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Pairwise independence

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Inprobability theory,apairwise independentcollection ofrandom variablesis a set of random variables any two of which areindependent.[1]Any collection ofmutually independentrandom variables is pairwise independent, but some pairwise independent collections are not mutually independent. Pairwise independent random variables with finitevarianceareuncorrelated.

A pair of random variablesXandYareindependentif and only if the random vector (X,Y) withjointcumulative distribution function (CDF)satisfies

or equivalently, their joint densitysatisfies

That is, the joint distribution is equal to the product of the marginal distributions.[2]

Unless it is not clear in context, in practice the modifier "mutual" is usually dropped so thatindependencemeansmutual independence.A statement such as "X,Y,Zare independent random variables "means thatX,Y,Zare mutually independent.



Pairwise independence does not imply mutual independence, as shown by the following example attributed to S. Bernstein.[3]

SupposeXandYare two independent tosses of a fair coin, where we designate 1 for heads and 0 for tails. Let the third random variableZbe equal to 1 if exactly one of those coin tosses resulted in "heads", and 0 otherwise (i.e.,). Then jointly the triple (X,Y,Z) has the followingprobability distribution:

Here themarginal probability distributionsare identical:and Thebivariate distributionsalso agree:where

Since each of the pairwise joint distributions equals the product of their respective marginal distributions, the variables are pairwise independent:

  • XandYare independent, and
  • XandZare independent, and
  • YandZare independent.

However,X,Y,andZarenotmutually independent,sincethe left side equalling for example 1/4 for (x,y,z) = (0, 0, 0) while the right side equals 1/8 for (x,y,z) = (0, 0, 0). In fact, any ofis completely determined by the other two (any ofX,Y,Zis thesum (modulo 2)of the others). That is as far from independence as random variables can get.

Probability of the union of pairwise independent events


Bounds on theprobabilitythat the sum ofBernoullirandom variablesis at least one, commonly known as theunion bound,are provided by theBoole–Fréchet[4][5]inequalities. While these bounds assume onlyunivariateinformation, several bounds with knowledge of generalbivariateprobabilities, have been proposed too. Denote bya set ofBernoullievents withprobabilityof occurrencefor each.Suppose thebivariateprobabilities are given byfor every pair of indices.Kounias[6]derived the followingupper bound:

which subtracts the maximum weight of astarspanning treeon acomplete graphwithnodes (where the edge weights are given by) from the sum of themarginalprobabilities.
Hunter-Worsley[7][8]tightened thisupper boundby optimizing overas follows:

whereis the set of allspanning treeson the graph. These bounds are not thetightestpossible with generalbivariateseven whenfeasibilityis guaranteed as shown in Boros et.al.[9]However, when the variables arepairwise independent(), Ramachandra—Natarajan[10]showed that the Kounias-Hunter-Worsley[6][7][8]bound istightby proving that the maximum probability of the union of events admits aclosed-form expressiongiven as:


where theprobabilitiesare sorted in increasing order as.Thetightbound inEq. 1depends only on the sum of the smallestprobabilitiesand the largest probability.Thus, whileorderingof theprobabilitiesplays a role in the derivation of the bound, theorderingamong the smallestprobabilitiesis inconsequential since only their sum is used.

Comparison with theBoole–Fréchetunion bound


It is useful to compare the smallest bounds on the probability of the union with arbitrarydependenceandpairwise independencerespectively. ThetightestBoole–Fréchetupperunion bound(assuming onlyunivariateinformation) is given as:


As shown in Ramachandra-Natarajan,[10]it can be easily verified that the ratio of the twotightbounds inEq. 2andEq. 1isupper boundedbywhere the maximum value ofis attained when


where theprobabilitiesare sorted in increasing order as.In other words, in the best-case scenario, the pairwise independence bound inEq. 1provides an improvement ofover theunivariatebound inEq. 2.



More generally, we can talk aboutk-wise independence, for anyk≥ 2. The idea is similar: a set ofrandom variablesisk-wise independent if every subset of sizekof those variables is independent.k-wise independence has been used in theoretical computer science, where it was used to prove a theorem about the problemMAXEkSAT.

k-wise independence is used in the proof thatk-independent hashingfunctions are secure unforgeablemessage authentication codes.

See also



  1. ^Gut, A. (2005)Probability: a Graduate Course,Springer-Verlag.ISBN0-387-27332-8.pp. 71–72.
  2. ^Hogg, R. V., McKean, J. W., Craig, A. T. (2005).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics(6 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.ISBN0-13-008507-3.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)Definition 2.5.1, page 109.
  3. ^Hogg, R. V., McKean, J. W., Craig, A. T. (2005).Introduction to Mathematical Statistics(6 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.ISBN0-13-008507-3.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)Remark 2.6.1, p. 120.
  4. ^Boole, G. (1854).An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, On Which Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probability.Walton and Maberly, London. See Boole's "major" and "minor" limits of a conjunction on page 299.
  5. ^Fréchet, M. (1935). Généralisations du théorème des probabilités totales.Fundamenta Mathematicae25:379–387.
  6. ^abE. G. Kounias (1968)."Bounds for the probability of a union, with applications".The Annals of Mathematical Statistics.39(6): 2154–2158.doi:10.1214/aoms/1177698049.
  7. ^abD. Hunter (1976). "An upper bound for the probability of a union".Journal of Applied Probability.13(3): 597–603.doi:10.2307/3212481.JSTOR3212481.
  8. ^abK. J. Worsley (1982). "An improved Bonferroni inequality and applications".Biometrika.69(2): 297–302.doi:10.1093/biomet/69.2.297.
  9. ^Boros, Endre;Scozzari, Andrea; Tardella, Fabio; Veneziani, Pierangela (2014). "Polynomially computable bounds for the probability of the union of events".Mathematics of Operations Research.39(4): 1311–1329.doi:10.1287/moor.2014.0657.
  10. ^abRamachandra, Arjun Kodagehalli; Natarajan, Karthik (2023). "Tight Probability Bounds with Pairwise Independence".SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.37(2): 516–555.arXiv:2006.00516.doi:10.1137/21M140829.