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Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

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Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين
General SecretaryAhmad Sa'adat
Deputy General SecretaryJamil Mezher
FounderGeorge Habash
Paramilitary wingAbu Ali Mustafa Brigades
Political positionFar-left
National affiliationPalestine Liberation Organization
Democratic Alliance List
International affiliationInternational Communist Seminar(defunct)
Axis of Resistance
Legislative Council (2006, defunct)
3 / 132
Party flag

ThePopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine(PFLP;Arabic:الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين,romanized:al-Jabha ash-Shaʿbīyya li-Taḥrīr Filasṭīn[3]) is a secular PalestinianMarxist–Leninistandrevolutionary socialistorganization founded in 1967 byGeorge Habash.It has consistently been the second-largest of the groups forming thePalestine Liberation Organization,the largest beingFatah.The PFLP has been designated aterrorist organizationby theUnited States(in 1997),[4]Japan(in 2002 or earlier),[5]Canada(in 2003, reviewed in 2021),[6]and theEuropean Union(in 2012).[7]

The PFLP has generally taken a hard line on Palestinian national aspirations, opposing the more moderate stance of Fatah. It does not recognize Israel and promotes aone-state solutionto theIsraeli–Palestinian conflict.The military wing of the PFLP is called theAbu Ali Mustafa Brigades.

The PFLP is well known for pioneering armedaircraft-hijackingsin the late 1960s and early 1970s.[8]According to PFLP Politburo member[9]and former aircraft-hijackerLeila Khaled,the PFLP does not seesuicide bombingas a form of resistance to occupation or as a strategic action or policy and no longer carries out such attacks. The group is also notable for its participation in the ongoingIsrael-Hamas war(2023-present) alongsideHamasand otherallied Palestinian factions.[10][11][12][13]

Ahmad Sa'adat,who was sentenced in 2006 to 30 years in an Israeli prison, has served as General Secretary of the PFLP since 2001. As of 2015,the PFLP boycotts participation in thePLO Executive Committee[14][15][16]and thePalestinian National Council.[17]


Arab Nationalist Movement

George Habash,a Palestinian Christian, was PFLP's Secretary General at its beginning. He had been influenced by the ideas ofConstantin ZureiqandSati' al-Husri,Arab nationalists of the 1940s and 1950s

The PFLP grew out of theHarakat al-Qawmiyyin al-Arab,orArab Nationalist Movement(ANM), founded in 1953 byGeorge Habash,a Palestinian Christian fromLydda.In 1948, 19-year-old Habash, a medical student, went to his home town of Lydda during the1948 Arab–Israeli Warto help his family. While he was there, theIsrael Defense Forcesattacked the city and forced most of its civilian population to leave in what became known as theLydda Death March.They marched for three days without food or water until they reached theArabarmies' front lines, leading to the death of his sister. Habash finished his medical education inLebanonat theAmerican University in Beirut,graduating in 1951.[18]

In an interview with US journalistJohn K. Cooley,Habash argued for viewing "the liberation of Palestine as something not to be isolated from events in the rest of the Arab world" and identified "the main reason for [Palestinians'] defeat" as triumph of "the scientific society of Israel" over "our own backwardness in the Arab world"; because of this, he "called for the total rebuilding of Arab society into a twentieth-century society" and a "scientific and technical renaissance in the Arab world".[19]The ANM was founded in this nationalist spirit. "[We] held the 'Guevaraview' of the 'revolutionaryhuman being'",Habash told Cooley." A new breed of man had to emerge, among the Arabs as everywhere else. This meant applying everything in human power to the realization of a cause. "[19]

The ANM formed underground branches in several Arab countries, includingLibya,Saudi ArabiaandKuwait,then still under British rule. It adoptedsecularismandsocialisteconomic ideas, and pushed for armed struggle. In collaboration with thePalestinian Liberation Army,the ANM establishedAbtal al-Audah(Heroes of the Return) as acommandogroup in 1966.

Formation of the PFLP

After theSix-Day Warof June 1967, ANM merged in August with two other groups, Youth for Revenge andAhmed Jibril's Syrian-backedPalestine Liberation Front,to form the PFLP, with Habash as leader.[citation needed]Three other independent groups, namely Heroes of the Return, the National Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Independent Palestine Liberation Front, also met with Habash to form the PFLP.[20]

By early 1968, the PFLP had trained between one and three thousandguerrillas.It had the financial backing ofSyria,and was headquartered there, and one of its training camps was based inas-Salt,Jordan.In 1969, the PFLP declared itself aMarxist–Leninistorganization, but it has remained faithful toPan-Arabism,seeing the Palestinian struggle as part of a wider uprising against Westernimperialism,which also aims to unite theArab worldby overthrowing "reactionary"regimes. It published a magazine,al-Hadaf(The Target, or Goal), which was edited byGhassan Kanafani.


The PFLP gained notoriety in the late 1960s and early 1970s for a series of armed attacks andaircraft hijackings,including on non-Israeli targets.Abu Ali Mustafa Brigadesalso claimed responsibility for several suicide attacks during theAl-Aqsa Intifada.See#Armed attacks of the PFLPbelow.

Breakaway organizations

A PFLP patrol in Jordan, 1969

In 1967,Palestinian Popular Struggle Front(PPSF) broke away from the PFLP.

In 1968,Ahmed Jibrilbroke away from the PFLP to form the Syrian-backedPopular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command(PFLP-GC).

In 1969, theDemocratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine(DFLP) formed as a separate, ostensiblyMaoist,organization underNayef HawatmehandYasser Abd Rabbo,initially as the PDFLP.

In 1972, thePopular Revolutionary Front for the Liberation of Palestinewas formed following a split in PFLP.

The PFLP had a troubled relationship with George Habash's one-time deputy,Wadie Haddad,who was eventually expelled because he refused orders to stop attacks and kidnapping operations abroad. Haddad has been identified in released Soviet archival documents as having been a KGB intelligence agent in place, who in 1975 received arms for the movement directly from Soviet sources in a nighttime transfer in the Sea of Aden.[21]

PLO membership

The PFLP joined thePalestine Liberation Organization(PLO), theumbrella organizationof the Palestinian national movement, in 1968, becoming the second-largest faction afterYassir Arafat'sFatah.[20]In 1974, it withdrew from thePLO Executive Committee(but not from the PLO) to join theRejectionist Frontfollowing the creation of thePLO's Ten Point Program,accusing the PLO of abandoning the goal of destroying Israel outright in favor of abinational solution,which was opposed by the PFLP leadership.[22]It rejoined the executive committee in 1981.[23]

In December 1993 PFLP withdrew from the PLO and became one of the ten founding members of the Damascus-basedAlliance of Palestinian Forces,eight of which had been members of the PLO, which was opposed to the Oslo Accords process. PFLP withdrew from APF in 1998. Currently, the PFLP is boycotting participation in the PLO Executive Committee[14]and thePalestinian National Council.[17]

In December 2009, around 70,000 supporters demonstrated in Gaza to celebrate the PFLP's 42nd anniversary.[24]

After the Oslo Accords

After the occurrence of theFirst Intifadaand the subsequentOslo Accordsthe PFLP had difficulty establishing itself in theWest BankandGaza Strip.At that time (1993–96) the popularity ofHamaswas rapidly increasing in the wake of[colloquialism]their successful strategy ofsuicide bombingsdevised byYahya Ayyash( "the Engineer" ). Thedissolution of the Soviet Uniontogether with the rise ofIslamism—and particularly the increased popularity of the Islamist groups Hamas andPalestinian Islamic Jihad—disoriented many left activists who had looked towards the Soviet Union, and has marginalized the PFLP's role in Palestinian politics and armed resistance. However, the organization retains considerable political influence within the PLO, since no new elections have been held for the organization's legislative body, thePNC.

The PFLP developed contacts at this time with Islamic fundamentalist groups linked toIran– both Palestinian Hamas, and the Lebanon-basedHezbollah.The PLO's agreement with Israel in September 1993, and negotiations which followed, further isolated it from the umbrella organization and led it to conclude a formal alliance with the Iranian backed groups.[25]

As a result of its post-Oslo weakness, the PFLP has been forced to adapt slowly and find partners among politically active, preferably young, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, in order to compensate for their dependence on their aging commanders returning from or remaining in exile.[citation needed]The PFLP has therefore formed alliances with other leftist groups formed within thePalestinian Authority,including thePalestinian People's Partyand thePopular Resistance Committeesof Gaza.[citation needed]

In 1990, the PFLP transformed itsJordanbranch into a separatepolitical party,theJordanian Popular Democratic Unity Party.From its foundation, the PFLP soughtsuperpowerpatrons, early on developing ties with theSoviet Union,thePeople's Republic of China,and, at various times, withregional powerssuch asSyria,South Yemen,Libya,North Korea,andIraq,as well as with left-wing groups around the world, including theFARCand theJapanese Red Army.[26][27]When that support diminished or stopped, in the late 1980s and 1990s, the PFLP sought new allies and developed contacts withIslamistgroups linked toIran,despite the PFLP's strong adherence to secularism andanti-clericalism.The relationship between the PFLP and theIslamic Republic of Iranhas fluctuated – it strengthened as a result of Hamas moving away from Iran due to differing positions on theSyrian Civil War.Iran rewarded the PFLP for its pro-Assadstance with an increase in financial and military assistance.[28]The PFLP has been accused by Israel of diverting European humanitarian aid fromPalestinian NGOsto itself.[29]

Elections in the Palestinian Authority

Following the death ofYasser Arafatin November 2004, the PFLP entered discussions with the DFLP and the Palestinian People's Party aimed at nominating a joint left-wing candidate for thePalestinian presidential electionto be held on 9 January 2005. These discussions were unsuccessful, so the PFLP decided to support the independentPalestinian National Initiative's candidateMustafa Barghouti,who gained 19.48% of the vote.

In the municipal elections of December 2005 it had more success, e.g. inal-BirehandRamallah,and winning the mayorship ofBir Zeit.[30]There are conflicting reports about the political allegiance ofJanet MikhailandVictor Batarseh,the mayors of Ramallah andBethlehem;they may be close to the PFLP without being members.[according to whom?]

The PFLP participated in thePalestinian legislative elections of 2006as the "Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa List". It won 4.2% of the popular vote, winning three of the 132 seats in thePalestinian Legislative Council.Its deputies areAhmad Sa'adat,Jamil Majdalawi,andKhalida Jarrar.In the lists, its best vote was 9.4% inBethlehem,followed by 6.6% inRamallah and al-Bireh,and 6.5% inNorth Gaza.Sa'adat was sentenced in December 2006 to 30 years in an Israeli prison.

Successors to George Habash

At the PFLP's Sixth National Conference in 2000, Habash stepped down as General Secretary.Abu Ali Mustafawas elected to replace him, but was assassinated on 27 August 2001 when an Israelihelicopterfired rockets at his office in the West Bank town of Ramallah.

After Mustafa's death, the Central Committee of the PFLP on 3 October 2001 electedAhmad Sa'adatas General Secretary. He has held that position, though since 2002 he has been incarcerated in Palestinian and Israeli prisons.

Attitude to the peace process

When it was formed in the late 1960s the PFLP supported the established line of most Palestinianguerrillafronts and ruled out any negotiated settlement with Israel that would result intwo statesbetween theJordan Riverand theMediterranean Sea.Instead, George Habash in particular, and various other leaders in general advocated one state with anArab identityin whichJewswere entitled to live with the same rights as any minority. The PFLP declared that its goal was to "create a people's democratic Palestine, where Arabs and Jews would live without discrimination, a state without classes and national oppression, a state which allows Arabs and Jews to develop their national culture.[citation needed]

The PFLP platform never compromised on key points such as the overthrow of conservative ormonarchistArab states likeMoroccoand Jordan, theRight of Returnof allPalestinian refugeesto their homes in pre-1948Palestine,or the use of the liberation of Palestine as an impetus for achieving Arab unity – reflecting its beginnings in thePan-ArabANM. It opposed theOslo Accordsand was for a long time opposed to the idea of atwo-state solutionto theIsraeli–Palestinian conflict,but in 1999 came to an agreement with the PLO leadership regarding negotiations with theIsraeli government.However, in May 2010, PFLP general secretaryAhmad Sa'adatcalled for an end to the PLO's negotiations with Israel, saying that only aone-state solutionwas possible.[2]

In January 2011, the PFLP declared that theCamp David Accordsstood for "subservience, submission, dictatorship and silence", and called forsocialandpolitical revolutioninEgypt.[31]

In December 2013, the PFLP stated: "Hamas is a vital part of the Palestinian national movement, and this is the position of the PFLP."[32]

Armed attacks

Armed attacks before 2000

PFLPMay Dayposter

The PFLP gained notoriety in the late 1960s and early 1970s for a series of armed attacks andaircraft hijackings,including on non-Israeli targets:

PFLP graffiti inBethlehem

Armed attacks after 2000

The PFLP'sAbu Ali Mustafa Brigadeshas carried out attacks on both civilians and military targets during theAl-Aqsa Intifada.Some of these attacks are:

  • The killing of Meir Lixenberg, councillor and head of security in four settlements, who was shot while travelling in his car in theWest Bankon 27 August 2001. PFLP claimed that this was a retaliation for the killing ofAbu Ali Mustafa.[47][48]
  • 21 October 2001 assassination of Israeli Minister for TourismRehavam ZeevibyHamdi Quran.
PFLP graffiti inSebastia

See also


  1. ^Profile: Popular Front for the Liberation of PalestineBBC News,18 November 2014
  2. ^ab"Jailed PFLP leader: Only a one-state solution is possible".Haaretz.29 April 2012.Retrieved8 May2012.
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