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Post-romanticismorPostromanticismrefers to a range of cultural endeavors and attitudes emerging in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, after the period ofRomanticism.

In literature[edit]

The period of post-romanticism in poetry is defined as the mid-to-late nineteenth century,[1]but includes the much earlier poetry ofLetitia Elizabeth Landon[2]andTennyson.[3]

Notable post-romantic writers[edit]

In music[edit]

Post-romanticism inmusicrefers to composers who wrote classical symphonies, operas, and songs in transitional style that constituted a blend of late romantic and early modernist musical languages. Arthur Bergerdescribed the mysticism ofLa Jeune Franceas post-Romanticism rather thanneo-Romanticism.[6]

Post-romantic composers created music that used traditional forms combined with advancedharmony.Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabjicreated post-romantic nocturnes that used unconventional harmonic language andBéla Bartók,for example, "in suchStrauss-influenced works asDuke Bluebeard's Castle",may be described as having still used"dissonance['such intervals as fourths and sevenths'] in traditional forms of music for purposes of post-romantic expression, not simply always as an appeal to the primal art of sound ".[7]

Other notable post-romantic composers[edit]


  1. ^Faith Lagay (August 2006)."Hawthorne's 'Birthmark': Is There a Post-Romantic Lesson for the 'Men of Science'?".Virtual Mentor.8(8): 541–544.doi:10.1001/virtualmentor.2006.8.8.mhum1-0608.
  2. ^Sybille Baumbach,Birgit Neumann[de],Ansgar Nünning[de](eds).A History of British Poetry,Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier 2015.ISBN978-3-86821-578-6.Section 19: "Poetic Genres in the Victorian Age I: Letitia Elizabeth Landon's and Alfred Lord Tennyson's Post-Romantic Verse Narratives" byAnne-Julia Zwierlein[de].
  3. ^Richard Bradford,A Linguistic History of English Poetry,New York: Routledge, 1993, p. 134.ISBN0-415-07057-0.
  4. ^abRobert Milder,Exiled Royalties: Melville and the Life We Imagine,New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 41.ISBN0-19-514232-2
  5. ^Stephen Heath,Gustave Flaubert, Madame Bovary,Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992, p. 13.ISBN0-521-31483-6.
  6. ^Virgil Thomson.Virgil Thomson: A Reader: Selected Writings, 1924–1984,edited byRichard Kostelanetz,New York: Routledge, 2002, p. 268.ISBN0-415-93795-7.
  7. ^Daniel Albright.Modernism and Music: An Anthology of Sources,Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004, pp. 243–244.ISBN0-226-01267-0.
  8. ^abcdefghijk"Period: Late– Post-Romantic",Nolan Gasser,Classical Archives

Further reading[edit]

See also[edit]