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Paerisades II

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Paerisades II
Kingof theBosporan Kingdom
Reign284–ca. 245 BC
PredecessorSpartokos III
SuccessorSpartokos IV
Bosporan Kingdom
Diedcirca. 245 BC
Bosporan Kingdom
FatherSatyros IIor Spartokos III
ReligionGreek Polytheism

Paerisades II(Greek:Παιρισάδης) orParysadeswas king of theBosporan Kingdomfrom 284 to 245 BC. He may have been a son of eitherSpartokos III,orSatyros II.


Paerisades II was either the son or cousin of Spartokos III, a previous ruler but may have the son of Satyros II. In the aftermath of theBosporan Civil War,Eumelos,Spartokos III's father and a Bosporan king, executed the families and friends of his brothers Satyros andPrytanis.[1]Satyros's youngest son, named Paerisades, survived[2]and fled intoScythiawhere he took refuge with its king, Agarus.[3]

Paerisades was unexpectedly active in diplomacy throughout theHellenistickingdoms of theDiadochi.He is mentioned in a letter fromApolloniustoZenonas having sent ambassadors to the court ofPtolemy II,the pharaoh ofPtolemaic Egypt,who took the opportunity to sight-see.[4]Also, he was a donor and made cup offerings atDelostogether with theMacedoniankingAntigonus II,and a woman named Stratonice,[5]not to be confused withStratonice of Macedon,Antigonus's grandmother, who died no later than 301 BC.


After having ruled for around 39 years, Paerisades died in 245 BC. He was succeeded by his presumably eldest son Spartokos IV, who ruled for only a brief period of about 5 years. Spartokos IV was then succeeded byLeukon II,Paerisades's younger son, who killed his elder brother in a dispute over adultery with Leukon's own wife.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Collection of coins from the Bosporan Kingdomhere


  1. ^Diodorus Siculus.Book 22.24.After his brothers' death Eumelus, wishing to establish his power securely, slew the friends of Satyrus and Prytanis, and likewise their wives and children.
  2. ^Diodorus Siculus.Book 22.24.the only one to escape him was Parysades, the son of Satyrus, who was very young
  3. ^Diodorus Siculus.Book 22.24.he, riding out of the city on horseback, took refuge with Agarus, the king of the Scythians
  4. ^Apollonius to Zenon.Select Papyri, 1.90A.the other conveyances for the journey, and the luggage-mules for the ambassadors from Paerisades and the theoroi from Argos whom the king has sent to see the sights of the Arsinoite nome. Take care they are not late for when they are needed, for when I wrote this letter to you, they had already sailed up-river. Farewell.
  5. ^Rostovzeff.Rostovzeff, 1998, vol. I, p. 232.250 BC Paerisades appears at Delos as the donor of a φιάλη together with Antigonus Gonatas of Macedonia and Stratonice