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Plato's Dream

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"Plato's Dream"(original French title" Songe de Platon ") is a 1756short storywritten in the 18th century by the FrenchphilosopherandsatiristVoltaire.Along with his 1752 novellaMicromégas,"Plato's Dream" is among the first modern works in thegenreofscience fiction.

"Plato's Dream" is a pointed philosophical criticism of religious doctrine, told as adreamcontained within the framework of a famous (and religiously-tolerated) personality ofantiquity.His story recounts a dream attributed to Greek philosopherPlato,in whichDemiurgos,agod-like entity referred to as the "eternal geometer", charges a number of "lesser superbeings" with the task of creating their own worlds.Demogorgon,the being which ultimately creates the planet we know asEarth,is at first quite pleased with his creation, only to find his eminently imperfect handiwork the subject of ridicule by the other beings. Up to a point, it is based on the platonic dialogues 'Timaeus' and 'Critias'.

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