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Pleurotus ostreatus
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Pleurotaceae
Genus: Pleurotus
(Fr.)P. Kumm.1871
Type species
Pleurotus ostreatus
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Ecology issaprotrophic
Edibility ischoice

Pleurotusis agenusofgilledmushrooms which includes one of the most widely eaten mushrooms,P. ostreatus.Species ofPleurotusmay be calledoyster,abalone,ortree mushrooms,and are some of the most commonlycultivatededible mushroomsin the world.[1]Pleurotusfungi have also been used inmycoremediationof pollutants, such aspetroleumandpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.[2][3]



The caps may be laterally attached (with nostipe). If there is a stipe, it is normally eccentric and the gills aredecurrentalong it. The termpleurotoidis used for any mushroom with this general shape.[4]

The spores are smooth and elongated (described as "cylindrical" ). Wherehyphaemeet, they are joined byclamp connections.Pleurotusis not considered to be abracket fungus,and most of the species aremonomitic(with a soft consistency). However, remarkably,P. dryinuscan sometimes bedimitic,meaning that it has additional skeletal hyphae, which give it a tougher consistency like bracket fungi.[5]

In the AmericanPacific Northwest,oysters can be found from March to May.[6]


P. pulmonarius,Sweden

The classification of species within the genusPleurotusis difficult due to highphenotypicvariability across wide geographic ranges, geographic overlap of species, and ongoing evolution andspeciation.Earlytaxonomicefforts placed the oyster mushrooms within a very broadAgaricusasAgaricus ostreatus(Jacq.1774).Paul Kummerdefined the genusPleurotusin 1871; since then, the genus has been narrowed with some species reclassified to other genera, such asFavolaschia,Hohenbuehelia,Lentinus,Marasmiellus,Omphalotus,Panellus,Pleurocybella,andResupinatus.See Singer (1986)[7]for an example ofPleurotustaxonomybased onmorphologicalcharacteristics.



More recently, molecularphylogeneticshas been utilized to determinegeneticandevolutionaryrelationships between groups within the genus, delineating discreteclades.[8][9][10]Pleurotus,along with the closely related genusHohenbuehelia,has been shown to bemonophyletic.[11]Tests of cross-breeding viability between groups have been used to further define which groups are deserving ofspeciesrank, as opposed tosubspecies,variety,orsynonymy.If two groups of morphologically distinctPleurotusfungi are able tocross-breedand produce fertile offspring, they meet one definition ofspecies.These reproductively discrete groups, referred to as intersterility groups, have begun to be defined inPleurotus.[9][12]Many binomial names used in literature are now being grouped together asspecies complexesusing this technique, and may change.

Phylogenetic species


The following species list is organized according to 1. phylogenetic clade,[8][10]2. intersterility group (group number inRoman numerals) or sub-clade,[9][12]and then 3. any older binomial names that have been found to be closely related, reproductively compatible, or synonymous, although they may no longer be taxonomically valid. This list is likely to be incomplete.

P. populinus,Pennsylvania,USA
Pleurotus mushrooms production at the Agricultural Science and Technology School,Science City of Muñoz,Philippines

Former species




The genus namePleurotusliterally meansside earin reference to the mushroom caps being laterally attached to the substrate. It is a composite of the Ancient Greek wordsπλευρά:pleurá -side,and the stem-otoreferring to ears (fromοὖς,ὠτός:ear).



Pleurotusfungi are found in bothtropicalandtemperate climatesthroughout the world.[1]Most species ofPleurotusarewhite-rot fungionhardwoodtrees, although some also decayconifer wood.[3]Pleurotus eryngiiis unusual in being a weak parasite ofherbaceous plants,andP. tuber-regiumproduces undergroundsclerotia.[17]

In addition to beingsaprotrophic,all species ofPleurotusare alsonematophagous,catchingnematodesby paralyzing them with a toxin.[20][11]In the case of the carnivorous mushroomPleurotus ostreatus,it was shown that small, fragile lollipop-shaped structures (toxocysts) on fungal hyphae contain a volatile ketone, 3-octanone, which disrupts the cell membrane integrity of nematodes, leading to rapid cell and organismal death, hypothetically either to defend themselves and/or to acquire nutrients.[21]





Oyster mushrooms are popular for cooking, torn up or sliced, especially instir fryorsauté,because they are consistently thin, and so will cook more evenly than uncut mushrooms of other types.[22]They are often used invegetarian cuisine.[23]



The 2007Cosco Busan oil spillwas remediated partly by using 1000 mats of human hair collected from Bay Area salons woven into mats, then used to grow oyster mushrooms, helping to absorb the oil.[24]

After the 2017Tubbs Firein California, oyster mushrooms were grown to help remediate toxic ash run-off.[25]

See also



  1. ^abChang, Shu-ting; Miles, Philip G. (2004). "Pleurotus– A Mushroom of Broad Adaptability ".Mushrooms: cultivation, nutritional value, medicinal effect, and environmental impact(2nd ed.). CRC Press. pp. 315–325.ISBN978-0-8493-1043-0.
  2. ^Paul Stamets(2005).Mycelium Running.Berkeley, California:Ten Speed Press.ISBN978-1-58008-579-3.OCLC262557556.
  3. ^abCohen, R.; Persky, L.; Hadar, Y. (2002). "Biotechnological applications and potential of wood-degrading mushrooms of the genusPleurotus".Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.58(5): 582–94.doi:10.1007/s00253-002-0930-y.PMID11956739.S2CID45444911.
  4. ^Marcel Bon (1987).The Mushrooms and Toadstools of Britain and North-Western Europe.Hodder & Stoughton.ISBN0-340-39935-X.
  5. ^Knudsen, Henning; Jan Vesterhout (2008).Funga Nordica.Copenhagen: Nordsvamp. p. 321.
  6. ^"Seasonal Chart for Edible Mushrooms".Central Oregon Mushroom Club.Retrieved2024-03-31.
  7. ^Singer R.(1986).The Agaricales in Modern Taxonomy(4th ed.). Koenigstein Königstein im Taunus, Germany: Koeltz Scientific Books.ISBN3-87429-254-1.
  8. ^abcdeGonzalez, Patrice; Labarère, Jacques (2000)."Phylogenetic relationships ofPleurotusspecies according to the sequence and secondary structure of the mitochondrial small-subunit rRNA V4, V6 and V9 domains ".Microbiology.146(1): 209–221.doi:10.1099/00221287-146-1-209.PMID10658667.
  9. ^abcdefgVilgalys, Rytas; Sun, Bao Lin (May 1994)."Ancient and recent patterns of geographic speciation in the oyster mushroomPleurotusrevealed by phylogenetic analysis of ribosomal DNA sequences ".PNAS.91(10): 4599–4603.Bibcode:1994PNAS...91.4599V.doi:10.1073/pnas.91.10.4599.PMC43833.PMID8183955.
  10. ^abcdefghVilgalys, R.; Moncalvo, J.M.; Liou, S.R.; Volovsek, M. (1996)."Recent advances in molecular systematics of the genusPleurotus"(PDF).In Royse, D.J. (ed.).Mushroom biology and mushroom products: proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, June 9–12, 1996.University Park, PA (USA): Pennsylvania State University: World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. pp. 91–101. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2011-09-02.Retrieved2011-03-10.
  11. ^abThorn, R. Greg; Moncalvo, Jean-Marc; Reddy, C. A.; Vilgalys, Rytas (Mar–Apr 2000). "Phylogenetic Analyses and the Distribution of Nematophagy Support a Monophyletic Pleurotaceae within the Polyphyletic Pleurotoid-Lentinoid Fungi".Mycologia.92(2): 241–252.doi:10.2307/3761557.JSTOR3761557.
  12. ^abcdefPeterson, Ronald H.; Hughes, Karen W. & Psurtseva, Nadezhda."Biological Species inPleurotus".The University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Archived fromthe originalon 2011-03-02.Retrieved2011-03-11.
  13. ^abcdefSegedin, BP; Buchanan, PK; Wilkie, JP (1995). "Studies in the agaricales of New Zealand: New species, new records and renamed species ofPleurotus(Pleurotaceae) ".Australian Systematic Botany.8(3): 453–482.doi:10.1071/SB9950453.
  14. ^Alma E. Rodriguez Estrada, Maria del Mar Jimenez-Gasco and Daniel J. Royse (May–June 2010). "Pleurotus eryngiispecies complex: Sequence analysis and phylogeny based on partial EF1α and RPB2 genes ".Fungal Biology.114(5–6): 421–428.doi:10.1016/j.funbio.2010.03.003.PMID20943152.
  15. ^Zervakis, Georgios I.; Moncalvo, Jean-Marc; Vilgalys, Rytas (2004)."Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and speciation of the mushroom speciesPleurotus cystidiosusand allied taxa ".Microbiology.150(3): 715–726.doi:10.1099/mic.0.26673-0.PMID14993321.
  16. ^ForP. levis,see"Species Fungorum-Pleurotus levispage ".Species Fungorum.Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.Retrieved2017-02-03.
  17. ^abHibbett, D. S.; Thorn, R. G. (Sep–Oct 1994). "Nematode-Trapping inPleurotus tuberregium".Mycologia.86(5): 696–699.doi:10.2307/3760542.JSTOR3760542.
  18. ^Capelari, Marina; Desjardin, Dennis E.; Perry, Brian A.; Asai, Tatiane; Stevani, Cassius V. (2011)."Neonothopanus gardneri:a new combination for a bioluminescent agaric from Brazil ".Mycologia.103(6): 1433–40.doi:10.3852/11-097.PMID21700638.S2CID1333393.
  19. ^Miller, O.K.(1994). "Observations on the genusOmphalotusin Australia ".Mycologia Helvetica.2:91–100.
  20. ^Barron, GL; Thorn, RG (1987). "Destruction of nematodes by species ofPleurotus".Canadian Journal of Botany.65(4): 774–778.doi:10.1139/b87-103.
  21. ^Lee, Ching-Han(2023)."A carnivorous mushroom paralyzes and kills nematodes via a volatile ketone".Science Advances.9(3): eade4809.Bibcode:2023SciA....9E4809L.doi:10.1126/sciadv.ade4809.PMC9848476.PMID36652525.
  22. ^Freedman, Louise (1987)."Oyster Mushroom".Wild About Mushrooms: The Cookbook of the Mycological Society of San Francisco.Addison-Wesley.ISBN9780943186306.Retrieved29 February2020.
  23. ^"Deep Fried Oyster Mushroom".Kitchen Chaos.October 31, 2012.RetrievedJuly 14,2016.
  24. ^May M (14 November 2007)."Hair and mushrooms create a recipe for cleaning up oily beaches".SFGate.Retrieved8 March2024.
  25. ^Burlison D (30 April 2018)."Bioremediation Efforts Mushroom in the Aftermath of California's North Bay Fires".Earth Island Journal.Retrieved8 March2024.