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Quintus Haterius Antoninus

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Quintus Haterius Antoninusor known asAntoninuswas aRomansenator,who was active during the reign ofClaudiusandNero.



He wassuffect consulin the year AD 53 as the colleague ofDecimus Junius Silanus Torquatus.[1]

Antoninus was the only child toDomitia Lepida the ElderandDecimus Haterius Agrippa,consul in 22.[2]His paternal grandfather was the influentialoratorand senatorQuintus Haterius;Ronald Symesuggests that his paternal grandmother was the daughter ofMarcus Vipsanius AgrippaandCaecilia Attica.[3]Sabina Tariverdieva believes her to be the daughter of Agrippa's sisterVipsania Polla.[4]

By the year 58 Antoninus had squandered his inheritance through extravagances, when emperor Nero gave him a yearly stipend of 500,000sesterces;Marcus Valerius Messalla CorvinusandAurelius Cotta,who had likewise squandered their inheritances, also received yearly stipends from the emperor.[5]According toSeneca the Younger,Haterius Antoninus was considered by some as a professional legacy hunter.[6]


  1. ^Paul Gallivan,"The Fasti for the Reign of Claudius",Classical Quarterly,28 (1978), pp. 409, 425.
  2. ^Ronald Syme,The Augustan Aristocracy(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986), p. 162.
  3. ^Syme,Augustan Aristocracy,p. 145.
  4. ^"Децим Гатерий Агриппа (Консул 22 Г. Н.э.): Происхождение И Родство С Императорским Домом".Vestnik Drevnei Istorii.1(288): 88–101. 2014.
  5. ^Tacitus,Annales,xiii.34.
  6. ^Seneca the Younger,De Beneficiis,6.38.4.
Political offices
Preceded by Consulof theRoman Empire
withDecimus Junius Silanus Torquatus
Succeeded by