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Rabin (amora)

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RabinorRavin(Hebrew:רבין), short forRabbi Abinand also known in theYerushalmiasRabbi AbonorRabbi Bon,was one of the most famous rabbis of the fourth generation ofamoraimin theLand of Israel.


Different stories about his ancestry are recorded. According toEcclesiastes Rabbah,he was born on the day that RavHamnuna,his father, died.[1]InMidrash Shmuelthe same story appears, but without mentioning that Hamnuna was his father. InGenesis Rabbah,the same story appears but with R' Ada bar Ahava in place of Rav Hamnuna.[2]Thus, it is difficult to know the actual name of his father. Ravin himself testified that his father died when he was conceived (and his mother died when he was born).[3]

He was Babylonian in origin[4]but seems to have immigrated to theLand of Israelin his youth, where he encounteredRabbi YochananandReish Lakish.[5]

Along withRav Dimi,he moved to Babylonia bringing many halachic traditions from the rabbis of the Land of Israel; he and Dimi arranged that Dimi would travel first, and therefore the phrase "When Rav Dimi came" in the Talmud is frequently followed by "When Ravin came" and only rarely the reverse.[6]Upon arriving in Babylonia he was seen as a peer toAbaye.[7]

It is likely that R'Yossi bar Bun(colleague of R'Jose bar Zevida) was Ravin's son, though Yossi stayed in the Land of Israel, while Ravin moved to Babylonia and apparently remained there.


  1. ^Ecclesiastes Rabbah1:5
  2. ^Genesis Rabbah58:2
  3. ^Jerusalem TalmudKiddushin 1:7 (17)
  4. ^Iggeret ofSherira Gaon2:3
  5. ^Babylonian Talmud,Kiddushin 44a
  6. ^Aharon Heimann, "R' Avin - Ravin - Bun",Toldot Tannaim veAmoraim(London, 1910),1:90
  7. ^Babylonian Talmud,Shabbat 20b; Ketuvot 53a; Hullin 110a; Yevamot 64b