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Ramón Destorrents

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Altarpiece of Saint Anne and the Mother of God,tempera on panel, 156 x 112 cm,Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga,Lisbon. Commissioned byPedro IV CeremonioustoFerrer Bassa,who could have started, it was completed by Destorrents.

Ramón Destorrentswas aCatalanmid-14th century painter andminiaturist.He was influenced by the SieneseGothic painting.

Numerous works, once assigned to other painters or anonymous, have been recently attributed to Destorrents, such a polyptych in the church ofSanta Maria de Manresa.In 1351, at the death ofFerrer Bassa,he was named court miniaturist ofPeter IV of Aragon.Pere Serrawas a member of Destorrents' workshop.

His other works include atriptychin the church of Santa Maria ofIravalls(1360), showing the influence ofSimone Martini,and retablos for the royal palace inValenciaandPalma de Mallorca(chapel of theRoyal Palace of La Almudaina), and for theMonastery of Santa María de Sigena.