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Image (mathematics)

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For the function that maps a Person to their Favorite Food, the image of Gabriela is Apple. The preimage of Apple is the set {Gabriela, Maryam}. The preimage of Fish is the empty set. The image of the subset {Richard, Maryam} is {Rice, Apple}. The preimage of {Rice, Apple} is {Gabriela, Richard, Maryam}.

Inmathematics,for a function,theimageof an input valueis the single output value produced bywhen passed.Thepreimageof an output valueis the set of input values that produce.

More generally, evaluatingat eachelementof a given subsetof itsdomainproduces a set, called the "imageofunder (or through)".Similarly, theinverse image(orpreimage) of a given subsetof thecodomainis the set of all elements ofthat map to a member of

Theimageof the functionis the set of all output values it may produce, that is, the image of.Thepreimageof,that is, the preimage ofunder,always equals(thedomainof); therefore, the former notion is rarely used.

Image and inverse image may also be defined for generalbinary relations,not just functions.


is a function from domainto codomain.The image of elementis element.The preimage of elementis the set {}. The preimage of elementis.
is a function from domainto codomain.The image of all elements in subsetis subset.The preimage ofis subset
is a function from domainto codomainThe yellow oval insideis the image of.The preimage ofis the entire domain

The word "image" is used in three related ways. In these definitions,is afunctionfrom thesetto the set

Image of an element


Ifis a member ofthen the image ofunderdenotedis thevalueofwhen applied tois alternatively known as the output offor argument

Giventhe functionis said totake the valueortakeas a valueif there exists somein the function's domain such that Similarly, given a setis said totake a value inif there existssomein the function's domain such that However,takes [all] values inandis valued inmeans thatforeverypointin the domain of.

Image of a subset


Throughout, letbe a function. Theimageunderof a subsetofis the set of allforIt is denoted byor bywhen there is no risk of confusion. Usingset-builder notation,this definition can be written as[1][2]

This induces a functionwheredenotes thepower setof a setthat is the set of allsubsetsofSee§ Notationbelow for more.

Image of a function


Theimageof a function is the image of its entiredomain,also known as therangeof the function.[3]This last usage should be avoided because the word "range" is also commonly used to mean thecodomainof

Generalization to binary relations


Ifis an arbitrarybinary relationonthen the setis called the image, or the range, ofDually, the setis called the domain of

Inverse image


Letbe a function fromtoThepreimageorinverse imageof a setunderdenoted byis the subset ofdefined by

Other notations includeand[4] The inverse image of asingleton set,denoted byor byis also called thefiberor fiber overor thelevel setofThe set of all the fibers over the elements ofis a family of sets indexed by

For example, for the functionthe inverse image ofwould beAgain, if there is no risk of confusion,can be denoted byandcan also be thought of as a function from the power set ofto the power set ofThe notationshould not be confused with that forinverse function,although it coincides with the usual one for bijections in that the inverse image ofunderis the image ofunder

Notationfor image and inverse image


The traditional notations used in the previous section do not distinguish the original functionfrom the image-of-sets function;likewise they do not distinguish the inverse function (assuming one exists) from the inverse image function (which again relates the powersets). Given the right context, this keeps the notation light and usually does not cause confusion. But if needed, an alternative[5]is to give explicit names for the image and preimage as functions between power sets:

Arrow notation

  • with
  • with

Star notation

  • instead of
  • instead of

Other terminology

  • An alternative notation forused inmathematical logicandset theoryis[6][7]
  • Some texts refer to the image ofas the range of[8]but this usage should be avoided because the word "range" is also commonly used to mean thecodomainof


  1. defined by
    Theimageof the setunderisTheimageof the functionisThepreimageofisThepreimageofis alsoThepreimageofunderis theempty set
  2. defined by
    Theimageofunderisand theimageofis(the set of all positive real numbers and zero). ThepreimageofunderisThepreimageof setunderis the empty set, because the negative numbers do not have square roots in the set of reals.
  3. defined by
    Thefibersareconcentric circlesabout theorigin,the origin itself, and theempty set(respectively), depending on whether(respectively). (Ifthen thefiberis the set of allsatisfying the equationthat is, the origin-centered circle with radius)
  4. Ifis amanifoldandis the canonicalprojectionfrom thetangent bundletothen thefibersofare thetangent spacesThis is also an example of afiber bundle.
  5. Aquotient groupis a homomorphicimage.


Counter-examples based on thereal numbers
defined by
showing that equality generally need
not hold for some laws:
Image showing non-equal sets:The setsandare shown inblueimmediately below the-axis while their intersectionis shown ingreen.



For every functionand all subsetsandthe following properties hold:

Image Preimage

(equal iffor instance, ifis surjective)[9][10]

(equal ifis injective)[9][10]
[11] [11]
[11] [11]


Multiple functions


For functionsandwith subsetsandthe following properties hold:

Multiple subsets of domain or codomain


For functionand subsetsandthe following properties hold:

Image Preimage
(equal ifis injective[13])
(equal ifis injective[13])

(equal ifis injective)

The results relating images and preimages to the (Boolean) algebra ofintersectionandunionwork for any collection of subsets, not just for pairs of subsets:

(Here,can be infinite, evenuncountably infinite.)

With respect to the algebra of subsets described above, the inverse image function is alattice homomorphism,while the image function is only asemilatticehomomorphism (that is, it does not always preserve intersections).

See also

  • Bijection, injection and surjection– Properties of mathematical functions
  • Fiber (mathematics)– Set of all points in a function's domain that all map to some single given point
  • Image (category theory)– term in category theory
  • Kernel of a function– Equivalence relation expressing that two elements have the same image under a function
  • Set inversion– Mathematical problem of finding the set mapped by a specified function to a certain range


  1. ^"5.4: Onto Functions and Images/Preimages of Sets".Mathematics LibreTexts.2019-11-05.Retrieved2020-08-28.
  2. ^Paul R. Halmos (1968).Naive Set Theory.Princeton: Nostrand.Here: Sect.8
  3. ^Weisstein, Eric W."Image".mathworld.wolfram.Retrieved2020-08-28.
  4. ^Dolecki & Mynard 2016,pp. 4–5.
  5. ^Blyth 2005,p. 5.
  6. ^Jean E. Rubin(1967).Set Theory for the Mathematician.Holden-Day. p. xix.ASINB0006BQH7S.
  7. ^M. Randall Holmes:Inhomogeneity of the urelements in the usual models of NFU,December 29, 2005, on: Semantic Scholar, p. 2
  8. ^Hoffman, Kenneth (1971).Linear Algebra(2nd ed.). Prentice-Hall. p. 388.
  9. ^abcSeeHalmos 1960,p. 31
  10. ^abSeeMunkres 2000,p. 19
  11. ^abcdefghSee p.388 of Lee, John M. (2010). Introduction to Topological Manifolds, 2nd Ed.
  12. ^abKelley 1985,p.85
  13. ^abSeeMunkres 2000,p. 21



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