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Paweł Jasienica

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Paweł Jasienica
Paweł Jasienica
BornLeon Lech Beynar
(1909-11-10)10 November 1909
Died19 August 1970(1970-08-19)(aged 60)
Resting placePowązki Cemetery
Occupationwriter, historian
Alma materStefan Batory University
SubjectPolish history
Notable worksPiast Poland, Jagiellonian Poland, The Commonwealth of Both Nations

Paweł Jasienicawas the pen name ofLeon Lech Beynar(10 November 1909 – 19 August 1970), aPolishhistorian, journalist, essayist and soldier.

DuringWorld War II,Jasienica (then, Leon Beynar) fought in thePolish Army,and later, theHome Armyresistance. Near the end of the war, he was also working with theanti-Soviet resistance,which later led to him taking up a new name, Paweł Jasienica, to hide from the communist government of thePeople's Republic of Poland.He was associated with theTygodnik Powszechnyweekly and several other newspapers and magazines. He is best known for his 1960s books onPolish history—on theKingdom of Polandunder thePiast dynasty,theJagiellon dynasty,and theelected kingsof thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.Those books, still popular, played an important role in popularizing Polish history among several generations of readers.

Jasienica became an outspoken critic of thecensorship in the People's Republic of Poland,and as a notable dissident, he was persecuted by the government. He was subject to significant invigilation (oversight) by the security services, and his second wife was in fact an agent of the communist secret police. For a brief period marking the end of his life, his books were prohibited from being distributed or printed.





Beynar was born on 10 November 1909 inSimbirsk,Russia,[1]to Polish parents, Mikołaj Beynar and Helena Maliszewska. His paternal grandfather, Ludwik Beynar, fought in theJanuary Uprisingand married a Spanish woman, Joanna Adela Feugas.[2]His maternal grandfather, Wiktor Maliszewski, fought in theNovember uprising.[2]Both of his grandfathers eventually settled in theRussian Empire.[2]His father, Mikołaj, worked as anagronomist.[2]Beynar's family lived in Russia andUkraine—they moved from Simbirsk to a location nearBila TserkvaandUman,then toKyivuntil theRussian Revolution of 1917,after which they decided to settle in the independent Poland.[3]After a brief stay inWarsaw,during thePolish–Soviet War,his family settled inOpatów,and in 1924, moved toGrodno.[2]

Beynar graduated fromgymnasium(secondary school) inWilno(Vilnius) and graduated in history fromStefan Batory Universityin Wilno (his thesis concerned the January Uprising).[1][2][4]At the university he was an active member of several organizations includingKlub Intelektualistów(Intellectuals' Club) andAkademicki Klub Włóczęgów(Academic Club of Vagabonds). After graduating, he finished training for theofficer cadet(podchorąży) in thePolish Army.[2]From 1928 to 1937 he lived in Grodno, where he worked as a history teacher in a gymnasium; later he was employed as an announcer forPolish Radio Wilno.[1][2][3]Here also, Beynar embarked on his career as author and essayist, writing for a Vilnius conservative newspaper,Słowo(The Word).[1]On 11 November 1934 he married Władysława Adamowicz, and in 1938 his daughter Ewa was born.[2]In 1935 he published his first history book – about KingSigismund II Augustus,Zygmunt August na ziemiach dawnego Wielkiego Księstwa(Sigismund Augustus on the Lands of the Former Grand Duchy [of Lithuania]).[1]

World War II


DuringWorld War II,Beynar was a soldier in the Polish Army, fighting the GermanWehrmachtwhen itinvaded Polandin September 1939.[1][3]He commanded a platoon nearSandomierzand was eventually taken prisoner by the Germans.[2]While in a temporary prisoner-of-war camp in Opatów, he was able to escape with the help of some old school friends from the time his family lived there in the early 1920s.[2]He joined thePolish undergroundorganization, "Związek Walki Zbrojnej"(Association for Armed Combat), later transformed into the"Armia Krajowa"(" AK "; the Home Army), and continued the fight against the Germans.[1][3][4][5]In the resistance he had the rank of lieutenant, worked in the local Wilno headquarters and was an editor of an underground newspaper "Pobudka".[2][3]He was also involved in theunderground teaching.[2][6]In July 1944 he took part in the operation aimed at the liberation of Wilno from the Germans (Operation Ostra Brama). In the wake of this operation, around 19–21 August, his partisan unit, like many others, was intercepted and attacked by the Soviets.[6]He was taken prisoner; sources vary as to whether he was to beexiled to Siberia[citation needed]or conscripted into thePolish People's Army.[6]Either way he escaped and rejoined AK partisans (theHome Army 5th Wilno Brigade).[3][5][7]For a while, he was an aide to MajorZygmunt Szendzielarz(Łupaszko) and was member of theanti-Soviet resistance,Wolność i Niezawisłość(WiN,Freedom and Independence). He was promoted to the rank of captain.[1][3][4][5]Wounded in August 1945, he left the Brigade before it was destroyed by the Soviets, and avoided the fate of most of its officers who were sentenced to death.[5][7]While recovering from his wounds, he found shelter in the village ofJasienica.[1][7]



After recovering from his wounds in 1945, Beynar decided to leave the resistance, and instead began publishing in an independent Catholic weeklyTygodnik Powszechny.[1][3][4]It was then that he took the pen-nameJasienica(from the name of the place where he had received treatment for his injuries) in order not to endanger his wife, who was still living in Soviet-controlled Vilnius,Lithuania.[7]Soon he became a member of the weekly's staff and then an editor.[3]In 1948 he was arrested by thePolish secret police(Polish:Urząd Bezpieczeństwa) but after several weeks was released after the intervention ofBolesław Piaseckifrom thePAX Association.[1][3][4][5]In gratitude to Piasecki, thereafter he worked with PAX, leavingTygodnik Powszechnyfor PAX in 1950.[1][3]In 1950, he became a director of the PolishCaritas charity.[3]Jasienica became a member of theCrooked Circle Club,which espoused free speech and open discussion.[8]His essays were published inDziś i Jutro,Słowo Powszechne,Życie Warszawy,Po Prostu.[3]From at least this period until his death he would live in Warsaw.[2]His wife Władysława died 29 March 1965.[2]

Over time, he became increasingly involved in various dissident organizations.[1]In December 1959, he became a vice president of theUnion of Polish Writers(Związek Literatów Polskich,ZLP).[1]He also published in the magazineŚwiat(1951–1969). In 1962 he was the last president of the literary discussion society,Crooked Circle Club.In 1966 he was a vice president of thePEN Club.[1]While in the late 1940s and 1950s he focused mostly on journalistic activity, later he turned to writing popular history in book format.[1][3]In the 1960s he wrote his most famous works, historical books abouthistory of Poland– theKingdom of Polandin the times of thePiast dynasty,theJagiellonian dynasty,and the era ofelected kings(thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealth).[1][9]His book on Jagiellonian Poland was recognized as the best book of the year by the readers.[2]

Jasienica's grave,Powązki Cemetery,Warsaw
A plaque dedicated to Jasienica on the house at 75 Dąbrowski Street in Warsaw, where he lived after the war

Jasienica was, however, very outspoken in his criticism of thecensorship in the People's Republic of Poland.On 29 February 1968 during a ZLP meeting, Jasienia presented a harsh critique of the government.[2]These acts, and in particular his signing of the dissidentLetter of 34in 1964 against censorship and his involvement in the1968 protestsled to his being labeled a political dissident, for which he suffered government persecution.[1][2][4][5][10]Partly as a response to government's persecution of Jasienica, in 1968 the satiristJanusz Szpotańskidedicated one of his anti-government poems,Ballada o Łupaszce(The Ballad of Łupaszko), written while Szpotański was inMokotów Prison,to the writer.[11]In the aftermath of the 1968 events, Polish communist media, and communist leader,Władysław Gomułka,on 19 March 1968, alleged that in 1948 Jasienica was freed because he collaborated with the communist regime; this allegation caused much controversy and damaged Jasienica's reputation.[2][3][4][5][10]He was subject to much invigilation (oversight) by the security services.[1]In December 1969, five years after his first wife's death, he remarried. This marriage proved to be highly controversial as it was discovered after his death that his second wife, Zofia Darowska O’Bretenny, had been a secret police informant before their marriage, and continued to write reports about him throughout their marriage.[7][12][13]From 1968 until his death, his books were prohibited from being distributed or printed.[1][3][10]

Jasienica died from cancer[10]on 19 August 1970 in Warsaw. Some publicists later speculated to what extent his death was caused by "hounding from the party establishment".[14]He is buried in Warsaw'sPowązki Cemetery.[2]His funeral was attended by many dissidents and became a political manifestation;Adam Michnikrecalls seeingAntoni Słonimski,Stefan Kisielewski,Stanisław Stomma,Jerzy Andrzejewski,Jan Józef LipskiandWładysław Bartoszewski.[10]Bohdan Cywińskiread a letter fromAntoni Gołubiew.[2][10]



Jasienica book publishing begun with a historical book,Zygmunt August na ziemiach dawnego Wielkiego Księstwa(Sigismund Augustus in the lands of the former Grand Duchy; 1935). He is best known for his highly acclaimed[15]and popular[1]historical books from the 1960s aboutPiast Poland,Jagiellon Polandand thePolish–Lithuanian Commonwealth:Polska Piastów(Piast Poland, 1960),Polska Jagiellonów(Jagiellon Poland, 1963) and the trilogyRzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów(The Commonwealth of Both Nations, 1967–1972). This trilogy made him one of the most popular Polish history writers.[1]Throughout his life he avoided writing aboutmodern history,to minimize the influence that the official, communistMarxisthistoriographywould have on his works. This was also one of the reasons for the popularity of his works, which were seen as a rare, legally obtainable alternative to the official version of history.[1][16][17][18]His books, publication of which resumed once again after his death, were labeled as "best-selling", and became the most reprinted postwar history of Poland.[17][18]

HisDwie drogi(Two ways, 1959) about theJanuary Uprisingof the 1860s represent the latest historical period he has tackled. His other popular historical books includeTrzej kronikarze,(Three chroniclers; 1964), a book about three medieval chroniclers of Polish history (Thietmar of Merseburg,Gallus AnonymusandWincenty Kadłubek), in which he discusses the Polish society through ages;[19]andOstatnia z rodu(Last of the Family; 1965) about the last queen of the Jagiellon dynasty,Anna Jagiellonka.HisRozważania o wojnie domowej(1978; Thoughts on Civil War) were the last book he has finished; unlike the majority of his other works, this book is ostensibly about the civil war (Chouannerie) inBrittany,France. This work does however contains numerous arguments applicable to more modern Polish history; arguments that Jasienica thought would not be allowed by the censors if the book discussed Polish history.[10]

In addition to historical books, Jasienica, wrote a series of essays about archeology –Słowiański rodowód(Slavic genealogy; 1961) andArcheologia na wyrywki. Reportaże(Archeological excerpts: reports; 1956), journalistic travel reports (Wisła pożegna zaścianek, Kraj Nad Jangtse) and science and technology (Opowieści o żywej materii, Zakotwiczeni). Those works were mostly created around the 1950s and 1960s.

HisPamiętnik(Memoirs) was the work that he began shortly before his death, and that was never completely finished.

In 2006, Polish journalist and former dissidentAdam Michniksaid that:

I belong tothe generation '68,a generation that has special debt to Paweł Jasienica – in fact he paid with his life for daring to defend us, the youth. I want for somebody to be able to write, at some point, that in my generation there were people who stayed true to his message. Those who never forgot about his beautiful life, his wise and brave books, his terrible tragedy.[10]

Polish historianHenryk Samsonowiczechoes Michnik's essay in his introduction to a recent (2008) edition ofTrzej kronikarze,describing Jasienica as a person who did much to popularize Polish history.[19]Hungarian historianBalázs Trencsényinotes that "Jasienica's impact of the formation of the popular interpretation of Polish history is hard to overestimate".[16]British historianNorman Davies,himself an author of a popular account of Polish history (God's Playground), notes that Jasienica, while more of "a historical writer than an academic historian", had "formidable talents", gained "much popularity" and that his works would find no equals in the time of communist Poland.[18]Samsonowicz notes that Jasienica "was a brave writer", going against prevailing system, and willing to propose new hypotheses and reinterpret history in innovative ways.[19]Michnik notes how Jasienica was willing to write about Polish mistakes, for example in the treatment ofCossacks.[10]Ukrainian historianStephen Velychenkoalso positively commented on Jasienica's extensive coverage of the Polish-Ukrainian history.[17]Both Michnik and Samsonowicz note how Jasienica's works contain hidden messages in which Jasienica discusses more contemporary history, such as in hisRozważania....[10][19][20]



Several of Jasienica's books have been translated into English byAlexander Jordanand published by theAmerican Institute of Polish Culture,based in Miami, Florida.

  • Zygmunt August na ziemiach dawnego Wielkiego Księstwa(Sigismund Augustus on the lands of the former Grand Duchy; 1935)
  • Ziemie północno-wschodnie Rzeczypospolitej za Sasów(North-eastern lands of the Commonwealth during the Sas dynasty; 1939)
  • Wisła pożegna zaścianek(Vistula will say farewell to gentry's province; 1951)
  • Świt słowiańskiego jutra(Dawn of the Slavic tomorrow; 1952)
  • Biały front(White front, 1953)
  • Opowieści o żywej materii(Tales of living matter; 1954)
  • Zakotwiczeni(Moored; 1955)
  • Chodzi o Polskę(It's about Poland; 1956)
  • Archeologia na wyrywki. Reportaże(Archeological excerpts: reports; 1956; latest Polish edition 2009;ISBN978-83-7648-085-5)
  • Ślady potyczek(Traces of battles; 1957; latest Polish edition 2009;ISBN978-83-7648-196-8)
  • Kraj Nad Jangtse(Country at Yangtze; 1957; latest Polish edition from 2008 uses theKraj na Jangcytitle;ISBN978-83-7469-798-9)
  • Dwie drogi(Two ways; 1959; latest Polish edition 2009;ISBN978-83-89325-28-0)
  • Myśli o dawnej Polsce(Thoughts about Old Poland; 1960; latest Polish edition 1990;ISBN83-07-01957-5)
  • Polska Piastów(1960; latest Polish edition 2007;ISBN978-83-7469-479-7), translated asPiast Poland(1985;ISBN0-87052-134-9)
  • Słowiański rodowód(Slavic genealogy; 1961, latest Polish edition 2008;ISBN978-83-7469-705-7)
  • Tylko o historii(Only about History; 1962, latest Polish edition 2009;ISBN978-83-7648-267-5)
  • Polska Jagiellonów(1963; latest Polish edition 2007;ISBN978-83-7469-522-0), translated asJagiellonian Poland(1978;ISBN978-1-881284-01-7)
  • Trzej kronikarze(Three chroniclers; 1964; latest Polish edition 2008;ISBN978-83-7469-750-7)
  • Ostatnia z rodu(Last of the Family; 1965; latest Polish edition 2009;ISBN978-83-7648-135-7)
  • Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów(1967–1972), translated asThe Commonwealth of Both Nations;1987,ISBN0-87052-394-5), often published in three separate volumes:
    • Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów t.1: Srebrny wiek(1967; latest Polish edition 2007;ISBN978-83-7469-580-0), translated as 'The Commonwealth of Both Nations I: The Silver Age(1992;ISBN0-87052-394-5)
    • Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów t.2: Calamitatis Regnum(1967; latest Polish edition 2007;ISBN978-83-7469-582-4)), translated as 'The Commonwealth of Both Nations II: Calamity of the Realm(1992;ISBN1-881284-03-4)
    • Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów t.3: Dzieje agoni(1972; latest Polish edition 2007;ISBN978-83-7469-583-1), translated as 'The Commonwealth of Both Nations III: A Tale of Agony(1992;ISBN1-881284-04-2)
  • Rozważania o wojnie domowej(Thoughts on Civil War; 1978; latest Polish edition 2008)
  • Pamiętnik(Diary; 1985; latest Polish edition 2007;ISBN978-83-7469-612-8)
  • Polska anarchia(Polish Anarchy; 1988; latest Polish edition 2008;ISBN978-83-7469-880-1)


  • 2007 laureate of Poland's "Custodian of National Memory" Prize.[21]

See also



  1. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw"Paweł Jasienica (1909–1970)"(in Polish).Instytut Pamięci Narodowej.2007.Archivedfrom the original on 6 February 2017.
  2. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuGadkowska, Aleksandra Gromek (2 March 2011)."Paweł Jasienica"(in Polish).Archivedfrom the original on 16 August 2011.
  3. ^abcdefghijklmnopŻbikowski, Zbigniew (14 April 2001)."Kapitan martwej armii: Paweł Jasienica".Życie(in Polish). Archived fromthe originalon 20 March 2012.
  4. ^abcdefgBorowski, Tadeusz; Drewnowski, Tadeusz; Nitecki, Alicia (2007).Postal indiscretions: the correspondence of Tadeusz Borowski.Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. p.331.ISBN978-0-8101-2203-1.
  5. ^abcdefg"Prawa autorskie po Jasienicy tylko dla jego córki".Gazeta(in Polish).PAP(Polish Press Agency). 28 December 2006.Retrieved18 April2011.
  6. ^abcSierocińska, Gabriela (2 December 2008)."Paweł Jasienica"(in Polish). Polskie Radio.Archivedfrom the original on 10 April 2011.
  7. ^abcdeKowalik, Helena."Ubeckie donosy z sypialni"(in Polish). Helena Kowalik.Archivedfrom the original on 6 February 2017.
  8. ^"Klub Krzywego Koła – trybuna inteligencji czy barometr władzy?"(in Polish). Polskie Radio. 5 January 2015.Archivedfrom the original on 30 June 2015.
  9. ^Sokol, Stanley S.; Kissane, Sharon F. Mrotek, eds. (1992)."Jasienica, Pawel, Writer 1909–1970".The Polish Bbiographical Dictionary: Profiles of nearly 900 Poles who have made lasting contributions to world civilization.Wauconda, Illinois: Bolchazy-Carducci. p. 163.ISBN978-0-86516-245-7.Retrieved4 March2011.
  10. ^abcdefghijMichnik, Adam (19 August 2005)."Michnik o Jasienicy: pisarz w obcęgach".Gazeta Wyborcza(in Polish).Archivedfrom the original on 1 March 2010.
  11. ^(in Polish)Szpotański, JanuszBallada o Łupaszce.Retrieved 6 February 2017
  12. ^Jezierski, Piotr."Uwieść Jasienicę".Historia(in Polish). Polskie Radio. Archived fromthe originalon 13 April 2009.
  13. ^Łazarewicz, Cezary (12 March 2010)."Nesia wszystko doniesie"[Nesia will report everything].Polityka(in Polish). Archived fromthe originalon 7 August 2011.
  14. ^Michnik, Adam (2 May 2011).In Search of Lost Meaning: The New Eastern Europe.University of California Press. p. 214–.ISBN978-0-520-26923-1.Retrieved4 March2011.
  15. ^Polonsky, Antony; Michlic, Joanna B. (2004).The neighbors respond: the controversy over the Jedwabne Massacre in Poland.Princeton University Press. p. 82.ISBN978-0-691-11306-7.Retrieved4 March2011.
  16. ^abTrencsényi, Balázs (2007).Narratives unbound: historical studies in post-communist Eastern Europe.Central European University Press. p. 111.ISBN978-963-7326-85-1.Retrieved4 March2011.
  17. ^abcVelychenko, Stephen (1993).Shaping identity in Eastern Europe and Russia: Soviet-Russian and Polish accounts of Ukrainian history, 1914–1991.Palgrave Macmillan. p. 96.ISBN978-0-312-08552-0.Retrieved4 March2011.
  18. ^abcDavies, Norman (2005).God's Playground: The origins to 1795.New York: Columbia University Press. p.14.ISBN978-0-231-12817-9.
  19. ^abcde(in Polish)Samsonowicz, HenrykWstęp,in Paweł Jasienica,Trzej kronikarze,2008 edition
  20. ^Kula, Marcin (2004).Krótki raport o użytkowaniu historii.Wydawn. Naukowe PWN. pp. 100–101.ISBN978-83-01-14227-8.Retrieved6 June2011.
  21. ^(in Polish)Rok 2007 – Uroczystość wręczenia Nagrody Kustosz Pamięci NarodowejArchived15 November 2008 at theWayback Machine,ipn.gov.pl. Retrieved 18 April 2011.

Further reading

  • Brandys, Marian,Jasienica i inni(Jasienica and Others), Warsaw, Iskry, 1995,ISBN83-207-1492-3
  • Wiaderny, BernardPaweł Jasienica: Fragment biografii, wrzesien 1939 – brygada Łupaszki, 1945(Paweł Jasienica: Fragment of a Biography, September 1939 –Łupaszko's Brigade, 1945); Warsaw, Antyk
  • Beynar-Czeczott, EwaMój ojciec Paweł Jasienica(My father Paweł Jasienica); Prószyński i S-ka 2006,ISBN83-7469-437-8)

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