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Rabbi Assi

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Assi II(Assa,Issi,Jesa,Josah,Jose,Hebrew:רבי אסי) was aJewishTalmudistof the 3rd and 4th centuries (third generation ofamoraim) who lived in theLand of Israel.He is known by the name ofYessain theJerusalem Talmud.[1]

He should not be confused withRav Assi,who belonged to first generation ofamoraimin Babylonia.


He was one of the two Palestinian scholars known among their contemporaryJewishTalmudicalscholars ofBabylonianas "the judges of the Land of Israel" and as "the distinguished priests of the Land of Israel," the other beingR. Ammi.[2]Assi was born inBabylonia,where he attended the college ofSamuel of Nehardea,[3]but later emigrated in consequence of domestic trouble.

On his arrival inTiberias,Assi had an adventure with a ruffian, which ended disastrously for the latter. Assi was making his way toward the baths, when he was assaulted by a "scorner." He did not resent the assault, except by remarking, "That man's neck-band is too loose," and continued on his way. It so happened that an archon was at that very hour trying a thief, and the scoffer, still laughing at the adventure with Assi, came to witness the trial just when the judge interrogated the culprit as to accomplices. The culprit, seeing the man laughing, thought that it was at his discomfiture, and to avenge himself pointed to the ruffian as his accomplice. The man was apprehended and examined. He confessed to a murder he had committed, and was sentenced to be hanged with the convicted thief. Assi, on returning from the baths, encountered the procession on its way to the execution. His assailant on seeing him exclaimed, "The neck-band which was loose will soon be tightened", to which Assi replied, "Your fate has long since been foretold, for theBiblesays,[4]'Be you not scorners, lest your bands be made strong'. "[5]

Assi's professional career in theLand of Israelwas closely intertwined with that ofR. Ammi.R. Assi was very methodical in his lectures, making no digressions to answer questions not germane to the subject under discussion; and whenever such were propounded to him, he put off reply until he reached the subject to which they related.[6]

Assi became a disciple ofR. Johanan,and so distinguished himself thatR. Eleazarcalled him "the prodigy of the age" ( "mofet ha-dor" ),[7]and legend pictures him accordingly. Concerning the futile longings of many to communicate with the departed spirit of R.Hiyya the Great,legend relates that R. Jose fasted eighty days in order that a glimpse of R. Hiyya might be granted him. Finally Hiyya's spirit appeared, but the sight so affected R. Jose that his hands became palsied and his eyes dim. "Nor must you infer from this," the narrator continues, "that R. Josah was an unimportant individual. Once a weaver came toR. Johananand said, 'In a dream I have seen the skies fall, but one of your disciples held them up.' When asked whether he knew that disciple, the weaver replied that he would be able to recognize him. R. Johanan thereupon had all his disciples pass before the weaver, who pointed to R. Josah as the miraculous agent. "[8]Another adventure, which, however, bears the impress of fact, is related of him, wherein he was once abducted in a riot and given up as lost, but R.Shimon ben Lakish,the former gladiator, rescued him at the risk of his own life.[9]

Wisdom and death[edit]

R. Assi is frequently quoted in bothTalmudimand in theMidrashim.Profound is his observation:

At first the evil inclination is like a shuttle-thread (or spider-web), but eventually it grows to be like a cart rope, as is said in the Scriptures,[10]"Woe unto them who draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as if it were with a cart rope".[11]

An anecdote characteristic of rabbinical sympathy for inferiors and domestics is thus related: The wife of R. Jose had a quarrel with her maid, and her husband declared her in the wrong; whereupon she said to him, "Why did you declare me wrong in the presence of my maid?" To which the rabbi replied, "Did notJobsay,[12]'If I did despise the cause of my manservant or of my maidservant, when they contended with me, what then shall I do when God rises up? And when He visits, what shall I answer Him?' "[13]When Assi died, R.Hiyya bar Abba,who had been his associate as judge and as teacher, went into mourning as for a relative.[14]The day of his death is recorded as coincident with a destructive hurricane.[15]

It is possible that R. Assi, before his emigration to Palestine, was known as Assi (Issi, Jose) b. Nathan, the one that is met with in anhalakhiccontroversy withUlla(b. Ishmael)[16]propounding a ritual question toHiyya bar Ashi,[17]and seeking an interpretation of aBaraitafrom the mouth ofRab Sheshet.[18]


  1. ^Commentary ofSolomon Sirilio,inJerusalem Talmud(2010).Talmud Yerushalmi(in Hebrew). Vol. 1 (Tractate Berakhot 3:1) (Oz ve-Hadar ed.). Jerusalem: Friedman - Oz ve-Hadar. p. 35a.OCLC695123759.,s.v.ר' ייסא
  2. ^Gittin59b;Sanhedrin17b
  3. ^YerushalmiTerumot1 40a; YerushalmiEruvin6 23d
  4. ^Isaiah28:22
  5. ^YerushalmiBer.2 5c
  6. ^YerushalmiShabbat19 16d; YerushalmiEruvin6 24a
  7. ^Hullin103b
  8. ^YerushalmiKilayim9 32b;Ecclesiastes Rabbah9 10
  9. ^YerushalmiTerumot8 46b
  10. ^Isaiah5:18
  11. ^Sukkah52a
  12. ^Job 31:13
  13. ^Genesis Rabbah48:3
  14. ^YerushalmiBerachot3 6a
  15. ^Mo'ed Katan26b
  16. ^Berachot62a
  17. ^Shabbat53a
  18. ^Nedarim78a;Bava Batra121a

This article incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Singer, Isidore;et al., eds. (1901–1906)."Assi".The Jewish Encyclopedia.New York: Funk & Wagnalls.It has the following bibliography:

  • Grätz, Gesch.der Juden, iv. 300-307, 2d ed.;
  • Frankel, Mebo, 100a (here some of the references undoubtedly point to Assi I.);
  • Weiss, Dor,iii. 97;
  • Bacher, Ag. Pal. Amor. ii. 143-173 (here some sayings of Assi I. are attributed to Assi II.);
  • HalevyDorot ha-Rishonim, ii. 232.