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Distribution of R-SUR51[1][2](licenseCC BY-SA 2.0)
Diversity of R-SUR51[3][2](licenseCC BY-SA 2.0)

R1a-SUR51- Y-chromosomal paternal line, found in modernBashkirs,Mishars,HungariansandSerbs.

The Institute of Hungarian Research determinated the whole genome data of KingBéla III of Hungarywhich was published in 2020,[4]and KingSaint Ladislaus of Hungarywhich was published in 2023.[5]The paternalY chromosomeof both member of theHungarian royalÁrpád dynastybelong to the haplogroup R-ARP (R1a1a1b2a2a1c3a3b) which is a sub-haplogroup of the haplogroup R-SUR51 which belongs to the R-Z2123 clade.[4][5]

Ethnogenomic tree



The ancestral subclades R1a-Y2632 are found among theSakapopulation of theTien Shan,date: 427-422 BC.[6]

Clan-tribal affiliation and distribution area of representatives of the line R1a-SUR51


Representatives of the R1a-SUR51 line are currently settled inBashkiria,Tatarstan,Nizhny NovgorodandRyazan regions,inHungaryand inSerbia.


  1. Uchalinsky DistrictBashkortostan

Sura-Teleu,Zium-Teleu, Bure-Teleu, Oghuz-Teleu;

  1. Kuyurgazinsky,BurzyanskyandKugarchinsky Districts of Bashkortostan

Huun-Qipsak,Qariy-Qipsak, Boshman-Qipsak, Sankem-Qipsak;

  1. Burzyansky and Kuyurgazinsky districts of Bashkortostan


  1. Abzelilovsky DistrictBashkortostan


  1. Abzelilovsky andMeleuzovsky Districts of Bashkortostan


  1. ZianchurinskyandKhaibullinsky Districts of Bashkortostan,Orenburg Region


  1. Aktanyshsky DistrictTatarstan



  1. Drozhzhanovsky DistrictTatarstan

Barkhievs, Tuktamyshevs and others;

  1. Nizhny Novgorod Region(Krashiy Ostrov).

Bilyaletdinovs and others;

  1. Temnikov,Ryazan region

Derbyshevs and others;


  1. Fejér County.[9][10]


  1. South Bačka District(Vojvodina).[11][12]

Lifetime of a common ancestor between the Arpad dynasty and the Bashkirs R1a-SUR51


According to the research of Peter L. Nagy, Judit Olasz and others, the lifetime of a common ancestor between the Bashkir R1a-SUR51 and the Arpad dynasty falls on the beginning of our era.[13]Another researcher Bulat A. Muratov displays the time of the divergence of the Bashkirs R1a-SUR51 from the Arpad dynasty to the 7th century AD.[14]

Bibliography and Notes


Arpad Dynasty


  1. ^abPhylogenetic map of R-SUR51
  2. ^abc46 RU-BA samples from Bashkortostan, Russia
  3. ^Phylogenetic diversity map of R-SUR51
  4. ^abNagy, Péter L.; Olasz, Judit; Neparáczki, Endre; Rouse, Nicholas; Kapuria, Karan; Cano, Samantha; Chen, Huijie; Cristofaro, Julie Di; Runfeldt, Goran; Runfeldt, Goran; Ekomasova, Natalia; Maróti, Zoltán; Jeney, János; Litvinov, Sergey; Dzhaubermezov, Murat; Gabidullina, Lilya; Szentirmay, Zoltán; Szabados, György; Zgonjanin, Dragana; Chiaroni, Jacques; Behar, Doron M.; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Underhill, Peter A.; Kásler, Miklós (7 July 2020)."Determination of the phylogenetic origins of the Árpád Dynasty based on Y chromosome sequencing of Béla the Third".European Journal of Human Genetics.29(1): 164–172.doi:10.1038/s41431-020-0683-z.PMC7809292.PMID32636469.
  5. ^abVarga, Gergely I B; Kristóf, Lilla Alida; Maár, Kitti; Kis, Luca; Schütz, Oszkár; Váradi, Orsolya; Kovács, Bence; Gînguță, Alexandra; Tihanyi, Balázs; Nagy, Péter L; Maróti, Zoltán; Nyerki, Emil; Török, Tibor; Neparáczki, Endre (January 2023)."The archaeogenomic validation of Saint Ladislaus' relic provides insights into the Árpád dynasty's genealogy".Journal of Genetics and Genomics.50(1): 58–61.doi:10.1016/j.jgg.2022.06.008.PMID35809778.
  6. ^Nagy, Péter L.; Olasz, Judit; Neparáczki, Endre; Rouse, Nicholas; Kapuria, Karan; Cano, Samantha; Chen, Huijie; Di Cristofaro, Julie; Runfeldt, Goran; Ekomasova, Natalia; Maróti, Zoltán; Jeney, János; Litvinov, Sergey; Dzhaubermezov, Murat; Gabidullina, Lilya; Szentirmay, Zoltán; Szabados, György; Zgonjanin, Dragana; Chiaroni, Jacques; Behar, Doron M.; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Underhill, Peter A.; Kásler, Miklós (2021)."Determination of the phylogenetic origins of the Árpád Dynasty based on y chromosome sequencing of Béla the Third".European Journal of Human Genetics.29(1): 164–172.doi:10.1038/s41431-020-0683-z.PMC7809292.PMID32636469.
  7. ^Муратов Б. А., Суюнов Р. Р. Снипы туранских подветвей группы Z2123 по результатам Big-Y. Часть 2 // BEHPS, ISSN: 2410-1788, Vila do Conde - M. - Ufa, Volume 3. No. 4, April 2016 (1)
  8. ^Matches of Barkhievs. FTDNA (no link?)
  9. ^(Sample SRS6609007 and BelaIII_HU3B from Fejér
  10. ^Phylogenetic map of R-ARP5
  11. ^Sample SRS6892240 from Južnobački okrug
  12. ^Phylogenetic map of R-ARP5
  13. ^Nagy, Péter L.; Olasz, Judit; Neparáczki, Endre; Rouse, Nicholas; Kapuria, Karan; Cano, Samantha; Chen, Huijie; Di Cristofaro, Julie; Runfeldt, Goran; Ekomasova, Natalia; Maróti, Zoltán; Jeney, János; Litvinov, Sergey; Dzhaubermezov, Murat; Gabidullina, Lilya; Szentirmay, Zoltán; Szabados, György; Zgonjanin, Dragana; Chiaroni, Jacques; Behar, Doron M.; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Underhill, Peter A.; Kásler, Miklós (2021)."Determination of the phylogenetic origins of the Árpád Dynasty based on y chromosome sequencing of Béla the Third".European Journal of Human Genetics.29(1): 164–172.doi:10.1038/s41431-020-0683-z.PMC7809292.PMID32636469.
  14. ^Muratov B. A., Suyunov R. R. Life's time of a common ancestor by the paternal line between the Arpad Dynasty and Bashkirs R1a-SUR51 // Vila do Conde - Moscow - Ufa; BEHP «Suyun»; Vol.7, July 2020, №7 [1,2;ISSN:2410-1788]