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Bornc. 110 BC
Diedc. 40or 35 BC
EraHellenistic philosophy
RegionWestern philosophy
Main interests

Philodemus of Gadara(Greek:Φιλόδημος ὁ Γαδαρεύς,Philodēmos,"love of the people";c. 110– prob.c. 40or 35 BC) was anEpicureanphilosopher[1]andpoet.He studied underZeno of SidoninAthens,before moving toRome,and then toHerculaneum.He was once known chiefly for his poetry preserved in theGreek Anthology,but since the 18th century, many writings of his have been discovered among the charred papyrus rolls at theVilla of the PapyriatHerculaneum.The task of excavating and deciphering these rolls is difficult, and work continues to this day. The works of Philodemus so far discovered include writings onethics,theology,rhetoric,music,poetry,and the history of variousphilosophical schools.Ethel Ross Barker suggested in 1908 that he was owner of the Villa of the Papyri Library.[2]



Philodemus was bornc. 110 BC,inGadara,Coele-Syria(in present-dayJordan).[3]He studied under the Epicurean Phoenician philosopher,Zeno of Sidon,the head (scholarch) of theEpicureanschool, in Athens, before settling inRomeabout 80 BC. He was a follower of Zeno, but an innovative thinker in the area ofaesthetics,in which conservative Epicureans had little to contribute. He was a friend ofLucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus,and was implicated in Piso's profligacy byCicero,[4]who, however, praises Philodemus warmly for his philosophic views and for theelegans lasciviaof his poems.[5]Philodemus was an influence on Horace'sArs Poetica.TheGreek anthologycontains thirty-four of hisepigrams,most of them love poems.

The Villa of the Papyri


There was an extensive library at theVilla of the PapyriatHerculaneum,a significant part of which was formed by a library of Epicurean texts, some of which were present in more than one copy, suggesting the possibility that this section of the library was Philodemus' own. The contents of the villa were buried in theeruptionofVesuvius,79 CE, and the papyri were carbonized and flattened but preserved.

During the 18th-century exploration of the Villa by tunnelling, from 1752 to 1754 there were recovered carbonizedpapyrusrolls containing thirty-six treatises attributed to Philodemus. These works deal with music, rhetoric, ethics, signs, virtues and vices, the good king, and defend the Epicurean standpoint against theStoicsand thePeripatetics.The first fragments of Philodemus from Herculaneum were published in 1824. In 2019, a scroll on the history ofPlato'sAcademy,which had been unrolled and glued to cardboard in 1795, was analyzed using shortwave-infraredhyperspectral imaging.This not only revealed what was written on the back of the scroll, but also illuminated 150 new words on the front.[6]

"The difficulties involved in unrolling, reading, and interpreting these texts were formidable. Naples was not a particularly hospitable destination for classical scholars. Finally, the philosophies of the Hellenistic schools were neither well-known nor highly regarded until quite recently. These factors combined to cripple scholarly interest in and use of the Herculaneum papyri. Recently, however, in part due to the efforts of the International Center for the Study of the Herculaneum Papyri, these rolls have been the object of renewed scholarly work and have yielded many findings indispensable for the study of Hellenistic philosophy."[7]Today researchers work from digitally enhanced photographs, infra-red and multiple-imaging photography, and 18th-century transcriptions of the documents, which were being destroyed as they were being unrolled and transcribed. The actual papyri are in the National Library, Naples.

Named for the philosopher-poet, thePhilodemus Projectis an international effort, supported by a major grant from theNational Endowment for the Humanitiesand by contributions of individuals and participating universities, to reconstruct new texts of Philodemus' works on Poetics, Rhetoric, and Music. These texts will be edited and translated and published in a series of volumes by Oxford University Press.

Philodemus: On Poems. I,edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary byRichard Janko,appeared in 2001 and won the Charles J. Goodwin Award of Merit. "Philodemus’On Poems,in particular, opens a window onto a lost age of scholarship—the period betweenAristotle's PoeticsandHorace's Art of Poetry,the works which define classicism for the ancient and modern worlds ", Janko has written.[8]

The Project's next volumes are scheduled to be:

  • On PoemsV, edited and translated by David Armstrong, James Porter, Jeffrey Fish, and Cecilia Mangoni
  • On RhetoricI-II, edited and translated by David Blank
  • On RhetoricIII, edited and translated byDirk Obbinkand Juergen Hammerstaedt.

Inductive reasoning


InOn Methods of Inference,Philodemus comments on theproblem of induction,doubting the reliability ofinductive reasoningfrom the observed to the unobserved. One problem is the existence of unique events that could never be guessed from what happens elsewhere. "There are also in our experience some infrequent occurrences, as for example the man in Alexandria half a cubit high, with a colossal head that could be beaten with a hammer, who used to be exhibited by the embalmers; the person in Epidaurus who was married as a young woman and then become a man."[9]Induction is also unreliable if it extrapolates far beyond our experience: "We shall not, therefore, use the [inference] that since the men among us are mortal the men in Libya would also be mortal, much less the inference that since the living beings among us are mortal, if there are any living beings in Britain, they would be mortal."[10] The fourth book of Philodemus' On Death (PHerc. 1050) is an important text that sheds light on various aspects of the well-known Epicurean claim that "death is nothing to us".[11]

List of Philodemus' works


This is a list of the major works of Philodemus found so far at Herculaneum.

Historical works

  • Index Stoicorum(PHerc. 1018)
  • Index Academicorum(PHerc. 164,1021)
  • On the Stoics(PHerc.155,339)
  • On Epicurus(PHerc.1232,1289)
  • Works on the Records of Epicurus and some others(PHerc.1418,310)
  • To Friends of the School(PHerc.1005)

Scientific works

  • On Phenomena and Inferences(PHerc.1065)

Theological writings



  • On Vices and Virtues, book 7 (On Flattery)(PHerc. 222, 223, 1082, 1089, 1457,1675)
  • On Vices and Virtues, book 9 (On Household Management)(PHerc.1424)
  • On Vices and Virtues, book 10 (On Arrogance)(PHerc.1008)
  • Comparetti Ethics(named after its first editor; PHerc. 1251)
  • On Death(PHerc.1050)
  • On Frank Criticism(PHerc. 1471)
  • On Anger(PHerc.182)

On rhetoric, music, and poetry

  • On Rhetoric(on many papyri)
  • On Music(PHerc.1497)
  • On Poems(on many papyri)
  • On the Good King according to Homer(PHerc. 1507)

Unpublished fragments



  • Fleischer, Kilian Josef (2023).Philodem, Geschichte der Akademie: Einführung, Ausgabe, Kommentar.Leiden; Boston: Brill.ISBN9789004546530.

English translations

  • Philodemus:On Anger.(2020), David Armstrong & Michael McOsker. SBL.ISBN1628372699
  • Philodemus:On Death.(2009), W. Benjamin Henry. SBL.ISBN1-58983-446-1
  • Philodemus:On Frank Criticism.(1998),David Konstan,Diskin Clay, Clarence, E. Glad. SBL.ISBN1-58983-292-2
  • Philodemus:On Methods of Inference.2nd edition. (1978). Phillip Howard De Lacy, Estelle Allen De Lacy. Bibliopolis.
  • Philodemus,On Piety,Part 1. (1996). Critical Text with Commentary byDirk Obbink.Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-815008-3
  • Philodemus,On Poems, Book 1.(2001). Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary byRichard Janko.Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-815041-5
  • Philodemus,On Poems, Book 2, with the fragments of Heracleodorus and Pausimachus.(2020). Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Richard Janko. Oxford University Press.ISBN9780198835080
  • Philodemus,On Poems, Books 3-4, with the Fragments ofAristotle,On Poets.(2010). Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Richard Janko. Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-957207-0
  • Philodemus,On Property Management.(2013), Voula Tsouna. SBL.ISBN1-58983-667-7
  • Philodemus,On RhetoricBooks 1 and 2: Translation and Exegetical Essays. (2005). Clive Chandler (editor). Routledge.ISBN0-415-97611-1
  • David Sider, (1997),The Epigrams of Philodemos. Introduction, Text, and Commentary.Oxford University Press.ISBN0-19-509982-6


  1. ^Fitzgerald, John (1996-02-01).Friendship, Flattery, and Frankness of Speech: Studies on Friendship in the New Testament World.BRILL.ISBN978-90-04-26728-2.
  2. ^Ethel Ross Barker (1908)."Buried Herculaneum".
  3. ^Blank, David,"Philodemus",The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), accessed 3 June 2020.
  4. ^Cicero,In Pisonem,68–72
  5. ^cf.Horace,Satires,i. 2. 120
  6. ^Kennedy, Merrit (October 4, 2019)."Ancient Greek Scroll's Hidden Contents Revealed Through Infrared Imaging".NPR.org.RetrievedOctober 5,2019.
  7. ^The Philodemus ProjectArchived2010-08-13 at theWayback Machine
  8. ^Janko, Richard."Richard Janko on Philodemus".OUP. Archived fromthe originalon 2007-04-18.Retrieved28 July2011.
  9. ^Philodemus,On Methods of Inference,ed. P. De Lacy and E. De Lacy (Naples, 1978), pp. 92-3.
  10. ^Philodemus,On Methods of Inference,pp. 96-99; J. Franklin,The Science of Conjecture: Evidence and Probability Before Pascal(Baltimore, 2001), pp. 201-2.
  11. ^Daniel Delattre, Philodème de Gadara. Sur la Mort: book IV. Paris: Les Belles Lettres2022. Pp. clxiii, 192.

Further reading

  • Armstrong, David, Jeffrey Fish, Patricia A. Johnson, and Marylin B. Skinner, eds. 2004.Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans.Austin: Univ. of Texas Press.
  • Fitzgerald, John T., Dirk Obbink, and Glenn S. Holland, eds. 2004.Philodemus and the New Testament World.Leiden, The Netherlands, and Boston: Brill.
  • Gigante, Marcello. 2002.Philodemus in Italy: The Books from Herculaneum.Translated by D. Obbink. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press.
  • Glad, Clarence E. 2010.Paul and Philodemus. Adaptability in Epicurean and Early Christian Psychagogy.Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.
  • Hajdú, Péter. 2014. "The Mad Poet in Horace’s Ars Poetica."Canadian Review of Comparative Literature = Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée.41.1: 28-42.
  • Halliwell, Stephen. 2011.Between Ecstasy and Truth. Interpretations of Greek Poetics from Homer to Longinus.Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kemp, Jerome. 2010. "Flattery and Frankness in Horace and Philodemus." Greece & Rome 57.1: 65-76.
  • Nijs, Wim (2024).The Epicurean sage in the Ethics of Philodemus.Leiden; Boston: Brill.ISBN9789004684805.
  • Obbink, Dirk, ed. 1995.Philodemus and Poetry.New York and Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Pearcy, Lee T. 2012. "Does Dying Hurt?: Philodemus of Gadara, De Morte and Asclepiades of Bithynia."Classical Quarterly62.1: 211-222.
  • Sider, David. 1997.The Epigrams of Philodemos.New York and Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Sider, David. 2005.The Library of the Villa dei Papyri at Herculaneum.Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum.
  • Tsakiropoulou-Summers, Anastasia. 1998. "Horace, Philodemus and the Epicureans at Herculaneum."Mnemosyne51.1: 20-29.
  • Tsouna, Voula. 2011. "Philodemus, Seneca, and Plutarch on Anger." InEpicurus and the Epicurean Tradition.Edited by Jeffery Fish, 183-210. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tsouna, Voula. 2007.The Ethics of Philodemus.Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.