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The British Empire Portal

British Empire, 1897
TheBritish Empirecomprised thedominions,colonies,protectorates,mandates,and otherterritoriesruled or administered by theUnited Kingdomand its predecessor states. It began with theoverseas possessionsandtrading postsestablished byEnglandin the late 16th and early 17th centuries. At its height in the 19th and early 20th centuries, it was thelargest empire in historyand, for a century, was the foremost global power. By 1913, the British Empire held sway over 412 million people,23 percent of the world population at the time, and by 1920, it covered 35.5 million km2(13.7 million sq mi),24 per cent of the Earth's total land area. As a result,its constitutional,legal,linguistic,andculturallegacy is widespread. At the peak of its power, it was described as "the empire on which the sun never sets",as the sun was always shining on at least one of its territories.

During theAge of Discoveryin the 15th and 16th centuries,PortugalandSpainpioneered European exploration of the globe, and in the process established large overseas empires. Envious of the great wealth these empires generated, England,France,and theNetherlandsbegan to establish colonies and trade networks of their own in theAmericasandAsia.A series of wars in the 17th and 18th centuries with the Netherlands and France left England (Britain,following the1707 Act of Unionwith Scotland) the dominantcolonial powerinNorth America.Britain became a major power in theIndian subcontinentafter theEast India Company'sconquestofMughal Bengalat theBattle of Plasseyin 1757.

TheAmerican War of Independenceresulted in Britain losing some of its oldest and most populous colonies in North America by 1783. While retaining control ofBritish North America(nowCanada) and territories in and near theCaribbeanin theBritish West Indies,British colonial expansion turned towards Asia,Africa,and thePacific.After the defeat of France in theNapoleonic Wars(1803–1815), Britain emerged as the principalnavaland imperial power of the 19th century and expanded its imperial holdings. It pursued trade concessions in China and Japan, and territory inSoutheast Asia.The "Great Game"and"Scramble for Africa"also ensued. The period of relative peace (1815–1914) during which the British Empire became the globalhegemonwas later described asPax Britannica(Latin for "British Peace" ). Alongside the formal control that Britain exerted over its colonies, its dominance of much of world trade, and of its oceans, meant that it effectivelycontrolled the economies of, and readily enforced its interests in, many regions,such as Asia andLatin America.It also came to dominate theMiddle East.Increasing degrees of autonomy were granted to its whitesettler colonies,some of which were formally reclassified asDominionsby the 1920s. By the start of the 20th century,Germanyand theUnited Stateshad begun to challenge Britain's economic lead. Military, economic and colonial tensions between Britain and Germany were major causes of theFirst World War,during which Britain relied heavily on its empire. The conflict placed enormous strain on its military, financial, and manpower resources. Although the empire achieved its largest territorial extent immediately after the First World War, Britain was no longer the world's preeminent industrial or military power.

In theSecond World War,Britain's colonies inEast AsiaandSoutheast Asiawere occupied by theEmpire of Japan.Despite the final victory of Britain andits allies,the damage to British prestige and the British economy helped accelerate the decline of the empire.India,Britain's most valuable and populous possession, achievedindependencein 1947 as part of a largerdecolonisationmovement, in which Britain granted independence to most territories of the empire. TheSuez Crisisof 1956 confirmed Britain's decline as a global power, and thehandover of Hong Kong to Chinaon 1 July 1997 symbolised for many the end of the British Empire, though fourteenoverseas territoriesthat are remnants of the empire remain underBritish sovereignty.After independence, many former British colonies, along with most of the dominions, joined theCommonwealth of Nations,a free association of independent states. Fifteen of these, including the United Kingdom,retain the same person as monarch,currently KingCharles III.(Full article...)
Coat of arms of KingJames I.In 1624, the Crown revoked the royal charter earlier granted to the Virginia Company, and assumed direct government of the colony

ACrown colonyorroyal colonywas acolonygoverned byEngland,and thenGreat Britainor theUnited Kingdomwithin the English and laterBritish Empire.There was usually agovernorto represent the Crown, appointed by theBritish monarchon the advice of theUK Government,with or without the assistance of a local council. In some cases, this council was split into two: an executive council and alegislative council,and the executive council was similar to thePrivy Councilthat advises the monarch. Members of executive councils were appointed by the governors, and British citizens resident in Crown colonies either had no representation in local government, or limited representation in alower house.In several Crown colonies, this limited representation grew over time. As theHouse of Commonsof theBritish Parliamenthas never included seats for any of the colonies, there was no direct representation in the sovereign government for British subjects or citizens residing in Crown colonies.

The administration of Crown colonies changed over time and in the 1800s some became, with a loosening of the power of royal governors,self-governing colonies,within which thesovereign state(the UK Government) delegated legislation for most local internal matters of governance to elected assemblies, with consent of the governor. Elected lower houses had their beginnings in theHouse of Burgessesof theColony of Virginiain 1619 and theHouse of Assemblyof theParliament of Bermudain 1620. While initially limited in government even with an elected lower house, over the centuries in some Crown colonies, more independent authority was given. (Full article...)
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Credit:Eric Gaba

Atopographic mapof theFalkland Islands,anarchipelagoin the SouthAtlantic Ocean,whichErnesto Sabatocalled: "the last trace of colonialism."

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Portrait byAlexander Bassano,1882

Victoria(Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) wasQueen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelandfrom 20 June 1837 untilher deathin 1901. Her reign of 63 years and 216 days—which waslonger than those of any of her predecessors—constituted theVictorian era.It was a period of industrial, political, scientific, and military change within theUnited Kingdom,and was marked by a great expansion of theBritish Empire.In 1876, theBritish Parliamentvoted to grant her the additional title ofEmpress of India.

Victoria was the daughter ofPrince Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn(the fourth son ofKing George III), andPrincess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld.After the deaths of her father and grandfather in 1820, she wasraised under close supervisionby her mother and hercomptroller,John Conroy.She inherited the throne aged 18 after her father's three elder brothers died without surviving legitimate issue. Victoria, aconstitutional monarch,attempted privately to influence government policy and ministerial appointments; publicly, she became a national icon who was identified with strict standards ofpersonal morality.(Full article...)

Evolution of the British Empire

This Map of the world animates the Empire's rise and fall.


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British Empire and Commonwealth of Nations


Current territory·Former territory

* now aCommonwealth realm·now a member of theCommonwealth of Nations

18th century
since 1713Gibraltar

19th century
1809–1864Ionian Islands

20th century
since 1960Akrotiri and Dhekelia

16th century

17th century
1607–1776Thirteen Colonies
since 1619Bermuda
1670–1870Rupert's Land

18th century
Canada(British Imperial)
1791–1841Lower Canada
1791–1841Upper Canada

19th century
Canada(British Imperial)
1841–1867Province of Canada
1849–1866Vancouver Island
1858–1866Colony of British Columbia (1858–1866)
1866–1871Colony of British Columbia (1866–1871)
1859–1870North-Western Territory
1862–1863Stickeen Territories
1867–1931Dominion of Canada1

20th century
1907–1934Dominion of Newfoundland2

1In 1931, Canada and other Britishdominionsobtained self-government through theStatute of Westminster."Dominion" remains Canada's legal title; seeCanada's name.
2Remained ade juredominion until 1949 (when it became aCanadian province); from 1934 to 1949, Newfoundland was governed by theCommission of Government.

17th century
1605–1979 *Saint Lucia
1623–1883Saint Kitts(*Saint Kitts & Nevis)
1624–1966 *Barbados
1625–1650Saint Croix
1627–1979 *St. Vincent and the Grenadines
1628–1883Nevis(*Saint Kitts & Nevis)
1629–1641St. Andrew and Providence Islands3
since 1632Montserrat
1632–1860Antigua(*Antigua & Barbuda)
1643–1860Bay Islands
since 1650Anguilla
1655–1850Mosquito Coast (protectorate)
1655–1962 *Jamaica
since 1666British Virgin Islands
since 1670Cayman Islands
1670–1973 *Bahamas
1670–1688St. Andrew and Providence Islands3
1671–1816Leeward Islands

18th century
1762–1974 *Grenada
since 1799Turks and Caicos Islands

19th century
1831–1966British Guiana(Guyana)
1833–1960Windward Islands
1833–1960Leeward Islands
1860–1981 *Antigua and Barbuda
1871–1964British Honduras(*Belize)
1882–1983 *St. Kitts and Nevis
1889–1962Trinidad and Tobago

20th century
1958–1962West Indies Federation

3Now theSan Andrés y Providencia DepartmentofColombia

18th century
1792–1961Sierra Leone
1795–1803Cape Colony

19th century
1806–1910Cape Colony
1874–1957Gold Coast(Ghana)
1884–1960British Somaliland
1890–1980Southern Rhodesia(Zimbabwe)
1891–1907British Central Africa
1895–1920British East Africa
1899–1956Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

20th century
1900–1914Northern Nigeria
1900–1914Southern Nigeria
1900–1910Orange River Colony
1906–1954Nigeria Colony
1910–1931South Africa
1911–1964Northern Rhodesia(Zambia)
1914–1954Nigeria Protectorate
1915–1931South West Africa(Namibia)
since 1965British Indian Ocean Territory

4League of Nations mandate

18th century
1757–1947Bengal(West Bengal (India)andBangladesh)
1795–1948Ceylon(Sri Lanka)

19th century
1826–1946Straits Settlements
1839–1967Aden Colony
1841–1997Hong Kong
1841–1941Kingdom of Sarawak
1858–1947British India(India,PakistanandBangladesh,Burma)
1882–1946British North Borneo
1885–1946Unfederated Malay States
1891–1971Muscat and Oman protectorate
1892–1971Trucial States protectorate
1895–1946Federated Malay States
1898–1930Weihai Garrison

20th century
1918–1961Kuwait protectorate
1946–1948Malayan Union
1946–1963North Borneo(Malaysia)
1948–1957Federation of Malaya(Malaysia)

4League of Nations mandate

18th century
1788–1901New South Wales
1794–1843Sandwich Islands(Hawaii)

19th century
1803–1901Van Diemen's Land / Tasmania
1807–1863Auckland Islands6
1824–1980New Hebrides(Vanuatu)
1829–1901Swan River Colony/Western Australia
1836–1901South Australia
since 1838Pitcairn Islands
1840–1907 *Colony of New Zealand
1850–1901Victoria (Australia)
1877–1976British Western Pacific Territories
1884–1949Territory of Papua
1888–1965Cook Islands6
1888–1984Sultanate of Brunei
1889–1948Union Islands(Tokelau)6
1892–1979Gilbert and Ellice Islands7
1893–1978British Solomon Islands8

20th century
1900–1970Tonga(protected state)
1901–1942 *Commonwealth of Australia
1907–1953 *Dominion of New Zealand
1919–1949Territory of New Guinea
1949–1975Territory of Papua and New Guinea9

5Suspended member
6Now part of the *Realm of New Zealand
7NowKiribatiand *Tuvalu
8Now the *Solomon Islands
9Now *Papua New Guinea

17th century
since 1659St. Helena

19th century
since 1815Ascension Island9
since 1816Tristan da Cunha9
since 1833Falkland Islands11

20th century
since 1908British Antarctic Territory10
since 1908South Georgia and
the South Sandwich Islands
10, 11

9Dependencies of St. Helena since 1922 (Ascension Island) and 1938 (Tristan da Cunha)
10Both claimed in 1908; territories formed in 1962 (British Antarctic Territory) and 1985 (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands)
11Occupied by Argentina during theFalklands Warof April–June 1982

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British overseas territories

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