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Portal:New England

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The New England Portal

Location of New England (in red) in the United States

New Englandis a region comprising six states in theNortheastern United States:Connecticut,Maine,Massachusetts,New Hampshire,Rhode Island,andVermont.It is bordered by the state ofNew Yorkto the west and by the Canadian provinces ofNew Brunswickto the northeast andQuebecto the north. TheGulf of Maineand Atlantic Ocean are to the east and southeast, andLong Island Soundis to the southwest.Bostonis New England's largest city and the capital of Massachusetts.Greater Bostonis the largest metropolitan area, with nearly a third of New England's population; this area includesWorcester, Massachusetts,the second-largest city in New England;Manchester, New Hampshire,the largest city in New Hampshire; andProvidence, Rhode Island,the capital of and largest city in Rhode Island.

In 1620, thePilgrimsestablishedPlymouth Colony,the second successful settlement inBritish Americaafter theJamestown SettlementinVirginia,founded in 1607. Ten years later,PuritansestablishedMassachusetts Bay Colonynorth of Plymouth Colony. Over the next 126 years, people in the region fought in fourFrench and Indian Warsuntil the English colonists and theirIroquoisallies defeated the French and theirAlgonquianallies. (Full article...)

Selected article

USS Connecticut underway
USS Connecticut underway
USSConnecticutwas thelead shipof the sixConnecticut-classbattleships.Due to theRoyal Navy's commissioning ofHMSDreadnoughtseven months earlier,Connecticutwas obsolete before she was commissioned; thus, she was the last lead ship of any class ofpre-dreadnoughtbattleship commissioned by the United States Navy.Connecticutserved as aflagshipfor theJamestown Exposition,which commemorated the 300th anniversary of the founding of theJamestowncolony. She later sailed with theGreat White Fleeton a circumnavigation of the Earth to showcase the United States Navy's growing fleet ofblue-water-capable ships. After the Great White Fleet returned to the U.S. on 22 February 1909,Connecticutparticipated in several flag-waving exercises intended to protect American citizens abroad until she was pressed into service as a troop transport at the end ofWorld War Ito expedite the return ofAmerican Expeditionary Forcesfrom France. For the remainder of her career,Connecticutsailed to various places in both the Atlantic and Pacific while training newer recruits to the Navy. However, the provisions of the 1922Washington Naval Treatystipulated that many of the older battleships,Connecticutamong them, would have to be disposed of, so she was decommissioned on 1 March 1922 and sold for scrap on 1 November 1923. (Full article...)

Selected biography

Anne Hutchinson on Trial
Anne Hutchinson on Trial
Anne Hutchinson,bornAnne Marbury(1591–1643), was aPuritanwoman, spiritual adviser, mother of 15, and important participant in theAntinomian Controversythat shook the infantMassachusetts Bay Colonyfrom 1636 to 1638. Her strong religious convictions were at odds with the established Puritan clergy in theBostonarea, and her popularity and charisma helped create a theological schism that threatened to destroy the Puritans' religious experiment in New England. She was eventually tried and convicted, then banished from the colony with many of her supporters. With encouragement fromProvidencefounder,Roger Williams,Hutchinson and many of her supporters established the settlement ofPortsmouthin what became theColony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.After her husband's death she moved toNew Netherlandnear an ancient landmark calledSplit Rockin what later becameThe BronxinNew York City.Here all but one of the 16 members of her household were massacred during an attack, the only survivor being her nine-year old daughter,Susanna,who was taken captive. Her well-publicised trials and the accusations against her make Hutchinson the most famous, or infamous, English woman in colonial American history. (Full article...)

Selected picture

Boston native Edgar Allan Poe, noted author, poet, editor, and critic
Boston native Edgar Allan Poe, noted author, poet, editor, and critic
Credit: W.S. Hartshorn (1848)
Boston nativeEdgar Allan Poe,noted author, poet, editor, and critic
The following are images from various New England-related articles on Wikipedia.

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Selected State

Flag of New Hampshire
Flag of New Hampshire
New Hampshire
Incorporated 1776
Co-ordinates 44°N 71.5°W

New Hampshire, named after the southernEnglishcountyofHampshire,is the5th least extensiveand the9th least populousof the50 U.S. states.

It became the first post-colonialsovereignnation in theAmericaswhen it broke off fromGreat Britainin January 1776, and six months later was one of the originalthirteen statesthatfoundedthe United States of America. In June 1788, it became the ninth state to ratify theUnited States Constitution,bringing that document into effect. New Hampshire was the first U.S. state to have its own state constitution.

It is known internationally for theNew Hampshire primary,the firstprimaryin the U.S. presidential election cycle.Concordis the state capital, whileManchesteris the largest city in the state. It has no generalsales tax,nor is personal income (other than interest and dividends)taxedat either the state or local level. (Full article...)



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