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Provincias Internas

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Captaincy General of the Internal Provinces
Capitanía General de las Provincias Internas
Flag of Provincias Internas
StatusCaptaincy GeneralofSpain
Durango1787-1821 (Western division)
Monterrey1787-1821 (Eastern division)
Roman Catholicism
• 1776–1788
Charles III
• 1813–1821
Ferdinand VII
Captain General
• 1776–1783
Teodoro de Croix
Historical eraSpanish Empire
• Administrative reorganisation
Succeeded by
First Mexican Empire
Today part ofMexico
United States

TheProvincias Internas,also known as theComandancia y Capitanía General de las Provincias Internas(Commandancy and General Captaincy of the Internal Provinces), was an administrative district of theSpanish Empirecreated in 1776 to provide more autonomy for the frontier provinces of theViceroyalty of New Spain,present-day northernMexicoand theSouthwestern United States.The goal of its creation was to establish a unified government in political, military and fiscal affairs. Nevertheless, the Commandancy General experienced significant changes in its administration because of experimentation to find the best government for the frontier region as well as bureaucratic in-fighting. Its creation was part of theBourbon Reformsand was part of an effort to invigorate economic and population growth in the region to stave off encroachment on the region by foreign powers. During its existence, the Commandancy General encompassed the provinces ofNueva Navarre,Nueva Vizcaya,Las Californias,Nuevo México,Nuevo Santander,Nuevo Reyno de León,Coahuila(formerlyNueva Extremadura) andTexas.



New Spain in 1819 with the boundaries established at theAdams-Onís Treaty.The two large orange-colored territories located in the north of the map (the half of the New Spain territory) were the Provincias Internas.
Teodoro de Croix,first Captain General of the Provincias Internas.

The Provincias Internas were the brainchild ofJosé de Gálvez.He hit upon the idea during his time as royalVisitador General(Inspector General) toNew Spainfrom 1761 to 1772. His initial idea was to create a full-fledgedviceroyaltyorcaptaincy generalout of the northern provinces, but the low population of the area and large military expenses of the area in comparison to its revenues, prevented this. Instead the chief official of the area received the military title of commander or commandant general (comandante generalin Spanish) in addition to being the chief civil executive officer of the region. Due to objections from the viceroys of New Spain, Gálvez was unable to implement his plan during his time asvisitador,but a few years after his return he was appointed Minister of the Indies. This was essentially a new office created by KingCharles IIIwhich made Gálvez, for all purposes, independent of theCouncil of the Indies(of which he was also an honorary member). From his new position, Gálvez was able to implement his vision for Spanish America. In addition to the Provincias Internas, Gálvez also created theViceroyalty of the Río de la Plataand theCaptaincy General of Venezuela(which was essentially a new viceroyalty in all but name). He also recommenced the stalled project of replacing the oldercorregimientosandalcaldías mayoreswithintendants.Gálvez appointedTeodoro de Croixas the first Commander General of the Provinicas Internas.

It is assumed that my actual title delivers in your favor that you have given the jurisdiction and extensive powers that you need as governor and captain General of the mentioned provinces and all its borders, I declare, by this Code and Royal Decree, that in your higher command are to be understood and adjoined the Subaltern governments of Coahuila, Texas and New Mexico with itspresidiosand all other administrative divisions that are situated in the established line on them from the Gulf of California to the Bay of the Holy Spirit, according to my rules and actual instruction given on September 10, 1772, that you shall observe in the most timely and in the same way as I was committed to my viceroy of New Spain.[1]

The new boundary was intended to give a unified military command to the northern provinces of New Spain, to improve their defense and promote the expansion and colonization of the territory, which was threatened by the expansion ofRussia,France,theUnited Kingdom,and the new republic of theUnited States.The greatest threat, however, were the incursions and indigenous rebellions. Croix in the instructions from the king ordered that the Captaincy General were only nominally under the Viceroy:

Although all of the provisions and orders of your government and captaincy general would depend on just my real person and orders that I reserved directs the Indies route, you shall give notice to the viceroy of New Spain about interesting news and notable occurrences that may occur in the provinces under your control, in order that the higher head of the kingdom be informed about all that ensues in their domestic countries and provide the assistance that you will need as you command whenever you ask for it (... ). I further declare that in the provinces of your government You have to exercise the general superintendence of my real estate immediately under my real person and the reserved track of Indies, and by the laws the viceroys have of those domains and will continue that viceroy from the kingdom of Mexico for all the rest of New Spain. I also grant broad powers to the same laws of the Indies law with the viceroys and governors exercising my royal patronage(... )

The King ordered that the headquarters of the commandant was initially going to be the town ofArizpe,and it may choose a different place if it suited him. Arizpe was the headquarters of the experimentally createdIntendencyby Gálvez in 1770, which covered the government of Sonora and Sinaloa:

With the purpose that you always fall into the faculties to visit or give appropriate orders to the most distant places of your government, you will establish the capital of your residence in the town of Arizpe, situated on the Sonora river and close to the frontier of that province, being almost equidistant from the Californias and Nueva Vizcaya; and of course you can stay at the house next to the church that produced expatriate missionaries, meantime in another building in the same town or wherever convenient.

Teodoro de Croix arrived to Mexico City in December 1776 and from there he began his tenure as Captain general in February 1777, arriving at the city of Durango in September of the same year. After inspecting the provinces of Coahuila, Texas and Chihuahua, he came to Arizpe in the province of Sonora in October 1779 to set up his residence, declaring it the capital of the Captaincy on January 12, 1780. In Arizpe, Croix created a house Currency and in 1782 he created the Bank of San Carlos.[2]Pedro Galindo Navarro was appointed as ajudge advocateandadviser.

Due to the extent of its jurisdiction in 1782 Croix requested the appointment of aninspector commander,BrigadierFelipe de Neve,the Governor of the Californias, would be appointed as such.

On March 17, 1783, the king decided to create theBishopric of Sonora,comprising the province of the same name and the provinces of Californias and Sinaloa, and was appointed Francisco Antonio de los Reyes as the first bishop. Las Californias were separated from thebishopric of Guadalajara,while the province of Sonora and Sinaloa was formerly under thebishopric of Durango.[3]

Teodoro de Croixremained in office until August 1783 when he was appointedviceroy of Peru,being succeeded by the then Inspector General of the Interior Provinces, Felipe de Neve, who was the Captain general until his death on August 21, 1784.

On May 21, 1785, the districts of Saltillo and Parras were separated from the province of Nueva Vizcaya (today states ofChihuahuaandDurango) and were incorporated into Coahuila, which was confirmed by the Captain general on May 30, 1787.[4]

Division into three military districts[edit]

By instructions of theReal Audiencia of GuadalajaraColonel Jose Antonio Rengel Alcaraz y Paez temporarily succeeded in office Neve until 1786, whenJacobo de Ugarte y Loyolawas appointed, the Spanish king decided that the Commandancy would remain under the jurisdiction of the viceroyBernardo de Gálvez y Madrid,who was particularly interested in the northern border because he had been governor of theSpanish Louisiana.Rengel decided to move the capital to the town ofChihuahua.On August 26, 1786, the Viceroy gave directions (286 articles) to Captain General to regulate the manner of governing the Interior Provinces. He provided that the general command can be divided into three military districts: one under the direct command of the commander of provinces of Sonora and Sinaloa and the Californias; another commanding 'Juan de Ugalde' with the title ofCommander of armsin the eastern part comprising the provinces of Coahuila, Nuevo Reyno de León, Nuevo Santander, Texas, and the districts of Parras and Saltillo; the third military district was under Jose Antonio Rengel Alcaraz y Paez under the title ofInspector Commander,comprising the provinces of Nueva Vizcaya and New Mexico in the western part.[5]At the death of the viceroy Galvez on November 30, 1786, the Captain General regained its autonomy from the new viceroy.

Implementation of the Intendency system[edit]

The Inspector General Galvez proposed to Viceroy Croix in 1769 the creation of theIntendenciesofthe Californiasand Sonora. The viceroy appointedMatías de Armonaand thenFelipe de Barrifor the former andEusebio Ventura Beleñafor the latter, but those projections never reached implementation. On June 18, 1770, the Viceroy Croix appointed Pedro Antarctica as interim mayor of Sonora and operating the Intendency of Arizpe under subordination of the governor ofNueva Navarrauntil both administrative offices were unified in 1777, remaining Corbalán in these functions until 1787.

As part of the so-calledBourbon reformson December 4, 1786, King Charles III of Spain signed theRoyal Ordinance of Army mayors and province of New Spainthat created twelve intendencies in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, replacing by parties the districts, major municipalities and other provincial jurisdictions. The viceroy was confirmed in all its powers, but had to leave the affairs of the Royal Treasury in the hands of a deputy superintendent ofReal Propertywhich depended on 11 provincial governors.

The government of Nueva Vizcaya formed the Intendency of Durango, with Felipe Ortega Díaz as its first mayor, and the provinces of Coahuila (Saltillo and Parras included), Texas, Nuevo Reyno de León andNuevo Santanderwere under the jurisdiction of the Intendency of San Luis Potosí as to the affairs of the Royal Treasury, while in the same sector the province ofSanta Fe de Nuevo Méxicocame under direct jurisdiction of the viceroy. Intendency governors gathered under his command causes (or branches of government) of justice, police, finance and war, depending on the Captain General in the first two intendencies of Arizpe and Durango.

Despite the attempt of 1769, the Californias were excluded from the regime of intendencies and tracked affairs regarding the Real Hacienda under the direct supervision of the Captain General, which was expressed in the Article I of the ordinance:To my royal will, soon to have its due effect, control is now divided into twelve Intendencies, districts of that empire, not including Las Californias.[6]

On March 17, 1787, the Spanish King ordered the creation of the Intendency of Sinaloa, separating it from Arizpe, appointing ColonelAgustín de las Cuentas Zayas[es]as Intendent Governor, but a royal order of July 30, 1789 reversed that creation before it would take effect, de las Cuentas Zayas became Intendent Governor of Chiapas.[7]

On 11 September 1813 the courts in New Spain created the Intendency of Saltillo, including Coahuila, Texas, Nuevo Leon and Nuevo Santander, but failed to be enacted with the repeal of the decree shortly after.[8]

Division of the Captaincy General[edit]

By order of the Spanish King in March 1787 the viceroyal authority was restored to the General Captain and on December 3, 1787, the viceroy Manuel Antonio Flórez Maldonado divided it into two general headquarters separated by the Guanaval River, only as for military jurisdiction, because the intendencies retained their functions:

Map of the Eastern Internal Provinces created by Joaquín de Arredondo.

In 1787 it was considered to create a real audiencia with jurisdiction over the Interior Provinces, but the project was not put into effect. The viceroy had a limited authority over the two general headquarters until the King ordered on March 11, 1788, restoring full viceroyal authority over them and abolished the position ofInspector Commander.

In 1790 Ugarte was replaced by Pedro Nava in the west, who in 1791 also served temporarily in the East after the resignation of Ugalde, until the position was occupied by Ramón de Castro y Gutierrez.


In November 1790, KingCharles IVstated that the General captaincy be reunited again and independent from the control of the Viceroy, but returned to undergo changes in 1791 and by royal order on 24 November 1792 returned to the control of the Viceroy.[10]Pedro Nava took power in 1793 as Captain general without any dependence of the viceroy, also gaining autonomy against the superintendent of the Royal Treasury of Mexico. Nava relocated the capital to the town of Chihuahua. It was decreed in 1793 that provinces of Californias, the Nuevo Reyno de León (New Kingdom of León) and Nuevo Santander were placed under military governors directly subject to the viceroy and separated from the Commandancy General.

On 28 March 1797 the military engineerJuan de Pagazaurtundúa,who was stationed in the Interior Provinces, sent a letter to Lieutenant GeneralLuis Huetentitled ''Sucinta Descripción de las Provincias Internas(Succinct Description of the Internal Provinces) in which he described the Internal Provinces and their respective geographic features[11]

New division[edit]

1817 Spanish Map of the Internal Provinces of New Spain.

Nava was the Captain general until 1804, when it was replaced byPedro Grimarestand soon after byNemesio Salcedo y Salcedo.On 30 May 1804 the King ordered a new headquarters division of East and West, but the order was not fulfilled. On 1 May 1811 the King again ordered the division of the general commandancy, but was delayed until Salcedo was replaced in 1813 by two commanding generalsSimon Herrera and Leyva(replaced that year byJoaquín de Arredondo) on the east and Bernardo Bonavia y Zapata in the West.[12]Arredondo remained in government until 1817, while Bonavia y Zapata was replaced that year byAlejo García Conde,who ruled until 1821.

In 1810 started the war of independence in New Spain.Miguel Hidalgoappointed colonelJosé María González de Hermosilloto the Interior Provinces to spread the insurrection. González de Hermosillo managed to occupy El Rosario on December 21, 1810. He and his troops loot the Arizpe's Royal office, then was totally defeated by Mayor Brigadier Alejo García Conde inSan Ignacio Piaxtlaon February 7, 1811, returning with the remains of his division toJalisco.[13]

Nuevo Santander in 1812 returned to join the Eastern Internal Provinces.

In March 1812 theConstitution of Cadizwas sanctioned, then the viceroyalty was divided in provinces governed by "Special political Governors". This constitution stated that the Spanish territories North America with a legal definition were composed of: New Spain to New Galicia and Yucatán, Guatemala, Eastern Internal Provinces and Western Internal Provinces.

By a decree of 1812 county councils were created in the territories named in the constitution:

  • Provincial Government of the Eastern Internal Provincesbased inMonterrey,comprising the governments of Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Nuevo Santander, and Texas.
  • Provincial Government of the Western Internal Provincesbased inDurango,comprising the municipalities of Arizpe and Durango and the governments of New Mexico, Baja California and Alta California.[14]

On 4 May 1814, KingFerdinand VIIannulled the Constitution of Cadiz and the Viceroyalty of New Spain was restored on August 11, 1815, dissolving county councils before they had been established in the Interior Provinces. On 7 March 1820, as consequence of the liberal revolution in Spain, Constitution of Cadiz was restored and the viceroyalty finally disappeared on May 31, 1820, to be sworn by the viceroy. The county councils were then established in the Interior Provinces.

In 1819, theAdams-Onís Treatywas ratified between Spain and the United States of America, which set the limit of the Interior Provinces with the latter country, confirming the Spanish possession from Texas and to theOregon TerritoryandNootka.

On August 4, 1821, insurgent Celestino Negrete began the siege of the city of Durango, which was defended by the governor intendant Diego García Conde and marshal José de la Cruz, ending with their decision on September 6. On August 14, 1821, the Iturbidist Gaspar Antonio López took over as Captain general of the Eastern Internal Provinces in Monterrey. While, in the Western Internal Provinces Captain General Alejo García Conde pact with Negrete and joined thePlan of Igualaproclaimed byAgustín de Iturbide,making him swear it in Chihuahua on August 26 and then in Arizpe on September, 6.[15]The governor of Baja California,Fernando de la Toba,acceded to independence in 1822, ending the Spanish rule in northern New Spain.


The finances of the Provincias Internas were subsidized by asituado( "subsidy" ) from the royal treasury of Mexico City. The first capital of the Commandancy General wasArizpein Sonora. The provinces that had been incorporated into the new district had been, and continued to be, under the jurisdiction of theReal Audiencia of Guadalajara.They were also different in culture from those ofNew Spain proper.Whereas the southern provinces of New Spain had been the site of complex, settled societies—such as theMexica,theZapotec,Mixtecand thePurépecha—at the time of the conquest, the areas under the Audiencia of Guadalajara had not. Instead the semi-nomadic peoples (referred to at the time by theNahuatlterm,Chichimeca) that lived in this more arid region (and who had resisted Spanish incursions into the area) had either been pushed onto marginal lands or been absorbed into a newHispanicculture that emerged in thehaciendas,towns and cities near the many silver mines that promoted European settlement of this region fromSpainand Catholic regions in Europe under Spanish control such as parts ofItaly,Netherlands,Belgiumand present dayGermany.

In the northern Provincias Internas, skirmishes between Spanish settlers (later Mexican nationals) and the indigenous peoples, extended even after the Mexican independence well into the 19th century. This was noted by the German scientist, geographer and explorerAlexander von Humboldtin hisEssai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne:

This struggle with Indians, which has lasted for centuries, and the necessity in which the colonist, living in some lonely farm, or travelling through arid deserts, finds himself of perpetually watching after his own safety, and defending his flock, his home, his wife, and his children against incursions of wandering Indians; and, in short, that state of nature which subsists in the midst of the appearance of an ancient civilization, have all concurred to give to the character of the inhabitants of the north of New Spain an energy and temperament peculiar to themselves. To these causes we must no doubt add the nature of the climate, which is temperate, an eminently salubrious atmosphere, the necessity of labour in a soil by no means rich or fertile, and the total want of Indians and slaves who might be employed by the whites for the sake of giving themselves up securely to idleness and sloth. In the Provincias Internas the development of physical strength is favoured by a life of singular activity, which is for the most part passed on horseback.

— Humboldt, 1811[16]

Some indigenous groups such as theCoahuiltecansof the northeast, disappeared by the mid-19th century because of displacement, disease and war against Spanish-Mexican settlers and Comanche attacks.Mestizaje(miscegenation) was rare compared to other provinces of New Spain. Many indigenous groups rejected conversion to Catholicism and incorporation into the Hispanic society, racial segregation being common.

It is probable that the copper-coloured individual would rather choose to live in a village inhabited by other individuals of his own race, than to mix with whites who would domineer over him with arrogance.

— Humboldt, 1811[17]


Population Statistics of the comandancy of Internal Provinces (Revillagigedocensus 1790)[18]
Province/Territory Pop Spaniards/Criollo 1790 % pop 1790 Mestizo, Castizo and other castes 1790 % pop 1790 Indians 1790 % pop 1790 Total Population Inhabitants per Sq.League
Eastern Internal Provinces
New Kingdom of León 27,412 63% 13,838 32% 2,431 5% 43,739 17
New Santander 14,639 26% 28,825 51% 13,251 23% 56,715 11
Coahuila or New Extremadura 13,285 32% 17,215 40% 12,411 28% 42,937 6
Texas 1,326 41% 1,083 32% 912 27% 3,334 N/A
Western Internal Provinces
Durango 35,992 21% 77,302 43% 63,890 36% 177,400 10
New Navarre 38,640 29% 35,766 26% 60,855 44% 135,385 7
New Mexico Unknown -% 23,628 -% 10,557 -% - -
Old or Lower (Baja) Unknown - 2,325 - 2,153 - 4,496 -
New or Upper (Alta) Unknown - 18,780 - 2,052 - 20,871 10

According toHumboldt,SpanishandCriollopeople comprised the majority of the inhabitants in the Provincias Internas by 1810. This was caused by the arrival of more waves of new Spanish settlers, racial segregation among castes and especially by a catastrophic decrease in numbers of the indigenous peoples.[19]

Administrative reorganization[edit]

In the decades that lead up toSpanish American wars of independence,the Provincias Internas were restructured four times. In 1786 the Provincias Internas were split into three commands: the Western Internal Provinces (Sonora y Sinaloa) under the Commander General; the Central Internal Provinces (Nueva Vizcaya and Nuevo México) under the Viceroy; and the Easter Internal Provinces (Coahuila y Tejas, withNuevo LeónandNuevo Santanderas well) also under the Viceroy. A year later this complex arrangement was changed to just two Western and Eastern districts. In 1792 the Commander General was put back in charge of a remnant Provincias Internas consisting of Sonora y Sinaloa, Nueva Vizcaya, Nuevo México, Coahuila y Tejas. Las Californias was also under his jurisdiction but the Viceroy oversaw him on matters in this province. Finally the Western and Eastern district arrangement was returned in 1811, but with the viceroy ultimately in charge.

See also[edit]


  1. ^España.Real instrucción dada a Teodoro de Croix, primer gobernador y comandante general en jefe de las Provincias Internas de Nueva España.San Ildefonso, 22 de agosto de 1776. 2ª página del manuscrito de la Biblioteca Nacional de México.
  2. ^Historical overview of the northern border of Mexico, Volume 5, p. 212-213. Authors: David Piñera Ramirez Historical Research Center - UNAM UABC. Edition 2 Publisher: UABC, 1994ISBN968-7326-01-8,9789687326016
  3. ^Ignacio Del Rio, Manon Edgardo Lopez (1985) the Bishop of Sonora, Pág.241, Chapter VII, the Bourbon Institutional Reform, Volume II, General History of Sonora State Government.
  4. ^Del Río Ignacio, López Mañón Edgardo (1985) El Obispado de Sonora, Pág.241, Capítulo VII, La Reforma Institucional Borbónica, Tomo II, Historia General de Sonora, Gobierno del Estado.
  5. ^Carnegie Institution of Washington publication, Número 163, pág. 75-76. Autor: Carnegie Institution of Washington. Editor: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913
  6. ^Recopilacion sumaria de todos los autos acordados de la Real Audiencia y Sala del crimen de esta Nueva España y providencias de su superior gobierno: De varias reales cedulas y ordenes. Copias a la letra, Volumen 2. Autor: Eusebio Buenaventura Belena. Editor: Zuñiga y Antiveros, 1787
  7. ^"Archived copy"(PDF).Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 2009-12-22.Retrieved2014-04-16.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  8. ^La Real Hacienda de Nueva España. Pág. 309-310. Autor: Luis Jáuregui. Editor: UNAM, 1999.ISBN968-36-7345-7,9789683673459
  9. ^"Juan de Ugalde".Oocities.org.Retrieved23 December2017.
  10. ^Ortega Noriega, Sergio (1999)."La reforma política y administrativa".BREVE HISTORIA DE SINALOA. Fondo de Cultura Económica.ISBN968-16-5378-5
  11. ^Maya, Jose Omar Moncada."Una descripción de las provincias internas de la Nueva España a finales del siglo XVIII".Ub.edu.Retrieved23 December2017.
  12. ^E., CHIPMAN, DONALD (15 June 2010)."PROVINCIAS INTERNAS".Tshaonline.org.Retrieved23 December2017.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. ^"La crisis de la Independencia".Bibliotecadigital.ilce.edu.mx.Retrieved23 December2017.
  14. ^"14-035".cddhcu.gob.mx.Archived fromthe originalon 25 May 2006.Retrieved15 January2022.
  15. ^"La Independencia en la intendencia de Arizpe. Autor: José Marcos Medina Bustos"(PDF).Retrieved23 December2017.[dead link]
  16. ^Alexander Humboldt (1814).Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2.Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. p. 242.
  17. ^Alexander Humboldt (1814).Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain, Volume 2.Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown. p. 241.
  18. ^"New Spain (Mexico), 1790 Statistics Charts".24 December 2013. Archived from the original on 24 December 2013.Retrieved23 December2017.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  19. ^Alexander von Humboldt; José G. Moreno de Alba (1993).Tablas geográfico políticas del Reino de Nueva España.UNAM. p. 28.ISBN978-968-36-2875-6.


  • Gálvez, Bernardo de(1967) [1786].Instructions for Governing the Interior Provinces of New Spain, 1786.New York: Arno Press.
  • Gerhard, Peter.The North Frontier of New Spain.Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1982.
  • De la Teja, Frank and Ross Frank (2005).Choice, Persuasion, and Coercion: Social Control on Spain's North American Frontiers.Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.ISBN0-8263-3646-9
  • Tenenbaum, Barbara A. "The Making of a Fait Accompli: Mexico and the Provincias Internas, 1776-1846" in Jaime E. Rodríguez O.,The Origins of Mexican National Politics, 1808-1847.Wilmington, Scholarly Resources, 1997.ISBN0-8420-2723-8
  • Weber, David J.New Spain's Far Northern Frontier: Essays on Spain in the American West, 1540-1821.Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1979.ISBN978-0-8263-0498-8
  • Weber, David J.The Spanish Frontier in North America.New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.ISBN978-0-300-05917-5
  • Weber, David J.The Mexican Frontier, 1821-1846: The American Southwest under Mexico.Albuquerque, University of New Mexico Press, 1982.ISBN978-0-8263-0602-9

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