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Aprecentoris a person who helps facilitate worship. The details vary depending on the religion, denomination, and era in question. TheLatinderivation ispræcentor,fromcantor,meaning "the one who sings before" (or alternatively, "first singer" ).

Ancient precentors[edit]

The chief precentor was the highest position in manyancient Mesopotamiancities (seeMusic of Mesopotamia).

Jewish precentors[edit]

Jewish precentors are song or prayer leaders, leadingsynagogue music.A Jewish precentor is typically called ahazzanorcantor.In the Middle Ages, women precentors leading prayers in thevaybershul(women's gallery) were known asfirzogerin,farzangerin, foreleiner, zogerin, or zogerke.[1]

Christian precentors[edit]

A view ofYork Minsterfrom a street namedPrecentor's Court(2003)

A precentor is a member of a church who helps facilitate worship. The role of precentor was carried over from thesynagoguesinto the early Christian church.[2]

Catholic precentors[edit]

Painting of a Catholic precentor, by Štefan Straka, 1927

Ancient era[edit]

The termprecentorusually described anecclesiasticaldignitary, an administrative or ceremonial officer. Anciently, the precentor had duties such as being the first or leading chanter, who on Sundays and greater feasts intoned certainantiphons,psalms,hymns,responsories,etc.; gave the pitch or tone to thebishopanddeanatMass(thesuccentorperforming a similar office to thecanonsandclerks); recruited and taught thechoir,directed itsrehearsalsand supervised its official functions; interpreted therubricsand explained theceremonies,ordered in a general way theDivine Officeand sometimes composed desired hymns,sequences,andlessonsofsaints.He was variously styledcapiscol(from the Latincaput scholæ,head of the choir-school),priorscholæ,magister scholæ,andprimicerius(a word of widely different implications).Victor of St. Hugotells us that in the care of the primicerius were placed theacolytes,exorcists,lectors,and psalmists (chanters).

Middle Ages[edit]

In theMiddle Agesthe principal dignitaries ofcathedral,collegiate chapters,andmonasticorders, imitated the example ofSt. Gregory the Greatin acting as directors of chant-schools. Thescholawas always in attendance when the bishop officiated in his cathedral, and to the precentor was assigned a place near the bishop and high in dignity. His office demanded much learning and executive ability, and his dignity corresponded with his duties.

In the cathedrals of England, France, Spain, and Germany, a precentor sometimes ranked next to the dean, sometimes next to thearchdeacon.In some instances a precentor's sphere of activity was more broad, including the duty of installing deans, canons, and other dignitaries; and in somemonasteries,the duties of librarian and registrar.

From the fourteenth century the title and dignity were largely handed over to incumbents whose musical knowledge did not fit them for the duties to which the name of precentor owed its origin; the dignities remained, but the duties became obscured. "In France, some chapters retain traces of the dignity of Precentor, and sometimes an archdeacon, sometimes a titular or honorary canon, carrying the baton cantoral, the insignia of his office".[3]This "baton cantoral" is a silver or white staff. "In the dioceses of Aix, Carcassonne, Coutances, Dijon, Metz, Orléans, the dignity of Precentor is still the highest in the chapter.... Some chapters have sub-chanters, those of Arras being among the honorary resident canons",[4]where also the quoted statutes of theBishop of Dijonmay serve to illustrate the modern idea of the office of precentor: "The Précenteur or Grand Chantre is the head of the choir and... brings the antiphon to the bishop when officiating pontifically.Sacristans,chanters, choir-boys, and employés of the Cathedral are placed under his surveillance. He will also preserve order and silence in the sacristy. "[5][6]

Anglican precentors[edit]

A precentor is a person, usually ordained, who is in charge of preparing worship services. This position is usually held in a large church. Mostcathedralshave a precentor in charge of the organisation of liturgy and worship. The precentor of a cathedral is usually a residentiarycanonorprebendaryand may be assisted by asuccentor(particularly in the daily task of leading choral singing). In some cathedrals (includingCanterbury), the precentor is aminor canonand therefore part of the foundation but not part of the chapter.

Traditionally the precentor'sstall(seat) in the cathedral is on the opposite side of thequirefrom that of the dean, leading to the traditional division of thesingersintodecani(the dean's side) andcantoris(the precentor's side).

Presbyterian precentors[edit]

Thepulpitandcommunion tablefrom theChurch of Scotlandchurch inDuirinish, Skye.Between the two is the box for the precentor.

In Presbyterian churches that worship in the historical fashion (i.e., singa cappella;seePresbyterian worship), a precentor is a person (man or woman, not necessarily clergy) who leads the singing, often by means ofconductingtechniques, but sometimes just by singing from amongst the congregation.

Churches that use acall and responsemethod of singing calledlining out(used primarily when sufficient numbers ofpsalm booksare unavailable, or the congregation insufficiently literate, as was the case in the black church inHarper Lee'sTo Kill a Mockingbird) are usually led by the precentor, much as with other non-instrumental churches.

Public schools and Cambridge[edit]

The title "precentor" is also used at twoEnglish public schools,Radley CollegeandEton College,and a private school inSri Lanka,S. Thomas' College, Mount Lavinia,to refer to the head of music. These school precentors have no specific religious duties although, as part of their musical function, they may conduct the college chapel choir. AtGonville and Caius College, CambridgeandMagdalene College, Cambridge,the precentor's main responsibility is as director of the college choir, which provides music for chapel services.


  1. ^Wolfson, Dalia (6 July 2021)."The Zogerke's Vort".The Lehrhaus.
  2. ^Moseley, Ron."Yeshua: A Guide to the Real Jesus and the Original Church".Archived fromthe originalon 1998-12-01.Retrieved2023-04-27.
  3. ^Migne,"Dict. de Droit Canon", s.v. Chantre.
  4. ^Migne, "Dict. de Jurisprudence", s.v. Grand Chantre.
  5. ^"CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Precentor".newadvent.org.Retrieved2023-04-27.
  6. ^Julie Kerr, Sarah Foot."Home page of the Cistercians in Yorkshire Project".dhi.ac.uk.Retrieved2023-04-27.

External links[edit]