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Reduced instruction set computer

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TheSun MicrosystemsUltraSPARC processor is a type of RISC microprocessor.

Inelectronicsandcomputer science,areduced instruction set computer(RISC) is acomputer architecturedesigned to simplify the individual instructions given to the computer to accomplish tasks. Compared to the instructions given to acomplex instruction set computer(CISC), a RISC computer might require more instructions (more code) in order to accomplish a task because the individual instructions are written in simpler code. The goal is to offset the need to process more instructions by increasing the speed of each instruction, in particular by implementing aninstruction pipeline,which may be simpler to achieve given simpler instructions.[1]

The key operational concept of the RISC computer is that each instruction performs only one function (e.g. copy a value from memory to a register). The RISC computer usually has many (16 or 32) high-speed, general-purpose registers with aload–store architecturein which the code for the register-register instructions (for performing arithmetic and tests) are separate from the instructions that access the main memory of the computer. The design of the CPU allows RISC computers few simpleaddressing modes[2]and predictable instruction times that simplify design of the system as a whole.

The conceptual developments of the RISC computer architecture began with theIBM 801project in the late 1970s, but these were not immediately put into use. Designers in California picked up the 801 concepts in two seminal projects,Stanford MIPSandBerkeley RISC.These were commercialized in the 1980s as theMIPSandSPARCsystems.IBMeventually produced RISC designs based on further work on the 801 concept, theIBM POWER architecture,PowerPC,andPower ISA.As the projects matured, many similar designs, produced in the mid-to-late 1980s and early 1990s, such asARM,PA-RISC,andAlpha,created central processing units that increased the commercial utility of theUnixworkstationand ofembedded processorsin thelaser printer,therouter,and similar products.

In theminicomputermarket, companies that includedCelerity Computing,Pyramid Technology,andRidge Computersbegan offering systems designed according to RISC or RISC-like principles in the early 1980s.[3][4][5][6][7]Few of these designs began by using RISC microprocessors.

The varieties of RISC processor design include theARCprocessor, the DEC Alpha, theAMD Am29000,the ARM architecture, theAtmel AVR,Blackfin,Intel i860,Intel i960,LoongArch,Motorola 88000,the MIPS architecture, PA-RISC, Power ISA,RISC-V,SuperH,and SPARC. RISC processors are used insupercomputers,such as theFugaku.[8]

History and development


A number of systems, going back to the 1960s, have been credited as the first RISC architecture, partly based on their use of theload–storeapproach.[9]The term RISC was coined byDavid Pattersonof theBerkeley RISCproject, although somewhat similar concepts had appeared before.[10]

TheCDC 6600designed bySeymour Crayin 1964 used a load–store architecture with only twoaddressing modes(register+register, and register+immediate constant) and 74 operation codes, with the basic clock cycle being 10 times faster than the memory access time.[11]Partly due to the optimized load–store architecture of the CDC 6600,Jack Dongarrasays that it can be considered a forerunner of modern RISC systems, although a number of other technical barriers needed to be overcome for the development of a modern RISC system.[12]

IBM 801


Michael J. Flynnviews the first RISC system as theIBM 801design,[2]begun in 1975 byJohn Cockeand completed in 1980. The 801 developed out of an effort to build a 24-bit high-speed processor to use as the basis for a digitaltelephone switch.To reach their goal of switching 1 million calls per hour (300 per second) they calculated that the CPU required performance on the order of 12 millioninstructions per second(MIPS),[13]compared to their fastest mainframe machine of the time, the370/168,which performed at 3.5 MIPS.[14]

The design was based on a study of IBM's extensive collection of statistics gathered from their customers. This demonstrated that code in high-performance settings made extensive use ofprocessor registers,and that they often ran out of them. This suggested that additional registers would improve performance. Additionally, they noticed thatcompilersgenerally ignored the vast majority of the available instructions, especially orthogonal addressing modes. Instead, they selected the fastest version of any given instruction and then constructed small routines using it. This suggested that the majority of instructions could be removed without affecting the resulting code. These two conclusions worked in concert; removing instructions would allow the instructionopcodesto be shorter, freeing up bits in the instruction word which could then be used to select among a larger set of registers.[13]

The telephone switch program was canceled in 1975, but by then the team had demonstrated that the same design would offer significant performance gains running just about any code. In simulations, they showed that a compiler tuned to use registers wherever possible would run code about three times as fast as traditional designs. Somewhat surprisingly, the same code would run about 50% faster even on existing machines due to the improved register use. In practice, their experimental PL/8 compiler, a slightly cut-down version ofPL/I,consistently produced code that ran much faster on their existing mainframes.[13]

A 32-bit version of the 801 was eventually produced in a single-chip form as theIBM ROMPin 1981, which stood for 'Research OPD [Office Products Division] Micro Processor'.[15]This CPU was designed for "mini" tasks, and found use in peripheral interfaces andchannel controllerson later IBM computers. It was also used as the CPU in theIBM RT PCin 1986, which turned out to be a commercial failure.[16]Although the 801 did not see widespread use in its original form, it inspired many research projects, including ones at IBM that would eventually lead to theIBM POWER architecture.[17][18]

Berkeley RISC and Stanford MIPS


By the late 1970s, the 801 had become well-known in the industry. This coincided with new fabrication techniques that were allowing more complex chips to come to market. TheZilog Z80of 1976 had 8,000 transistors, whereas the 1979Motorola 68000(68k) had 68,000. These newer designs generally used their newfound complexity to expand the instruction set to make it more orthogonal. Most, like the 68k, usedmicrocodeto do this, reading instructions and re-implementing them as a sequence of simpler internal instructions. In the 68k, a full13of the transistors were used for this microcoding.[19]

In 1979,David Pattersonwas sent on asabbaticalfrom theUniversity of California, Berkeleyto help DEC's west-coast team improve the VAX microcode. Patterson was struck by the complexity of the coding process and concluded it was untenable.[20]He first wrote a paper on ways to improve microcoding, but later changed his mind and decided microcode itself was the problem. With funding from theDARPA VLSI Program,Patterson started theBerkeley RISCeffort. The Program, practically unknown today, led to a huge number of advances in chip design, fabrication, and even computer graphics. Considering a variety of programs from theirBSD Unixvariant, the Berkeley team found, as had IBM, that most programs made no use of the large variety of instructions in the 68k.[21]

Patterson's early work pointed out an important problem with the traditional "more is better" approach; even those instructions that were critical to overall performance were being delayed by their trip through the microcode. If the microcode was removed, the programs would run faster. And since the microcode ultimately took a complex instruction and broke it into steps, there was no reason the compiler couldn't do this instead. These studies suggested that, even with no other changes, one could make a chip with13fewer transistors that would run faster.[21]In the original RISC-I paper they noted:[22]

Skipping this extra level of interpretation appears to enhance performance while reducing chip size.[22]

It was also discovered that, on microcoded implementations of certain architectures, complex operations tended to beslowerthan a sequence of simpler operations doing the same thing. This was in part an effect of the fact that many designs were rushed, with little time to optimize or tune every instruction; only those used most often were optimized, and a sequence of those instructions could be faster than a less-tuned instruction performing an equivalent operation as that sequence. One infamous example was theVAX'sINDEXinstruction.[23]

The Berkeley work also turned up a number of additional points. Among these was the fact that programs spent a significant amount of time performingsubroutinecalls and returns, and it seemed there was the potential to improve overall performance by speeding these calls. This led the Berkeley design to select a method known asregister windowswhich can significantly improve subroutine performance although at the cost of some complexity.[22]They also noticed that the majority of mathematical instructions were simple assignments; only13of them actually performed an operation like addition or subtraction. But when those operations did occur, they tended to be slow. This led to far more emphasis on the underlying arithmetic data unit, as opposed to previous designs where the majority of the chip was dedicated to control and microcode.[21]

The resulting Berkeley RISC was based on gaining performance through the use ofpipeliningand aggressive use of register windowing.[23][22]In a traditional CPU, one has a small number of registers, and a program can use any register at any time. In a CPU with register windows, there are a huge number of registers, e.g., 128, but programs can only use a small number of them, e.g., eight, at any one time. A program that limits itself to eight registers per procedure can make very fastprocedure calls:The call simply moves the window "down" by eight, to the set of eight registers used by that procedure, and the return moves the window back.[24]The Berkeley RISC project delivered the RISC-I processor in 1982. Consisting of only 44,420 transistors (compared with averages of about 100,000 in newerCISCdesigns of the era), RISC-I had only 32 instructions, and yet completely outperformed any other single-chip design, with estimated performance being higher than the VAX.[22]They followed this up with the 40,760-transistor, 39-instruction RISC-II in 1983, which ran over three times as fast as RISC-I.[22]

As the RISC project began to become known inSilicon Valley,a similar project began atStanford Universityin 1981. ThisMIPSproject grew out of a graduate course byJohn L. Hennessy,produced a functioning system in 1983, and could run simple programs by 1984.[25]The MIPS approach emphasized an aggressive clock cycle and the use of the pipeline, making sure it could be run as "full" as possible.[25]The MIPS system was followed by the MIPS-X and in 1984 Hennessy and his colleagues formedMIPS Computer Systemsto produce the design commercially.[25][26]The venture resulted in a new architecture that was also calledMIPSand theR2000 microprocessorin 1985.[26]

The overall philosophy of the RISC concept was widely understood by the second half of the 1980s, and led the designers of theMIPS-Xto put it this way in 1987:

The goal of any instruction format should be: 1. simple decode, 2. simple decode, and 3. simple decode. Any attempts at improved code density at the expense of CPU performance should be ridiculed at every opportunity.[27]

Competition between RISC and conventional CISC approaches was also the subject of theoretical analysis in the early 1980s, leading, for example, to theiron law of processor performance.

RISC-V prototype chip (2013)

Since 2010, a newopen standardinstruction set architecture(ISA), BerkeleyRISC-V,has been under development at the University of California, Berkeley, for research purposes and as a free alternative to proprietary ISAs. As of 2014, version 2 of theuser spaceISA is fixed.[28]The ISA is designed to be extensible from a barebones core sufficient for a small embedded processor to supercomputer and cloud computing use with standard and chip designer–defined extensions and coprocessors. It has been tested in silicon design with the ROCKETSoC,which is also available as an open-source processor generator in the CHISEL language.

Commercial breakout


In the early 1980s, significant uncertainties surrounded the RISC concept. One concern involved the use of memory; a single instruction from a traditional processor like the Motorola 68k may be written out as perhaps a half dozen of the simpler RISC instructions. In theory, this could slow the system down as it spent more time fetching instructions from memory. But by the mid-1980s, the concepts had matured enough to be seen as commercially viable.[16][25]

Acorn ARM Evaluation System (1985)

Commercial RISC designs began to emerge in the mid-1980s. TheAcorn ARM1appeared in April 1985,[29]MIPS R2000 appeared in January 1986, followed shortly thereafter byHewlett-Packard'sPA-RISCin some of their computers.[16]In the meantime, the Berkeley effort had become so well known that it eventually became the name for the entire concept. In 1987Sun Microsystemsbegan shipping systems with theSPARCprocessor, directly based on the Berkeley RISC-II system.[16][30]The US government Committee on Innovations in Computing and Communications credits the acceptance of the viability of the RISC concept to the success of the SPARC system.[16]The success of SPARC renewed interest within IBM, which released new RISC systems by 1990 and by 1995 RISC processors were the foundation of a $15 billion server industry.[16]

By the later 1980s, the new RISC designs were easily outperforming all traditional designs by a wide margin. At that point, all of the other vendors began RISC efforts of their own. Among these were theDEC Alpha,AMD Am29000,Intel i860andi960,Motorola 88000,IBM POWER,and, slightly later, the IBM/Apple/MotorolaPowerPC.Many of these have since disappeared due to them often offering no competitive advantage over others of the same era. Those that remain are often used only in niche markets or as parts of other systems; of the designs from these traditional vendors, only SPARC and POWER have any significant remaining market.[citation needed]

TheARM architecturehas been the most widely adopted RISC ISA, initially intended to deliver higher performance desktop computing, at low cost, and in a restricted thermal package, such as in theAcorn Archimedes,while featuring in theSuper Computer League tables,its initial, relatively, lower power and cooling implementation was soon adapted to embedded applications, such as laser printer raster image processing.[31]Acorn, in partnership with Apple Inc, and VLSI, creating ARM Ltd, in 1990, to share R&D costs and find new markets for the ISA, who in partnership with TI, GEC, Sharp, Nokia, Oracle and Digital would develop low-power and embedded RISC designs, and target those market segments, which at the time were niche. With the rise in mobile, automotive, streaming, smart device computing, ARM became the most widely used ISA, the company estimating almost half of all CPUs shipped in history have been ARM.[32]

Characteristics and design philosophy


Confusion around the definition of RISC deriving from the formulation of the term, along with the tendency to opportunistically categorize processor architectures with relatively few instructions (or groups of instructions) as RISC architectures, led to attempts to define RISC as a design philosophy. One attempt to do so was expressed as the following:

A RISC processor has an instruction set that is designed for efficient execution by a pipelined processor and for code generation by an optimizing compiler.

— Michael Slater, Microprocessor Report[33]

Instruction set philosophy


A common misunderstanding of the phrase "reduced instruction set computer" is that instructions are simply eliminated, resulting in a smaller set of instructions.[34] In fact, over the years, RISC instruction sets have grown in size, and today many of them have a larger set of instructions than many CISC CPUs.[35][36]Some RISC processors such as the PowerPC have instruction sets as large as the CISCIBM System/370,for example; conversely, the DECPDP-8—clearly a CISC CPU because many of its instructions involve multiple memory accesses—has only 8 basic instructions and a few extended instructions.[37] The term "reduced" in that phrase was intended to describe the fact that the amount of work any single instruction accomplishes is reduced—at most a single data memory cycle—compared to the "complex instructions" of CISC CPUs that may require dozens of data memory cycles in order to execute a single instruction.[38]

The termload–store architectureis sometimes preferred.

Another way of looking at the RISC/CISC debate is to consider what is exposed to the compiler. In a CISC processor, the hardware may internally use registers and flag bit in order to implement a single complex instruction such asSTRING MOVE,but hide those details from the compiler. The internal operations of a RISC processor are "exposed to the compiler", leading to thebackronym'Relegate Interesting Stuff to the Compiler'.[39][40]

Instruction format


Most RISC architectures have fixed-length instructions and a simple encoding, which simplifies fetch, decode, and issue logic considerably. This is among the main goals of the RISC approach.[22]

Some of this is possible only due to the contemporary move to 32-bit formats. For instance, in a typical program, over 30% of all the numeric constants are either 0 or 1, 95% will fit in one byte, and 99% in a 16-bit value.[41]When computers were based on 8- or 16-bit words, it would be difficult to have an immediate combined with the opcode in a single memory word, although certain instructions like increment and decrement did this implicitly by using a different opcode. In contrast, a 32-bit machine has ample room to encode an immediate value, and doing so avoids the need to do a second memory read to pick up the value. This is why many RISC processors allow a 12- or 13-bit constant to be encoded directly into the instruction word.[22]

Assuming a 13-bit constant area, as is the case in the MIPS and RISC designs, another 19 bits are available for the instruction encoding. This leaves ample room to indicate both the opcode and one or two registers. Register-to-register operations, mostly math and logic, require enough bits to encode the two or three registers being used. Most processors use the three-operand format, of the formA = B + C,in which case three registers numbers are needed. If the processor has 32 registers, each one requires a 5-bit number, for 15 bits. If one of these registers is replaced by an immediate, there is still lots of room to encode the two remaining registers and the opcode. Common instructions found in multi-word systems, likeINCandDEC,which reduce the number of words that have to be read before performing the instruction, are unnecessary in RISC as they can be accomplished with a single register and the immediate value 1.[22]

The original RISC-I format remains a canonical example of the concept. It uses 7 bits for the opcode and a 1-bit flag for conditional codes, the following 5 bits for the destination register, and the next five for the first operand. This leaves 14 bits, the first of which indicates whether the following 13 contain an immediate value or uses only five of them to indicate a register for the second operand.[22]A more complex example is the MIPS encoding, which used only 6 bits for the opcode, followed by two 5-bit registers. The remaining 16 bits could be used in two ways, one as a 16-bit immediate value, or as a 5-bit shift value (used only in shift operations, otherwise zero) and the remaining 6 bits as an extension on the opcode. In the case of register-to-register arithmetic operations, the opcode was 0 and the last 6 bits contained the actual code; those that used an immediate value used the normal opcode field at the front.[42]

One drawback of 32-bit instructions is reduced code density, which is more adverse a characteristic in embedded computing than it is in the workstation and server markets RISC architectures were originally designed to serve. To address this problem, several architectures, such asSuperH(1992),ARM thumb(1994),[43]MIPS16e(2004),Power Variable Length Encoding ISA(2006),RISC-V,and theAdapteva Epiphany,have an optional short, feature-reducedcompressed instruction set.Generally, these instructions expose a smaller number of registers and fewer bits for immediate values, and often use a two-operand format to eliminate one register number from instructions. A two-operand format in a system with 16 registers requires 8 bits for register numbers, leaving another 8 for an opcode or other uses. TheSH5also follows this pattern, albeit having evolved in the opposite direction, having added longer 32-bit instructions to an original 16-bit encoding.

Hardware utilization


For any given level of general performance, a RISC chip will typically have far fewertransistorsdedicated to the core logic which originally allowed designers to increase the size of the register set and increase internal parallelism.[citation needed]

Other features of RISC architectures include:

  • Single-cycle operation, described as "the rapid execution of simple functions that dominate a computer's instruction stream", thus seeking to deliver an average throughput approaching oneinstruction per cyclefor any single instruction stream[44]
  • Uniform instruction format, using single word with the opcode in the same bit positions for simpler decoding
  • Allgeneral-purpose registerscan be used equally as source/destination in all instructions, simplifying compiler design (floating-pointregisters are often kept separate)
  • Simple addressing modes with complex addressing performed by instruction sequences
  • Fewdata typesin hardware (nobytestringorbinary-coded decimal[BCD], for example)

RISC designs are also more likely to feature aHarvard memory model,where the instruction stream and the data stream are conceptually separated; this means that modifying the memory where code is held might not have any effect on the instructions executed by the processor (because the CPU has a separate instruction and datacache), at least until a special synchronization instruction is issued; CISC processors that have separate instruction and data caches generally keep them synchronized automatically, for backwards compatibility with older processors.

Many early RISC designs also shared the characteristic of having abranch delay slot,an instruction space immediately following a jump or branch. The instruction in this space is executed, whether or not the branch is taken (in other words the effect of the branch is delayed). This instruction keeps theALUof the CPU busy for the extra time normally needed to perform a branch. Nowadays the branch delay slot is considered an unfortunate side effect of a particular strategy for implementing some RISC designs, and modern RISC designs generally do away with it (such as PowerPC and more recent versions of SPARC and MIPS).[citation needed]

Some aspects attributed to the first RISC-labeleddesigns around 1975 include the observations that the memory-restricted compilers of the time were often unable to take advantage of features intended to facilitatemanualassembly coding, and that complex addressing modes take many cycles to perform due to the required additional memory accesses. It was argued[by whom?]that such functions would be better performed by sequences of simpler instructions if this could yield implementations small enough to leave room for many registers, reducing the number of slow memory accesses. In these simple designs, most instructions are of uniform length and similar structure, arithmetic operations are restricted to CPU registers and only separateloadandstoreinstructions access memory. These properties enable a better balancing of pipeline stages than before, making RISC pipelines significantly more efficient and allowing higherclock frequencies.

Yet another impetus of both RISC and other designs came from practical measurements on real-world programs.Andrew Tanenbaumsummed up many of these, demonstrating that processors often had oversized immediates. For instance, he showed that 98% of all the constants in a program would fit in 13bits,yet many CPU designs dedicated 16 or 32 bits to store them. This suggests that, to reduce the number of memory accesses, a fixed length machine could store constants in unused bits of the instruction word itself, so that they would be immediately ready when the CPU needs them (much like immediate addressing in a conventional design). This required small opcodes in order to leave room for a reasonably sized constant in a 32-bit instruction word.

Since many real-world programs spend most of their time executing simple operations, some researchers decided to focus on making those operations as fast as possible. Theclock rateof a CPU is limited by the time it takes to execute the slowestsub-operationof any instruction; decreasing that cycle-time often accelerates the execution of other instructions.[45]The focus on "reduced instructions" led to the resulting machine being called a "reduced instruction set computer" (RISC). The goal was to make instructions so simple that they couldeasilybe pipelined, in order to achieve asingle clockthroughput athigh frequencies.This contrasted with CISC designs whose "crucial arithmetic operations and register transfers" were considered difficult to pipeline.[46]

Later, it was noted that one of the most significant characteristics of RISC processors was that external memory was only accessible by aloadorstoreinstruction. All other instructions were limited to internal registers. This simplified many aspects of processor design: allowing instructions to be fixed-length, simplifying pipelines, and isolating the logic for dealing with the delay in completing a memory access (cache miss, etc.) to only two instructions. This led to RISC designs being referred to asload–storearchitectures.[47]

Comparison to other architectures


Some CPUs have been specifically designed to have a very small set of instructions—but these designs are very different from classic RISC designs, so they have been given other names such asminimal instruction set computer(MISC) ortransport triggered architecture(TTA).

RISC architectures have traditionally had few successes in the desktop PC and commodity server markets, where thex86-based platforms remain the dominant processor architecture. However, this may change, as ARM-based processors are being developed for higher performance systems.[48]Manufacturers includingCavium,AMD, andQualcommhave released server processors based on the ARM architecture.[49][50]ARM further partnered withCrayin 2017 to produce an ARM-based supercomputer.[51]On the desktop, Microsoft announced that it planned to support the PC version ofWindows 10onQualcomm Snapdragon-based devices in 2017 as part of its partnership with Qualcomm. These devices will support Windows applications compiled for 32-bit x86 via an x86 processoremulatorthattranslates 32-bit x86 code to ARM64 code.[52][53]Apple announced they will transition theirMacdesktop and laptop computers from Intel processors to internally developed ARM64-basedSoCscalledApple silicon;the first such computers, using theApple M1processor, were released in November 2020.[54]Macs with Apple silicon can run x86-64 binaries withRosetta 2,an x86-64 to ARM64 translator.[55]

Outside of the desktop arena, however, the ARM RISC architecture is in widespread use in smartphones, tablets and many forms of embedded devices. While early RISC designs differed significantly from contemporary CISC designs, by 2000 the highest-performing CPUs in the RISC line were almost indistinguishable from the highest-performing CPUs in the CISC line.[56][57][58]

Use of RISC architectures


RISC architectures are now used across a range of platforms, from smartphones andtablet computersto some of the world's fastestsupercomputerssuch asFugaku,the fastest on theTOP500list as of November 2020,andSummit,Sierra,andSunway TaihuLight,the next three on that list.[59]

Low-end and mobile systems


By the beginning of the 21st century, the majority of low-end and mobile systems relied on RISC architectures.[60]Examples include:

Desktop and laptop computers


Workstations, servers, and supercomputers


Open source, standard, or use


RISC architectures have become popular inopen source processorsandsoft microprocessorssince they are relatively simple to implement, which makes them suitable forFPGAimplementations and prototyping, for instance. Examples include:

  • OpenRISC,an open instruction set and micro-architecture first introduced in 2000.
  • OpenMIPS architecture,for part of 2019 the specifications were free to use, royalty free, for registered MIPS developers.[66]
  • OpenSPARC,in 2005, Sun released its Ultra Sparc documentation and specifications, under the GPLv2.
    • LEON,an open source, radiation-tolerant implementation of theSPARCV8 instruction set (targeting space applications).
  • Libre-SOC,an open sourceSoCbased on thePower ISAwith extensions for video and 3D graphics.
  • RISC-V,in 2010, the Berkeley RISC version 5, specification, tool chain, and brand, were made available, free of charge, for non-commercial purposes.[67]
  • SuperH - J Core,in 2015, a project to offer clean room implementations of the, patent expired, Hitachi SuperH RISC ISA was started.
  • ARM DesignStart, in 2018 ARM, in partnership with FPGA supplier Xilinx, started to offer free access to some of ARM's IP, including FPGA specification for some older CPU cores.[68]



In 2022Steve Furber,John L. Hennessy,David A. PattersonandSophie M. Wilsonwere awarded theCharles Stark Draper Prizeby the United StatesNational Academy of Engineeringfor their contributions to the invention, development, and implementation of reduced instruction set computer (RISC) chips.[69][70]

See also



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