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Low altitude aerial photograph for use in photogrammetry. Location:Three Arch Bay,Laguna Beach, CA.

Photogrammetryis the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant imagery and other phenomena.[1]

Photogrammetry of the headquarters of Fazenda do Pinhal, São Carlos-SP, Brazil

While the invention of the method is attributed toAimé Laussedat,[2]the term "photogrammetry" was coined by the Prussian architect Albrecht Meydenbauer,[3]which appeared in his 1867 article "Die Photometrographie."[4]

Photogrammetry of the headquarters of Fazenda do Pinhal, São Carlos-SP, Brazil

There are many variants of photogrammetry. One example is the extraction of three-dimensional measurements from two-dimensional data (i.e. images); for example, the distance between two points that lie on a plane parallel to the photographicimage planecan be determined by measuring their distance on the image, if thescaleof the image is known. Another is the extraction of accuratecolorranges and values representing such quantities asalbedo,specular reflection,metallicity,orambient occlusionfrom photographs of materials for the purposes ofphysically based rendering.

Close-range photogrammetry refers to the collection of photography from a lesser distance than traditional aerial (or orbital) photogrammetry. Photogrammetric analysis may be applied to one photograph, or may usehigh-speed photographyandremote sensingto detect, measure and record complex 2D and 3Dmotion fieldsby feeding measurements andimagery analysisintocomputational modelsin an attempt to successively estimate, with increasing accuracy, the actual, 3D relative motions.

From its beginning with thestereoplottersused to plotcontour linesontopographic maps,it now has a very wide range of uses such assonar,radar,andlidar.


A data model of photogrammetry[5]
Tuure Leppänen,Reconstruction I:2D image from a 3D model built with photogrammetry methods from hundreds of ground-level photos of ajapanese garden

Photogrammetry uses methods from many disciplines, includingopticsandprojective geometry.Digital image capturing and photogrammetric processing includes several well defined stages, which allow the generation of 2D or 3D digital models of the object as an end product.[6]The data model on the right shows what type of information can go into and come out of photogrammetric methods.

The3D coordinatesdefine the locations of object points in the3D space.Theimage coordinatesdefine the locations of the object points' images on the film or an electronic imaging device. Theexterior orientation[7]of a camera defines its location in space and its view direction. Theinner orientationdefines the geometric parameters of the imaging process. This is primarily the focal length of the lens, but can also include the description of lens distortions. Furtheradditional observationsplay an important role: Withscale bars,basically a known distance of two points in space, or knownfix points,the connection to the basic measuring units is created.

Each of the four main variables can be aninputor anoutputof a photogrammetric method.

Algorithms for photogrammetry typically attempt to minimize the sum of thesquares of errorsover the coordinates and relative displacements of the reference points. This minimization is known asbundle adjustmentand is often performed using theLevenberg–Marquardt algorithm.



A special case, calledstereophotogrammetry,involves estimating the three-dimensionalcoordinatesof points on an object employing measurements made in two or more photographic images taken from different positions (seestereoscopy). Common points are identified on each image. A line of sight (or ray) can be constructed from the camera location to the point on the object. It is the intersection of these rays (triangulation) that determines the three-dimensional location of the point. More sophisticatedalgorithmscan exploit other information about the scene that is knowna priori,for examplesymmetries,in some cases allowing reconstructions of 3D coordinates from only one camera position. Stereophotogrammetry is emerging as a robust non-contacting measurement technique to determine dynamic characteristics and mode shapes of non-rotating[8][9]and rotating structures.[10][11]The collection of images for the purpose of creating photogrammetric models can be called more properly, polyoscopy, after Pierre Seguin[12]



Photogrammetric data can be complemented with range data from other techniques. Photogrammetry is more accurate in the x and y direction while range data are generally more accurate in the z direction[citation needed].This range data can be supplied by techniques likeLiDAR,laser scanners (using time of flight, triangulation or interferometry), white-light digitizers and any other technique that scans an area and returns x, y, z coordinates for multiple discrete points (commonly called "point clouds"). Photos can clearly define the edges of buildings when the point cloud footprint can not. It is beneficial to incorporate the advantages of both systems and integrate them to create a better product.

A 3D visualization can be created by georeferencing the aerial photos[13][14]and LiDAR data in the same reference frame,orthorectifyingthe aerial photos, and then draping the orthorectified images on top of the LiDAR grid. It is also possible to create digital terrain models and thus 3D visualisations using pairs (or multiples) of aerial photographs or satellite (e.g.SPOT satelliteimagery). Techniques such as adaptive least squares stereo matching are then used to produce a dense array of correspondences which are transformed through a camera model to produce a dense array of x, y, z data which can be used to producedigital terrain modelandorthoimageproducts. Systems which use these techniques, e.g. the ITG system, were developed in the 1980s and 1990s but have since been supplanted by LiDAR and radar-based approaches, although these techniques may still be useful in deriving elevation models from old aerial photographs or satellite images.


Video of a 3D model ofHoratio Nelsonbust inMonmouth Museum,produced using photogrammetry
Gibraltar 1Neanderthalskull 3D wireframe model, created with 123d Catch

Photogrammetry is used in fields such astopographic mapping,architecture,filmmaking,engineering,manufacturing,quality control,policeinvestigation,cultural heritage,andgeology.Archaeologistsuse it to quickly produce plans of large or complex sites, andmeteorologistsuse it to determine the wind speed oftornadoeswhen objective weather data cannot be obtained.

Photograph of person using controller to explore a 3D photogrammetry experience, Future Cities by DERIVE, recreating Tokyo

It is also used to combinelive actionwithcomputer-generated imageryin moviespost-production;The Matrixis a good example of the use of photogrammetry in film (details are given in the DVD extras). Photogrammetry was used extensively to create photorealistic environmental assets for video games includingThe Vanishing of Ethan Carteras well asEA DICE'sStar Wars Battlefront.[15]The main character of the gameHellblade: Senua's Sacrificewas derived from photogrammetric motion-capture models taken of actress Melina Juergens.[16]

Photogrammetry is also commonly employed in collision engineering, especially with automobiles. When litigation for a collision occurs and engineers need to determine the exact deformation present in the vehicle, it is common for several years to have passed and the only evidence that remains is crash scene photographs taken by the police. Photogrammetry is used to determine how much the car in question was deformed, which relates to the amount of energy required to produce that deformation. The energy can then be used to determine important information about the crash (such as the velocity at time of impact).



Photomapping is the process of making a map with "cartographic enhancements"[17]that have been drawn from aphotomosaic[18]that is "a composite photographic image of the ground," or more precisely, as a controlled photomosaic where "individual photographs are rectified for tilt and brought to a common scale (at least at certain control points)."

Rectification of imagery is generally achieved by "fitting the projected images of each photograph to a set of four control points whose positions have been derived from an existing map or from ground measurements. When these rectified, scaled photographs are positioned on a grid of control points, a good correspondence can be achieved between them through skillful trimming and fitting and the use of the areas around the principal point where the relief displacements (which cannot be removed) are at a minimum."[17]

"It is quite reasonable to conclude that some form of photomap will become the standard general map of the future."[19]They go on to suggest[who?]that, "photomapping would appear to be the only way to take reasonable advantage" of future data sources like high altitude aircraft and satellite imagery.


Using a pentop computer to photomap an archaeological excavation in the field

Demonstrating the link betweenorthophotomappingandarchaeology,[20]historicairphotosphotos were used to aid in developing a reconstruction of the Ventura mission that guided excavations of the structure's walls.

Pteryx UAV,a civilian UAV for aerial photography and photomapping with roll-stabilised camera head

Overhead photography has been widely applied for mapping surface remains and excavation exposures at archaeological sites. Suggested platforms for capturing these photographs has included: War Balloons from World War I;[21]rubber meteorological balloons;[22]kites;[22][23]wooden platforms, metal frameworks, constructed over an excavation exposure;[22]ladders both alone and held together with poles or planks; three legged ladders; single and multi-section poles;[24][25]bipods;[26][27][28][29]tripods;[30]tetrapods,[31][32]and aerial bucket trucks ( "cherry pickers" ).[33]

Handheld, near-nadir, overhead digital photographs have been used with geographic information systems (GIS) to record excavation exposures.[34][35][36][37][38]

Photogrammetry is increasingly being used inmaritime archaeologybecause of the relative ease of mapping sites compared to traditional methods, allowing the creation of 3D maps which can be rendered invirtual reality.[39]

3D modeling


A somewhat similar application is the scanning of objects to automatically make 3D models of them. Since photogrammetry relies on images, there are physical limitations when those images are of an object that has dark, shiny or clear surfaces. In those cases, the produced model often still contains gaps, so additional cleanup with software likeMeshLab,netfabb or MeshMixer is often still necessary.[40]Alternatively, spray painting such objects with matte finish can remove any transparent or shiny qualities.

Google Earthuses photogrammetry to create 3D imagery.[41]

There is also a project calledRekreithat uses photogrammetry to make 3D models of lost/stolen/broken artifacts that are then posted online.

Rock mechanics


High-resolution 3D point clouds derived from UAV or ground-based photogrammetry can be used to automatically or semi-automatically extract rock mass properties such as discontinuity orientations, persistence, and spacing.[42][43]



There exist manysoftware packagesfor photogrammetry; seecomparison of photogrammetry software.

Appleintroduced a photogrammetryAPIcalled Object Capture formacOS Montereyat the 2021Apple Worldwide Developers Conference.[44]In order to use the API, aMacBookrunning macOS Monterey and a set of captured digital images are required.[45]

See also



  1. ^ASPRS onlineArchivedMay 20, 2015, at theWayback Machine
  2. ^"Photogrammetry history and modern uses".8 June 2022.
  3. ^"Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2017-08-30.
  4. ^Albrecht Meydenbauer:Die Photometrographie.In:Wochenblatt des Architektenvereins zu BerlinJg. 1, 1867, Nr. 14, S. 125–126 (Digitalisat); Nr. 15, S. 139–140 (Digitalisat); Nr. 16, S. 149–150 (Digitalisat).
  5. ^Wiora, Georg (2001).Optische 3D-Messtechnik: Präzise Gestaltvermessung mit einem erweiterten Streifenprojektionsverfahren(Doctoral dissertation). (Optical 3D-Metrology: Precise Shape Measurement with an extended Fringe Projection Method) (in German). Heidelberg: Ruprechts-Karls-Universität. p. 36.Retrieved20 October2017.
  6. ^Sužiedelytė-Visockienė J, Bagdžiūnaitė R, Malys N, Maliene V (2015)."Close-range photogrammetry enables documentation of environment-induced deformation of architectural heritage".Environmental Engineering and Management Journal.14(6): 1371–1381.doi:10.30638/eemj.2015.149.
  7. ^Ina Jarve; Natalja Liba (2010)."The Effect of Various Principles of External Orientation on the Overall Triangulation Accuracy"(PDF).Technologijos Mokslai(86). Estonia: 59–64. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2016-04-22.Retrieved2016-04-08.
  8. ^Sužiedelytė-Visockienė, Jūratė (1 March 2013)."Accuracy analysis of measuring close-range image points using manual and stereo modes".Geodesy and Cartography.39(1): 18–22.Bibcode:2013GeCar..39...18S.doi:10.3846/20296991.2013.786881.
  9. ^Baqersad, Javad; Carr, Jennifer; et al. (April 26, 2012).Dynamic characteristics of a wind turbine blade using 3D digital image correlation.Proceedings of SPIE.Vol. 8348.
  10. ^Lundstrom, Troy; Baqersad, Javad; Niezrecki, Christopher; Avitabile, Peter (1 January 2012). "Using High-Speed Stereophotogrammetry Techniques to Extract Shape Information from Wind Turbine/Rotor Operating Data".Topics in Modal Analysis II, Volume 6.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, New York, NY. pp.269–275.doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-2419-2_26.ISBN978-1-4614-2418-5.
  11. ^Lundstrom, Troy; Baqersad, Javad; Niezrecki, Christopher (1 January 2013). "Using High-Speed Stereophotogrammetry to Collect Operating Data on a Robinson R44 Helicopter".Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6.Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, New York, NY. pp.401–410.doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6546-1_44.ISBN978-1-4614-6545-4.
  12. ^Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugene (1885) _[Magie et Physique Amusante](https://archive.org/details/magieetphysique00hougoog/page/n167/mode/2up"iarchive:magieetphysique00hougoog/page/n167/mode/2up" )._ Paris: Calmann Levy p. 112
  13. ^A. Sechin. Digital Photogrammetric Systems: Trends and Developments. GeoInformatics. #4, 2014, pp. 32-34Archived2016-04-21 at theWayback Machine.
  14. ^Ahmadi, FF; Ebadi, H (2009)."An integrated photogrammetric and spatial database management system for producing fully structured data using aerial and remote sensing images".Sensors.9(4): 2320–33.Bibcode:2009Senso...9.2320A.doi:10.3390/s90402320.PMC3348797.PMID22574014.
  15. ^"How we used Photogrammetry to Capture Every Last Detail for Star Wars Battlefront™".19 May 2015.
  16. ^"The real-time motion capture behind 'Hellblade'".engadget.8 August 2017.
  17. ^abPetrie (1977: 50)
  18. ^Petrie (1977: 49)
  19. ^Robinson et al. (1977:10)
  20. ^Estes et al. (1977)
  21. ^Capper (1907)
  22. ^abcGuy (1932)
  23. ^Bascom (1941)
  24. ^Schwartz (1964)
  25. ^Wiltshire (1967)
  26. ^Kriegler (1928)
  27. ^Hampl (1957)
  28. ^Whittlesey (1966)
  29. ^Fant and Loy (1972)
  30. ^Straffin (1971)
  31. ^Simpson and Cooke (1967)
  32. ^Hume (1969)
  33. ^Sterud, Eugene L.; Pratt, Peter P. (1975)."Archaeological Intra-Site Recording with Photography".Journal of Field Archaeology.2(1/2): 151.doi:10.2307/529625.ISSN0093-4690.JSTOR529625.
  34. ^Craig (2000)
  35. ^Craig (2002)
  36. ^Craig and Aldenderfer (2003)
  37. ^Craig (2005)
  38. ^Craig et al. (2006)
  39. ^"Photogrammetry | Maritime Archaeology".2019-01-19. Archived fromthe originalon 2019-01-19.Retrieved2019-01-19.
  40. ^MAKE:3D printing by Anna Kaziunas France
  41. ^Gopal Shah,Google Earth's Incredible 3D Imagery, Explained,2017-04-18
  42. ^Tomás, R.; Riquelme, A.; Cano, M.; Pastor, J. L.; Pagán, J. I.; Asensio, J. L.; Ruffo, M. (2020-06-23)."Evaluación de la estabilidad de taludes rocosos a partir de nubes de puntos 3D obtenidas con un vehículo aéreo no tripulado".Revista de Teledetección(55): 1.doi:10.4995/raet.2020.13168.hdl:10045/107612.ISSN1988-8740.
  43. ^Riquelme, Adrián; Tomás, Roberto; Cano, Miguel; Pastor, José Luis; Abellán, Antonio (2018-10-01)."Automatic Mapping of Discontinuity Persistence on Rock Masses Using 3D Point Clouds".Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.51(10): 3005–3028.doi:10.1007/s00603-018-1519-9.ISSN1434-453X.
  44. ^"Apple's RealityKit 2 allows developers to create 3D models for AR using iPhone photos".TechCrunch.8 June 2021.Retrieved2022-03-09.
  45. ^Espósito, Filipe (2021-06-09)."Hands-on: macOS 12 brings new 'Object Capture' API for creating 3D models using iPhone camera".9to5Mac.Retrieved2022-09-26.

