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Quotation mark

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‘ ’ ' '
English quotation marks
« » “”
Guille­mets CJKbrackets

Quotation marks[A]arepunctuationmarks used in pairs in variouswriting systemsto identifydirect speech,aquotation,or a phrase. The pair consists of an opening quotation mark and a closing quotation mark, which may or may not be the sameglyph.[3]Quotation marks have a variety of forms in different languages and in different media.



The single quotation mark is traced to Ancient Greek practice, adopted and adapted by monastic copyists.Isidore of Seville,in his seventh century encyclopedia,Etymologiae,described their use of the Greekdiplé(achevron):

The double quotation mark derives from a marginal notation used in fifteenth-centurymanuscriptannotations to indicate a passage of particular importance (not necessarily a quotation); the notation was placed in the outside margin of the page and was repeated alongside each line of the passage.[6]In his edition of the works ofAristotle,which appeared in 1483 or 1484, the MilaneseRenaissance humanistFrancesco Filelfomarked literal and appropriate quotes with oblique double dashes on the left margin of each line.[7]Until then, literal quotations had been highlighted or not at the author's discretion.[7]Non-verbal loans[clarification needed]were marked on the edge. After the publication of Filelfo's edition, the quotation marks for literal quotations prevailed.[7]During the seventeenth century this treatment became specific to quoted material, and it grew common, especially in Britain, to print quotation marks (now in the modern opening and closing forms) at the beginning and end of the quotation as well as in the margin; the French usage (see underSpecific language featuresbelow) is a remnant of this. In most other languages, including English, the marginal marks dropped out of use in the last years of the eighteenth century. The usage of a pair of marks, opening and closing, at the level of lower case letters was generalized.[6]

Guillemetsby theImprimerie nationaleinBulletin de l’Agence générale des colonies,No. 302, May 1934, showing the usage of a pair of marks, opening and closing, at the level of lower case letters
Clash between the apostrophe and curved quotation marks in a phrase meaning “the crimes of the ‘good Samaritans’

By the nineteenth century, the design and usage began to be specific to each region. InWestern Europethe custom became to use the quotation mark pairs with the convexity of each mark aimedoutward.InBritainthose marks were elevated to the same height as the top of capital letters:“…”.

Clearly distinguishable apostrophe and angular quotation marks.
Blank space (in yellow) provoked by elevated quotation marks; some type designers consider this excessive.[8]

InFrance,by the end of the nineteenth century, the marks were modified to an angular shape:«…».Some authors[8]claim that the reason for this was a practical one, in order to get a character that was clearly distinguishable from the apostrophes, the commas, and the parentheses. Also, in other scripts, the angular quotation marks are distinguishable from other punctuation characters: theGreek breathing marks,theArmenian emphasis and apostrophe,the Arabiccomma,thedecimal separator,thethousands separator,etc. Other authors[8]claim that the reason for this was an aesthetic one: the elevated quotation marks created extra white space before and after the word, below the quotation marks. This was considered aesthetically unpleasing, while the in-line quotation marks helped to maintain thetypographical color,since the quotation marks had the same height and were aligned with the lower case letters.[6]Nevertheless, while other languages do not insert spaces between the quotation marks and the word(s) quoted, the French usage does insert them, even if they are narrow spaces.

Thecurvedquotation marks ( "66–99" ) usage,“…”,was exported to some non-Latin scripts, notably where there was someEnglishinfluence, for instance inNative Americanscripts[9]andIndic scripts.[10]On the other hand,Greek,Cyrillic,ArabicandEthiopicadopted the French "angular" quotation marks,«…».TheFar Eastangle bracket quotation marks,《…》,are also a development of the in-line angular quotation marks.[citation needed]

InCentral Europe,the practice was to use the quotation mark pairs with the convexity aimedinward.TheGermantradition preferred the curved quotation marks, the first one at the level of the commas, the second one at the level of the apostrophes:„… “.Alternatively, these marks could be angular and in-line with lower case letters, but still pointing inward:»…«.Some neighboring regions adopted the German curved marks tradition with lower–upper alignment, while some, e.g. Poland, adopted a variant with the convexity of the closing mark aimed rightward like the opening one,„…”.

Sweden(andFinland) choose a convention where the convexity of both marks was aimed to the right but lined up both at the top level:”…”.

InEastern Europe,[clarification needed]there was hesitation between the French tradition«…»and the German tradition„… “.The French tradition prevailed inEastern Europe(Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus), whereas the German tradition, or its modified version with the convexity of the closing mark aimed rightward, has become dominant inSoutheastern Europe,e.g. in the Balkan countries.

The reemergence ofsingle quotation marks,‘…’,around 1800 came about as a means of indicating a secondary level of quotation.[citation needed]In some languages using the angular quotation marks, the usage of the single guillemet,‹…›,became obsolete, being replaced by double curved ones:“…”,though the single ones still survive, for instance, in Switzerland. In Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the curved quotation marks,„… “,are used as a secondary level or in handwriting, while the angular marks,«…»,are used as the primary level on printed text.

In English


In English writing, quotation marks are placed in pairs around a word or phrase to indicate:

  • Quotationordirect speech:Carol said "Go ahead" when I asked her if the launcher was ready.
  • Mention in another work of thetitleof a short or subsidiary work, such as a chapter or an episode:"Encounter at Farpoint" was the pilot episode ofStar Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Scare quotes,used to mean "so-called"or to expresssarcasm:The "fresh" bread was all dried up.

In American writing, quotation marks are normally the double kind (the primary style). If quotation marks are used inside another pair of quotation marks, then single quotation marks are used. For example:"Didn't she say 'I like red best' when I asked her wine preferences?" he asked his guests.If another set of quotation marks is nested inside single quotation marks, double quotation marks are used again, and they continue to alternate as necessary (though this is rarely done).

British publishing is regarded as more flexible about whether double or single quotation marks should be used.[11]A tendency to use single quotation marks in British writing is thought to have arisen after the mid-19th century invention of steam-powered presses and the consequent rise of London and New York as distinct, industrialized publishing centers whose publishing houses adhered to separate norms.[12]The King's Englishin 1908 noted that the prevailing British practice was to use double marks for most purposes, and single ones for quotations within quotations.[13]Different media now follow different conventions in the United Kingdom.

Different varieties and styles of English have different conventions regarding whether terminal punctuation should be writteninside or outsidethe quotation marks. North American printing usually puts full stops and commas (but not colons, semicolons, exclamation or question marks) inside the closing quotation mark, whether it is part of the original quoted material or not.[14][15]Styles elsewhere vary widely and have different rationales for placing it inside or outside, often a matter ofhouse style.

Regarding their appearance, there are two types of quotation marks:

  • '…'and"…"are known as neutral, vertical, straight, typewriter,dumb,orASCIIquotation marks. The left and right marks are identical. These are found on typical Englishtypewritersandcomputer keyboards,although they are sometimesautomatically convertedto the other type by software.
  • ‘…’and“…”are known as typographic, curly, curved, book, or smart quotation marks. (The doubled ones are more informally known as "66 and 99".[16][17]) The beginning marks are commas raised to the top of the line and rotated 180 degrees. The ending marks are commas raised to the top of the line. Curved quotation marks are used mainly inmanuscript,printing, andtypesetting.Type cases(of any language) generally have the curved quotation mark metal types for the respective language, and may lack the vertical quotation mark metal types. Because most computer keyboards lack keys to enter typographic quotation marks directly, much that is written usingword-processing programshas vertical quotation marks. The "smart quotes"feature in some computer software can convert vertical quotation marks to curly ones, although sometimes imperfectly.

The closing single quotation mark is identical in form to theapostropheand similar to theprimesymbol. The double quotation mark is identical to theditto markin English-language usage. It is also similar to—and often used to represent—thedouble primesymbol. These all serve different purposes.

Summary table


Other languages have similar conventions to English, but use different symbols or different placement.

Language Standard Alternative Spacing Names Notes & references
Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
Afrikaans [i] aanhalingstekens(quotation)
Albanian thonjëza(quotes)
Amharic «» [18][19] [19] ትምህርተ ጥቅስ(timihirite t’ik’isi,quote)
Arabic «» optional علامات تنصيص‎ (ʻalāmāt tanṣīṣ,quotation marks) [ii]
Armenian «» չակերտներ(chakertner,quotation marks)
Azerbaijani "" 0–1 pt dırnaq işarəsi(fingernail mark)
Basque «» [20] komatxkak
Belarusian «» [21]
»« »«is used only in printed media.
[22][iv] «»[iii]
[22][iv] кавички(kavichki) (orстандартни кавички,двойни кавички(standartni/dvoyni kavichki) for the main types of quotation marks (also calleddoublequotation mark(s)), andединични кавички,вторични кавички(edinichni/vtorichni kavichki) for the secondary quotation marks (also calledsinglequotation mark(s)).
  • is sometimes replaced by""or very rarely by
  • andare sometimes written as'',or
  • There is some limited use of alternative secondary quotation marks:;,;;,;.
Catalan «» [iv][v] [iv] none
Chinese, simplified
  • [vi]
  • [vi]
[23] Fullwidth form
  • Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese agree on the names of the vertical rectangle quotation marks (and) but disagree on which pair being the primary one.
  • In Simplified Chinese, rectangle quotation marks are only used in vertical texts. The horizontal rectangle quotation marks are not commonly used in Simplified Chinese, and in the rare cases where they are used, often the convention of Traditional Chinese is followed.
  • In Traditional Chinese, curly quotation marks are not commonly used, and in the rare cases where they are used, often the convention of Simplified Chinese is followed.
Chinese, traditional
[24][25] Fullwidth form
Croatian [26][27] »« [26]
»«is used only in printed media.[28]
Czech »« uvozovky(introduce)
  • »«
Dutch [31]
  • Double citation marks are only used in literal citations
  • The sequence when using primary and secondary level is a recommendation, not a rule.
English, UK [32][viii] 1–2 pt Quotation marks, double quotes, quotes, inverted commas, speech marks Usage of single or double as primary varies across English varieties.
English, US;English, Canada [viii]
Esperanto [ix]
  • «»
citiloj(lit.quoting tools)
Estonian «»
Filipino [33][viii] [33] panipi
Finnish [34] »» [34] lainausmerkit(citation marks)
French «  » «  »[a] [iv] ‹  › [iv] guillemets(William)
[d] none
French, Switzerland[e] «»
Galician «» [35] [35]
Georgian none [1] none ბრჭყალები(brč’q’alebi,claws)
German »«
German, Switzerland;Swiss German[e] «»
Greek «» [38][39] εισαγωγικά(eisagogiká,introductory marks)
Hebrew [40] "" '' מֵירְכָאוֹת(merkha'ot) Not to be confused withגֵּרְשַׁיִם(gershayim,double geresh typographical mark).[ii]
Hindi [41] उद्धरण चिह्न(uddharan chihn)
Hungarian »« [iv]
The three levels of Hungarian quotation:»«[42]


[43] tilvitnunarmerki

gæsalappir(‘goose feet’)

Ido «  » ‘  ’ cito-hoketi(quotation hooks)
Indonesian [44] tanda kutip,tanda petik(quote mark) Usage of alternative marks seen among the literature by Jehovah’s Witnesses in Indonesian.
Interlingua [ix] virgulettas(smallcommas)
Irish 1–2 pt liamóg(William)
Italian «» [45] [45] virgolette(smallcommas)
Italian, Switzerland[e] «»
Fullwidth form
Occasionally, other symbols, such as,are used stylistically. Quotes are almost always proceeded by particle.
Kazakh «» тырнақша(tırnaqşa) [46]
Karakalpak «» tırnaqsha(tırnaqsha)
Khmer «» [f] សញ្ញាសម្រង់(saññā samráng,quotation mark)
Korean, North Korea
Korean, South Korea [47] [47] [vi] [vi]
  • 쌍따옴표(ssang-ttaompyo,double quotation mark)
  • 따옴표(ttaompyo,quotation mark)
  • 낫표(natpyo,scythe symbol)
  • 겹낫표(gyeomnatpyo,double scythe symbol)
Lao ວົງຢືມ(vong yum)
There is no standardized way on how quotation marks used in Latvian, depending on several usages:
  • is preferred as widespread use in Latvian, which is same as English.
  • is preferred for use in traditional handwriting and used in the Latvian Language Agency's (LVA) website.
  • «»is rarely seen in Latvian but can be found in several textbooks. It was also used in widespread usage during the occupation of theSoviet Union.

Historically,(German-stlye quotes) was used in Latvian in the first half of 20th century.

Lithuanian [48] kabutės
Lojban luli’u lu “”li’u Double quotes are not officially named in Lojban, but sometimes calledlubu,following the same pattern as vowel letters, e.g. ⟨a⟩ =abu Lojban uses the wordsluandli’u,rather than punctuation, to surround quotes of grammatically correct Lojban.[49]Double quotes can also be used for aesthetic purposes. Non-Lojban text may be quoted usingzoi.[50]
Macedonian [51] [51]
Maltese Virgoletti
Mongolian,Cyrillic script «» [iv]
Mongolian,Mongolian script [x][52]
New Tai Lue [53]
Norwegian «» [54] ,
Occitan «» «» guilheumets,verguetas
Pashto «» [55] [ii]
Persian «» گیومه(giyume,guillaume) [ii]
Polish »« [iv] «»[xi] [xii] none cudzysłów(someone else's word)
Portuguese, Brazil [iv]
Portuguese, Portugal «» [61][iv] [61]
Romanian «» [62][iv] none ghilimele(quotes)
Romansh[e] «»
Russian «» [iv] none
Serbian »«
Scottish Gaelic cromagan turrach
Slovak »« úvodzovky(introduce)
Slovene »« navednice
Spanish «» [63][iv] [iv][v]
Swedish [64]
  • »»
  • »«
Tai Le [65]
Tamil [citation needed] மேற்கோட்குறி(mErkoL kuri)
Tibetan [66]
Tigrinya «» [19] [19]
Thai อัญประกาศ(anyaprakat,differentiating mark),ฟันหนู(fạnh̄nū,mouse teeth)
Turkish [67] «» 0–1 pt tırnak işareti(fingernail mark)
Ukrainian «»
none лапки(lapky,little paws)
Urdu [69] واوین(wāwain) [ii]
Uyghur «» [70] none
Uzbek «» [71] qoʻshtirnoq(nails)
Vietnamese [72] «  » NBSP(optional)
Welsh 1–2 pt dyfynodau
  1. ^abTraditional.
  2. ^abcdefDirection of text is right-to-left.
  3. ^abcdRarely used.
  4. ^abcdefghijklmnoAquotation dashis preferred for dialogue.
  5. ^abA closing quotation mark is added to the beginning of each new paragraph.
  6. ^abcdefghOnly used when text is written vertically (up-to-down and right-to-left).
  7. ^abcdRotated for use in horizontal text; originally written ﹁﹂ and ﹃﹄ in vertical text
  8. ^abcWithin a quotation, the opening quotation mark is repeated at the beginning of each new paragraph.
  9. ^abUsage may vary, depending on the native language of the author and publisher.
  10. ^Direction of text is vertical.
  11. ^In the scientific works as definitions and in literature
  12. ^Tertiary quotation mark (very rare) and in the scientific works as definitions
  13. ^Handwriting.
  1. ^According to the FrenchImprimerie nationale.English quotes are more common on the second level.
  2. ^According to French usage in print and the practice of the FrenchImprimerie nationale.A rule in the house style guide recommends NBSP, though.
  3. ^According to a rule in the house style guide of the FrenchImprimerie nationale.Practice in the style guide and elsewhere shows use of NNBSP, though. Also used in word processing, where NBSP is not justifying, though (except inWord 2013,according tothis forum thread).
  4. ^According to French usage. The FrenchImprimerie nationalerecommends double angle quotes even on the second level.
  5. ^abcdInSwitzerlandthe same style is used for all four national languages.
  6. ^Inferred fromkeyboard layoutandfonts.

Specific language features




Contemporary Bulgarian employs theem dashor the quotation dash (thehorizontal bar) followed by a space character at the beginning of each direct-speech segment by a different character in order to markdirect speechin prose and in most journalistic question and answerinterviews;in such cases, the use of standard quotation marks is left for in-text citations or to mark the names of institutions, companies, and sometimes also brand or model names.[citation needed]

Air quotesare also widely used in face-to-face communication in contemporary Bulgarian but usually resemble"..."(secondary:'... ') unlike written Bulgarian quotation marks.



The standard form in the preceding table is taught in schools and used in handwriting. Most large newspapers have kept these low-high quotation marks,and;otherwise, the alternative form with single or double English-style quotes is now often the only form seen in printed matter. Neutral (straight) quotation marks,"and',are used widely, especially in texts typed on computers and on websites.[73]

Although not generally common in theNetherlandsany more, double angle (guillemet) quotation marks are still sometimes used in Belgium. Examples include the FlemishHUMOmagazine and the Metro newspaper in Brussels.[74]


Different forms of German and English quotation marks and similar looking signs

The symbol used as the left (typographical) quote in English is used as the right quote inGermanyandAustriaand a "low double comma"(not used in English) is used for the left quote. Its single quote formlooks like a comma.

Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description Wrong Symbols
  • U+201A (8218)
  • U+2018 (8216)
  • ‚
  • ‘
German single quotes (left and right)
  • ,– comma (U + 002C) left
  • ' – apostrophe (U+0027) right
  • U+201E (8222)
  • U+201C (8220)
  • „
  • “
German double quotes (left and right) "– neutral (vertical) double quotes (U+0022)

Some fonts, e.g.Verdana,were not designed with the flexibility to use an English left quote as a German right quote. Such fonts are therefore typographically incompatible with this German usage.

Double quotes are standard for denoting speech inGerman.

Andreas fragte mich: „Hast du den Artikel ‚EU-Erweiterung‘ gelesen? “(Andreas asked me: "Have you read the 'EU Expansion' article?" )

This style of quoting is also used inBulgarian,Czech,Danish,Estonian,Georgian,Icelandic,Latvian,Lithuanian,Russian,Serbo-Croatian,Slovak,Sloveneand inUkrainian.In Bulgarian, Icelandic, Estonian, Lithuanian, and Russian, single quotation marks are not used.[clarification needed]

Sometimes, especially in novels, guillemets (angled quotation marks) are used in Germany and Austria (but pointing in the opposite direction compared toFrench):»A ›B‹?«

Andreas fragte mich: »Hast du den Artikel ›EU-Erweiterung‹ gelesen?«
Andreas asked me: "Have you read the 'EU Expansion' article?"

InSwitzerland,theFrench-style angle quotation mark setsare also used forGermanprinted text: «A ‹B›?»

Andreas fragte mich: «Hast du den Artikel ‹EU-Erweiterung› gelesen?»
Andreas asked me: 'Have you read the "EU Expansion" article?'

Finnish and Swedish


InFinnishandSwedish,right quotes, called citation marks,”…”,are used to mark both the beginning and the end of a quote. Double right-pointing angular quotes,»…»,can also be used.

Alternatively, anen-dashfollowed by a (non-breaking) space can be used to denote the beginning of quoted speech, in which case the end of the quotation is not specifically denoted (see sectionQuotation dashbelow). A line-break should not be allowed between the en-dash and the first word of the quotation.

Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description
A U+2019 (8217) ’ Secondary level quotation
A U+201D (8221) ” Primary level quotation
»A» U+00BB (187) » Alternative primary level quotation
A U+2013 (8211) – Alternative denotation at the beginning of quoted speech



Frenchuses angle quotation marks (guillemets,orduck-foot quotes), adding a 'quarter-em space'[a]within the quotes. With proper localization, computers automatically add the proper spacing. When localization is not available, many people use anon-breaking spacebetween the quotation mark and the nearest word inside it[citation needed]because the difference between a non-breaking space and afour-per-em spaceis virtually imperceptible, manycomputer fontsdo not include a quarter-em space, and the Unicode quarter-em space isbreakable.Even more commonly, many people put a normal (breaking) space inside the quotation marks[citation needed]because the non-breaking space cannot be accessed easily from the keyboard, or because they are not aware of this typographical refinement. Using a breakable space of any kind often results in a quotation mark appearing alone at the beginning of a line, since the quotation mark is erroneously treated as an independent word.

« Voulez-vous un sandwich, Henri? »
“Would you like a sandwich, Henri?”

French news sites such asLibération,Les ÉchosandLe Figarodo not add manual spacing, leaving it up to localization and the browser to space the guillemets properly.

Sample Unicode(decimal)HTML Description
Quote Space
  • U+00AB (171)«
  • U+00BB (187)»
U+00A0 (160) French double angle quotes (left and right), legacy (approximative) spacing usual on the web, withnormal(four per em)no-break space(justifying, thus inappropriate)
«A» U+202F (8239)  French double angle quotes (left and right), correct spacing used by typographers, withnarrow(six per em) non-breaking spaces, represented on the web usingnarrow no-break space
«A» French double angle quotes (left and right) without space (not recommended in French)
  • U+2039 (8249)‹
  • U+203A (8250)›
U+00A0 (160) French single angle quotes (left and right), alternate form for embedded quotations, legacy (approximative) spacing usual on the web, withnormal(four per em)no-break space(justifying, thus inappropriate)
A U+202F (8239)  French single angle quotes (left and right), alternate form for embedded quotations, correct spacing used by typographers, withnarrow(six per em) non-breaking spaces, represented on the web usingnarrow no-break space
A French single angle quotes (left and right) without space (not recommended in French)
Guillemets by theImprimerie nationaleinBulletin de l’Agence générale des colonies,No. 302, Mai 1934, showing thecomma-shaped symbols sitting on thebaseline

Initially, the French guillemets were not angle shaped but also used the comma (6/9) shape.[citation needed]They were different from English quotes because they were standing (like today's guillemets)onthe baseline (like lowercase letters), not raised above it (like apostrophes and English quotation marks) or hanging below it (like commas). At the beginning of the nineteenth century, this shape evolved to look like((small parentheses)).The angle shape was introduced later to make them easier to distinguish from apostrophes, commas and parentheses in handwritten manuscripts submitted to publishers.Unicodecurrently does not provide alternate codes for these 6/9 guillemets on the baseline, as they are considered to be form variants of guillemets, implemented in older French typography (such as theDidot fontdesign). With this older style there was also not necessarily any distinction of shape between the opening and closing guillemets; both often pointed to the right (as today's French closing guillemets do).[citation needed]

In old-style printed books, when quotations span multiple lines of text (including multiple paragraphs), an additional closing quotation sign is traditionally used at thebeginningof each line continuing a quotation; this right-pointing guillemet at the beginning of a line doesnotclose the current quotation. This convention was consistently used from the beginning of the 19th century by most book printers, but is no longer in use today. Such insertion of continuation quotation marks was rigidly maintained, even at a word hyphenation break. Since these continuation marks are obsolete in French, there is no support for automatic insertion of continuation guillemets in HTML or CSS, nor in word-processors. Old-style typesetting is emulated by breaking up the final layout with manual line breaks, and inserting the quotation marks at line start, much like pointy brackets before quoted plain text e-mail:

« C’est une belle journée pour les Montréalais, soutient
» le ministre. Ces investissements stimuleront la crois-
» sance économique. »

Unlike English, French does not identify unquoted material within a quotation by using a second set of quotation marks. Compare:

« C’est une belle journée pour les Montréalais, soutient le ministre. Ces investissements stimuleront la croissance économique. »
"This is a great day for Montrealers", the minister maintained. "These investments will stimulate economic growth."

For clarity, some newspapers put nested quoted material in italics:

«C’est une belle journée pour les Montréalais,soutient le ministre.Ces investissements stimuleront la croissance économique.»

The French Imprimerie nationale (cf.Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale,presses de l'Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 2002) does not use different quotation marks for nesting quotes:

« Son « explication » n’est qu’un mensonge », s’indigna le député.
"His 'explanation' is just a lie", the deputy protested.

In this case, when there should be two adjacent opening or closing marks, only one is written:

Il répondit: « Ce n’est qu’un « gadget! ».
He answered: "It's only a 'gizmo'."

The use of English quotation marks is increasing in French and usually follows English rules, for instance in situations when the keyboard or the software context doesn't allow the use of guillemets. The French news siteL'Humanitéuses straight quotation marks along with angle ones.

English quotes are also used sometimes for nested quotations:

« Son “explication” n’est qu’un mensonge », s’indigna le député.
"His 'explanation' is just a lie", the deputy protested.

But the most frequent convention used in printed books for nested quotations is to style them in italics. Single quotation marks are much more rarely used, and multiple levels of quotations using the same marks is often considered confusing for readers:

« Sonexplicationn’est qu’un mensonge », s’indigna le député.
Il répondit: « Ce n’est qu’ungadget!».

Further, running dialogue does not use quotation marks beyond the first sentence, as changes in speaker are indicated by a dash, as opposed to the English use of closing and re-opening the quotation. (For other languages employing dashes, see sectionQuotation dashbelow.) The dashes may be used entirely without quotation marks as well. In general, quotation marks are extended to encompass as much speech as possible, including not just unspoken text such as "he said" (as previously noted), but also as long as the conversion extends. The quotation marks end at the last word of spoken text (rather than extending to the end of the paragraph) when the final part is not spoken.

« Je ne vous parle pas, monsieur, dit-il.

— Mais je vous parle, moi! » s’écria le jeune homme exaspéré de ce mélange d’insolence et de bonnes manières, de convenance et de dédain.(Dumas,Les trois mousquetaires)

"I am not speaking to you, sir", he said.

"ButIam speaking to you! "cried the young man, exasperated by this combination of insolence and good manners, of protocol and disdain.



Greekuses angled quotation marks (εισαγωγικάisagogiká):

«Μιλάει σοβαρά;» ρώτησε την Μαρία.
«Ναι, σίγουρα», αποκρίθηκε.

and thequotation dash(παύλαpávla):

― Μιλάει σοβαρά; ρώτησε την Μαρία.
― Ναι, σίγουρα, αποκρίθηκε.

which translate to:

"Is he serious?" he asked Maria.
"Yes, certainly," she replied.

A closing quotation mark,»,is added to the beginning of each new paragraph within a quotation.

« Η Βικιπαίδεια ή Wikipedia είναι ένα συλλογικό εγκυκλοπαιδικό
» εγχείρημα που έχει συσταθεί στο Διαδίκτυο, παγκόσμιο, πολύγλωσσο,
» που λειτουργεί με την αρχή του wiki. »

When quotations are nested, the nested parts use English-style quotation marks, double and then (if necessary) single:«… “…‘…’…”…».

Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description
  • U+00AB (0171)
  • U+00BB (0187)
  • «
  • »
Greek first level double quotes (εισαγωγικά)
Α U+2014 (8212) — Greek direct quotation em-dash



According to current recommendation by theHungarian Academy of Sciencesthe main Hungarian quotation marks are comma-shaped double quotation marks set on the base-line at the beginning of the quote and at apostrophe-height at the end of it for first level, („Quote”), reversed »French quotes« without space (the German tradition) for the second level, and thus the following nested quotation pattern emerges:

  • „Quote »inside« quote”

... and with third level:

  • „Quote »inside ’inside of inside’ inside« quote”

In Hungarian linguistic tradition the meaning of a word is signified byuniform (unpaired)apostrophe-shaped quotation marks:

  • die Biene’méh’

Aquotation dashis also used, and is predominant inbelletristicliterature.

  • – Merre jártál? – kérdezte a köpcös.
Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description
  • U+201E (8222)
  • U+201D (8221)
  • „
  • ”
Hungarian first level double quotes (left and right)
  • U+00BB (0171)
  • U+00AB (0187)
  • »
  • «
Hungarian second level double quotes (left and right)
A U+2019 (8217) ’ Hungarianunpairedquotes signifying "meaning of the preceding term"



In Israel, the traditional practice in printing and handwriting is to use „low-high” quote marks.[40]Since the 2000s, the plain quotes have become more common.[citation needed]The 2013 revision of the SI-1452 standard forHebrew keyboard,available since 2012 in Windows 8 and in desktop Linux systems, supports both systems, as does theGboardkeyboard for touchscreen devices.



Norwegianuses angled quotation marks (Anførselstegn)

Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description
  • U+00AB (0171)
  • U+00BB (0187)
  • «
  • »



According to currentPN-83/P-55366standard from 1983 (but not dictionaries, see below),Typesetting rules for composing Polish text(Zasady składania tekstów w języku polskim) one can use either „ordinary Polish quotes” or «French quotes» (without space) for first level, and ‚single Polish quotes’ or «French quotes» for second level, which gives three styles of nested quotes:

  1. „Quote ‚inside’ quote”
  2. „Quote «inside» quote”
  3. «Quote ‚inside’ quote»

There is no space on the internal side of quote marks, with the exception of14firet(≈14em) space between two quotation marks when there are no other characters between them (e.g.,„ and”).

The above rules have not changed since at least the previousBN-76/7440-02standard from 1976 and are probably much older.

These rules on the use of guillemets conflict with the ones given by Polish dictionaries, including theWielki Słownik Ortograficzny PWNrecommended by thePolish Language Council.The PWN rules state:

In specific uses, guillemets also appear. Guillemet marks pointing inwards are used for highlights and in case a quotation occurs inside a quotation. Guillemet marks pointing outwards are used for definitions (mainly in scientific publications and dictionaries), as well as for enclosing spoken lines and indirect speech, especially in poetic texts.[75]

In Polish printed books and publications, this dictionary-recommended style for guillemets (also known as »German quotes«) is used almost exclusively. In addition to being standard for second level quotes, guillemet quotes are sometimes used as first level quotes in headings and titles, but almost never for ordinary text in paragraphs.

Another style of quoting is to use anem-dashto open a quote; this is used almost exclusively for quoting dialogues rather than for single statements, and is virtually always the one used for that purpose in works of fiction.

Mag skłonił się. Biały kot śpiący obok paleniska ocknął się nagle i spojrzał na niego badawczo.

— Jak się nazywa ta wieś, panie? — zapytał przybysz. Kowal wzruszył ramionami.
— Głupi Osioł.
— Głupi...?
— Osioł — powtórzył kowal takim tonem, jakby wyzywał gościa, żeby spróbował sobie z niego zażartować. Mag zamyślił się.
— Ta nazwa ma pewnie swoją historię — stwierdził w końcu. — W innych okolicznościach chętnie bym jej wysłuchał. Ale chciałbym porozmawiać z tobą, kowalu, o twoim synu.

The wizard bowed. A white cat that had been sleeping by the furnace woke up and watched him carefully.
“What is the name of this place, sir?” said the wizard.
The blacksmith shrugged.
“Stupid Donkey,” he said. [original English version is "Bad Ass", but that's not a common phrase in Polish]
“Donkey,” repeated the blacksmith, his tone defying anyone to make something of it.
The wizard considered this.
“A name with a story behind it,” he said at last, “which were circumstances otherwise I would be pleased to hear. But I would like to speak to you, smith, about your son.”

(— Terry Pratchett,Equal Rites)

Anen-dashis sometimes used in place of theem-dash,especially so in newspaper texts.

Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description
  • U+201A (8218)
  • U+2019 (8217)
  • ‚
  • ’
Polish single quotes (left and right)
  • U+201E (8222)
  • U+201D (8221)
  • „
  • ”
Polish double quotes (left and right)
A U+2014 (8212) — Polish direct quotationem-dash
A U+2013 (8211) – Polish direct quotationen-dash



Neither thePortugueselanguage regulatornor theBrazilianprescribe a particular shape for quotation marks, they only prescribe when and how they should be used.

InPortugal,angular quotation marks[56][61](ex. «quote») are traditionally used. They are the Latin tradition quotation marks, normally used by typographers, and are also the usual style in reference sources,[60][76][77]as well as on some websites dedicated to the Portuguese language.[78]

TheCódigo de Redação[79]for Portuguese-language documents published in the European Union prescribes three levels of quotation marks,«… “…‘…’…”…»:

E estava escrito«Alguém perguntou“Quem foi que gritou‘Meu Deus!’?”na folha de papel.
And it was written“Someone asked‘Who shouted“My God!”?’.”on the sheet of paper.
  • inblack:main sentence which contains the quotations;
  • ingreen:1st level quotation;
  • inred:2nd level quotation;
  • inblue:3rd level quotation;

The usage of curved quotation marks (ex.“quote”and‘quote’) is growing in Portugal,[80][better source needed]probably due to the omnipresence of the English language and to the corresponding difficulty (or even inability) to enter angular quotation marks on some machines (mobile phones, cash registers, calculators, etc.).

InBrazil,angular quotation marks are rare, and curved quotation marks (“quote”and‘quote’) are almost always used. An example of this can be seen in the difference between aPortuguese keyboard(which has a key for«and») and aBrazilian keyboard.

ThePortuguese-speaking African countriestend to follow Portugal's conventions, not the Brazilian ones.

Other usages of quotation marks (“quote„for double,‹quote›for single) are obsolete in Portuguese.[citation needed].

Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian


InBelarusian,Russian,andUkrainian,the angled quotation (Belarusian:«двукоссе»,Russian:«кавычки»,Ukrainian:«лапки») marks are used without spaces. In case of quoted material inside a quotation, rules and most noted style manuals prescribe the use of different kinds of quotation marks.

Example in Russian:

Пушкин писал Дельвигу: «Жду „Цыганов “и тотчас тисну».

(Pushkinwrote to Delvig: "Waiting for 'Gypsies', and publish at once. ")

Example in Ukrainian:

«І, звісно, не обійтись без користування словником. Один мій знайомий поет і літературознавець якось жартуючи сказав: “Я волію читати словники, ніж поеми. У словнику ті самі слова, що і в поемі, але подані в систематизованому порядку”. Це сказано жартома, але “читати словники” — не така вже дивовижна і дивацька річ, як може здатися».

( "And, of course, you can't avoid using a dictionary. One of my acquaintances, a poet and literary critic, once jokingly said: 'I prefer to read dictionaries than poems. The dictionary has the same words as in the poem, but is presented in a systematic way'. It's a joke, but 'reading dictionaries' is not as amazing and bizarre as it may seem." )



Spanishuses angled quotation marks (comillas latinasorangulares), with no space between the quotation mark and the quoted material.

«Esto es un ejemplo de cómo se suele hacer una cita literal en español».
"This is an example of how a literal quotation is usually written in Spanish."

When quotations are nested in more levels than inner and outer quotation, the system is:[81]

«Antonio me dijo: “Vaya ‘cacharro’ que se ha comprado Julián” ».
"Antonio told me, 'What a piece of" junk "Julián has purchased for himself'".

The use of English quotation marks is increasing in Spanish;[citation needed]theEl Paísstyle guide, which is widely followed in Spain, recommends them.Hispanic Americansoften use them, owing to influence from the United States.

Chinese, Japanese and Korean


Corner brackets are well-suited forChinese,Japanese,andKoreanlanguages, because they accommodatevertical and horizontal writingequally well. China, South Korea, and Japan all use corner brackets when writing vertically. Usage differs when writing horizontally:

  • InJapan,corner brackets are used.
  • InSouth Korea,corner brackets and English-style quotes are used.
  • InNorth Korea,angle quotes are used.[citation needed]
  • Inmainland China,English-style quotes (full width “” ) are official and prevalent; corner brackets are rare today. The Unicode code points used are the English quotes (rendered as fullwidth by the font), not the fullwidth forms.
  • InTaiwan,Hong KongandMacau,wheretraditional charactersare used, corner brackets are prevalent, although English-style quotes are also used.
  • In the Chinese language, double angle brackets are placed around titles of books, documents, movies, pieces of art or music, magazines, newspapers, laws, etc. When nested, single angle brackets are used inside double angle brackets. With some exceptions, this usage parallels the usage of italics in English:
“Ngươi xem qua 《 Tam Quốc Diễn Nghĩa 》 sao?” Hắn hỏi ta.
"Have you readRomance of the Three Kingdoms?",he asked me.

When corner brackets are being used for quotations, quote-within-quote segments are marked with white corner brackets.

Samples Unicode(decimal) Description Usage
Văn tự
  • U+300C (12300)
  • U+300D (12301)
Corner brackets
Văn tự
  • U+FE41 (65089)
  • U+FE42 (65090)
For vertical writing:
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
Văn tự
  • U+300E (12302)
  • U+300F (12303)
White corner brackets
  • Japanese
  • Korean (book titles)
  • Traditional Chinese
Văn tự U+FE43 (65091), U+FE44 (65092)
For vertical writing:
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • U+201C (8220)
  • U+201D (8221)
Double quotation marks
  • Korean: 큰따옴표 (keunttaompyo)
  • Chinese: Song dấu ngoặc kép (shuāng yǐn hào)
  • Korean (South Korea)
  • Traditional Chinese (acceptable but less common, happened in Hong Kong mainly as a result of influence from mainland China)
  • Simplified Chinese
  • U+2018 (8216)
  • U+2019 (8217)
Single quotation marks
  • Korean: 작은따옴표 (jageunttaompyo)
  • Chinese: Đơn dấu ngoặc kép (dān yǐn hào)
  • Korean (South Korea)
  • Chinese (for quote-within-quote segments)
  • U+300A (12298)
  • U+300B (12299)
Double angle brackets
  • Korean: 겹화살괄호 (gyeophwasalgwalho)
  • Chinese: Ký hiệu chỉ tên sách (shū míng hào)
  • Korean (book titles)
  • Chinese(used for titles of books, documents, movies, pieces of art or music, magazines, newspapers, laws, etc. )
  • U+3008 (12296)
  • U+3009 (12297)
Single angle brackets
  • Korean: 홑화살괄호 (hothwasalgwalho)
  • Chinese: Ký hiệu chỉ tên sách (shū míng hào)
  • Korean (book sub-titles)
  • Chinese(for book titles within book titles.)

Quotation dash


Another typographical style is to omit quotation marks for lines of dialogue, replacing them with an initial dash, as in lines from James Joyce'sUlysses:

― O saints above! Miss Douce said, sighed above her jumping rose. I wished I hadn't laughed so much. I feel all wet.
― O Miss Douce! Miss Kennedy protested. You horrid thing![82]

This style is particularly common in Bulgarian, French, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.[72]James Joycealways insisted on this style, although his publishers did not always respect his preference.Alan Patonused this style inCry, the Beloved Country(and no quotation marks at all in some of his later work).Charles Frazierused this style for his novelCold Mountainas well. Details for individual languages are given above.

The dash is often combined with ordinary quotation marks. For example, in French, a guillemet may be used to initiate running speech, with a dash to indicate each change in speaker and a closing guillemet to mark the end of the quotation.

Dashes are also used in many modernEnglishnovels,especially those written innonstandard dialects.Some examples include:

In Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Georgian, Romanian, Lithuanian and Hungarian, a reporting clause in the middle of a quotation is marked by a dash on each side of it. The initial quotation dash is followed by a single space, and any other quotation dashes in the same paragraph have a single space on each side. A Russian example:

― Ай, ай, ай! ― вскрикнул Левин. ― Я ведь, кажется, уже лет девять не говел. Я и не подумал.

― Хорош! ― смеясь, сказал Степан Аркадьевич, ― а меня же называешь нигилистом! Однако ведь это нельзя. Тебе надо говеть.

"Oh dear!" exclaimed Levin. "I think it is nine years since I went to communion! I haven't thought about it."
"You are a good one!" remarked Oblonsky, laughing. "And you call me a Nihilist! But it won't do, you know; you must confess and receive the sacrament."

(— fromLeo Tolstoy’sAnna Karenina,Louise and Aylmer Maude translation)

A Hungarian example:

– Nem hagyják magukat, mozgásban maradnak – mondta Ron. – Ahogy mi is.

"Well, they keep on the move, don't they?" said Ron. "Like us."

(— From J. K. Rowling'sHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsand its Hungarian translation by Tóth Tamás Boldizsár)

InFinnish,on the other hand, the beginning of a reporting clause is marked only by the punctuation already existing in the sentence, or (if there was none) by adding a comma. When a quote continues after the reporting clause, the clause ends with a comma, and the continuation begins with another dash:[83]

– Et sinä ole paljon minkään näköinen, sanoi Korkala melkein surullisesti, – mutta ei auta.

"You don't seem to be anything special," said Korkala almost sadly, "but there's no help to it."

– Frakki, älähti Huikari. – Missä on frakki?
– Räätälissä, sanoi Joonas rauhallisesti.

"Tailcoat", yelped Huikari. "Where is the tailcoat?"

"At the tailor's", said Joonas calmly.

TheUnicodestandard introduced a separate characterU+2015HORIZONTAL BARto be used as a quotation dash. It may be the same length as an em-dash, which is often used instead. Some software will allow a line break after an ordinary em-dash, but prevent it after a quotation dash. Both are displayed in the following table.

Samples Unicode(decimal) HTML Description
A U+2015 (8213) ― Quotation dash, also known ashorizontal bar
A U+2014 (8212) — Em-dash,an alternative to the quotation dash
A U+2013 (8211) – En-dash,used instead of em-dash for quotation dash in some languages (e.g. Swedish)

Electronic documents


Differenttypefaces,character encodingsandcomputer languagesuse various encodings and glyphs for quotation marks.

Typewriters and early computers


'Ambidextrous' or 'straight' quotation marks' "were introduced ontypewritersto minimise the number of keys on the keyboard, and were inherited bycomputer keyboardsandcharacter sets.TheASCIIcharacter set, which has been used on a wide variety of computers since the 1960s, contains the straight versions only (U+0027'APOSTROPHEandU+0022"QUOTATION MARK).

Many systems, such as thepersonal computersof the 1980s and early 1990s, actually drew these ASCII quotes like closing quotes on-screen and in printouts, so text wouldappearlike this (approximately):

″Good morning, Dave,″ said HAL.
′Good morning, Dave,′ said HAL.

These same systems often drew thebacktick(the free standing characterU+0060`GRAVE ACCENT) as an 'open quote' glyph (usually a mirror image so it still sloped in the direction of a grave accent). Using this character as the opening quote gave atypographic approximationof curved single quotes. Nothing similar was available for the double quote, so many people resorted to using two single quotes for double quotes, which wouldlookapproximately like the following:

``Good morning, Dave,′′ said HAL.
`Good morning, Dave,′ said HAL.

The typesetting applicationTeXuses this convention for input files. The following is an example of TeX input which yields proper curly quotation marks.

``Good morning, Dave,'' said HAL.
`Good morning, Dave,' said HAL.

TheUnicodestandard addedcodepointsfor slanted or curved quotes (U+201CLEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARKandU+201DRIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK,described further below), shown here for comparison:

“Good morning, Dave,” said HAL.
‘Good morning, Dave,’ said HAL.

The Unicode mapping forPostScript Standard Encodingpreserves the typographic approximation convention by mapping its equivalent of ASCII grave and single-quote to the Unicode curly quotation mark characters.

Keyboard layouts


On most keyboards, typographical quotation marks are absent.

When typewriter keyboards were designed, curved quotation marks were not implemented. Instead, to limit the number of characters (and keys) required, straight quotation marks were invented as a compromise. (In countries that use angled quotation marks, those were not implemented on typewriters either[citation needed].)

Early computer keyboards copied layouts that had been established by typewriter keyboards. Most computer keyboards do not have specific keys for curved quotation marks or angled quotation marks. This may also have to do with computer character sets:

  • IBM character setsgenerally do not include curved quotation mark characters, therefore, keys for those marks are absent from most IBM computer keyboards.[84]
  • Microsoft followed the example of IBM in its character set and keyboard design. Curved quotation marks were implemented later inWindows character sets,but most Microsoft computer keyboards[85]do not have a dedicated key for the curved quotation mark characters. On keyboards with theAlt Grkey or both theAltkey and thenumeric keypad,they are accessible through a series of keystrokes that involve these keys.[c]Also, techniques usingtheir Unicode code pointsare available; seeUnicode input.
  • Macintosh character setshave always had curved quotation marks available. Nevertheless, these are mostly only accessible through a series of keystrokes involving the⌥ Optkey.

In languages that use the curved“...”quotation marks, they are available[d]in:

  • none

In languages that use angular«...»quotation marks, they are available[d]in:

In languages that use the corner bracket“...”quotation marks, they are available[d]in:

In languages that use the angle bracket《...》[e]they are available in:

In languages that use the curved„... “quotation marks, they are available[d]in:

In languages that use the curved„...”quotation marks, they are available[d]in:

In languages that use the curved”...”quotation marks, they are available[d]in:

  • none

Curved quotes within and across applications


Historically, support for curved quotes was a problem in information technology, primarily because the widely used ASCII character set did not include a representation for them.[f]

The term "smart quotes",“…”,is from the name in several word processors of a function aimed this problem: automatically converting straight quotes typed by the user into curved quotes, the feature attempts to be "smart" enough to determine whether the punctuation marked opening or closing. Since curved quotes are the typographically correct ones,[citation needed]word processors have traditionally offered curved quotes to users (at minimum as available characters). BeforeUnicodewas widely accepted and supported, this meant representing the curved quotes in whatever 8-bit encoding the software and underlyingoperating systemwas using. The character sets forWindowsandMacintoshused two different pairs of values for curved quotes, whileISO 8859-1(historically the default character set for theUnixesand olderLinuxsystems) hasnocurved quotes, making cross-platform and -application compatibility difficult.

Performance by these "smart quotes" features was far from perfect overall (variance potential by e.g. subject matter, formatting/style convention, user typing habits). As many word processors (including Microsoft Word andOpenOffice.org) have the function enabled by default, users may not have realized that the ASCII-compatible straight quotes they were typing on their keyboards ended up as something different (conversely users could incorrectly assume its functioning in other applications, e.g. composing emails).

The curvedapostropheis the same character as the closing single quote.[103]"Smart quotes" features wrongly convert initial apostrophes (as in 'tis, 'em, 'til, and '89) intoopeningsingle quotes. (An example of this error appears in the advertisements for the television show'Til Death.) The two very different functions of this character can cause confusion, particularly in British styles,[g]in which single quotes are the standard primary.

Unicode support has since become the norm for operating systems. Thus, in at least some cases, transferring content containing curved quotes (or any other non-ASCII characters) from a word processor to another application or platform has been less troublesome, provided all steps in the process (including theclipboardif applicable) are Unicode-aware. But there are still applications which still use the older character sets, or output data using them, and thus problems still occur.

There are other considerations for including curved quotes in the widely usedmarkup languagesHTML,XML,andSGML.If the encoding of the document supports direct representation of the characters, they can be used, but doing so can cause difficulties if the document needs to be edited by someone who is using an editor that cannot support the encoding. For example, many simple text editors only handle a few encodings or assume that the encoding of any file opened is a platform default, so the quote characters may appear as the generic replacement characteror "mojibake"(gibberish). HTML includes a set of entities for curved quotes:‘(left single),’(right single or apostrophe),‚(low 9 single),“(left double),”(right double), and„(low 9 double). XML does not define these by default, but specifications based on it can do so, and XHTML does. In addition, while the HTML 4, XHTML and XML specifications allow specifying numeric character references in either hexadecimal or decimal, SGML and older versions of HTML (and many old implementations) only support decimal references. Thus, to represent curly quotes in XML and SGML, it is safest to use the decimal numeric character references. That is, to represent the double curly quotes use“and”,and to represent single curly quotes use‘and’.Both numeric and named references function correctly in almost every modern browser. While using numeric references can make a page more compatible with outdated browsers, using named references are safer for systems that handle multiple character encodings (i.e. RSS aggregators and search results).

InWindowsfile and folder names, the straight double quotation mark is prohibited, as it is areserved character.The curved quotation marks, as well as the straight single quotation mark, are permitted.

Usenet and email


The style of quoting known asUsenet quotinguses thegreater-than sign,>prepended to a line of text to mark it as a quote. This convention was later standardized inRFC3676,and was adopted subsequently by many email clients when automatically including quoted text from previous messages (inplain textmode).

Unicode code point table


In Unicode, 30 characters are markedQuotation Mark=Yesbycharacter property.[104]They all have general category "Punctuation", and a subcategory Open, Close, Initial, Final or Other (Ps, Pe, Pi, Pf, Po). Several other Unicode characters with quotation mark semantics lack the character property.

Quotation marks in Unicode(Character property"Quotation_Mark" =Yes)
Character Comments
U+0022"QUOTATION MARK(", ") Typewriter ( "programmer's" ) quote, ambidextrous. Also known as "double quote".
U+0027'APOSTROPHE(') Typewriter ( "programmer's" ) straight single quote, ambidextrous
U+00AB«LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK(«) Double angle quote (chevron,guillemet,duck-foot quote), left
U+2018LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK(‘, ‘) Single curved quote, left. Also known asinvertedcommaorturned comma[h]
U+2019RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK(’, ’, ’) Single curved quote, right[i]
U+201ASINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK(‚, ‚) Low single curved quote, left
U+201BSINGLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK also calledsingle reversed comma,quotation mark
U+201CLEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK(“, “) Double curved quote, left
U+201DRIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK(”, ”, ”) Double curved quote, right
U+201EDOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK(„, „) Low double curved quote, left
U+201FDOUBLE HIGH-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK also calleddouble reversed comma,quotation mark
U+2E42DOUBLE LOW-REVERSED-9 QUOTATION MARK also calleddouble low reversed comma,quotation mark
Quotation marks inMiscellaneous Technical
U+231CTOP LEFT CORNER(⌜, ⌜) jointly, these are also calledQuine corners,indicatingquasi-quotationorGödel numerals
Quotation marks indingbats
Quotation marks inBraille Patterns
U+2826BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-236 Braille double closing quotation mark;Quotation Mark=No
U+2834BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-356 Braille double opening quotation mark;Quotation Mark=No
Quotation marks inChinese, Japanese, and Korean(CJK)
Alternate encodings
U+FE41PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CORNER BRACKET CJK Compatibility Form(vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300C
U+FE42PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CORNER BRACKET CJK Compatibility Form (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300D
U+FE43PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET CJK Compatibility Form (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300E
U+FE44PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET CJK Compatibility Form (vertical form to be used in horizontal texts), preferred use: U+300F
U+FF02"FULLWIDTH QUOTATION MARK Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms,fullwidth form corresponds with narrow U+0022
U+FF07FULLWIDTH APOSTROPHE Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, fullwidth form corresponds with narrow U+0027
U+FF62HALFWIDTH LEFT CORNER BRACKET Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, halfwidth form corresponds with wide U+300C
U+FF63HALFWIDTH RIGHT CORNER BRACKET Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms, halfwidth form corresponds with wide U+300D

Explanatory notes

  1. ^Also known asquotes,quote marks,speech marks,inverted commas,ortalking marks.[1][2]
  1. ^U+2005FOUR-PER-EM SPACE( )
  2. ^abThese codes for vertical-writing characters are for presentation forms in the Unicode CJK compatibility forms section. Typical documents use normative character codes which are shown for the horizontal writing in this table, and applications are usually responsible to render correct forms depending on the writing direction used.
  3. ^Using thenumeric keypad,Alt+0145throughAlt+0148yield, respectively,,,,and.[86]
  4. ^abcdefin 1st or 2nd level access, i.e., specific key or using the⇧ Shiftkey; not 3rd or 4th level access, i.e., usingAlt Grkey or⌥ Optkey, in conjunction or not with the⇧ Shiftkey.
  5. ^These should be rotated 90 degrees in vertical text.
  6. ^ To use non ASCII characters in e-mailand onUsenetthe sending mail application generally needs to set aMIME typespecifying the encoding. In most cases (the exceptions being ifUTF-7is used or if the8BITMIMEextension is present), this also requires the use of acontent-transfer encoding.(Mozilla Thunderbirdallows insertion ofHTMLcode such asandto produce typographic quotation marks; seebelow.)
  7. ^UK English,Scots GaelicandWelshas described in the article.
  8. ^Also sometimes used by 18th- and 19th-century printers for the small "c" for Scottish names, e.g.M‘Cullochrather thanMcCulloch.[105]For a printed example see the Green Bag reference or theDictionary of Australasian Biography, page 290(Wikisource).
  9. ^The same U+2019code pointand glyph is used for typographic (curly)apostrophes.BothU+0027and U+2019 are ambiguous about distinguishing punctuation from apostrophes.


  1. ^Lunsford, Susan (2001).100 Skill-Building Lessons Using 10 Favorite Books: A Teacher's Treasury of Irresistible Lessons & Activities That Help Children Meet Learning Goals In Reading, Writing, Math & More.Teaching Strategies. p. 10.ISBN9780439205795.
  2. ^Hayes, Andrea (2011).Language Toolkit for New Zealand 2.Cambridge University Press.p. 17.ISBN9781107624702.
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