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Symbolic representation of theHoly Spiritas a dove, from medievalMonastery of Žiča

Pneumatologyrefers to a particular discipline withinChristian theologythat focuses on the study of theHoly Spirit.The term is derived from theGreekwordPneuma(πνεῦμα), which designates "breath"or"spirit"and metaphorically describes a non-material being or influence. The English termpneumatologycomes from two Greek words: πνεῦμα (pneuma,spirit) and λόγος (logos,teaching about). Pneumatology includes study of the person of the Holy Spirit, and the works of the Holy Spirit.[1]This latter category also includes Christian teachings onnew birth,spiritual gifts(charismata),Spirit-baptism,sanctification,theinspirationofprophets,and the indwelling of the Holy Trinity (which in itself covers many different aspects). DifferentChristian denominationshave different theological approaches on various pneumatological questions.


History of Christian theology is traditionally divided into four main stages, representing also the main periods in historical development of Christian pneumatology:

  1. Patristicperiod. Theearly Churchengaged in a debate over thedivinity of Jesus,withAriusasserting that the Son is a "creature" or "angel" andAthanasiuscountering that the Son possesses divine attributes (such as immutability, transcendence, ability to sanctify, and involvement in creation). Although the debate was not pneumatological in nature, it led to a very similar debate between thePneumatomachiansand theCappadocian Fathers.
  2. Medievalperiod. In this period ensued a debate regarding the relationship between Christ and the Holy Spirit. TheEastern Churchasserted that the Holy Spirit "proceeds" from the Father alone (as stated in theNiceno-Constantinopolitan Creed), whileAugustine of Hippoand the medievalCatholic Churchadded the "filioque"clause to the Creed (the Spirit proceeds from the Father" and the Son ").
  3. ReformationandCounter-reformation.Here the relationship between the Spirit and the Scriptures is re-examined.Martin LutherandJohn Calvinhold that the Spirit has a certain "interpretive authority" to "illuminate" scripture, while Counter-reformation theologians respond that the Spirit has authorized the Church to serve as authoritative interpreter of Scripture.
  4. Contemporary era. The contemporary church understands a distinctive relationship between the Spirit and the Church community. Various contemporary theologians grant the Spirit as authority to govern the church, to liberate oppressed communities, and to create experiences associated with faith. Contemporary pneumatology is often marked by thePentecostalMovement.

See also[edit]



  • Burgess, Stanley M.(1989).The Holy Spirit: Eastern Christian Traditions.Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson Publishers.ISBN9780913573815.
  • Graham A. Cole,He Who Gives Life: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit(Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2007)
  • Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti(2002).Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective.Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.ISBN9780801024481.
  • Kärkkäinen, Veli-Matti,ed. (2010).Holy Spirit and Salvation: The Sources of Christian Theology.Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.ISBN9780664231361.
  • Kasper, Walter (2004)."The renewal of pneumatology in contemporary Catholic life and theology: towards a rapprochement between east and west".That they may all be one: the call to the unity.London [u.a.]: Burns & Oates.ISBN978-0-86012379-8.
  • Linton M. Smith Jr. "Not By Might Nor By Power: The Bible Believer's Guide to the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit" (DayStar Publishing; Miamitown, OH 1995)
  • John McIntyre,The shape of pneumatology: studies in the doctrine of the Holy Spirit(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1997)
  • Meyendorff, John(1983).Byzantine Theology: Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes(Revised 2nd ed.). New York: Fordham University Press.ISBN9780823209675.
  • G. James Olsen, "Why Angels Have Wings: A Pneumatological Assay of Beings from the Spirit Realms" (Chicago, IL: Eschaton, 1997)