct product of Cp2with Cp.The first one can be described in other terms as group UT(3,p) of unitriangular matrices over finite field withpelements, also called theHeisenberg group modp.

Forp= 2, both the semi-direct products mentioned above are isomorphic to thedihedral groupDih4of order 8. The other non-abelian group of order 8 is thequaternion groupQ8.


Among groups[edit]

The number of isomorphism classes of groups of orderpngrows as,and these are dominated by the classes that are two-step nilpotent.[8]Because of this rapid growth, there is afolkloreconjecture asserting that almost allfinite groupsare 2-groups: the fraction ofisomorphism classesof 2-groups among isomorphism classes of groups of order at mostnis thought to tend to 1 asntends to infinity. For instance, of the 49 910 529 484 different groups of order at most 2000,49487367289,or just over 99%, are 2-groups of order 1024.[9]

Within a group[edit]

Every finite group whose order is divisible bypcontains a subgroup which is a non-trivialp-group, namely a cyclic group of orderpgenerated by an element of orderpobtained fromCauchy's theorem.In fact, it contains ap-group of maximal possible order: ifwherepdoes not dividem,thenGhas a subgroupPof ordercalled a Sylowp-subgroup. This subgroup need not be unique, but any subgroups of this order are conjugate, and anyp-subgroup ofGis contained in a Sylowp-subgroup. This and other properties are proved in theSylow theorems.

Application to structure of a group[edit]

p-groups are fundamental tools in understanding the structure of groups and in theclassification of finite simple groups.p-groups arise both as subgroups and as quotient groups. As subgroups, for a given primepone has the Sylowp-subgroupsP(largestp-subgroup not unique but all conjugate) and thep-core(the unique largestnormalp-subgroup), and various others. As quotients, the largestp-group quotient is the quotient ofGby thep-residual subgroupThese groups are related (for different primes), possess important properties such as thefocal subgroup theorem,and allow one to determine many aspects of the structure of the group.

Local control[edit]

Much of the structure of a finite group is carried in the structure of its so-calledlocal subgroups,thenormalizersof non-identityp-subgroups.[10]

The largeelementary abelian subgroupsof a finite group exert control over the group that was used in the proof of theFeit–Thompson theorem.Certaincentral extensionsof elementary abelian groups calledextraspecial groupshelp describe the structure of groups as acting onsymplectic vector spaces.

Richard Brauerclassified all groups whose Sylow 2-subgroups are the direct product of two cyclic groups of order 4, andJohn Walter,Daniel Gorenstein,Helmut Bender,Michio Suzuki,George Glauberman,and others classified those simple groups whose Sylow 2-subgroups were abelian, dihedral, semidihedral, or quaternion.

See also[edit]



  1. ^To prove that a group of orderp2is abelian, note that it is ap-group so has non-trivial center, so given a non-trivial element of the centerg,this either generates the group (soGis cyclic, hence abelian:), or it generates a subgroup of orderp,sogand some elementhnot in its orbit generateG,(since the subgroup they generate must have order) but they commute sincegis central, so the group is abelian, and in fact


  1. ^proof
  2. ^(Burnside 1897)
  3. ^(Leedham-Green & McKay 2002,p. 214)
  4. ^(Hall Jr. & Senior 1964)
  5. ^(Hall 1940)
  6. ^(Leedham-Green & McKay 2002)
  7. ^"Every group of orderp5is metabelian ".Stack Exchange. 24 March 2012.Retrieved7 January2016.
  8. ^(Sims 1965)
  9. ^Burrell, David (2021-12-08)."On the number of groups of order 1024".Communications in Algebra.50(6): 2408–2410.doi:10.1080/00927872.2021.2006680.
  10. ^(Glauberman 1971)


Further reading[edit]

  • Berkovich, Yakov(2008),Groups of Prime Power Order,de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 46, vol. 1, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH,ISBN978-3-1102-0418-6
  • Berkovich, Yakov;Janko, Zvonimir(2008),Groups of Prime Power Order,de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 47, vol. 2, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH,ISBN978-3-1102-0419-3
  • Berkovich, Yakov; Janko, Zvonimir (2011-06-16),Groups of Prime Power Order,de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 56, vol. 3, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter GmbH,ISBN978-3-1102-0717-0

External links[edit]